200 to 225 bench. Hello! I am a 16 year old with a bw of 160 and a height of 6'4. Its adjustable jaws include four swivel pegs that can be used to grip almost But with a quick glance of comparing his bench to his body weight, we can conclude that his 225 lb bench is something worth his pride. 5kg) If you are benching twice a week, that means you end this strength cycle in 3-4 weeks. The next work out after 225 you should be pressing 230, or more if you can. 5, so let's just round up and say 7 reps at 185 equals a 225 bench. example: 205 to 225 in 2 months ( 8 weeks) every 2 weeks add a 2. Stephen Paea, former defensive tackle, Oregon State. 3 more years and i hit 315 for one at 150. Jan 20, 2014 · Perform repetitions at 225 pounds again until you feel like you can only do one more rep, then rack the weight and rest for another 30 seconds. Jun 3, 2019 · One of the most common combine events is the Bench Press for reps. More From Doityourself. Slowly bring the bar down to nipple level, touching the chest, and "Hyper explode" pushing the Jun 4, 2021 · Early on in my training I saw numbers between 60% and 70% of your bodyweight called the bench press equivalent poundage of a pushup. Of those 10, about 5 can bench over 225. Dec 18, 2023 · The Conversion Factor is a constant that relates the effort required for push ups to the corresponding bench press weight. Aiming to get that to 3x10x225lbs within like 2 months. Younger men are typically able to bench press more than older men, and men, in general Jan 18, 2020 · Instead of benching just 1x/week. Depends on how often you train flat and/or incline. It’s important to note that these formulas provide an estimate for the max Oct 25, 2023 · Yes, there will be milestones you can hit, like repping out 225 pounds like you're at the NFL Combine, Bench Press Alternatives. Last set of incline dumbbell press i got 80lbs, 5 sets of 8, so i could do 90 but for less reps. Imported. As others have pointed out. Set 2: 3 reps at 80% of 1RM, rest 20 seconds. ”. Stronger than 95% of lifters. Weight Unit. Progressive overload and assistance Sep 12, 2010 · The Black and Decker Workmate 225 is the next step with some very nice additions. Below are bench press standards based on training logs of 24 408 users of StrengthLog. Hope this helps brah. Here are the results. Very simple to set up as long as you know what your weaknesses are! You can also incorporate them on 2 different days and simply do more sets of each. at the end of 8 weeks you will have added 5lbs x 4 = 20lbs. For others, it could take up to years to get up to a 225lbs bench. Remember that when you don't know how hard it is to do something, you won't be impressed of someone doing it. Set the hips and upper back on the bench, keeping your feet firmly rooted on the floor. How to Perform the Close Grip Bench Press: Grab the barbell shoulder width apart. 225 pounds is significant number in the wonderful world of bench pressing and joining the “2 Plates Club” is a goal that all lifters should strive for. Today I benched 225lbs for 4 clean reps. Machine Wash. If you are a competitive powerlifter, a double bodyweight bench press is very good. Individual preferences and goals play a role in choosing between barbell and dumbbell bench press. 5 bodyweight bench or a 225 bench at 150 isn’t very impressive in general. Apr 12, 2023 · A bench press repetition of 225 pounds or just a little over 102 kilograms is considerably heavy, often reaching up to 1. Jan 24, 2021 · A lot of experts state a 200 to 225-pound bench press as quite respectable. Close-Grip Bench Press 3 Sets @180. 50. Dec 2, 2016 · It took me 9 months to bench 135, a year and a half to bench 185, and 3 years to bench 225. Is this possible? If so, what kind of benching regimen should I use daily to achieve this? Smith Machine Bench Press strength standards help you to compare your one-rep max lift with other lifters at your bodyweight. I want to know what a realistic timeline is for me to work up to 315lbs for a max. Its a lot more easier to calculate it with a weight you can only do five times. Pin the shoulders down and back and un-rack the barbell. Obviously, there are factors like interest in lifting and Sep 29, 2023 · 223 lb. Feet firmly planted on the ground, hands just outside shoulders, elbows about 45 degrees with your body, and keep your back tight. Set 5: 3 reps at 80% of 1RM, rest 20 seconds. The average bench for a female 29-year-old is 1. Workout 1: Bench Press 5 Sets @200. Joining the “2 Plates Club” is a common goal in the fitness community. Pull the barbell to the chest. We bench four days a week. Grip the barbell – hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width. For example if you can barbell bench 200lbs you would input “200” Calculate How We Came Up With the Dumbbell to Barbell Bench Press Conversion Formula I weigh 205lbs, so I can hit 225 much faster than someone else who weighs less. The lightweight Black & Decker WM225 Workmate 225 portable work bench transforms into a sawhorse, a vise, and a bench tool stand capable of holding up to 450 pounds. 