Cannot find module aws serverless express json included. js - Express API with DynamoDB AWS - Python - Starter AWS - Python - HTTP API AWS - Python - Scheduled Task AWS - Python - SQS Worker AWS - Python - Flask API AWS - I am facing difficulties in streaming responses from AWS Lambda. js package. Start using @vendia/serverless-express in your project by running `npm i @vendia/serverless-express`. For example for the moment. Later realised that it wasnt in package. The base puppeteer package will include chromium for local development, but won't get Fixed it! My issue was that I tried to zip the file using my Mac's built-in compression function in Finder. looks like is the same problem you might have. exports. I've used the "Hello World TypeScript" as an example and haven't changed almost anything and I'm receiving the following er. This will run locally, and I have run npm install in the root directory. . And we’ll write a . Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Which Category is your question related to? Using TypeScript for Amplify functions (for a REST API). zip make sense. Using Serverless however is a different story. js and server. /"; I kept tsconfig. serverless-webpack Cannot find module '. files). Commented Dec 4, aws + serverless + webpack => cannot find module xxx in prod. extensions array. json - My code works fine when running locally I have installed the module with npm install chrome-aws-lambda before deploying and tried chmod -R +r node_modules/ incase it was a read permission error, still no luck. I switches to the serverless 4 integrated esbuilt as webpack is not ESM compatible. js node_modules utils. json --env-vars env. Our interactive setup attempts to install dependencies only if there's package. You cannot rely on your server being 'up' in the sense that you can/should not use Run express apps on AWS λ easily. js node. Emit __importStar and __importDefault helpers for runtime babel ecosystem compatibility and enable --allowSyntheticDefaultImports for typesystem generates this error: Error: Cannot find module 'aws-sdk' Long Story: I'm following the process step by step, creating all the pieces using the AWS online tools. The common package can be recognized locally but is not packages when depl This issue has bitten me today after attempting to upgrade to Serverless v4, as the serverless/lib directory is no longer available to require(). Share. Hello, when I run my API deploy command, I receive the error: CREATE_FAILED: ApiLambdaFunction (AWS::Lambda::Function) Resource handler returned message: “Unzipped size must be smaller than 262144000 bytes. There are 262 other projects in the npm registry using aws-serverless AWS Lambda + Angular web app throwing "Error: Cannot find module '@vendia/serverless-express'" 6 Can not import modules from Lambda Layers with Serverless framework and TypeScript ⚡ Serverless Framework – Effortlessly build apps that auto-scale, incur zero costs when idle, and require minimal maintenance using AWS Lambda and other managed cloud services. Closed 2 tasks done. All the code was fine, but when I invoked the function with sam local invoke MyFunction -e event. Start using @codegenie/serverless-express in your project by running `npm i @codegenie/serverless-express`. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. d. This is the handler. I created a Lambda function with version 1. js serverless functions provide Helpers with similar functionality to Express. Other examples. It use AWS JavaScript SDK (version 2. It’s working locally, but failing on AWS because one of my node module isn’t found there. I now am trying to implement my application which uses ES6 (and has type: module in package. aws-lambda-layer. ts code, pretty basic indeed export const getDocs = (event: APIGatewayEvent, context: Context, callback: Callback) => { After I deploy, I get the message “Error: Cannot find module ‘axios’” . yml file to hold our sensitive data. You should use serverless-express. Rather files should be in root. ) and if so, for how long? Cannot find module 'handler' when running simple lambda deployed by serverless 2 AWS Lambda - Runtime. When I deploy my serverless api using: serverless deploy The lambda layer gets created but when I go to run the function is gives me this error: "Cannot find module 'request'" But if I upload t The guide to converting an existing express app didn’t say we’d need to create an AWS Lambda Layer, but since it seems like Lambda can’t find the serverless-http module, does it mean that creating a layer is the fix? this would mean that it's required to have a userFile in the same folder of the serverless. ImportModuleError: Error: Cannot find module '. The code is written in Typescript. See the migration guide here: https: aws-serverless-express (built in node module) code : I was trying to invoke my express app endpoint as a Lambda function using aws-serverless-express. It's confusing because each contains both the files hubspotFetchContact. json file that I’m deploying with. json with the default value baseURL:". (It was for nodejs16. json – Can Sahin. 829 9 9 Enabling HTTPS on express. AWS Lambda Function Using Serverless. There is a work around to it to install ( serverless-plugin-typescript ) . 0, last published: 2 months ago. answered Aug 15, 2016 at 8:32. You signed out in another tab or window. 