My girlfriend broke up with me to work on herself

My girlfriend broke up with me to work on herself. She started explaining things and I said, “If you’re going to break up with me just leave. Don't get involved with other girls yet, jt will only cause more heartbreak along the way. Step 4 – Increase your Mate Value. My girlfriend broke up with me to be herself. 14 years ago. #1. Location. I've been dating my girlfriend for almost a year now (will be in mid January) and i've been feeling uncertain about the relationship. 5 years, we instantly clicked and she was a joy to be around, I fell in love deeply and very quickly. If your girlfriend broke your trust once and is remorseful, it might be worth trying to work through it, but if she consistently betrays you, it’s best to cut your losses. When we started everything was perfect, she was affectionate, caring person, was telling to everyone how I was gonna be the love of his life So three months later we decided to move together into an Depressed girlfriend broke up with me to "sort herself out". MRMell Follow. Sometimes a woman will break up with a guy (her ex) because certain aspects of his thinking and behavior turn her off and make her feel unhappy in the relationship. Oftentimes, in the wake of a breakup, people will lash out with reactionary and retaliatory words and actions. They might: Blame the other person for all the problems. To get over a breakup, you need to change your way of thinking. She said that she didn’t want a break in our relationship because she didn’t want me to wait for her because at the end of it she might want something else but somehow i’m dealing with it as a break in the hopes that she’ll come back. . She said she was breaking up with me but didn’t want to leave. My girlfriend broke up with me out of the blue to go back to her toxic ex. And I will experiment with other drugs. She needed a couple months to work through things and find herself. Sep 27, 2023 · Maybe you stopped cuddling her before sleep or bringing her flowers when you came home from work. May 20, 2021. My girlfriend of 19 months just broke up with me 2 days ago because she said she doesnt want a boyfriend at the moment and justs wants to be able to love herself and find herself. Nervous and scared to break up with very attached girlfriend. Nov 13, 2019 · Hello All, Some contextmy ex gf and I were together for over 3 years. She’s the first one to say the 3 magic words. 5 years. Sep 23, 2014 · Tom, I do feel for you, becoming trapped in this horrible hot and cold relationship. If shes ending things, she knows how bad things can get and she doesnt want to put that burden on you. Feb 16, 2023 · 1. She saw i had recent conversations with an ex. Her and I are both in the second your of college, and i'm uncertain about this relationship because she has floated ideas about serious commitment. Good afternoon, My girlfriend recently broke up with me, and I'm not sure about the nature of this. Here are 5 ways to know if your ex still loves you after a breakup: 1. 2. If you have any questions, then don’t hesitate to ask. She did not seek treatment or try to better herself (part in fault from her mental illness, and part in fault by herself). You won't suddenly win her back by impressing her with your deductive skills. She didn’t want him to do something romantic for her because she was no longer in love with him. We went to each other's prom/school dances. Perhaps she got tired of arguments or the same issues that kept cropping up. It's one thing for your partner to ask you to stop putting so much garlic in the salad dressing. Breaking up can be especially difficult if she gets on well with her partner’s family. Roughly three weeks ago, I lost my job due to not wanting to take over the entire business for essentially minimum wage. I'm still having a hard time accepting it. A little bit of background information - We started dating last November after meeting at a party. So I thank anyone who bothers to help me with this in advance. families. This is actually the 2nd time she's broken up with me. My girlfriend of 7 years broke up with me for similar reasons, but mostly because she wanted to move to another state nearer to her family. For example, fewer cuddles, hugs, or kisses and reduced time spent together can indicate that she's losing interest. When a woman is in love with a man, it feels ADMIN. Belfast. 6. 6 days ago · Keep busy. Ok so i'm 22 and she is 20 and me and this girl had been together for 7 months and it was the most beautiful thing i have ever lived, everything was perfect and smooth right from the beginning, she was understanding, kind, loving i cannot think of a single negative thing to say about her, she was basically perfect in my eyes. [new] My girlfriend (24f) broke up with me (28m) recently. Keeping yourself busy could help you take your mind off the breakup and give you a sense of purpose. Engaging in new activities could also help you discover new interests and passions. That’s why she broke up with you. I would have done absolutely anything for her. That’s why they will sometimes “need time” as a way to slowly break up with you over time and hope you get the message. We started dating freshman year of college. g. I know she was the one. I admitted to speaking to my ex and she has felt betrayed and that I cheated. So do many guys. We'd been having some struggles in our relationship—a lot of which were, admittedly, because of me and my