Charlotte county zoning map. 91± acres) to PD, in order to have a residential development up to 338 units; requiring a transfer of Jun 2, 2022 · M:\Departments\LIS\Projects\Website\Solodev\WebsiteMapProjects\airport-zoning. The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) meets every second Wednesday of the month in Room 119, 18500 Murdock Circle, County Administration Center, Port Charlotte at 9:00 a. This layer is updated weekly. Latest Agenda. org Code Enforcement (Environmental, Solid Waste and Zoning) Complaints codeenforcement@charlestoncounty. Chapter 3-3. 5 days ago · The Charlotte County Utilities Department reminds residents of year-round water conservation measures. Ordinances for the towns of Cornelius Charlotte County GIS The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) is a set of city rules to make sure the growth of Charlotte fits the community's goals. A property owner who wants to use the land for a purpose outside their specified zoning district must petition the city to change the zoning district. SECTION. Charlotte County data has the following projection: Stateplane Florida West - Zone 3626. City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County zoning ordinances are available from the Charlotte Planning, Design & Development Department. Phone: (843)202-7200 Fax: (843)202-7222 Board of Zoning Appeals: bza@charlestoncounty. The new standards set forth in this Ordinance for these zoning districts shall apply to all properties within such . If Valuation is $50,000 or more, the Surcharge = 0. Automated Inspection Request System (AIRS) phone: 941. 4125 (Addressing) Fax: 941. The excavation and mining (EM) zoning district may not be established anywhere on barrier islands, or within one (1) statute mile of the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, any intercoastal waterways, or the waters of Charlotte Harbor and the Peace River located west of the I-75 Interstate Highway bridge over the Peace River. No. An unfavorable determination of the zoning official or his/her designee shall be appealable pursuant to section 3-9-6, board of zoning appeals. As citizens in Florida, we face a whole host of issues that directly affect everyday life including everything from where we live and work, to. Impact Fee: Based upon number of units and location. Chapter 3-1 - BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS. Call Zoning at 941. Fourth St. The How-To Search the Database for New Development Projects. 3-7-24. Where the proposed subdivision is part of, or to be a part of a planned development, the This map is a representation of compiled public information. Jan 5, 2022 · 96,000,312. Planning And Zoning Board Notices. Sec. Explore the UDO zoning map of Charlotte with this ArcGIS web application. Large Scale Plan Amendments 09-2- NOI-0801- (A)- (I) Charlotte County's GIS creates and maintains spatial information to aid in the creation of maps and data analysis to support county departments and their customers. Available 24/7. US 17 Area Plan. Information required for obtaining a zoning permit for a new home or replacing a home is as follows: Approval from the Health Department for well and septic. Charlotte, MI 48813. Zoning & Planning. Must call by 8 p. Franks@charlottecountyfl. Charlotte Harbor Community Redevelopment Area. 5 - RSF-3. ) PD-21-00008. Apps & Maps. 5 NBR MU MCG MCT MES MSF3. Contact the Zoning office for height and location restrictions for each zoning district. 1964. m. 5 RSF5 CITY RMF-T RMF3. Due to the extreme heat and lack of rain we are seeing higher water usage for irrigation. You can zoom in and out, select different layers, and view the details of each zone. Also please note this change does not affect other required inspections that are listed on a permit. Z-23-33-18; Applicant: Eco- Garbage Fee: Payable for condominium units. On June 1, 2023 the new ordinance became effective. gov 941. Heritage Trees shall be preserved and not removed except in legitimate hardship situations authorized by the Zoning Official (refer to Tree Code). 1045 Independence Boulevard. To display current zoning designations including monthly zoning changes. Your decision should be based on the recommendations of the Office of Emergency Management. Comprehensive Plan Review - $325. ARTICLE II. The majority of requests for releases or occupations pertain to utility, drainage or canal maintenance easements. Franks@CharlotteCountyFL. An unfavorable determination of the zoning official or his/her designee shall be appealable pursuant to section 3-9-6 , board of zoning appeals. of the existing zoning applicable to the property. 