Contax lens repair Lens engineers who are specialists in all aspects of precision engineering. the history of this camera is as follows: the camera broke down while being used by a friend of the previous owner and he took it for repairs in russia. Use our interactive map to find the lenses you need, where you need them. Fixed lens 35mm range finder cameras made in Japan Repair Service Suwa, a repair company that specializes in CONTAX, says that lens repairs are on a case-by-case basis, so if you have a lens that concerns you, I think it is worth considering them. sony. Tutorials and repair diagrams for classic cameras by Rick Oleson. ) - Aperture scale of 28 to 16. Apparently the I was a little over-engineered and unreliable. The included viewfinder is a rare type with a spirit level, but the image appears distorted and it cannot be said to be a good external viewfinder. Zeiss made no lenses for the Nikon S camera. All are now FREE downloads!. Zeiss Ikon Contax Camera Repair A home for your Zeiss Ikon Contax, Contarex or Super Ikonta camera! Nippon Photoclinic is the exclusive North American authorized service center for Contax, Linhof, and Wista cameras and lenses. Manual Focus, Auto Focus, Lens Shutter $225: Rangefinder: All Rangefinders: $350: Consumer: Point-n-Shoot: $200: Collectors : Leica & Contax: $350: Battery Grips/Motor Drive/Winders : $200: Medium Format Equipment Starting Repair Rate; Body Only: Manual/Auto Focus, The site for Zeiss Ikon Contax camera restoration, repairs, parts, maintenance, custom modifications, advice and information The first warning part 1: Over the years I've found the lens repair customers are very concerned Our team of experienced professional broadcast and cinema lens experts is here for you. Removing the lens mount is simple. You may have to send it to Germany for the proper repair. I guess in a way it justifies their level of service. It's stuck there. Shutter Curtain Repair: The shutter curtain is a critical component of a film camera, and damage or misalignment can lead to improper exposure. 2 Unless otherwise specified, within the contiguous United States. The metered Contax III carried a $50 premium regardless of people willing to take on a Contax, and when they do, they My Lens in Henderson, NV provides comprehensive eyeglass repairs and replacements for clients nationwide. Contax Lens Shades and Filter System. Service & Repair. Does anyone know if there is any repair manual around for Contax G lenses? Thanks a lot: Feb 28, 2024 at 10:30 PM Has anyone had experience sending in a Contax lens for calibration or repair? I want to tweak a 17-35 zoom. And if For example: the designation of the 35mm f2. Contax 2 with Sonnar 85/2 portrait lens and universal viewfinder, made in 1938. Most of them came with the Jupiter 8 lens which was a 50mm f/2 lens which was based off the original Contax lens made by Zeiss-Ikon. A Yashica 55mm f/2. It’s also true that with digital cameras, we tend to replace rather than repair, either due to costs associated with the repair or the fact that digital cameras have significantly Hello Friends,Today I share with you a very important topic in lens repair, that is, how to work with lens helicoids. Offer not valid on bulk orders. The lens barrel (or perhaps opening) is *slightly* bent which prevents it from fully extending when turning the power on. T Photo Lens Repair Policy. They do repair electronic film cameras such as Hasselblad Xpan, Contax T2, T3etc. Yashica FX-3 (FX-7) Repair Manual. To remove > The Lens Mount Of particular note with the Contax IIIa is its standard lens, a Carl Zeiss Sonnar 50mm f/1. High Point, NC 27265-8642 [email protected] office: (336) 307-2126 cell: (949) 275-0313 Jupiter-3 Lens Contax to Leica Mount Conversion . I value the camera too much to mess Has anyone had experience sending in a Contax lens for calibration or repair? I want to tweak a 17-35 zoom. This Contax G Sonnar 90/2. While you have the camera stripped down to its essentials, you might as well clean the lens mount. Repair manual. ToCAD America serviced Contax up through 2015, and handed it off to: Nippon Photo Clinic 37 West 39th Street, Suite # 401 New York, NY 10018 (212) 736-4663. Contax IIIa camera top removal. We’re finally here at the end of our Contax 2 article. By Brian Sweeny. Book TLS have worked their magic and converted them to a full cine lens. The seals looked a little gummed up so I wasn't surprised when I got this from my first roll Camera And Lens Repairs . Orders will be shipped to a street address in the 50 United States or the District of Columbia only. 0 Sonnar lens that was made for the postwar Zeiss-Ikon Contax camera. Requests for return or exchange must be made within seven (7) days from the date of Final thoughts on the Contax TVSiii. Keep your Nikon equipment operating like new with Nikon factory service and repair. The following lenses are accepted for regular overhaul service at the stipulated prices (Price when performed with camera body overhaul). For A063 (28-75 G2 Sony e Archive 2012 · lens repair, Digging out this thread, which started with Contax G conversions. brucebenner23@gmail. The Contax from tjhe many photos supplied looks little used and is apparently all functioning correctly. I'm looking for a reputable and affordable place or person to send my T2 to get repaired. As I said at the beginning of the post, I found the entire experience of shooting this camera frustrating. 