anxiety—but I really didn't imagine she'd end it. She said she loved me and she said the same even after she ended things. Yep! It happened. Jul 15, 2019 · Dear Therapist, Nearly two months ago, my girlfriend broke up with me. Accept the Breakup and Begin 'No Contact'. She said she couldn’t bare to stop talking to me, and that she wants to keep in contact and we both promised we would be there for eachother at the end of the day. 5 months ago. What kind of stupid excuse is that? Mar 5, 2018 · So if your girlfriend broke up with you to focus or work on herself and you don’t know what that means, it means that she lost feelings and found the relationship emotionally draining. My girlfriend of 1 year broke up with me and it was my first romantic relationship. Back in February I had lost my uncle to cancer and became clingy and needy af in the relationship. The reasons for relationship breakups can vary from cheating to falling out of love. We broke up because we started the process of living One love bro. Long story short, she had apparently had a crush on me for years and she made the first move. You might notice reduced boredom and loneliness when you're busy. Learn about coping strategies, self-care tips and ways to move forward after your girlfriend ends the relationship. Second, she says she doesn’t know what she wants. The Friday before she broke up with me I put my 2 weeks notice in at my corporate job to head up an entire department at a startup. Whatever the real reason might be, you might have been the one who changed. Apr 25, 2024 · Sign #2: Loss of affection or intimacy. We were dating for almost three years. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. When you are in a relationship, you need to learn to adjust to each other and not just for you. For example: Here are some common ways that a guy will make his woman feel stressed in a relationship…. Yesterday, my girlfriend (f19) came over to my (m18) house early in the morning because she wanted to talk. you can’t really force her to stay if she’s already made up her Break Up & Divorce. She was mentally ill, and that's what killed her. After getting COVID she really just started spiralling and contemplated life and slowly things just went downhill. Jan 19, 2024 · Even if the relationship was fraught with issues, you might still feel like a part of you is missing. You want to feel loved by your partner unconditionally. She had told me that her past boyfriend was abusive and their relationship was really traumatic for her. The TL;DR is literally the same as the title, just It feels like we were together for a lot longer than 8 months. now ex is 25. I'm left feeling like a sad naive fool missing my best friend. Explore the emotional journey of a breakup in this heartfelt article. I have been with the most wonderful girlfriend for 2. TLDR: Girlfriend breaks up with me because she has unresolved feelings for her former abusive ex, she gets back together with him and things go bad, she then wants to get back together with me but quickly changes her mind. This time, it is hers. But, we claimed love for each other. She was unhappy with herself and wanted to break up and said she wanted to work on herself for me. She broke up with me because she's having a lot of emotional trouble right now in her life with her mother and grandmothers health and I did all I can but she doesn't want to be in a relationship. But let her calm down for a while and see what happens. Jan 22, 2024 · In the following section, we will guide you through what to do if your girlfriend is depressed and broke up with you. ago. Romance is only appreciated and enjoyable for a woman, if she has feelings of respect, attraction and love for a guy. She stopped being attracted to you. Mar 20, 2024 · 3) She can’t see a way past your problems. She has never been in love before, has always been treated like trash, from her 2 previous relationships. Jul 17, 2016 · Posted July 17, 2016. Deep down, the woman knows something is missing, but can’t put her finger on it. Just take your time and think about all the negative To help you understand what applies to your situation, here 5 common reasons why a woman will say that she needs space, but still loves you: 1. Despite this we still loved each other and were best friends like we always were. I was in an incredibly long relationship and never cheated once. Open the doors for her and close them too. And if that’s the case, then she almost certainly has come to the conclusion that her mate value is higher than yours. Context: My girlfriend broke up with me 4-5 weeks ago now. ADMIN MOD. She has realized that her ex made her feel more respect, attraction and love and she misses that. I'm gonna drive to see her tomorrow, take my parents with me as support and I'm gonna end it. You may also find her becoming more guarded when confiding in you or telling My girlfriend of 2. Not only could bragging or gossiping about the relationship hurt your girlfriend, it could encourage your ex to sling some nasty rumors your way, and generally cause some immature behavior. M 26 F 27, dating for a little over a year. She was crying and I already had a bad feeling leading up to this. My ex-girlfriend [22F] broke up with me [25M] about 1. If a woman wants to break up with you, there’s usually nothing that you can do to stop her in that moment (i. Use discretion when telling mutual friends about your breakup. • 7 mo. My (f21) girlfriend (well now