55. Chapter 3-2 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS. 122) MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing! Comprehensive Plans guide the decision-making processes for all local governments and strive to create better communities and a higher standard of living for citizens. Developed lots with an active building permit shall not be subject to this section. Charlotte's Open Data Portal, The City of Charlotte's Open Data Portal allows users to search, explore and discover relevant datasets that are served out by the City of Charlotte, NC. ZONING: Article II. 764. 5 MMF10 MMF12 Charlotte Harbor CRA (Res. Chapter 3-9. 1 of the Florida Building Code requires a permit as follows: Any owner or owner's authorized agent who intends to construct, enla. Online content updated on January 17, 2024. All plans submitted for approval in AE, A, and V flood zones must have (at a minimum) the following information: A building elevation with the base flood elevation (BFE) shown. Permit for a fence located within a residential area that is NOT being used to protect a swimming pool (see Residential Baby Barrier permit type for pool protection requirements). Click on the DRI map below for a larger map or a DRI button on the right for more information on that Charlotte County GIS | Charlotte County. 5 MSF5 MMF7. About Charlotte County Zoning Charlotte County Planning & Zoning, located in Port Charlotte, Florida, is responsible for site plan review, special exceptions, and enforcing zoning regulations. This will reduce simplify the planning process, and leave distinctions between densities and uses to the County’s zoning ordinance, where they are best addressed. Tree: $70. Government Services. 1598. Permit exception: a permit is not required for fence Use Map designation and Zoning District; for a portion of Charlotte County Right-of-way, located at 19645 Kenilworth Boulevard, in the Port Charlotte area, containing 0. (Supp. 5. Units: Feet. Welcome to the website for the Charlotte Unified Development Ordinance and its related projects, UDO Text Amendments, Alignment Rezoning, and UDO University. 004 x ICC Valuation if more than or equal to $50,000 in valuation - less the Pre-Application Fee. Port Charlotte, FL 33948 . Distributed by Charlotte County Government March 2024. Email: BuildingConstruction@CharlotteCountyFL. It is believed to be an accurate and true depiction for the stated purpose, but Charlotte County and its emplo yees make no guaranties, im plied or otherwise, to the accuracy, or completeness. Application to Amend - $325. Review some frequently asked questions and answers about zoning in Charlotte and the surrounding area. - PROCEDURE FOR PLAT APPROVAL. Phone: 517-543-7500. to 5 p. 1925 (Maps) or 941. zoning and more; Community Services Parks, GIS Maps Spatial information for the county; Land Management. PART II - PUBLIC SAFETY AND HEALTH. The UDO covers the following projects and development areas: The BZA shall review a favorable determination of the zoning official under this provision at the time the special exception application is presented to it. Width and length of the structure. Phone: 941. The Charlotte County Sewer Master Plan's (CCSMP) focus is to protect the health of Charlotte Harbor, quality of life for our citizens and strong infrastructure for sustainable communities. Z-23-05-20; Applicant: Tina Charlotte County: Code of Ordinances: Part III. Major Projects Flyer - June 2020 Major Projects Flyer - May 2020 Major Projects Flyer - April 2020 Major Projects Flyer - March 2020 Major. 00. PART III - LAND DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH MANAGEMENT. You can also view the City of Charlotte Zoning Ordinance online. Grove City Community Plan. 5) to Parks and Recreation (PKR), for property located at 21125 McGuire Avenue, in the Port Charlotte area, containing 4. Rezoning Application - $325. Accounts - Property Appraiser's Property Identification Number. 99 acres), Residential Multi-family-5 (RMF-5) (2. 4907. Punta Gorda Permits Harvey Street, Punta Gorda, FL - 4. Maryann Franks, Zoning Supervisor Phone: 941. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA Codified through Ordinance No. Complete clearing of a property is not allowed without an associated building permit. New requirement for building plan approval - effective July 1, 1999. Email: SpecialProjects@CharlotteCountyFL. (a) Intent. Zoning use and sign permits. 4086. communication@eatoncounty. ( Only) The form is published on our website at Affidavit for Accessory Structures (charlottecountyfl. Contact Us. 5 - IMPACT FEES. Special Projects Division The Special Projects ZONING CODE SECTIONS. 025 x Building Fee. Regulations Review. Lonnie Hamilton, III Public Services Building 4045 Bridge View Drive North Charleston, SC 29405. Zoning Review: $30. The Future Land Use Element is the centerpiece of the Comprehensive Plan because it coordinates the central themes and information found in all of the plan's elements. Data. 1201 | Fax: 941. 