3. These tests are described a little later on. Digital cameras are being manufactured better The site for Zeiss Ikon Contax camera restoration, repairs, parts, maintenance, custom modifications, advice and information. Talk to Sales. Lenses For Sale ; Flight Cases ; Lenses ; Lens Caps ; Cine-Mod The Zeiss Contax lenses were originally released in the seventies, around the same era as the legendary Zeiss Super Speeds. The cornea is susceptible to various injuries with a complicated repair process. in 2016-2017, the new We repair all kinds of cameras (film & digital), lenses, and shutters. Shop All; Men; Women; Under $50; Over $51; Small; Medium; Large; X-Large; Luxury; Brand logos. It’s not an easy task to take this camera apart but At some point I’m going to replace the broken plastic shroud on my 35mm Contax lens. com is the premier site for restoration, repairs, maintenance, custom modifications, advice and information about your Zeiss Ikon Contax cameras, lenses and accessories. : 35m lens shutter, ultra compact AE camera. 5 Lens. Contax T Repair Manual . If you do not approve the repair estimate, repairs will not be made, your camera and/or lens will be returned to you and you will not incur any charges for Canon Maintenance Service. 8 Biogon Lens . website! Newton Ellis & Co. Remove rewind assembly 2. I will show you why in the Nikon S article that I am preparing. Assembly and parts manual Non-Warranty repair service for ZEISS photo lenses (Batis, Loxia, Milvus, Otus, Touit, Classic, ZM Lenses), for service for vintage photo lenses (e. We are working on an online course; and the first seventeen lessons are now online, with more on the way. In 2009, it took me half a second to confirm that ToCAD still cheerfully repairs all G2 and 645 cameras and lenses, and Here is an example of a lens that was blown directly with canned air, this is the Sigma 50mm f/1. The front end of the lens barrel (in red) is moving a bit, up and down. There were several camera repair shops that worked on other Contax cameras, but none of them would touch a G-series. The procedure can be divided in the following sections: 0. The third thing to know is that Nikon copied the Contax lens mount when it designed the Nikon S camera. DISCOVER > SIGN UP FOR Prices for different lenses maintained a $20 spread between that of a Leica with comparable lens. So when you Hello Friends,Today I share with you how to service a lens with stellar performance, that is the Zeiss planar 50mm f/1. If the costs are different from what you initially pre-authorized, we will advise you. Tel: (631) 227-2036 Fax: (631) 585-1895 We are a family-run camera repair shop, based in London. i'll start with how to remove the optical cell from the contax g 28mm f/2. Our experienced staff are dedicated towards assisting and caring for our clients individual Contact Lens, Spectacle fitting needs. The site for Zeiss Ikon Contax camera restoration, repairs, parts, maintenance, custom modifications, advice and information 1961 lists the retail price of a Contarex Bullseye Model with the f2. Interchangeable lens 35mm rangefinder cameras made their debut over 90 years ago when Leitz introduced the Leica II and Zeiss debuted the Contax I. The site for Zeiss Ikon Contax camera restoration, repairs, parts, maintenance, custom modifications, advice and information The Zeiss Ikon Contax Camera Repair Website - Overhauling A Contaflex 35mm TLR Camera Servicing a Sonnar lens . Kiev 15 Repair Manual . 0 50mm Planar lens to be $499. Patients usually wear them for a short time until their eye problem improves. 8462 e-mail: custserv@tamron. The site for Zeiss Ikon Contax camera restoration, repairs, parts, maintenance, custom modifications, advice and information This is a single page of lens care instructions provided by Zeiss in a very rare, early, fragile and simple single page printed in 1905. 00 in today's dollars. Need to have it redone! I had also purchased a Vivitar 28mm 2. Contax I's WITHOUT a 2nd repair letter code are very hard to find! The most common repair letter I've found is A, so you True Lens Services (TLS) provides first-class lens servicing and repair with a fast turnaround. new lease life. Jupiter-3 Lens Shimming Instructions . They all look lovely and clean, certainly not junks! I read there is a waiting list of 4 years for Henry, which is unacceptable. In order for them to function correctly they need to be repaired by a qualified technician. Products search. Seller v reputable and have had good lens purchases and accessories before (Leica). It's about a 450-600 replacement for the lens, unless anyone knows a cheaper source of the 35 planer. View the list of Discontinued Lenses on our Global site. 1. 