Cloverleaf local. *Employee rate is for any Cloverleaf employee on payroll.

Cloverleaf local Welcome; Athletics; Career Opportunities; Community Information; Community Newsletter Make sure to join the cast and crew for an evening of entertainment in one of the new crowning jewels of the Cloverleaf Local School District. 1034 Mission of Cloverleaf High School: The mission of Cloverleaf High School, a campus that exemplifies tradition, pride and excellence is to guarantee all students will have the ability to achieve their goals and possess the skills necessary to become contributing citizens by offering an experiential, innovative, core curriculum with diversified elective courses delivered by a Cloverleaf High School 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330-302-0328 Fax: 330-302-0530 District News & Events Items not being moved to Cloverleaf's new combined 6-12-grade building are being offered at public auction through GovDeals. I also Cloverleaf Local Schools. Once finalized, the agenda is available here. The cost of this pass is $65. Over the past 6 years, I have worked hard to build a Cloverleaf Elementary School offers an integrated preschool program serving students with and without disabilities between the ages of 3-5. However, Cloverleaf Schools will provide transportation for open enrollment students in accordance with state law, upon request. I have a master's degree in counseling from Kent State University and a master's degree in Educational Administration from Youngstown State University . District News & Events Cloverleaf Local Schools. Based on ORC 3321. High School Middle School Elementary School Cloverleaf Rec Center The Cloverleaf Colts All Sports Boosters are a non-profit organization designed to promote and encourage leadership, Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. Staff remain available via email. 8525 Friendsville Road. 11, have been postponed to Monday, Jan. Cloverleaf Local Schools (O. 1034 Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. Students will provide answers regarding their disciplinary history on their college application. Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. 1034. 1034 The Cloverleaf Community Recreation Center and district administrative offices are closed Tuesday, Aug. , Wednesday, Jan. Cloverleaf High School 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330-302-0328 Fax: 330-302-0530 Empower teams & individuals with Cloverleaf. Colt Hard FAQs: Busing Savings Cloverleaf Superintendent Daryl Kubilus answers questions about the elimination of high school busing as a cost-saving measure. Permits are $30 and may be obtained at the CHS attendance window. What advantages did Wilson have entering office? 1912 Election sent a clear message that people in the United States wanted change. 13. Democrats were so long out of power that they lacked experience running the government at the Federal level. Welcome; Athletics; Career Opportunities; Community Information; Community Newsletter Cloverleaf High School does not share disciplinary records with post-secondary institutions. When you have eliminated the JavaScript , whatever remains must be an empty page. Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Here are the Cloverleaf Wrestling Records through Dec. High School Middle School Elementary School Cloverleaf Rec Center Location: Cloverleaf Local Schools Additional Details. m. In the meantime, middle school and high school families can begin signing up for transportation and athletics communications using the codes in the documents below: Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. This would also include getting a Famiy membership at Resident rate (which includes both spouses, any children under the age of 18 living at home, and full time college students under the age of 22). 671) to have written proof that a student has met the state's immunization requirements or that the student has an Ohio exemption form (see below) on file within 14 days from the start of the school year. Lodi, Ohio 44254. Welcome; Athletics; Career Opportunities; Community Information; Community Newsletter; Construction Projects; Curriculum; Food & Nutrition Services; Cloverleaf High School 7540 Buffham Road Seville, Ohio 44273 Phone: 330-302-0328 Fax: 330-302-0530. The menu includes blueberry pancakes, regular pancakes, sausage, applesauce and a drink for $10 per person. After taking the 16 Types assessment, Cloverleaf uses the results to integrate relevant, bite-sized coaching content into tools teams use Created Date: 11/18/2010 2:35:40 PM Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. Read More Chromebook Care and Use Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. and close at 3:15 p. 1034 Just a reminder to Cloverleaf High School students and parents that the high school buildings open to students at 7 a. 1034 It is with great delight that I enter my 28th year in education, my 10th year of service to the Cloverleaf School District, and my 7th year as Principal of Cloverleaf High School. Cloverleaf's preschool program has earned a five-star rating from the State of Ohio -- the highest-possible rating! Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. If they would like more than one lunch, they may purchase a second lunch. Please click HERE for a staff directory. The address is 8525 Friendsville Road, but the entrance and parking are off Buffham Road. CLOVERLEAF LOCAL SCHOOLS - 2024 Quality Profile5 196 55. Students may purchase a la carte items in cafeterias, in the high school coffee shop, and in vending machines. The Cloverleaf High School Drama Department announces its 2024 One-Act Play Festival on Saturday, May 4, at 6 p. Subscribe to Our Newsletter Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, all Cloverleaf students receive FREE school breakfasts and lunches every day, regardless of need. Just a reminder that students will receive one free lunch. 1034 Law enforcement officers and Cloverleaf staff will be on site during arrival and dismissal to help direct traffic and answer questions. Subscribe to Our Newsletter Mission of Cloverleaf High School: The mission of Cloverleaf High School, a campus that exemplifies tradition, pride and excellence is to guarantee all students will have the ability to achieve That’s why we built Cloverleaf to be short nudges dripped into the flow of work so that people can learn at the moment they need to apply and grow. Subscribe to Our Newsletter District News & Events Cloverleaf Local Schools. 11 have been postponed to Jan. At Cloverleaf, the Title 1Targeted Assistance Program is designed to help children meet the State Learning Standards in reading and/or mathematics depending on each child’s individual needs. High School Middle School Elementary School Cloverleaf Rec Center academic skills. 43% Class Size Completed Honors Classes or College-Level Courses College Credits Earned While in High School Saved in College Tuition (Estimate based The CHS Key Club and the Cloverleaf Area Kiwanis Club are teaming up to host a community pancake breakfast 8 a. Have you "liked" Cloverleaf Local Schools on Facebook? Do you follow Cloverleaf on Twitter? If not, just click the icons at the bottom of this page. EDUCATING DURING COVID In response to the State of Ohio’s closure of schools, which went into effect March 17, 2020, Cloverleaf With Cloverleaf, assessment data comes alive. 1034 Cloverleaf High School 7540 Buffham Road Seville, Ohio 44273 Phone: 330-302-0328 Fax: 330-302-0530 Lodi Police Chief Keith Keough and Cloverleaf High School Counseling Administrative Assistant Heather Osborn are the recipients of the 2024 Cloverleaf Pride Award, which each year recognizes one community member and one staff member who go above and beyond in their service to Cloverleaf students. High School Middle School Elementary School Cloverleaf Rec Center. or after 3:15 Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. 1034 District News & Events. Click HERE to email Emily. High School Middle School Elementary School Cloverleaf Rec Center Passage of renewal on Nov. 1 One thing you may not know about her is she got her first job as a paraprofessional for summer school at Cloverleaf when she turned 16. Friday, January 10, 2025. High School Middle School Elementary School Cloverleaf Rec Center For additional information on the Strategic Plan, please contact the Cloverleaf Community Information Office at 330-302-0311 or [email protected]. Lodi, Ohio44254. High School Middle School Elementary School Cloverleaf Rec Center District News & Events. 9: 106 Grady Newman 0-4 113 Gregg Briggs 9-1 120 Austin Propert 120 Tommy Hill 0-5 126 Matt Montgomery 7-3 Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. Rock the House is providing the entertainment. Held in conjunction with Cloverleaf Local Schools. Cloverleaf will always have a special place in her heart as she follows in the footsteps of her mother, who was also a teacher at Cloverleaf Elementary. Proud Home of the Cloverleaf Colts | "The mission of the Cloverleaf Local Schools, a unified community committed to an interactive I'm CJ Conrad and this is my seventh year at Cloverleaf High School. 10, students at Westfield Upper Elementary School and Seville Intermediate Elementary School participated in special assemblies to honor Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. High School Middle School Elementary School Cloverleaf Rec Center Cloverleaf Local Schools houses 6 full time school counselors and two prevention counselors. C. 3313. 1034 The community is invited to a Winter Delights Market hosted by the Cloverleaf High School Key Club at Cloverleaf High School, 9:30 a. Cloverleaf High School parking permits are available. It's a great way to receive news updates and reminders about activities in the schools. Lodi Police Chief Keith Keough and Cloverleaf High School Counseling Administrative Assistant Heather Osborn are the recipients of the 2024 Cloverleaf Pride Award, which each year recognizes one community member and one staff member who go above and beyond in their service to Cloverleaf students. For all records requests, please send the request to our Central Registration office: Cloverleaf Local Schools. on the Cloverleaf Elementary School stage. Students are not permitted in the buildings before 7 a. Please click HERE for a map. 1034 $oo gdqfh fodvvhv duh khog dw wkh &oryhuohdi 5hfuhdwlrq &hqwhu ,16758&725 /$85$ +87621 8vh \rxu 0dvwhu fdug 9lvd 'lvfryhu ru uhjlvwhu e\ skrqh ru rqolqh wkurxjk Cloverleaf Elementary 8337 Friendsville Road Seville, Ohio 44273 Phone: 330-302-0103 Fax: 330-302-0080 Cloverleaf Superintendent Daryl Kubilus explains why. Subscribe to Our Newsletter The community is invited to a Winter Delights Market hosted by the Cloverleaf High School Key Club at Cloverleaf High School, 9:30 a. 1034 Cloverleaf High School 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330-302-0328 Fax: 330-302-0530 The Cloverleaf Local School District requires interdistrict, open enrollment parents to provide transportation for their children to and from school. Cloverleaf Local Schools is required by law (O. 1034 Cloverleaf High School 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330-302-0328 Fax: 330-302-0530 Cloverleaf Local Schools. 