0) used a different syntax than current ones. I am working with AWS lambda functions. e. You have issue with your ts files, as serverless-offline plugin cannot find equivalent js file it throws error module not found. Compare: Navigate to folder /node_modules which is inside the main directory, and install mysql by hitting the following command: sudo npm install mysql. 16. It signals that local (in service) installation of the serverless is broken. 23. js application framework. NODE_PATH); After seeing the absolute path, you should set your import according to it. Here is the command i used to properly zip my files from the root: Packages. If you simply want to host a common Express. Two of them are for REST endpoints and one is SQS handler. yml is: service: aws It looks like after you are deploying your lambda functions, it was not able to find the serverless-http npm dependency. Works like a charm. custom: webpack: webpackConfig: 'webpack. 24. module. Initially, I attempted to use the serverless-http package for this purpose, but I learned that it doesn't support streaming. On 11/30, the AWS Serverless Express library is moving to Vendia and will be rebranded to serverless-express. ts file. It would actually be more appropriate to include puppeteer-core and use puppeteer as a dev-dependency, then pass a executable path based off your environment to browser. And why it is broken is hard to answer, it depends on what entity attempted to install in service node_modules. Specifically, when using TypeScript and the Serverless framework, that means that the handler field must refer to the compiled file name, namely, ending with a . Ok so I found my issue. 12, last published: 3 years ago. Toggle navigation. yml file. js code, then you receive one of these errors. In order to bundle my sadly the repo has to be private on this project -- I've made some progress in identifying my issue though: By default, an angular universal app will have all the dependencies it needs to run bundled, but due to firebase not working part of a 'bundle' it needs to be added as an external dependency. 0) and specifically IoT. 884 (+02:00) bb41b586-7300-11e You signed in with another tab or window. Follow edited May 23, 2017 at 12:32. this is my first question that i ask so if there is any more data i can provide please tellme so. When I ru @richardvoinier A release has been made that should correct this issue (Use arrow keys) AWS - Node. json in my root folder my-project/; Within my-project/ I had the conventional src/ folder; Within src/ I kept my TS files in sub-folders, and the TS files were trying to import other TS files TLDR - Take existing Express. I could not see an option to use middleware from new package. js extension. Similarly, the aws-serverless-express NPM package will be deprecated in favor of @codegenie/serverless-express. This didn't show up in the external terminal I had opened so I had to right click on the src folder and open a terminal in there. /package. js on running locally by AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=${A I had a simple Serverless website running in AWS lambda using node serverless deploy, I then added more stuff to the site and updated to the latest version of serverless, now when I deploy the site So we figured it out, it's an interaction with the serverless deploy, it automatically applies an ignore to certain paths in node-modules for the aws-serverless-express in the serverless. js (Initiated from API-Gateway. The only exception was the npm module, which came with the nodejs package. SLS Debug stack info. This will create the zip file contains all your required sub files and folders. json, I would get an empty req. 2018-06-18 16:06:03. ⚡ Serverless Framework – Effortlessly build apps that auto-scale, incur zero costs when idle, and require minimal maintenance using AWS The NODE_PATH was empty, so the npm placed the global modules into /usr/lib/node_modules where require() successfully find them. Hence, I would recommend adding the serverless-plugin-include-dependencies plugin in your serverless-prod. Generated template. This library enables you to utilize AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway to respond to web and API requests using your existing Node. zip │ nodejs │ nodejs/node_modules └ nodejs/node_modules/moment So to create a layer zip file with the correct structure we can In your case your express module is installed at C:\Users\Dmitry\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\express, but you need to get this module in to your project directory. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . yml to create template. I'm using express js to configure server. There are 287 other projects in the npm registry using aws-serverless If you are using AWS Lambda Layers you need to validate if your directory structure is on the needed structure for a layer:. resolve: { extensions: ['. js - Starter I believe there's no package. When I am creating a deployable package and trying to run it I am getting "Cannot find module . I was zipping a file containing my lambda instead of just my lambdas root. When I'm running app without serverless-webpack it's running fine but when I add plugin serverless-webpack, AP Personally what caused my issue (which, once known, was an easy fix) was that I did the following together: I left tsconfig. Actions. 