8 K Tear Down and Overhaul – My Take on Photography (Lens Repairs Mostly) Trackback: Nikon 135mm f/2. We will notify you of any charges and request payment in advance prior to any repair. I was browsing Ensure that you place your body/lens cap onto your product and always package your photo/video bodies & lenses separately (i. Here, the authors propose a snowflake-inspired, blink-driven flexible piezoelectric contact lens for corneal injury We repair almost any make and model including Bolex, Contax, Hasselblad, Mamiya, Minolta, Nikon, Nizo, Olympus and Pentax just to name a few. I will then have to remove the battery and reinsert for everything to go back to normal. I have a Contax I in need of repair. About to pull the trigger on a black Contax T2 set. 7. Helicoids are essential for lenses as t A wide range of repair tutorials for vintage cameras and lenses by British photographer Simon Hawkettes. as of April 1st, 2015. I’ve got the necessary replacement part, BUT Should I use a Contax RX Repair Manual Part C. Jan 20, 2009 at 09:04 AM Just bought a Contax RTS ii and Planar 50 1. I had a Contax T3 that just gave out on me a few months ago, everyone commenting on the post said that the Anyway, if you’ll remember from my 2014 review, I helped arrange and send the camera out to Kyocera for a repair and it came back a couple months later as “Unrepairable. The only downside is the price you are paying it's a lot more than it was five years ago they do such an amazing. Rick Oleson's Tech Notes. Contax T2 My lovely contax distagon 35mm encountered a little problem recently. Yashica FR1 Assembly drawings. Cart is Empty | View Cart. Book an Appointment. These beautiful optics are now hand crafted into a robust rehousing offering:- 300 degrees of focus rotation on a non-linear cam; joakimf95: I recently bought a Contax T2 "as is" for 200 eur / 220 $. View Camera Lens (10) Yashica | Contax (44) Yashica/Contax Mount (14) Contax RF Mount (14) Shop. I've gathered a list of places and people who can repair cameras like the Contax T2, Ricoh G1, Hasselblad X-Pan, and more. 3 Based on availability. com. These beautiful optics are now hand crafted into a robust rehousing offering:- 300 degrees of focus rotation on a non-linear cam; A repair charge will be assessed depending upon the style of your returned product. Learn about our Repair Service Policy. When introduced in 1954, there Nevertheless, Contax IIa/IIIa shutter jobs are expensive and few repair people work on them. 5 Tessar was produced in Contax RF mount in 1931, and was In early 2021, I posted a review for the Contax RTS III, a camera I had hoped would become my day to day camera for when I just wanted a high feature, reliable, and modern camera to burn film through. Member. Send photo product repairs to: SIGMA Corporation of America Attn: Service Department 15 Fleetwood Court Ronkonkoma, NY 11779. That camera didn't work, but now I get a second chance at the Contax SLR line with this fully functional Contax RX. There's Get repair information and service assistance for your Sony® Electronics products Repair Hello I have Contax G1 with 90mm lens. Menu. The Contax 139 service manual gives a comprehensive list of possible causes of various symptoms and I suggest you refer to that if the cause of your problem isn’t obvious. Contax TVS – Lens extended. It's probably full of 60-year old hardened grease and grime. They also provide services such as lens recalibration and focus checking. ) X-Contact (using dedicated electronic flash), Contax TVS Flex Repair Repair Archived post. High 5 Cameras Repair Articles. co. pppcameras. The cosmetic quality of the lens is Hi, I've got a Contax G 90/2. Hasselblad or Contax/Yashica lenses), please contact us for addresses of independent service centers. 858. Hi Guys, Though't I'd post this for those of you who are interested. Put your products in the safe, capable hands of our certified service and repair center staff. Called the Contax I, after the Contax II and III were released a few years later. So far, I've found 3 options: - Find Service & Repair and more for Canon products. View Here. Prepare your mind 1. Film Processing (10) Repair (40) Accessories (2156) Photo Lens Repair Service Policy. The Contax IIa: Voigtlander Bessa-R: Retina Cameras : The Lens Mount. I posted this previously on a repair group. PHOTO CLASS ONE ON ONE. The first lenses for these cameras were Tessar formula lenses of modest speed. Viewfinder and Lens Calibration: Accurate focus and framing are crucial for capturing the perfect shot. YL Camera Repair Service Contax TVS Repair Manual. ” FLASH FORWARD TO 2020. The Zeiss Contax lenses in my view were for the time the best, and better than Leica’s, and still give a look that is hard to rival. I'm looking for others' experiences with getting theirs repaired. 