8, in the Cloverleaf Local Schools Central Office (formerly the high school annex). ** If you do not own or rent your residence, a notarized residency affida vit and one form of p roof of residency with the name of the owner of the home is required. Welcome; Athletics; Career Opportunities; Community Information; Community Newsletter; Construction Projects; Curriculum; Food & Nutrition Services; Cloverleaf Middle School 7540 We are happy to welcome you as the newest members of the Cloverleaf community! Need Help? Here is a step-by step guide to registration with FinalForms to help you get started. https://clever. 2500 Fax: 330. Watch for more information coming your way this summer. These must be obtained online. 5 $429,539 $1. Professional Development Every Title I teacher/tutor in the Cloverleaf Local School District is a certified/licensed teacher. Subscribe to Our Newsletter District News & Events. 43% Class Size Completed Honors Classes or College-Level Courses College Credits Earned While in High School Saved in College Tuition (Estimate based Have you "liked" Cloverleaf Local Schools on Facebook? Do you follow Cloverleaf on Twitter? If not, just click the icons at the bottom of this page. to noon on Dec. District News & Events. 042, parents/guardians electing to home school their child(ren) must submit a Homeschool Notification Letter annually. High School Middle School Elementary School Cloverleaf Rec Center Cloverleaf High School 7540 Buffham Road Seville, Ohio 44273 Phone: 330-302-0328 Fax: 330-302-0530 Individual Game Tickets: Adult $7 Student $5 Student All-Sport Pass. Cloverleaf Local Schools is committed to the location and identification of all un-served individuals with disabilities from birth through 22 years of age. You may have noticed there is a lot happening on the Cloverleaf campus! Here's some guidance on how and where to find the staff members and departments you are looking for. 713) _____ _____ _____ Student Name School Field Trip start & end dates The following medications will be the ONLY over-the-counter medications that the school staff will provide on a Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. In the meantime, middle school and high school families can begin signing up for transportation and athletics communications using the codes in the documents below: Cloverleaf Local Schools. 61% 21. 13, due to electrical work occurring on campus. Welcome; Athletics; Career Opportunities; Community Information; Community Newsletter Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. Use your student ID number to obtain the year-long pass. Fall Sport Specific Season Pass. Email: [email protected] Withdrawn Students. Cloverleaf High School 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330-302-0328 Fax: 330-302-0530 CLOVERLEAF LOCAL SCHOOLS Author: SOVCHIK Created Date: 9/3/2010 9:10:13 AM Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. 1034 Cloverleaf High School 7540 Buffham Road Seville, Ohio 44273 Phone: 330-302-0328 Fax: 330-302-0530 District News & Events Cloverleaf Local School District | 641 followers on LinkedIn. Law enforcement officers and Cloverleaf staff will be on site during arrival and dismissal to help direct traffic and answer questions. This approach allows team members to grasp District News & Events Mission of Cloverleaf High School: The mission of Cloverleaf High School, a campus that exemplifies tradition, pride and excellence is to guarantee all students will have the ability to achieve CLOVERLEAF LOCAL SCHOOLS - 2024 Quality Profile5 196 55. Prior to Cloverleaf, I was a middle school counselor for five years and a high school counselor for two years. High School Middle School Elementary School Cloverleaf Rec Center Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. Enable JavaScript to At Cloverleaf, we are dedicated to providing the best education for our children in the safest environment possible. High School Middle Due to potential road conditions, Cloverleaf Community Recreation Center rec league basketball games scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 1034 Cloverleaf Middle School 7500 Buffham Road Seville, Ohio 44273 Phone: 330-302-0207 Fax: 330-302-0520 District News & Events. 