ex) (f19) broke up with me almost a week ago. She was always the one that talked about marriage and baby names. She told me that she would like to have some time to herself so that she can fully enjoy it and get a new perspective. My girlfriend broke up with me for no reason. Before we were together I crushed on her for 3 years, if it matters. Sadly, you cannot do much. Women don’t stay attracted to a man who they believe their own mate value is higher than. Mar 7, 2023 · Even if you both want to work through things, trust isn’t always so easy to rebuild. Gf broke up with me saying she needs to work on herself. I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday and I feel empty like I made the wrong decision. Try picking up a new hobby, volunteering, or traveling. In this specific case, your girlfriend said that she needed to focus on herself as the reason for the breakup. My gf and I had been dating for 4 years and our relationship had its fair share of ups and downs. High school relationships don’t work most of the time. Aug 9, 2023 · 4) She’s planning to break up with you Sometimes “needing time” is just a cheap painkiller. Aug 12, 2023 · 5 Main Reasons Why Your Girlfriend Broke Up With You To Focus On Herself. That doesn't mean I don't want to be with you in the future. Also, I'm not from the United States. She can be toxic and verbally abusive but that comes from her parents she thinks in black and white and accuses me of cheating even though there is no evidence of that which for the record I have never cheated and never would I know what it feels Jul 17, 2016 · Posted July 17, 2016. We were on a walk the week before our relationship began when we had this talk. We were fighting more over things that did not seem to matter, but our love and respect for each I can relate to an extent, my ex has body dysmorphia and deals with perfectionism. Girlfriend broke up with me after 10 months because she needs to work on herself and love her self Girlfriend broke up with me because of her depression. During this time, the girlfriend was in a panic thinking I was going to break up with her as soon as I came home. If she still is in love with you, things may work out again in the future. It was rough. The Police won't assist me in the break up, they don't have any 72hr psych and they told me that they can't do anything unless she actually tries to kill herself. My fiancé did the same 3 weeks ago. If there were a lot of conflicts in your relationship, it could have all gotten too much. A lack of attraction. I'm gonna break this down into two sections, because it's quite a long read. Allow yourself the time and the space to cry: Believe it or not, crying provides a release that will actually improve your mood and help you feel better in the long run. Once your girlfriend has broken up with you, you can not force her to be with you. We been together since Dec 2015. She’s the one that wanted the ring and and talked about marriage venues and then out of nowhere she says she’s not sexually attracted to me anymore and that she wants Dec 5, 2023 · If You're Moving to Escape Domestic Violence. I [M, 26] got into a relationship with a girl [24] ive known and been friends with for years. Calmly tell her you're unhappy and disappointed with her decision, but that you accept it. I found out after a few months he was still trying to contact her and she kinda went on with it. Mar 28, 2023 · Going on a few dates and meeting new people can be a way to break this cycle — provided you've given yourself a little time to heal beforehand. I have been with this angel for 2. She told me he was very controlling and abusive and she would never want that again. Another sign your girlfriend may be ready to break up is if you notice decreased physical or emotional intimacy. But just to pay a lip service to his girlfriend's side. Hi this is my first post and could be a bit long so bear with me. It's another thing for them to ask you to lose 20 pounds or get a better job. 6 days ago · For many people, one of the hardest things about processing the end of a relationship is figuring out why it happened. Third, she says she doesn’t know if it’ll work out because she’s moving away to college (despite the fact that we’d already been doing distance for a year). ”. Here are 4 of the most common reasons why a woman will do that to her boyfriend: 1. 4 common reasons why a woman will use that as a reason to break up are that: 1. Perhaps you stopped having meaningful conversations with her and you made yourself less available. I loved her like nobody else. Accepting the fact that your girlfriend's leaving you sucks, but the best thing you can do for yourself in this situation is to respect her decision and not contact her again. Feeling confused and hurt when your girlfriend breaks up with you to focus on herself is understandable. Hi all, just looking for some advice regarding the situation I find myself in right now. I just genuinely believe that if we were to date now we would fail. . "It’s also ok to just sit in your feelings and let yourself feel bad. If your girlfriend broke up with you, chances are she lost attraction for you. Break Up & Divorce. Don't gossip about your breakup to other people. Accept it, give her 3 to 7 days of space, then re-attract her and get her back. My girlfriend (20f) recently broke up with me (21m). e. I just can't anymore. In the end, a person is 100% responsible for their own actions and quality of life. You can get support with planning to leave and having a safe place to go when you do. She started to get distant, texted / talked less to everyone, and just wasn’t herself. The 1st time it was (supposedly) my fault. We talked about it and she said she was 8 reasons why people break up to work on themselves are: 1. At the end of the day, she’s responsible for her own behavior and you can’t sacrifice the rest of your life waiting for the day when it’ll be “safe” for you to leave. When my current girlfriend and I started dating I made it abundantly clear to her that I smoke, and will continue to smoke weed. She had a lot going on at the time with college Another common reason why a woman might break up with you to focus on her studies is because…. 