5 Zeiss Biogon. Other Current Stock in Hand. It had been lying in a drawer for 20 years and was in great condition apart from the fact that it would not stay turned on (the lens just popped out and then back in again). A similar issue was documented HERE but it seems no solution was found. The Nikon I/M/S models were all inspired by the Contax 2’s timelss design but they were never copies. 75 feet / 0. 5, which is a terrific piece of work. The II was a massive success and more advanced than the Leicas. If your lens needs to be serviced send it to a professional, they should have the knowledge and the tools in order to service this properly. This is your place to learn to repair photographic equipment. For the German-made Contax rangefinder cameras, see the Zeiss-Ikon section. Today, the Kiev 4 is still a very popular camera on the collector’s market. Joined Aug 11, 2024 Messages 3 Location France Format 35mm Aug What is a bandage contact lens? A bandage contact lens — or therapeutic contact lens — is any contact lens used to relieve pain and help protect or heal the cornea and its nearby tissues. This is a lens originally made for Just as additional info: Pierro Pozella in UK is also an excellent Contax T2 / T3 repair expert: PPP Cameras PPP Repairs Giving film cameras. The body looks really good with only a few signs of use. In addition, we offer a library of more than one thousand repair manuals and tutorials, as well as parts for sale and links to other camera repair resources. There are four screws. 4 Average turnaround time, actual may vary based on repair complexity and part availability. Camera and lens repair articles by Mel Parker-Jones. Free Standard Shipping & Handling on Cameras & Lenses. The IIIa top is much harder to remove than the IIa. (my K1000) or leaves residue on the mirror (a friend’s Contax 137). so anybody that has documented a lens conversion, repair, or simply a disassembly please post it here. Offer valid only on consumer camera and lens products available for sale through the Canon online store only. Custom machining and repair parts The lens came off and back on, but not as easy as it should. 0 I do not repair any of the Contax compacts or rangefinders including any of the T or TVS compacts or the Contax I, II/IIa or III/IIIa or G1 or G2 rangefinders. To this very day, Carl Zeiss lenses are still made and are still considered to be some of the best out there. Here I explain what causes Contax SLR mirrors to "slip" and one way to address the issue. It is only the barrel that moves so it doesn't affect photo quality and focusing. This lens will fit on any Contax prewar or postwar camera. They could have simply applied some glue or Servicing a Contax isn’t as difficult or impossible as what some would make you think but it’s more involved to repair one so many will turn it down. It was a relief that my contax t3 was okay and the test shots looked great. For the Contax cameras made in Japan by Kyocera/Yashica, see the Contax (Kyocera) category. 5 T Sonnar Lens for Contax mount cameras. Join the Learn Camera Repair Group on Facebook . It's about a 450-600 replacement for the lens, unless Contax (No Repairs for TVS I/II/III or RTS I) Copal (Shutter 0, 1, & 3) Hasselblad (No Digital) Shutter seems to be locking up despite changing bodies and remounting lens. Jupiter-3 Lens Exploded Parts Views . I would not try to repair them myself. Zeiss Ikon Contax Camera Repair A home for your Zeiss Ikon Contax, Contarex If you have purchased a Contax with a lens for $300. The Seller was not sure if the body was working but threw it in as a rear lens cap. 1 24X3 бам : Sonnar T% 38m F28 lens (5—element, four—lens group composition. Should you have any questions regarding repairs and warranty details for these lenses or cameras, please contact Sony Support directly. This section covers German-made Zeiss-Ikon, Contaflex, Contax, Contarex, etc. 5 and f/2. - Minimum focusing distance : 1 meter. The lens is not sold as weather sealed but I do expect more from Sigma. The first step was to Zeisscamera. I do not repair any of the Contax compacts or rangefinders including any of the T or TVS compacts or the Contax I, II/IIa or III/IIIa or G1 or G2 rangefinders. The user experience of the Contax TVSiii is frustrating for all its relative shortcomings when compared to the previous model, but this frustration feels only compounded by the fact that I’d say the lens is slightly better than the one One of the big reasons the line of German made Contax Rangefinder cameras is still so popular is the Super Wide Angle Super Corrected Biogon 21 mm lens. Please Note: We've set the price low eough that it won't burden those who want to learn to repair cameras, while hopefully bringing in enough each month to I do not repair any of the Contax compacts or rangefinders including any of the T or TVS compacts or the Contax I, II/IIa or III/IIIa or G1 or G2 rangefinders. 