1034 Cloverleaf High School 7540 Buffham Road Seville, Ohio 44273 Phone: 330-302-0328 Fax: 330-302-0530 Cloverleaf Local Schools Central Office (Formerly the high school annex) Room 904. to noon on April 27 in the Cloverleaf High School cafeteria during the Arts Expo. on Saturday, April 23, at Williams on the Lake. SchooLinks helps students discover their interests and strengths, explore colleges and careers, and create a personal graduation plan that best reflects their post-secondary goals. com. 948. Let’s connect and talk about how we can help your team transform Human Skill Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. There's a new communications tool for Cloverleaf families beginning with the 2024-25 school year: Remind. ) Agenda and Minutes. Saturday, January 11, 2025. High School Middle School Elementary School Cloverleaf Rec Center Cloverleaf Local Schools. The Cloverleaf Board of Education meets at 6 p. 1034 Cloverleaf students in grades PreK-12 have the opportunity to get a pass at no cost. 7 means. THE CLOVERLEAF RECREATION CENTER *IF YOU ARE SICK, PLEASE STAY AT HOME * PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL OF OTHERS /STAY SAFE Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. As of Oct. com/trust/privacy/policy. Subscribe to Our Newsletter Due to potential road conditions this weekend, Cloverleaf Community Recreation Center rec league basketball games scheduled for Jan. Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. Entrance and parking are off Buffham Road (Please click HERE for a map. 1034 local interests. Cloverleaf Middle School 7540 Buffham Road Seville, Ohio 44273 Phone: 330-302-0207 Fax: 330-302-0520 Just as a reminder, all Cloverleaf students will receive free breakfast and free lunch starting with the 2024-25 school year. 1034 Kindergarten Screenings are April 24-25 at Cloverleaf Elementary School, 8337 Friendsville Road, Seville, Ohio 44273. 1034 Cloverleaf High School 7540 Buffham Road Seville, Ohio 44273 Phone: 330-302-0328 Fax: 330-302-0530 Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. *Employee rate is for any Cloverleaf employee on payroll. High School Middle Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. 3, 2023, Ohio law was changed to update home schooling requirements. 1034 *Resident rate is for anyone living in the Cloverleaf Local School District. The Cloverleaf Local School District recognizes the importance of providing all students with an appropriate, comprehensive and rigorous curriculum. Location and referral of children meeting this criteria (Child Find) may be initiated by anyone with knowledge of the child and suspecting the child may have a disability. Each meal is a complete meal. Fax: 330-302-0536. SchooLinks at Cloverleaf LSD is accessible in 9th-12th grades by students and their parents. 1034 Cloverleaf High School Prom is 7-10 p. Subscribe to Our Newsletter There's a new communications tool for Cloverleaf families beginning with the 2024-25 school year: Remind. R. High School Middle School Elementary School Cloverleaf A: All students are assessed using our curriculum-based assessment at the beginning of the school year to determine their strengths and areas of improvement. About Us. 1034 The Cloverleaf High School Music Department presents the 32nd Annual Cavalcade of Sound Marching Band Competition Saturday, Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. 97 Million 30. Students, I challenge you to become the best you can be. 1% 900. 1034 You may have noticed there is a lot happening on the Cloverleaf campus! Here's some guidance on how and where to find the staff members and departments you are looking for. 14. Thursday, January 9, 2025. Boost performance, communication, and engagement. Welcome; Athletics; Career Opportunities; Community Information; Community Newsletter Cloverleaf Students Salute Our Veterans On Nov. School Counselors (previously referred to as Guidance Counselors) support all students in grades K-12 with academic achievement, social and emotional development and career planning. com/about/terms Cloverleaf enhances remote and hybrid team management by providing real-time insights and coaching based on behavioral assessments. Please click here for meeting agendas, minutes from 2023 onward, and board policies. The community is invited to a Winter Delights Market hosted by the Cloverleaf High School Key Club at Cloverleaf High School, 9:30 a. To purchase a permit, students must provide: Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. Home Games Only • Cloverleaf students will be able to purchase a pass redeemable for ALL Cloverleaf home athletic events for the 2021-22 school year. Subscribe to Our Newsletter Cloverleaf Local Schools. The Cloverleaf Middle School Drama Department will also perform a matinee show of its own on May 4 at 3 p. Morel is a local business owner and former juvenile court probation officer. Welcome; Athletics; Career Opportunities; Community Information; Community Newsletter https://clever. District News & Events Cloverleaf Local Schools 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Phone: 330. In order to do this the district must first determine the cognitive ability and specific academic achievement levels of our students. 1034 All registered preschool students will be assessed using the adopted curriculum-based assessment three times a school year (following the K-2 report card cycle) and reported to parents / guardians. ← BACK. lower property taxes starting Jan. tzagf zkw wuoxp rjrtaos irqfmlu kqufy smsns gxr brff wwh