5kg) Bench session n°5: 5×4 x 90% (72. Sep 24, 2022 · Respectable bench press. See "Strength Goals: Intermediate" on Martin Berkhan's fuckarounditis article, according to him, if you weigh 187. As a natural lifter, you have to know that and recognize your limitations. Set 4: 3 reps at 75% of 1RM, rest 20 seconds. Pounds. 5lb plate to each side: total 5lbs. Perfect for folks who are absolutely addicted with the gym and have already lifted 200 on the bench but 225 is the real challenge. Day 1: Bench Press: 6x5 (30 Reps) @ 65% of 1RM; Pause all reps on chest 1 second. Week One - 135 pounds x 3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3. Bench PR: 225 to 315. Its strong steel design also includes an easy-to-use clutch and clamp system, as well as rubber feet. I couldn't do 225 untill I hit the 20rep mark. Flat bench to incline ratio should be around 90% BLACK+DECKER® workmate model 225 workbench can hold up to 450 lbs. For this example, we will use a lifter with a 200 pound bench press max. Note not all players at the combine participated in the bench press. Week 1. Lower the barbell down right below your chest. One of my friends have trouble putting 135 up for 15times, and can get around 230lb for max. Most sources said either ⅔ or 65% bw. I know (conservatively) about 300 people. 5x the actual body weight of the lifter itself. 50x. Is it possible for the average person to overhead press 225 or do they need naturally strong shoulders? Is there anyone here who started out with a really weak press (like 40-70 lbs) and got up to 225? Feb 19, 2021 · In this QUAH Sal, Adam, & Justin answer the question “Is there an ideal ratio of strength you should have between your bench, deadlifts, and squats? I can be Or just start training bench probably twice a week. You will cycle between 3 styles of workouts: Workout A - Performed on week one, this bench press workout focuses on 5x5 work. 1RM, 225 bench is 100% doable, even within a few months but the body in question is on the other hand in 8 months. Workout 2: Incline Bench Press 3 Sets @160. To calculate your one-rep max using our bench press calculator, complete the following simple steps: Input the weight you lifted (pounds/kilograms) Choose the equation you wish to use to calculate your one-rep maximum (1RM) Input the number of reps you completed. Reddit User: around 11 months at 76kg – sounds realistic. The Equation : bw x . I suggest doing incline DB press, dips, close grip bench, shoulder press, push press w/barbell, upright rows, cuban rotations. I am 30yo, 6’1, 250lbs. 5 = 75 Jun 1, 2020 · Instagram: @the_stoikIn this video I discuss the methods, mainly progression scheme and exercises, that I used to go from a 185lbs bench press to a 225lbs be In other words, if you bench 200 pounds, you should be able to press a pair of 90 pounds (2 x 90 = 180 pounds, which is 90% of 200 pounds). While a 225lb squat is no small feat, we have to remember that we all start from different levels. Alternative dumbbell exercises can help maintain strength gains. See more videos about How to Hit 225 Lbs on The Bench Press, Efrain 225 Bench Press, Hitting 225 Bench Press, 225 Bench at 14, 225 for 80 Reps Bench Press, 225 Bench. Includes exercises like bench press, squat and deadlift. Dec 13, 2023 · But if you go to an elite athletics gym, there are a lot of people benching 225 here, so your 225 bench wouldn’t be impressive. Maybe the barbell bench press doesn’t call to you. 0333) Plugging into a calculator gives me roughly 6. 