00. I have a Jupiter 12 which I would have to replace if I got a Contax iia, so would rather stay with a ii. In Our Shop. I will use my Contax all day long, often in preference to my Leica Ms just to use those lenses. Recently, I picked up a Contax II in what I consider poor condition. Markham, ON L3R 1E5, Canada Tel I recently bought a Contax T2 "as is" for 200 eur / 220 $. If you are interested in repair let me kn Fix the shutter of contax IIa. The Zeiss Contax lenses were Contax II cameras today range from rusting, unusable pieces of junk to very clean examples. They now sent me a price estimate in German stating Contax T Repair help . I Contax GK-54 Lens Cap, Contax GG-2 Lens Hood, Contax 46mm 1A filter, and 45mm f/2 lens. LEICA top. Here are some more cameras for sale. Yashica FR Assembly Manual. was a team of professionally trained technicians servicing and repairing all types of photograph equipment - We have now closed down due to retirement but are hoping to start up again with limited film camera and lens repairs, cleaning and servicing again from our home workshops. Zeiss Bumps: It is not unusual to find corrosion underneath the body leather, creating General repair tips for fixing up classic and vintage film cameras, from light seals and leather to light meters and lens fungus! Twitter Email Flickr YouTube Instagram. And one of the few places remaining that fix contax cameras and t3 models. Talk to our specialists now for your inquiries. This part is going to be more extensive as we work on the shutter and Mark Hansen Camera Repair, Classic Camera Repair, Repairs All Super Ikonta; all other Zeiss Folding cameras; Contax IIa, IIIa; All View, Field and compact 127 film cameras. It was, and is, an amazing lens. Service Centers DISCOVER OUR PRODUCTS NEAR YOU. SP Motor repairs: Minimum fee $500 if fixable, $200 fee even if unfixable -- they are a you know what to work on and they eat up hours of the best repairmen. Drug-free contact lens based on quaternized chitosan and tannic acid for bacterial keratitis therapy and corneal repair. After some researching I sent the camera to TRITEC in Germany for repair. Whether you need repairs, maintenance, or adjustments, our technicians have the tools and expertise to service a wide range of still-photography lenses, including renowned models such as Leica R, Zeiss Contax C/Y, Canon FD, and more. Zeiss-Opton 50mm f1. This lens is definitely factory set for the Contax and not the Nikon camera. The two killer user problems in the Contax IA are the lens mounting clip holding screw holes and the rewind knob shaft top. 4 Planar Lens! The leather outer skin has come off. KEH says they can do it. If I am not mistaken, he told me that they have the correct-sized ribbons for the Contax. com . If sending in within the warranty period and your product is found to have a non-warranty covered issue, we will provide details of our findings and a service estimate for your approval before we begin repair. Dr. 8 biogon since a number of people expressed It was on the camera, and the camera mount looks ok, nothing obvious. 8 and 75-205 mm zoom and a Tamron 350mm Mirror Lens to work with my Contax! A beautiful piece! The Funleader Contax 35mm f2 G is in just the perfect place. Zeiss did not make the lens and did not even design its mechanics - so they won't be able to repair it (at least not unless you reach very deep into your wallet and request a repair from the lab where they build the $100,000+ one-of-a-kind monster lenses they occasionally supply for Arab sheiks with). Edit 11/14/2011:To all who view this: I have a confession to make. National Camera Repair Guide. LeZot Camera offers full service repair on film and digital equipment. The Sonnar lens features high-quality precision manufacturing, typical of Zeiss-Ikon cameras. Contax Our library contains more than one thousand factory service manuals, parts diagrams, repair articles, and tutorials for repairing cameras and other types of photographic equipment. Prop 65 Warning. 6 3 year warranty is available for LUMIX cameras and lenses purchased new (unused) Shop our wide selection of contact lens and solutions from top brands. 8 Nikkor K – a repair that was most challenging! – My Take on Photography (Lens Repairs Mostly) Trackback: The Legendary 105mm f/2. Unique Prototype Contax 35mm f2. TLS have worked their magic and converted them to a full cine lens. Factory service manual. Lens Mount: Contax N-Bayonet Focus: 1. Learn More. We have everything you need to keep your eyes healthy and comfortable. Anyone ever use them, and if so what is your experience? Thanks. 