1\node_modules\serverless-domain-manager\dist\index. Amplify CLI Version 4. I have tried to reinstall ejs and express even globally and have moved the "node_modules" folder a level above, but still no luck. launch(). Please visit and inspect this [AWS lambda URL] For me the problem was that this jmespath library was actually missing(and some others, too) from uploaded node_modules folder. Latest version: 2. import serverless from 'serverless-http' but I cannot figure out the appropriate syntax for the export - the original was module. Add . However, looking at the official docs for Typescript, esModuleInterop does the following:. 000003 per request. Thanks a lot! Steps to reproduce: run cdk synth --no-staging > template. js 4. For example: zip testFile. js into the resolve. I'm newly trying to deploy angular application on AWS lambda, but getting exception 403 for my static content. I have this repo, which is a fork of this one. I'll probably submit a PR once I figure out the right patch though this project has been quiet for a looong time 😬 Error: Cannot find module Express #4649. x or above my understanding is that AWS SDK v2 is not included in the runtime. - serverless/serverless. x ENV AWS_DEFAULT_REGION XXXX ENV SERVERLESS_ACCESS_KEY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ENV AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID XXXXXXXXXXXX ENV AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX RUN npm install -g serverless WORKDIR /usr/src/app COPY . The following is the structure I have found from different tutorials, etc lambda. js runtime, you'll need to provide a . 18 and when attempting to run serverless offline (or just serverless) I’m seeing the following error C:\ServicesDevelopment\AWS\aws-soa I'm guessing some packages in project 3's node-modules folder are relying on packages that it finds (or doesn't find) in the parent folder's node_modules folder. I have checked the generated zip file and that "docs" folder is missing but it exists by default locally. But the index. via functions, but when running the app with netlify dev I get an Error: Cannot find module 'hbs'. Note: I have an API Gateway in front of the Lambda. Tiago Peres. In order to run an AWS Lambda function with a Node. 1 1 1 silver badge. You can run $ sls offline start --noPrependStageInUrl or add the following to your serverless. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. json included with a template, and for AWS - Node. But I can't run it with serverless-offline. yml. download_file( Bucket=bucket, Key=key, Filename=local_filepath ) and life was good. I was able to deploy it to AWS. js file will need to use the import as well. In AWS Lambda, my Function would save a file from S3 to the /tmp directory like so: local_filepath = '/tmp/file. /node/NodeTemplatePlugin' 11 AWS Lambda Function Using Console. json file. Even though you'd expect the dependencies to be found in project 3's node_modules folder. layers: commonLayer: path: layers/common description: nodejs common modules I am trying to deploy my NestJS project to AWS lambda with serverless framework, I followed official documentation I created a file serverless. My Angular 9 Universal app is running smoothly locally. x region: ap-southeast-2 layers: graphql: path: node_modules # required, path to layer contents on disk name: graphql # optional, Deployed Lambda layer name description: This is for the graphql lambda # optional, Description to publish to AWS compatibleRuntimes: AWS Lambda function error: Cannot find module 'lambda' Hot Network Questions Must companies keep records of internal messages (emails, Slack messages, MS Teams chats, etc. This was causing the lambda to look for my handler at . /index, but not finding it as it was located at . Community Bot. Below is my sample code that is not working. – stijndepestel If your lambda runtime is nodejs18. Puppeteer-core is without chromium bundled, so you're safe to import and use it. json-server-less-λ - using serverless-http with json-server and serverless framework in AWS. When trying to invoke the function (serverless invoke -f facebookAdInsert -l), I get the following error: { "errorMessage": "Cannot find module ' FROM lambci/lambda:build-nodejs10. Here is my code: This “Cannot find module ‘aws-sdk’” occurred when I was trying to use S3 on my serverless project so the following is the code where the problem exists and following is the solution that This library enables you to utilize AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway to respond to web and API requests using your existing Node. zip * Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. x and below) You signed in with another tab or window. Using express-async-handler now instead to wrap my express functions. js; aws-sdk-js; Share. I had the issue with express. Use command zip instead. ; Just put it into the module tree (in dependencies). In my application I have added. Currently i am learning how to deploy services to AWS lambda using serverless. I had this issue too, I can see a few solutions: You could just add it as a peerDependency. There are 91 other projects in the npm registry using What worked for me was setting esModuleInterop = false in the tsconfig file. Attach the layer to the Lambda function. Selecting the latest version and click Add. But apparently, having both functions defined the way I did, it created two separate functions in the Lambda console : hubspot-fetch-dev-fetchContact and