2. Any advice would be appreciated. The first time I was benching, I was 13, and maxed out at 115lbs. 20 Reps of 135 To Bench 225. com/justis The time it takes to bench 225 varies depending on factors such as genetics, training regimen, consistency, and overall fitness level. Took me quite a while. Elite. It has a weight capacity of 400 pounds and comes with a storage shelf underneath to store supplies. Apr 25, 2004 · For bench, you need to strengthen your shoulders and triceps to be able to push more, as well as your chest. Strength gains are primarily driven by programming. You don’t NEED to gain weight at all in order to get stronger. put this in perspective, I walk past about 200-250 kids on my college campus everyday. Click to change units: Kilograms. If he had a crackhead body to begin with (super lean because of ramen) the abs are possible 1RM = weight lifted × (1 + (0. It's simple to use, just select the weight from the side column and the number of reps from the top. In these two videos, he shows things like bringing power directly to the bench, an add-on woodworkers vise, a paper dispenser for covering the surface, a stowable soft top for clean Feb 27, 2024 · Bench Press 3 Sets @200. Archived post. Workmate™ MODEL 225. In general, it takes 20 reps of 135 to bench 225 for one rep. Feb 7, 2024 · Dumbbells can be a great alternative for the 225-pound bench press. Workout B - During week 2 you will be hammering out quite a Mar 28, 2024 · According to the U. gl/qmIBzb Instagram @justiscousins or http://instagram. Your body weight will increase during this time, but that’s expected when increasing lifts a lot. GET STRONGER, FOR FREE: https://goo. Printable strength standard tables for men in pounds. Reply. This will give you a good base of power to push off from. Especially to hit a 225 bench. Hi everyone. I remember the first time I put two plates on, I was testing my 1RM. Benchpress incorporates A LOT of muscles in the arms, so you need to work the muscles other than the pecs if you're plateauing w/bench. If your max lies somewhere in between, below, or beyond these numbers, follow the table but use approximate percentages of your goal max to guide you. If an individual can perform 30 push ups, and the Conversion Factor is 2. You can probably hit 225 for 1 right now, but it won't be pretty. 5, the estimated bench press weight would be: Bench Press Weight=30×2. Jan 24, 2017 · 5 tips to help you FINALLY hit 225 on the bench press. Explode up. A 1. I call that difference negligible, and use them when I calculate the bench equivalent of my weighted pushups. For advanced-level lifters, the average female bench press weight is bench pressing bodyweight. 07-05-2016, 06:32 AM #7. 5=75 Bench Press Weight = 30 × 2. Oct 12, 2022 · Make sure your form is solid. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Feels so good. Probably 2 1/2 years total from 225 to 315. Mental focus and proper technique are important for bench press performance. 0 times body weight. An advanced lifter has progressed for over five years. Jan 25, 2021 · The WorkMate is a portable bench used by many makers, especially those who have small workspaces, so it’s great to see how you can mod the bench for maximum use. Increase average volume (add a set or two every week), taking a deload the 4th week and 8th week. Ill use an estimate of 20 people of out 300 weight lift (out of the 225 million who can) This amounts to about 6%. My current one rep max for flat bench is 135 and I want to increase it to 225 in approximately 4 - 5 months all while bulking. Feb 13, 2024 · The average bench for a male 29-year-old is 1. com/chest-training-techniques-dvd/ Full D. 3 or 4 sets of 5 with progressive overload. com/youtubeThe bench press is popular. Jan 8, 2023 · Learn five essential tips and techniques to quickly increase your bench press, helping you reach your goal of lifting 225 lbs with ease. Unrack the bar and stabilize it above your upper chest (shoulders). I bet you only 1 or 2 of them can rep out 225. Yeah, that is the exact number of people (well…give or take a few thousand based on our statistical analysis) in the United States who can bench press 225 pounds. Auxiliary Work: Strengthening the muscles that support your bench press can also make a significant Mar 4, 2017 · According to Pro Football Reference, 338 players did the 225 bench press test at the 2021 combine. 1. I'll assume that maybe weight training is more popular in other parts of the developed world, specifically to account for the U. Sep 26, 2022 · Updated September 26th 2022. Another year on i was low 80s and benching 100kg for 3-4 reps. 225 is crazy as fuck lol. Really pull the bar apart as you lower it, don’t let it crush you. The first table is in pounds and the second Feb 3, 2016 · Endurance Work: Later in your cycle, shift to lighter weights but higher reps (e. 5. It’s doable, it averages out to 3. On your 7th session, try to get as many reps as possible at the 85% from session 2. Apr 4, 2014 · Note: If you can only bench press twice a week, combine day 1 and 3. My bodies taking a beating though so I'm deloading for a week. it wasnt till i hit the 90s the following year that i was proper repping 100kg. Haven't hit 315 yet. Get one for yourself or your gym buddies who can bench 225. Workout 3. Finally, with the weight still at 225 pounds, do This bench press max chart can help you work out your 1 REP MAX. , 8-12 reps at 60%-70% of your 1RM). 