8 lens that has a stuck focus tab (the one that looks like a flat screw tab and when you turn it the lens element moves in/out to focus. The site for Zeiss Ikon Contax camera restoration, repairs, parts, maintenance, custom modifications, advice and information The adjustment requires removal of the front lens mount and movenent of the lens mount helical. Prepare yourself for an expensive repair bill. The camera is not usable, AF its juts constantly making the noise trying to focus, when i switch to manual focus I doest the same, i just cant make the picture cause the focus mechanism is moving back and forth and just not making the picture with button pressed. the current owner bought this camera 10 years ago. 4 ART. Gus Lazzari TLC Camera Repair 4554 Chestnut Street Ext. I was in constant fear of knocking the thing off. I purchased a Nikon S camera, disassembled it and How ever don’t confuse the Contax 11 and 11a there are certain lens interoperability issues. 4. Contax RX Assembly Manual. Modern Contax/Yashica Zeiss Lenses and Lenses for other cameras are also overhauled here but are not specifically listed below so please inquire. Every Contax camera I I'm experiencing an issue with a recently purchased Contax T2. Digital Cameras: Camera Doctor can repair bent pins in the card slot, bad USB ports and more. Repair A few months back right at the start of the stay-at-home orders I found a Contax t at a thrift store and was super stoked! It works great, no light leaks, sharp as can be, but there is one glaring issue. Most repairs are Lens Repair. Home; Shop. 5 meters to Infinity, 5-point TTL Phase Detection Auto Focus Nikon fans, you’ll be happy to see a similar manual focus dot which confirms focus even when manually The site for Zeiss Ikon Contax camera restoration, repairs, parts, maintenance, custom modifications, advice and information Zeiss Ikon Contax The conclusion of this work is simply that a Zeiss Contax lens to be used on a Contax cameras made in Japan by Kyocera/Yashica. Yashica FR Assembly Chart . Lens Servicing & Repair; Buying A Lens? TLS Store . This lens is a true wide angle design unlike the reverse telephoto design Distagons Contax Rigid Tessar 50mm f3. 5 Nikor Lens for Contax is "W-Nikor-C". 1 If parts availability requires more time for repair, loaner will be provided. 8 macro lens. Call 508 583 1058 or email us to schedule your personal class. uk m4rius. This is roughly equivalent to $7984. We’ve been repairing cameras since 1926! Today, you’ll find us fixing industry-leading brands like Canon and Sony, obscurer brands like Contax and Mamiya, all the way to Duclos Lenses is a leading service provider for high-quality still-photo lenses. I had my Contax T3 inspected by them before and they gave me professional judgement and advice on what consequences might cause if we try to repair certain electronic cameras. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast . At that moment, Contax represented a camera system with a good range of quick-replace lenses due to the bayonet mount and viewfinder design, with the possibility of fast-change exposed film from black and white to color due to the Welcome To Learn Camera Repair . It's a "1F" in good overall condition, but the shutter is inoperative, possibly due to broken curtain ribbons (haven't disassembled it to say for sure). Contax top. Jan 20, 2009 at 09:04 AM Setting lens back to infinity: Ricoh 300 Shutter Repair: Minolta XD-11 shutter problem. It’s not worth the risk, if you want to practice just start with a cheap Soviet lens, a Canon may even be a good candidate to butcher if all you need is to learn how to repair lenses. Are there any other good technicians out there who do Contax iis. Need Graflex Education: Rolleiflex SL35E top cover removal: SRT-101 HOW TO USE: Super Paxette lens aperture not aligned: Zorki 4 – Audacity shutter test: Canon MC – stuck lens guard: Minolta 9000 shutter malfunction: Optics question – Rolleiflex Opton The Contax S2 and S2b are ! The lens are the best, but, frankly, the only difference is this adding value of this 3Dpop, but some other lens from other brands, like Nikon are not far, this is the reason I have skiped for Nikon, bodies are more reliable and lens are great, 28mm, what about the Nikkor 28Ais f2'8, and 50mm Ais 1'8, and Nikkor Classic camera repairs, sales and service. Replace/Repair. But not impossible at all. Instant repair services, such as sensor cleaning and general camera services, are available. Welcome to the Ex. Our experts meticulously calibrate the viewfinder and lens, ensuring precise alignment and accuracy. With both mail-in and in-person service available, our expert technicians provide diagnostics, maintenance, warranty and repairs for nearly all Nikon products. Factory service manual for the Contax TVS. I ordered a new one from a seller on ebay. Lenses vary by manufacturer, and each lens has its own characteristics. Author links open overlay panel Zehui Jiao a b 1, TA not only has obvious anti-inflammatory effects, but also has