hubspot-fetch-dev-fetchContactBatch. json" without success. yml file, but I would assume that serverless is trying to deploy the functions listed under functions:, which in your case are written in a syntax not understood by the Node. Now run your app using node app. main === module), you can normally listen to your port, so you can still run your Fastify function locally. log(process. What happened? The redirects seem to be broken. I have configured Webpack and babel for es6 or later js versions. Follow edited Dec 2, 2020 at 16:23. Everything working well. So started using it like const serverlessExpressMi Other examples. ts'] } Cannot reproduce. hello = async event => { return { statusCode: 200, body: JSON. I have several functions in my serverless app. Modified 4 years, 5 months ago. A good answer clearly answers the question and provides constructive feedback and encourages professional growth in the question asker. Hot Network Questions (2025) Japan eSIM or physical SIM 2-3 weeks I follow all steps, when deploying, I see the layer, and the contents of the . It's packed loads of production-ready features, like custom domains, SSL certificates, canary deployments, and costs ~$0. No matter what I set up, I can't get Express to render my ejs page. Getting Error: The problem is in the webpack config. I have created a small node webservice which is working fine on local but when I deploy that code in Elastic beanstalk So far I have gotten the deployment to be successful, but the page says "Internal server error" and when I check the console, it says "Cannot find module ejs". js' # Name of webpack configuration file includeModules: false # Node modules configuration for packaging packager: 'npm' # Packager that will be used to didn’t solve the issue but did fix the problem. js file as its handler. If you're a Mac user, like me, you should run the following script in terminal when you are in the root directory of your project (folder containing your index. I have created a serverless app with some APIs to insert and fetch data from dynamoDB. Sign in Product The serverless-express wrapper is only ran when it's deployed via serverless. js - Scheduled Task AWS - Node. I deployed with: serverless deploy serverless. I also implemented lambda layers for common nodejs modules. node app. cpanato cpanato. Your code is running in a serverless environment. More information on packaging using Serverless Framework can be found here. 7 #iam: # role: CallsTableQueryRole The reason for this could be, that previos versions (serverless < v2. js file will use this export. npm install express and run your program again. js (the detection for this could be require. 4. Below that is the package. js module you need the following structure:. 6122445Z - D:\BuildDrops\#ProjectName-CI\20200824. 0! I have a very simple node app which I got from the serverless examples: examples/aws-node-express-api at master · serverless/examples · GitHub. js - Express API AWS - Node. js. My code (the relevant part): (this is set by AWS directly Working on serverless 4. 6, last published: a year ago. js Node. ", Error: Cannot find module 'aws-sdk' node. When invoking a simple Lambda locally none of my imports work. json', '. Getting Error: Cannot find module 'aws-sdk' in Lambda since switching to node18 #13278. 1: The querystring API is considered Legacy Don't use Compress FileName in MacOS, else you'll end up zipping your files with chaos. zip index. js Short description. ts:2:25 - error TS2307: Cannot I tried to turn my express application to be serverless, I followed the documents and seems everything alright on my dist I have lambda. I tried to turn my express application to be serverless, I followed the documents and seems everything alright on my dist I have lambda. yml can seen from here; run sam local invoke costPostV1Function0C3CA513 --event events/createCostEvent. Host and manage packages You are using a deprecated package aws-serverless-express. So you should copy the file the express module folders from C:\Users\Dmitry\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ to your project directory as : It's hard to tell without seeing the entire serverless. Error: Cannot find module '. Viewed 1k times Part of AWS Collective 2 . /** exclude: # Specify the directories and files which should be excluded in the deployment package - 'node_modules/**' What I’m trying to do: a serverless express app with handlebars view engine. Error: Cannot find module Express You also don't need Express because the Node. Latest version: 3. ts when using typescript: node_modules/@vendia/serverless-express/src/configure. stringify( { message: 'Go Serverless v1. (make sure to add . AWS Lambda + Angular web app throwing "Error: Cannot find module '@vendia/serverless-express'" 28 AWS profile doesn't seem to be configured! @Saptarshi Do you have a require in one of the dependencies that you're importing? Because, like I said, I have not tested the interoperability between the require and the import when using the type: module solution. js on running locally by I get this error from src/configure. Improve this question. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I have the following issue turns out I cannot test locally my aws lambda function over serverless-offline plugin in serverless framework for nodejs. 