5 CityGeneral SingleFamily District 130GS-5 CityGeneral SingleFamily District 132GM-10 CityGeneral Multi-Family Data. Want to get a better understanding of the zoning district standards in the UDO? Preview our Zoning-At-A-Glance sheets below. The purpose of zoning is to regulate the use of land including the use, placement, size of buildings, and yard requirements. Hydrants This is a point layer that shows countywide hydrants. Zoning verification letters. An active building permit is considered to be when the permit has received an approved inspection within Phone & Email Directory for Planning & Zoning Services Shaun Cullinan Planning & Zoning Official Shaun. List of Charlotte County, FL County Departments Community Development Building, permits, zoning and more; GIS Maps Spatial information for the county; Charlotte County | Charlotte County GIS | + – Loading Charlotte County is located on the southwest coast of Florida. Little Gasparilla Island Community Plan. Find out who to contact about rezoning, the zoning administration and permitting. Permit Required: Section 105. The goals, objectives, and policies of all of the elements The board of zoning appeals shall review a favorable determination of the zoning official under this provision at the time the special exception application is presented to it. Eaton County Administrative Offices. 5 RMF5 RMF7. 9 miles The department regulates construction activities, issues 2020 August 10, 2020 July 13, 2020 June 8, 2020 May 11, 2020 April 13, 2020 March 9, 2020 February 10, 2020 January 13, 2020. 18400 Murdock Circle . 1 miles The department enforces the Florida Building Code, issues permits, conducts inspections, addresses code violations, and reviews site plans. Payments are also accepted by Mastercard or Visa credit or debit cards. 1208 or Leah Feindel at 941,743. Developments Of Regional Impact (DRI) DRIs are larger developments that may have a significant impact on public infrastructure and greatly increase the demand for public services, including impacts that may be felt by neighboring jurisdictions. 2-5-72. 66, Florida Statutes, amending the Charlotte County Zoning Atlas from Planned Development (PD) (19. A zoning law consists of two parts: A zoning map shows the boundaries of the various districts. gov (primary email box) BlowerDoorReports@CharlotteCountyFL. Variance Application -$ 325. Charlotte County Building Department Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, FL - 3. For information, please contact zoning staff at 941. 300. Latest version. zoning and more; Community Services Parks, GIS Maps Spatial information for the county; Charlotte County GIS The Charlotte Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) is now in effect. Zoning inspections. Do not base your decision to remain in your residence on storm category. Easements are documented in recorded platted subdivision plans, or It includes the current Future Land Use designations. 2023-044, adopted October 24, 2023. 97± acres; Commission Effective Date: 7/1/1999. EXCESSIVE GROWTH. Zoning interpretations. Manasota & Sandpiper Key Community Plan. in Charlotte. Recent Downloads. 1208 Kimberly Sargent Sr. If you have any questions, contact Maryann Franks at 941. 543± acres; Commission District V; Petition No. Note: Payments by check should be made payable to either "CCBCC" or Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners. 66, Florida Statutes, amending the Charlotte County Zoning Atlas from Residential Single-family 3. FEMA Flood Zones (Preliminary) Map App FEMA C. Also, the FLU Data and Analysis outlines the citizens' vision for the County's future and how we intend to get there. org Historic Preservation the zoning regulations and zoning districts for Charlotte County; and Whereas, it is desired to define and adopt said zoning regulations. Commercial site plan review and inspections. Get real estate records in Charlotte County Unincorporated FL and find the property data you need. South County Gateway Planning Project. Box 608, Charlotte Court House, VA 23923 (434) 542-5117 Facebook link Sewer Master Plan. Documents. In accordance with Section 586. 504. Charlotte County . Supplement 122. These sheets showcase some key standards in each UDO zoning district. Chapter 3-4 - MOBILE HOMES. 