multiple mechanisms in promoting wound repair (Ninan, Forget, Shastri, Voelcker, & Blencowe Leading the way of Contax lens design was the legendary 21/4. "Hello, Contax? Yes I would like a new lens for my TVS KEH offers online repair services for your camera gear. Damage arising from any abuse, accidents, misapplication, modifications, or unauthorized repair; 3. In part 2, we took apart the rangefinder and removed the shutter mechanism from the chassis. , not attached) to protect them during transport and note that we will not supply a new body/lens free of charge following completion of I have a Contax 139 with the 50mm 1. Yashica repair manuals. It appears that the auto focus may possibly still be working. For the Zeiss lenses made for Hasselblad cameras, see the Hasselblad section. Take your time. Range Yashica products, Ikoflex Favorit, Most SLRs, such as Nikon F, Pentax K-1000, Minolta, and Canon. Most common lenses cleaned $75 Exotic lens repairs quoted after we see the problem. Each and every one of these changes was identified to be necessary by serious user problems. Ground Floor 12 Collins Street Melbourne 3000 | We are all about VISION . Aperture prioity AE type electromagnetic shutter (8 to 1/500 sec. When shooting with flash, the camera will occasionally lock up with the lens extended and shutter open. Contact Lens Solution; READING GLASSES. Nikon Rangefinders should be shipped insured. Hasselblad or Contax/Yashica lenses), Zeiss Contax | True Lens Services repair, service and test film and video lenses. Now is a good time to remove the cover on the shutter. Yashica Electro 35 Repair Tips . At infinity at F2. Remove those, but mark them, because they are different lengths. Newton Ellis & Co. Whether the lens has impact damage, or needs to have a dented filter removed, we can repair it Contax, Leica, Contessa, Alpa, Pentacon, Praktica, Exakta 66 and In addition to repair of the Contax, we talk about what makes them special, who made the original Zeiss-Ikon Contax in 1926 (Hint: His name rhymes with ‘Bagel’), postwar Jena Contaxes, and why you should consider a Kiev if you cannot afford a Contax. These instructions apply to the Zeiss-Opton or Carl Zeiss f/1. Fast Sensor Cleanings Please contact us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you. Tamron Authorized Repair Station for Canadian Customers Amplis Foto 22 Telson Rd. 03 9650 9852. Fast Reliable Service. We do expert work on professional equipment from: Bronica Non-Warranty repair service for ZEISS photo lenses (Batis, Loxia, Milvus, Otus, Touit, Classic, ZM Lenses), for service for vintage photo lenses (e. For the later Contax SLRs made in Japan by Kyocera-Yashica, see the Contax-Yashica section. The II and III are the same, except for the light meter on top of the III. It’s an evolution and a step in the right way. In-warranty and out-of-warranty repair info, repair classifications, and how to receive an estimate Commack, NY 11725 Tel: 631. Skip to content. October 2021. they tried to fix it but couldn't and returned it to the previous owner. Does anyone know of a good Contax lens repair person? You will find my rates are very reasonable for lens repairs. Offer valid January 1, 2025 at 12:00 AM EST through January 31, 2025 at 11:59 PM EST. 5 For new Platinum members only. Free Shipping Above PHP 1999. Repair. The Contax 2/Contax 3 were both succeeded by the Contax 2a/Contax 3a in the early 50’s. To get your ZEISS photo lens checked and serviced, please follow these instructions: Quality Nikon camera and lens repairs are done fast by our highly skilled, factory trained technicians at Precision Camera. Zeiss Ikoflex III 1939-40 6x6cm: Voigtlander Superb 1933 6x6cm: Pilot Reflex 1931-37 3x4cm: Yashica Mat 124G An extra letter, before or after the serial block letter, indicates the camera was sent back to the camera for repair. 5 Nikkor K Tear Down and Overhaul – My Take on Photography (Lens Repairs Howdy folks, I just got back from a long vacation and along the way my Contax G 28mm Lens basically fell into two pieces. We don’t give up easily on repairs! Even with the models that are difficult to source parts for, we can modify parts from other cameras or manufacture our own parts to bring much loved camera equipment back to its former glory. These beautiful optics are now hand crafted into a robust rehousing offering:- 300 degrees of focus rotation on a non-linear cam; Hello, everybody! We are going to continue with our Contax 2/3 repair series with part 2!In part 1, we tackled how to remove the covers and outer castings of the camera so that we can access the inner mechanisms and correct any problems with the shutter or any of the inner workings of the camera. Many prices are On See more Finding repairs for electronic-based film cameras can be a challenge. The Contax 139 Service and Assembly manuals can be viewed and/or downloaded from these links. Discontinued Lenses. I think I’m in a minority on this, Bellamy from JCH loves it, but give me a simple lens cap (or nothing) any day. I got both the body and the lens for the price of the lens. We repair the 50/1. By request from largedrink here's my write-up on Contax IIIa top cover dissasembly. 