15. Subsequently, I switched to the @vendia/serverless-express package, hoping it would resolve the issue. /docs" which is a folder in googleapis lib and is used in that lib internally. This is serverless. 0, last published: 4 years ago. js - SQS Worker AWS - Node. 0, last published: 3 years ago. js command inside the main folder. i have tried using a "node_modules" folder and a "package. Cannot do a simple GET request. matheusfenolio asked this question in Help. Looks like I just had to investigate a bit further I don't completely understand how this works yet. In the Code tab, scroll down to the Layers section and click Add a layer. For example my folder name is hello. 4k 21 21 gold badges 100 100 silver badges 165 165 bronze badges. Maybe it's because of the way some packages are imported and referenced? Have a question about this project? Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. It shall work and establish the connection with mysal server. Consumers can choose to put it into their devDependencies that way. ” But the zi Hi all, I am trying to use AWS Lambda Layers to make the node_modules folder a common layer as I have multiple functions that rely on it. Maybe this, BUT UNTESTED!! custom: esbuild: external: # Exclude specific modules from being bundled - 'canvas' # Exclude 'canvas' just like in your TypeScript config nodeModules: # Include specific modules in the bundle In Aws Lambda I use aws-serverless-express to receive the API-Gateway request and initialize the node application. Brett Andrews, the original creator of the Serverless Express library, will continue maintaining the repository and give it the attention You signed in with another tab or window. The solution is to first install Stripe in the src folder of the function. When executed in your lambda function we don't need to listen to a specific port, so we just export the app in this case. Note: To use serverless framework there couple of steps like getting API keys for your user, setting right permissions in IAM I had this issue and if anyone comes across it, this github comment fixed my issue. Similarly, the aws-serverless-express NPM package will be deprecated in favor of a new serverless-express package. gitignore) Serverless 4 esbuild is not packaging. If your Lambda environment can't find the specified library in the Node. zip -r . Persistent Plants. js, node_modules, etc. js application, Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Solved it by installing dependencies with npm i and re-uploading lambda with updated node_modules folder. One option for you to resolve this is to simply change the handler field to point to c: \G itHub \R elatix \A pps \C MS > npm install -g chalk added 1 package, and audited 2 packages in 631ms 1 package is looking for funding run ` npm fund ` for details found 0 vulnerabilities c: \G itHub \R elatix \A pps \C MS > npm install -g serverless/serverless npm WARN deprecated querystring@0. 3 runtime on AWS lambda. /DomainConfig' Any help would be much appreciated. handler = serverless(app); I have tried: Hello 👋 I'm setting up AWS SAM locally on Windows and I've stumbled upon a problem with running a lambda locally. Cd hello zip -r abc. json' When either local or in Github actions our serverless command now always fails when deploying with the error: Error: Cannot find module '@sls-next/next-aws-cloudfront' For me to reproduce this I can run npx serverless in Github pipeline I am looking to import my local python module file into my handler file in my serverless project, but despite this local file being located in the parent directory with my handler file it doesn't a Also, I don't really understand the way are encapsulated some module, it appears that npm is installing the module directly in the directory I'm using the module installation command, and I notice that formidable has been installed in the express/connect/ module on its first installation. AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Description: An AWS Serverless Application Model template describing your function. 6123923Z - You signed in with another tab or window. /yourfilename. Select Custom layers and pick your layer from the dropdown menu. service: auth0-custom-authorizers plugins: - serverless-offline provider: name: aws runtime: nodejs10. PeteDuncanson opened this issue Sep 28, 2023 · 12 comments Closed 2 tasks done. Sign in I am using Typescript, ApolloServer, graphql, serverless, and Lambdas to build out my application. 12. my simple code is: " const se This library enables you to utilize AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway to respond to web and API requests using your existing Node. js 2020-08-24T06:20:29. . Latest version: 4. Start using serverless-express in your project by running `npm i serverless-express`. js - Starter AWS - Node. So, I want to move them to Lambda Layer and share ac yarn add serverless serverless-plugin-write-env-vars --dev yarn add aws-serverless-express. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Provide additional details e On 11/30, the AWS Serverless Express library moved from AWS to Vendia and will be rebranded to @codegenie/serverless-express. config. yml with the method handler exported. 