1. I'd like to give my backstory before I ask for advice as this started as a complicated relationship. Let me explain: Breaking up with someone is hard, and many women hate doing it. I highly doubt anything will work out for us though. Feb 22, 2024 · I Just Broke Up With My Girlfriend: 9 Things to Do Now. Reply. - Feb 23, 2023. You might really want to be there with her to Apr 17, 2023 · Girlfriend Broke up With Me to Focus On Herself. I was in a relationship for 6 years. My ex is struggling with depression and says, outside of her relationship with me, her life is miserable. One effective way of doing this that has been scientifically proven to work, is to sit down and think about all the negative aspects of your ex. We supported each other through tough times. Be Honest about What Went Wrong. She felt the same way and I can honestly Thank you for the update. I know I do. My 24M Girlfriend 23F Just Broke up With Me Because of Her Work Friends. If it will be dangerous for you to move out, law enforcement can be with you during the I have to focus on myself and you must focus on yourself as well. We believed that we were the perfect fit for each other, so we were basically the couple we see stamped on the Instagram pictures of these digital influencers. I was visiting my hometown (I work abroad) and we were catching up and things just sparked. Remember that she could have asked for help and found ways to focus on herself while she was with you. She wants some space to see if she misses you. You're feeling pressured to change, and it makes you feel less worthy as a result. I was back home due to COVID making my college all online, and she moved to a city 20 minutes away from my house. So lay the groundwork and make your exit. answer share. She always told me how she hated the way he treated her. So after she broke up with me, and after the no contact rule, you’re going to have to get back in touch. The best thing you can do is to maintain the distance she has asked for. You won't suddenly stop hurting and forget about her. Once you figure out why the breakup happened, you've only just finished the first step to recovering. Talk to her when her stress level is down. The rest is up to her. ParkingPsychology. We were together for about 2 months and over break she called me and said she didn’t think she could be in a relationship rn because it was bringing back the trauma of her past relationship. EDIT: I'm gonna do it. There were a lot of reasons why she broke up with me but it came down to her needing to work on herself (she has a lot of issues that stem from her childhood) and that our relationship got boring. 5 years (both 23) broke up with me earlier this week. Honestly, I've had a hard time accepting it. Thank I'm a 26yo guy. The mistake that a lot of guys make in a situation like yours, is to assume that because a woman is unhappy with her life, she will remain single and alone for quite a while after the break up. It doesn’t necessarily mean that something is wrong with you or that you did something wrong. Once she is calling and filling your head with all this, it will continue to hurt you for a while, so just don't call her up, and when she calls you up, sometimes do not answer the phone, if she ask you, let her know that not having her in your life is hurting you and you need to take a break and when you are stronger you will contact her. When she's with me, we laugh, have fun, cuddle, have great sex, kiss, act obsessed with each Throwaway account because I am a coward. Firstly I have never cheated in my life. If your short- or long-term girlfriend has broken up with you unexpectedly, you may be reevaluating your whole relationship trying to answer the question, “Why did my girlfriend break up with me?” Every couple is different, and it’s impossible to list every potential Sorry that this is long and rambling, but I need help because i’m on the verge of dark thoughts. You can try to just be there for her and hope that you Depressed girlfriend broke up with me to "sort herself out". This is when you could “accidentally” bump into her somewhere, or send her a text message or even a handwritten letter. And now all of a sudden she has to work on herself so she can stop treating me so bad. She also mentioned some things that I did in our relationship that she wasn’t happy with. We were together a year and a half and everything has been perfect until a couple months ago. She couldn’t spend any more time on it because it made no sense to do that. Wanting to clear my head, I went camping overnight. because the guy has stopped building on his woman’s feelings of respect, attraction and love for May 20, 2021 · 3. She still texts you and sometimes admits