8 it is spot on. 4. However, they can be worn much longer for chronic eye conditions. Repairs: Bronica (SQ-A & ETRS) Canon. This is the largest online collection of service The camera/lens that you have are very expensive items. But for ye gods’ sake don’t get any adhesive on the fresnel focusing screen! You are mixing this up with the first Contax from the early 30s. Kiev camera with the same lens and viewfinder, made in 1984. Contax 167MT Repair manual part A. 00 or so, Over the past fifteen years, we have seen the rise of the digital camera and the general abandonment of film cameras, with many photographers giving them away or just leaving them to collect dust. It seems like the back end is the electronic components/outer housing and the front end is the optical glass unit still with all the front elements attached (including nameplate). Click here for more details. The Contax TVS viewfinder isn’t the biggest or brightest and according to some is dimmer than the TVS II and III. The lens had been dismantled by the previous owner and had some mechanical damage. These beautiful optics are now hand crafted into a robust rehousing offering:- 300 degrees of focus rotation on a non-linear cam; Trackback: Nikon 35mm f/2. The 5cm F3. Contax 167MT Assembly Manual. The Nikon S mount is the Contax mount. For connection cable only. Please send the sunglasses with proof of date purchased, postage paid, and insured to: Luxottica Consumer Warranty and Repairs 420 Westridge Parkway Building 100 McDonough, GA TLS have worked their magic and converted them to a full cine lens. Give The Gift OF This is done to expedite the repair process. 8400 Fax: 631. The lens came off and back on, but not as easy as it should. The TVS repair manual says that the lens assembly has no repairable parts and should be replaced all together as a unit. Focusing is possible with a generic M42-yourcamerasystem focusing adapter. Yashica FR-I and FR-II Repair Manual. Reluctantly I sent my G2 to Nippon for shutter issues and a CLA. I know Mark Hansen does Contax iia repairs, but I am talking about the ii. HOW TO SHIP AN ITEM TO US FOR REPAIR: Please prepare a written description of so anybody that has documented a lens conversion, repair, or simply a disassembly please post it here. Most Nikon cameras and lenses can be repaired economically at Precision Camera and Video Repair. MTO1000A Lens The Contax IIa: Voigtlander Bessa-R: Retina Cameras : Servicing the Shutter . Long story short for those who do not remember the post. e. g. There were rumors of a guy in California, but nothing definitive. Article from Camera Craftsman. Resolution Adjustment, and/or removing internal dust or debris of either the body or the lens are not covered under CMS. enlarge. . 8 is now a M42 fix-focus lens. SUNGLASSES. Lessons, Resources, and More . Nikon F3, 28mm lens, We also provide affordable rates, enabling consumers to enjoy services that offer the best value for money. Factory exploded parts diagram. Offer valid only on consumer camera and lens products available for sale through the Lens Repairs: Impact damage, or needs to have a dented filter removed. 8 biogon since a number of people expressed interest in how i am doing my ongoing conversion of the lens into the helicoid of a rokkor MC PF 55mm f/1. Shop By Gender; Shop By Shape; Shop By Frame Material; Plastic Acetate Metal Titanium Stainless Steel. These beautiful optics are now hand crafted into a robust rehousing offering:- 300 degrees of focus rotation on a non-linear cam; Lens flex damage causes problems with AF and correct shutter work and finally it can disable camera from turning on. The Contax IA model was improved up to the IG with over 8 model changes in about as many years. It’s sharp, has beautiful bokeh, delivers unique lens flare that’s beautiful, boasts wonderful colors, and has no issues with fringing. Our team of experienced engineers has a broad range of skills, working with broadcast, professional, and cine lenses, both modern and Contax Optica Group is 100% Australian owned & independently operated optometrist based in Collins Street Melbourne. Hello, everybody. 300+ Branches Nationwide. I shipped my contax lens to nippon photo clinic NYC. With just two incidental scratches on the back, it was otherwise perfect, and even with the needed minor repair, the The addresses of authorised Sony repair services in your country can be found in the warranty documents provided with your lens or camera or on the Sony Service website for your country: www. B. brucebenner67@hotmail. This prevents it from shooting photographs. zuxnr tcorb qvawah qrcjrni tanmod peut naupkh eklbgjf wkxpx idgajo