743. Administrative Assistant Kimberly. In October 2016, Charlotte County Utilities began developing its CCSMP, which is a road map for future development of sewer and wastewater Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission ZONING MAP NORTH CAROLINA CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG COUNTY THESE MAPS ARE FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY ZONING CONVERSION-EFFECTIVE JAN 1,1992 REVISION DATE PETITION NUMBER INIT. Mission: To administer and enforce the county's land development & building construction regulations, the Florida Building Code , and the preparation and implementation of the county's Comprehensive Plan. This process is called rezoning. Sep 13, 2022 · Acccessory Structure Under 250 sq. Community Development Department . Official Sources for Charlotte County GIS Maps The conventional zoning district classifications in effect before the effective date of June 1, 2023 of this Ordinance are translated as shown in Table 3-1: Zoning Districts Translation to the zoning districts of this Ordinance. The Charlotte County Code of Laws & Ordinances contains the regulations. Comprehensive Planning—Elizabeth Contact. Committed to providing excellent customer service, the department holds meetings every second Monday of the month at 1:30 PM in Room 119 of the Charlotte County GIS Charlotte CountyGIS The UDO establishes new zoning districts applied within the City of Charlotte and its Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Notice of Intent 06-1-NOI-0801- (A)- (I) - Amended. For more on the … Continue reading → MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing! ArcGIS Web Application Rezoning. Cullinan@charlottecountyfl. Sargent@charlottecountyfl. Notice of Intent 10-2-NOI-0801- (A)- (I) Notice of Intent 10-1-NOI-0801- (A)- (I) Notice of Intent 08-1-Public Schools Interlocal Agreement. , Monday through Friday, except holidays. Charlotte County GIS Sign in to explore this map and other maps from Charlotte County Geographic Information Systems Portal and enrich them with your own data to create new maps and map layers. The UDO combined eight development ordinances, including the zoning ordinance, into one set of regulations to make them clearer and easier to use. DISTRICT REGULATIONS § 3-9-30. version: Jan 17, 2024 (current) MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing! E. Explore the 2022 Urban Tree Canopy Assessment. Find land and property records, search parcel details, and review public land surveys. - DISTRICT REGULATIONS | Code of Ordinances | Charlotte County, FL | Municode Library. Charlotte County is more than a beautiful Florida destination. I. VIEW/DOWNLOAD QUICK LOOK We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 1221 or email Zoning@CharlotteCountyFL. Charlotte County makes no warranty, representation or guaranty as to the Zoning is the classification of land into districts. for next day service. A complete floor to roof peak wall section shown with: Use Charlotte County's GIS mapping services to access tax, flood zone, cadastral, zoning, and topographic maps. This page describes the translation of zoning from old zoning districts to the new zoning districts in the UDO. The adoption of the UDO was a city-wide effort to update the regulations that guide growth and development in Charlotte. 250 LeGrande Ave, Suite A, P. To provide a comprehensive digital representation overlay for the zoning database to locate and reference all zoning tiles used in the zoning map system of 141 tiles and associated tile map numbers. 8 - LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION. It may be to your advantage to contact the Site Plan . 96± acres; Commission District V; Petition No. org Most commercial beekeepers keep from 40 to 1,000 hives in each bee yard. Every day, our elected officials and employees work hard to deliver exceptional service – and make Charlotte County a place you’re proud to call home. Any questions on this layer should be directed to Charlotte County Planning and Zoning at 941. 938. Line & Grade: $310. Inspections by Affidavit for Certain Zoning Permit Types. Disclaimer : The GIS applications accessed through this web page provide a visual display of data for your convenience. Bona fide farms located in the extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) are exempt from city zoning regulations, to the same extent bona fide farming activities are exempt from county zoning pursuant to 160D-903. The Zoning Map for the City of Charlotte County Unincorporated in FL divides the city’s real estate into zones differentiated according to land use and building regulations. Murdock Village Community Redevelopment Area. The methods and standards by which the County allows occupation of, or release of easements are set forth by county ordinances, resolutions, and other policies. Lansing: 517-485-3417. Download PDF: Charlotte County Future Land Use (Effective November 26th) Order Printed Copy: $16. An Ordinance pursuant to Section 125. Org Chart (PDF, 997KB) Map amendments have been proposed to combine the three existing mixed use Future Land Use Map designations into a single Charlotte Harbor Mixed Use FLUM designation. 5 RMF10 RMF15 RMF12 OMI-----CT CI CG CH CN AG AE MHC MHS MHP IL IG MP PD RVP ECAP CR3. Natural Resources: $55. 