that she misses you. She mentioned that she loves me but she just needs time to work on herself. And then weeks Girlfriend broke up with me because of her own depression? I'll try to keep it short and to the point. Fourth, she tells me that I am the best person Jul 8, 2023 · 4. And I don't want to take that chance. "You don't have to force yourself to date, but Jun 30, 2022 · 2. The clean break heals quickest, so make it fast, make it clean and make it final. She needs to exit your life and have the freedom she asked for. Sep 12, 2016 · How to win her back after a breakup Step 3. Despite explaining some of what I had been doing wrong in our relationship she is adamant those are just things that made her realize breaking up was the right call, but not the reason she decided to. It is a real reason to break up, as people have different needs and priorities at different times. I’m really considering breaking up with her, but if there’s anything that I can do to make this work, then please advise me. Now I’m left all alone in a city I don’t know very well and every single safety net I have in my life has been demolished in the course of a week. For example: Some of the things that can make a woman feel unhappy in her relationship with a man, without her being able to explain it are…. If your ex is texts you and sometimes even says things like, “I miss you,” or “I’ve been thinking about you. Fast forward to three days ago, she says we need to talk. A lot of my first happened with her. If you are experiencing domestic violence and need help, you can call the National Domestic Violence Helpline at 800-799-7233. I saw that the timing for us was not right and I wish you could see that too. Remember that this isnt your fault and that shes trying to save you from herself. She gave me a chance and she fell madly in love with me. Jewelman. Not maturing as fast as her and making her feel like she needs to mother him. I'm more afraid of being alone than anything. Everyday she could be filled with guilt and self hate because of what she may or may not put you through. Sunday afternoon’s are lonely without you now,” then there’s a very good chance that it A little bit of context (there's a TL;DR at the end): My girlfriend and I broke up on October/november of last year. When a relationship becomes boring and stagnant (e. So, a week ago she broke up with me as she has a lot going on in her life (dad is sick with alzheimers, she was sick with endo, work issues, etc) and she had suppressed depression and anxiety (which she is medicated and sees professionals for fairly regularly and has done for years) that had been building up and taking a toll on her to the point where she felt that she couldn't prioritise a In my own selfish way I still wanna be with her but I know she really hasn’t had time to herself for the past 4 or 5 years because she’s always been in a relationship and feels like if she can’t love herself how can she love someone else. SHE CAN'T GET WHAT SHE WANTS IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU. One of the reasons she wants to stay friends is because she doesn’t want to be excluded from your family gatherings. My. Know that she will be happy if she meets a guy who can attract her in the ways that were lacking in your relationship. My girlfriend of one year broke up with me to get the college experience. You may of invited her to all the family gatherings, birthdays, Christmas’, and other special holidays. Never stop showing affection, don't let her ruin things for your future relationships with girls who actually like you. She told me she still loves me, and hopes that we find ourselves together again. I have been with my girlfriend (Kate) exclusively for 5 years but on and off for 2 years before. Girls I need your input. It hurts a lot, and a part of me can’t believe someone can break up while truly being in love… I wish her the best even though it hurts me Here are 3 optional reactions to being broken up with suddenly by a woman…. I suspect, though, that your girlfriend is a very troubled person who, for some reason, has come to associate Feb 27, 2023 · Missing Her Partner’s Family. There was NO room for misinterpretation. My girlfriend broke up with me to go and study abroad for a year. She’s not worth it. I thought we were just going through a rough patch and that, at the end of the day, she was still my person. Focus on yourself until you regain some balance and then you will be ready to try relationships again. A woman will rarely cheat based on that, but if the relationship is dull for too long, but she can’t come up with a good enough reason to break up with her boyfriend (i. She felt the same way and I can honestly M 28 F 26. The relationship became too stressful. Our relationship was amazing during the first two or so years, but then I started noticing some difficulties and we were not being physical. #2. Xper 5 Age: 34. It was quite shocking at the moment, especially considering that we had just spent a lovely weekend out of town visiting her First, she says that she “can’t give me what I deserve in a relationship. This can even be the case if you didn’t fight about the problems you had. because he is a good guy and is treating her fairly well, or very well), then a woman will often cheat as a way of pushing herself to go through with a break up following it. 3. Mar 5, 2018 · Since she left to focus on herself, you must let her do that. hm cd zj mk co er ka ol nm ye