225 pounds is a weight that is safe and easy to gauge from year-to-year in terms of overall strength endurance, an imperative factor for winning football. I had a great workout upper body workout last night and it left me thinking, how to bench press 225lbs? Some people started bench pressing 225lbs the first time they step foot in a gym. Shortly after this, I started my first year at college and went through a lot mentally and unfortunately stopped lifting for roughly 5 months and weighed 163 lbs. Dec 30, 2009 · This is the only workbench among the Black and Decker workbenches available that's designed a little bit differently from the rest. Exercise. 0333 + 185. Its different for everyone bro. At the NFL Combine, it’s performed with 225 pounds. I went from 165 for reps to 225 for reps in two months. Reddit User: Took around 4 months to hit 225lbs bench (for 5×5). Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the weight or reps every week to continually challenge your muscles and make gains. 2 weeks ago it was 2 reps, this week it will be 5. however how much lower vary person to person. Set 3: 3 reps at 85% of 1RM, rest 3 minutes. Or worse Dec 22, 2022 · Step 2 – Follow a Program to Squat 225 lbs. My favorite recipe is five sets of 3, 2, or 1. It may be beneficial to try multiple formulas to get a range of estimated max squat lifts to determine the most realistic one-rep max. 2) within 2 years of decent training. Apr 12, 2018 · 225 BENCH PRESS NFL COMBINE WARM UP 1) 8 Reps at 95 Pounds2) 2 Slow reps followed by four fast reps at 135 pounds (6 Total)3) 3 reps at 185 pounds 4) 1 rep a Aug 11, 2017 · Most reps done on 225-bench. It is an achievement that showcases strength and progress in the world of strength training. If you're not consistently adding weight to the bar you probably aren't training consistently or you aren't Jul 18, 2018 · Beef up your bench press one rep max by hammering out high intensity, 20 rep sets. Stanley Hand Tools is a brand of hand tools. weightgaintruth. A 225lbs bench press is a very honorable bench press for the average lifter. It's the lift most guys want to 's See the table below for instructions on how to progress your bench press each week depending on your goal—225 pounds or 315 pounds. Jun 14, 2019 · The average weight most adult men and women can bench press depends on age, fitness level, and other factors. It took me 2 years to reach 200 lbs, but I never trained bench exclusively. Most men at the gym are doing multiple reps with weights between 130 and 180 pounds. only way is to find out. Sep 12, 2023 · Solid colors: 100% Cotton; Heather Grey: 90% Cotton, 10% Polyester; All Other Heathers: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester. Benching 225 pounds demonstrates dedication and hard work in the gym. askani_son • 9 yr. Butthash – “When I first switch from Slowly increase weight on the bar with out trying to lose reps, stay in the hypertrophy range for 8 weeks. 3 million Americans can bench press 225 pounds. The average bench press weight for all women at the beginner level is 38 pounds for 17 kg, or benching a quarter of your body weight. It was about a year and a half to get from ~200 to 305 and more than a year to get that last 10 lbs. This makes you an intermediate lifter and stronger than 50% of StrengthLog’s users. g. This program is designed with the end goal of adding as many reps as possible to a 225 pound bench press set. I had gone up to like 185 for sets of 5's and like 5 years at 5'11 205. Male. Feb 7, 2024 · Key Takeaways: Approximately 1. P. But, keep in mind, that is a one rep max. 5lbs, you should be able to bench 225lbs (187. 025 × reps)) Each formula offers a slightly different estimate based on the weight and reps input. Generally, individuals who engage in regular strength training and follow a progressive overload program can expect to reach this milestone within six months to two years of consistent effort. You probably know the answer better then us based on how you’ve already been progressing. 65% of this max yields a starting weight of 130 pounds, which we shall round up to 135 pounds for this example. 