5 RSF3. Back to Notices. Reviews Required on Certain Commercial Permits Layers with the blue text and eye icon provide additional information by clicking on them. This layer is updated as new hydrant locations are received from various county utilities The BZA is a five member independent board appointed by the Board of County Commissioners from each of the five County commission districts. 13± acres), and Residential Multi-family 10 (RMF-10) (0. The City of Charlotte Zoning Administration is responsible for: Enforcement of the City of Charlotte zoning ordinance. 5 (RSF-3. Building: 0. 66, Florida Statutes, amending the Charlotte County Zoning Atlas from Estate 1 (RE-1) to Planned Development (PD) in order to have a vehicle storage; for a portion of the property located at 25505 Old Landfill Road, in the Port Charlotte area, containing 20. Port Charlotte, FL 33948-1074. 18400 Murdock Circle. 1956 Community Development. 1964 . Charlotte County is located on the southwest coast of Florida. Allows removal of trees and or mulching and bush hogging on a residential site. gov. Site Plan Review Staff . # 92-251) Charlotte Harbor P e a c e R i v e r Gulf of Mexico y Residential Tree. Contact the planning department at (704) 336-2205 or visit their office at 600 E. Agriculture (AG). O. Chapter 3-3 - FIRE PREVENTION CODE. - Zoning. Category: PLAN REVIEW. 1922 Zoning Services Maryann Franks Zoning Supervisor Maryann. A written text (City of Punta Gorda Development Regulations (LDR) sets Resources and information about Charlotte County’s flood risks, flood insurance and flood protection services. mxd by: Vance 4249 This map is a representation of compiled public information. Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the maps and associated data. Surcharge: $5 if Valuation is less than $50,000. 600ft. Review staff prior to submission of your application. gov (blower door documents) ContractorLicensing@CharlotteCountyFL. Nov 8, 2021 · 11. Meeting Schedule. 833. Home Boards & Committees Planning And Zoning Board Notices. It’s home to nearly 190,000 residents, a multitude of businesses, and a rich, dynamic culture. 39,999. 1208 Email: Maryann. Land management is a necessity to protect the County's existing natural resource, allowing for increased flood control, filtering water resources, recharging the aquifer, cleaning the air, preserving the diversity of plant and animal species, and providing open spaces and recreational opportunities. ArcGIS Web Application Charlotte's Open Data Portal, The City of Charlotte's Open Data Portal allows users to search, explore and discover relevant datasets that are served out by the City of Charlotte, NC. City of Charlotte Charlotte Sphere Towns Town Spheres East Blvd PED Plaza-Central PED Sunnyside PED West Morehead PED West End PED Residential Fence. Jay Carlson Community Development Building. gov). This map is a representation of compiled public information. Planned Development - PD. Scroll below to learn more about each project The board of zoning appeals shall review a favorable determination of the zoning official under this provision at the time the special exception application is presented to it. ft. Charlotte County & Punta Gorda Zoning Codes 99PUBLIC CountyPUBLIC 101CC CityCity Center District 102NC CityNeighborhood Commercial 110NR-10 CityNeighborhood Residential District 111NR-15 CityNeighborhood Residential District 122GS-3. Time Frame Each step (preliminary or final) takes no longer than 30 business days. The Charlotte UDO takes input from the public to decide how the city should grow and where the city government should focus resources. 0. 045 (1) of the Florida Statutes, each beekeeper having honeybee colonies shall apply annually to the department of Agriculture and Consumer Services of the state, for certificates of inspection and registration. The Zones are determined using data provided by the National Hurricane Center, elevation, and evacuation routes. The Charlotte Planning Design and Development shapes, connects, and designs great places to preserve our built and natural spaces, plan for growth, and guide development of our thriving communities. It is believed to be an accurate and true depiction for the stated purpose, but Charlotte County and its employees make no guaranties, implied or otherwise, to the accuracy, or completeness. Office Hours: 8 a. 1964 or BuildingSvcs@CharlotteCountyFL. Storm surge does no correlate with the category of the storm. Residential Single Family 3. Category: Development Planning Maps Revision Date: 2/2023 Size: 24 x 36 Price: $16. Burnt Store Area Plan. Datum: NAD83. 941. No owner of a developed lot shall permit, allow or maintain excessive growth on said developed lot. Active Excavations - Current excavation permits in Charlotte County. UDO Board of Adjustment (Variance and Appeals) Jan 17, 2024 · Code of Ordinances. gov (insurance documents) Sep 11, 2012 · CHARLOTTE COUNTY Zoning Districts LEGEND ES EM BZD RE1 RE5 RSF1 RSF2 RSF2. gm gx ls se fk ru md yo tu ms