291. This is the yml config: layers: thirdParty: path: src/layers/thirdParty description: All 3rd party libraries used by user-service and for the lambda function: fu AWS-EB Error: Cannot find module 'express' Ask Question Asked 4 years, 5 months ago. 1 What AWS Services are you utilizing? Only one REST API with one lambda function. body. Locked Answered by styfle. There are 14 other projects in the npm registry using Later using command line you can deploy this lambda. The last step is to update the code of the Lambda function. After adding the plugin, here's how it I have a series of services that I deploy on AWS Lamba Node using serverless framework using the webpack plugin for serverless. 2. To do so,first go to that folder through terminal. The lambda. Improve this answer. There are 9 other projects in the npm registry using serverless-express. Since I'm using 64 bit system, it was placed into /usr/lib64/node_modules. That will only let in the tra I've been trying to use serverless-offline / serverless-offline-python and a family of other node packages (serverless-s3-local for example) to build an offline testing environment for some lambdas Hi, i cant install external dependencies on my project. json). Verified this by downloading zip(as the source was too big) and did not found there jmespath nor aws-sdk libraries. Please let me know if you need more information. This basically solves the issue and serverless-iam-roles-per-function worked after commenting out this: provider: name: aws runtime: python3. import { APIGatewayEvent, APIGatewayEventRequestContext, Context } from "aws-lambda"; const awsServerlessExpress = require( 'aws-serverless-express' ); const app = require( ' Hi I am trying to migrate from aws-serverless-express to @vendia/serverless-express. i have been in contact with your support and we decided to "ask" here. package: # Optional deployment packaging configuration include: # Specify the directories and files which should be included in the deployment package - . yml to your . I've successfully deployed my function to AWS. yml so that it downloads and install the necessary dependencies while deploying your project. /nodejs/index. Are you using a private npm registry? Maybe your npm registry was broken. This will create a folder called mysql inside the /node_modules folder. env. I’ve just tried to update my node version from 6 to 8, running on AWS. The easiest way to add a layer to a function is using the AWS Lambda console. In any case let me know if you find any specifics, or if I You signed in with another tab or window. One of the services uses mongo javascript client. It uses AWS Cloudformation service and is one of most prefered way of deploying resources. js libraries. custom: serverless-offline: noPrependStageInUrl: true According to Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog Cannot find module 'express' Do you have express installed? If not then run this. Found the answer here but didn't have an explanation to it. They all are using the same libraries. These errors occur because Lambda isn't prepackaged with all Node. Automate any workflow Make sure you have includeModules: true setting in the webpack configuration within the custom section in your serverless. 2020-08-24T06:20:29. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company you would need to translate this into Serverless. mjs', '. Below is a screenshot of the code and the file structure. RUN rm -rf node_modules RUN npm install Just add to your serverless. When running a sls offline start I am getting the following error: offline: Failure: Cannot find m Created a sample repository It works on AWS Lambda consoles It does not work in a local environment [my-service]$ npx sls invoke local -f hello you can try this anwser here: aws-lambda Cannot find module. 0. It worked for me. I am able to I am getting error while running serverless offline, even though I have the route folder present in my local. But while testing with Lambda console, I am getting the following error: Open this template in AWS Application Composer or your # favorite IDE and modify it to specify a serverless application with other AWS # resources. I’m not sure why it’s not coming over to AWS even though it’s in the package. I have successfully created a layer and linked the layer to a function, however Are these answers helpful? Upvote the correct answer to help the community benefit from your knowledge. 30. “Error: Cannot find module ‘C:\Workspace\service Also, you can see my stack code from here. I am first time trying to deploy my code using elastic bean stalk . ts in src directory along with main. Ok,so you have keep in mind that the zip should be like Folder>files. Limitations. js apps and host them easily onto cheap, auto-scaling, serverless infrastructure on AWS Lambda and AWS HTTP API with Serverless Express. You can check node paths that provided by lambda with: console. / Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. js - HTTP API AWS - Node. When you execute your Fastify application like always, i. txt' s3. To emulate Lambda locally serverless-offline plugin can be used, however I am not sure if it supports the watch mode equivalent. Follow edited Aug 25, 2018 at 6:40. I am getting this error: { currentRoute: "get - /", error: "Serverless-offline: route not found. Start using aws-serverless-express in your project by running `npm i aws-serverless-express`. Reload to refresh your session. You cannot rely on your server being 'up' in the sense that you can/should not use To fix it on MAC, try this solution: npm install --platform=linux --arch=x64 sharp. zip . From serverless-webpack documentation:.