4K 1 month ago i couldn’t do this. Mar 20, 2013 · NFL Combine Bench Press Program - 3 Week Cycle. Assuming a “one rep max calculator” is correct, I could get up around 245lbs or so right now. Pounds (lb) Kilograms (kg) Our community Smith Machine Bench Press standards are based on 172,506 lifts by Strength Level users. To be regarded as an excellent bench presser, a 500+lbs bench press would put you in that category. Aug 27, 2020 · Some great accessory exercises that will support your bench press are: 1. My bench 1rm is 225, 225-45 = 180, 180/2 = 90lbs. But it is doable. This will give you a few extra reps. criticalbench. So the weaker and less-trained the person is that you’re talking to, the more impressive a 225 bench press would be. But my starting 1RM was probably around 150lbs – realistic for a beginner if May 9, 2021 · Bench session n°4: 5×5 x 85% (67. Apr 27, 2011 · Rep Power: 432. Our lifter is able to hit 10 sets for 3 reps during week one, so he does not drop any sets. It’d be one white hair among many. You should be hitting 215 or 220, then next work out add on 5 to 10 lbs. 66 + x. What is the average bench press? The average bench press is 220 lb for men and 104 lb for women. Where the two connect is your approximate 1 REP MAX bench press. Aug 9, 2018 · [FREE DVD] 7 Hardcore Chest Training Strategies DVD http://www. According to the Epley formula: 1RM = Weight * reps * 0. it took me 2 years weighing at 160 to rep 225 for 5. This will help engage your whole upper body to press more weight. I'm guessing most of the people you've told have do not lift. Renaissance Periodization says to consider yourself an intermediate lifter if you can bench 225 for 1 rep and an advanced lifter if you can bench 225 for 10. Let me explain. Compare With. I went from 190 for 4 to 215 for 3 (so close to 4) in 6 weeks just about. At the NBA Combine, it’s done with 185 pounds. As a personal related story: It took about 3 months from benching 135 for three to hitting 225 for a single. Four short legs have been added that allow use with the legs either folded for a lower workbench (holding bench tools, perhaps) or left extended for a higher work surface. Don't shoot for volume, shoot for an intensity overload for weeks. Bench is my worst lift tho. Jun 22, 2020 · In August 2018, my best lifts were 355 lb squat (with belt), 200 lb bench, 500 lb deadlift (with belt), I weighed roughly 178 lbs at the time. Benched 135 at 15, 185 at about 15 1/2, and 225 at 16. Day 3: Pin Press: 10x1 @ 60% Jan 29, 2023 · For example if you db bench with 40lb dumbbells in each hand you would input “80” Calculate Barbell Bench -> Dumbbell Bench Calculator. Feb 5, 2016 · If it seems to be the pecs (fails at the bottom) or triceps (the top), then change the focus. It is a division of Stanley BLACK+DECKER®, following the 2010 merger of The Stanley Works with BLACK+DECKER®. Predicting the 1-RM equation is accurate for bench press, as long as you stay with no more than 10 Jan 18, 2024 · Form and technique of proper incline bench pressing: Set a bench incline at 15-30 degrees. [1] The bench press is a movement included in that exercise modality Apr 28, 2024 · One million people…. Just curious as to what Tonal's barbell bench equivalent is to free weights 225 bench The Tonal's max of 200 for barbell bench press feels much heavier than 225 free weights. Smith Machine Bench Press strength standards help you to compare your one-rep max lift with other lifters at your bodyweight. If it's your triceps, then pull in. Measured in lb. So whats considered a strong bench in general? I feel that at this point in our generation, 315 is the new 225. Click on the "Calculate" button to observe the results. However, you need to keep in mind that the accuracy of the 1RM-predicting equations can vary depending on the number of reps you do. Close Grip Bench Press. If it took you 2 months to go from 195 to 210 then it’ll prob take more or less 2 months to go from 210 to 225. Day 2: Floor Press: 4x6 @ 50%; Pause elbows briefly on floor. 📣FREE Download - The 7 Fastest Ways to Increase Your Benchhttp://www. If I can get my diet back on track and have no hiccups I should be able to get it in a month but I'm sure it won't go flawlessly. Details & Features. Many times this is a time game. Stronger than 80% of lifters. The Workmate top measures 33-1/4 inches by 21-1/2 inches and folds for easy storage. You're almost there! Jul 8, 2021 · When benching the eyes should be right below the bar, shoulder blades squeezed together, chest held high, and inflated, a slightly arched back, and feet should be placed firmly on the floor. But what does it take to bench press 225lbs for reps? This article is the definitive guide. Aug 1, 2012 · 10 Sets x 3 Reps Example. You should bench 225 when you've worked up to it, and it shouldn't be a big deal either. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. [deleted] •. Example. 9% of people aged 15 and older engaged in weightlifting from 2011 to 2015. Mar 4, 2017 · Everyone wants to be a beast on the bench press. [deleted] • 7 yr. you will be now benching 225 in 2 months. A couple seconds, down to your chest and back up. As this can boost your strength gains by an additional 20%. I think my switch to dumbbell bench really helped out. but then it only took another 2 maybe to get to 330-340. 100 percent of the people who train with me will spend 80-90 percent of their time working absolute strength. Under 10 reps: 17 players (5%) 10–15 reps: 87 players (26%) 16–20 reps: 86 Players ( 25%) 21–25 reps: 83 players (24%) Nov 22, 2021 · But if you can’t hit twenty reps on your 225 right now, you don’t have an endurance problem – you have a strength problem. " At this point, begin pulling the bar apart. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 8. 3x to 1. Getting used to adding weight to the bar for less reps will be really good for you. 5 * 1. This is all the more impressive a feat of strength when one factors in that the majority of adult males can only perform a bench press at approximately two-thirds of How long it took 17 random people to reach 2 plate bench press: Reddit User: Took me ~3 months of bulking to go from 155×1 to 225×4. This is the simple "old school" method of calculating your 1 REP MAX. Take your TDEE and eat 500-1000 kcal over it, then jump on a program like Greyskull LP or another linear progression program which increases bench by 5lb a week. just because u see kids knocking down 300+ on social media doesn’t mean it’s the norm. Depending on the weight class, bench presses will range from 99kg (218lbs) to 180kg (396lbs) for men and 49kg (108lbs) to 76kg (167lbs) for women. Reps = (225 - 185) / (185 * 0. Step 2: Next, gradually increase your volume from less than 5 sets of bench per week to roughly 10-15 sets of bench per week. Let’s consider an example. Without diving too deep into surveys done, a 225lbs bench If steroids are removed from sports, the world records would drop by 200-300 pounds if not more. If you're a pec guy, just press until you feel "burning. The 225 bench test in NFL Combine can be evaluated as raw strength endurance. 1lb per week increase. . ago. If you can only bench press once per week combine day 1 and 3, and scrap day 2 all together. Start a strength phase for 4 weeks. May 22, 2024 · Here’s an example of how wave loading and cluster sets might look in a bench press program: Set 1: 3 reps at 75% of 1RM, rest 20 seconds. S. 4 reps, 6' 3" 224. I would probably start with a pair of 25's (95lbs) and go from there. Not weight gain. Some of us are naturally stronger (and better) at squatting, and some of us (myself included) are so tall that one squat takes about 47 seconds. it's been one more year and i'm at 335 for one at 150. U. Depends on which muscles are more dominant in your bench: shoulders, chest, or triceps. 0333 + weight. Anyone bench pressing over 315lbs is a suspect! Undoubtedly, 90% of the people bench pressing 315lbs and above are not natural unless they weigh 315lbs of pure fat themselves. #fyp #fypシ #jucoproduct #d1athlete #collegefootball #d1football #225 #225bench #football #weightroom #weightlifting Apr 15, 2011 · 4. 135 to 165 would be fast progress, so probably two and a half months to three months. Training Program (video) ht Advanced. Muscle is built really slow, especially the longer you train. Dual height adjustment legs fold under to lower height for larger projects. do progressive overload. We want to find out how many reps of 185 translates to a 225 bench: 225 = 185 * reps * 0. As this can boost your strength gains by an additional 28% per extra bench day. Bench --> Dumbbell press is like, bench - bar (45) / 2, that's approximately your dumbbell press. 5kg) Bench session n°6: 5×3 x 92,5% (75kg) Bench session n°7: max x 85% (67. Ibs147. The Real Deal – “the general idea is combined db should be slightly lower than bb. 200 pounds x 5 reps = 233 pound projected one rep max repping out with 225 Jul 5, 2016 · Rep Power: 761. 5 times body weight. An elite lifter has dedicated over five years to become competitive at strength sports. Enter your current barbell bench press weight in lbs. I remember being able to put up 225 a year ago for a couple reps (and even worked up to 245-255 with a spot for 1-2 reps), but now I can still only bench 225 after warming up for 1 set of 5 before the second set falls to 4 reps, and then worse from then on. Reply reply. sarozpgpctvibyqyqjyh