Exodia otk mega draw. Dilarang memposting ulang tanpa izin dari Kreator.

Exodia otk mega draw Core membership is 50% off through april 21. The rules change, now you have to pull an OTK, if you brick you lose. There are some things that need to be worked out but this deck is BY FAR the best Exodia Deck there is. Cards of Consonance. Try to add cards that allow you to draw additional cards. 3. Main Deck (40 Card Deck) Deck Breakdown YouTube Video . So the idea is if you just fill your deck with normal monsters plus Exodia, you’ll draw the full set in no time! I’d suggest making those monsters the generic 2000 defense monsters such as Giant Soldier of Stone or Mystical Elf. 1:53. Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel! Members Online. Tournament exodia otk. Look at other cards to try and figure out combos that will let you draw more cards. 94 240 150 510 300 Purchase Deck Playtest Also known in some circles as "Hope for Exodia". Non-Meta Decks Bamboo Sword Numeron OTK 40 TCGplayer $42. Market Price: $21. GRINDER GOLEM / ONE DAY OF PEACE: If you open the duel with these 2 Cards in your 'Exodia OTK' - constructed deck list and prices for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game from TCGplayer Infinite! Exodia Library OTK - TCG; Exodia Library OTK - TCG. Sad 0. Monster. All Ancient Gears Anti-Meta Blackwings Burn Cat DD01 DD02 DD03 DD04 DD05 Diva Heroes Dragons Fairies Fish Flamvell Frogs Gadgets Gladiator Beasts Heroes Historic Decks Karlsruhe with this deck you shall call Exodia The Forbidden One To your side - YGOPRODeck Decks. 2024-02-07 23:01:58 + 1 Instant Fusion + 1 Red: 1st In this guide we'll show you how to build the best OTK Exodia deck in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. 48. souzand didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. Monsters (14) Blue-Eyes White Dragon x3 -- Required for Trade-In draw power The White Stone of Legend x3 -- Used to retrieve Blue-Eyes and draw 2 using Cards of Consonance. Top Going to do this the same way I did the Empty Jar OTK/FTK. bạn sẽ draw hết deck và chắc chắn sẽ có 5 bộ phận của Exodia ở trên tay! Combo 2: Manticore Of Darkness Exodia Loop. It should draw enough power to get you BLS & Primal Seed first turn, and banish enough to allow you to continue your plays with Primal Seed. Meta Decks Exodia Igknight Noble Knight 50 TCGplayer $66. For every normal monster you draw, you can draw an extra card. English (US) English (UK) Deutsch. 59 / Cardmarket €28. 10 / Cardmarket €31. I remember in legacy of the duelist Marcel Bonaparte's/Martin Kanou's deck had as a strategy using normal monsters to draw out Exodia (or alternatively just wreck you with Dragonecro or first of the dragons as a backup) this is the deck list The Advent of Exodia With exodia it goes 1 of two ways, assuming the exodia player doesn't mess up: a) You draw ash and they scoop/you OTK them next turn, so very little interaction b) You don't draw a handtrap and sit there for a really long time while they combo off and exodia you, so again very little interaction Appropriately Forbidden. Adrian2025 - 1 week ago. Flower Cardian Optimized Flower Cardian Optimized. -Always choose to go first to avoid getting your cards effects canceled by enemy exodia deck I would like to share with you my deck that I named: Exodia 1 Turn k Deck 2024. This deck uses Appropriate as a draw engine to get to Exodia. The more cards you draw, the better you chance of getting all 5 Exodia pieces. 64. Royal Magical Library x3. Shop through our affiliate link to support the site! Click to Join our Discord. SheikYGO. Exodia decks relies on tempo and cantrips to win. Exodia Library OTK - TCG One turn win if you get lucky ;) Lordrexstorm - 4 weeks ago. Tournaments only. 420 120 . Come check out the live stream at https://www. Exodia cards [] "Exodia the Forbidden One" is one of the most iconic cards in the franchise, being well known for its automatic win condition and Yugi's use of it in the first episode of the anime. Exodia The Forbidden One x1. This deck was first shared on 2024-12-01. Master Duel January 2022 · Created by . 66. You'll spend your first turn breaking your opponent's board - or establishing an unfair field - so that you can snowball your way to victory on the following turn. Just keep drawing, using mystic mine and the solemn cards to stall . Your Numeron engine A list of Exodia Yu-Gi-Oh! decks from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Database - ygoprodeck. The abundance of spells that draw cards or add cards from deck to hand make it way too easy to consistently draw Exodia on turn one if your deck is designed to do so. Im wondering if you can help me thin the deck out a little as it is a little large. Build the best decks based on daily deck uploads! Something went wrong Reload Page. 304 0. (See PLAYING THE DECK). Q&A. 96 / Cardmarket €57. 0 Comments 5,246 Views Uploaded 3 years ago. temper. this lets you get a reset. TCGplayer $27. Main Deck (47 Card Deck) Extra Deck . Main Deck (40 Card Deck) Deck Breakdown Other Decks on ygoprodeck. Total in Extra Deck. souzand didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play. com/deck/master-duel-exodia-ftk-253125 DECKLIST: https://ygoprodeck. " Lavalval Chain" is a good option Unlike most exodia decks that would use the bamboo engine to draw into cards, we are going to use synchro monsters using the Treasure Panda engine, which is a fairly simple Combo With at least one (preferably 2-3) Spell Cards in your hand, Normal Summon Summoner Monk , activating its effect to discard a Spell Card and then summon Treasure Panda . Here is my deck. Though there are a number of Exodia decks out there, this deck seems safer due to Number 59: Crooked Draw till u get Exodia, Can FTK - YGOPRODeck Decks. Exodia draw OTK ขำๆ!! ลิ้งค์ลิส https://www. Exodia 1 Turn k. The main combo is to get light+past on the field, to banish light with past to get Water from the deck and draw 2. Pray you dont get exodia head as he can't be brought back if you get unlucky. More posts you may like r/masterduel. Red: In Yugioh, if you get the 5 pieces of Exodia (5 cards), you win the game. If you somehow manage to get heart in your open hand and your opponent can't destroy it, you can draw a tonnn of cards. Light Design. This is a high-risk high-reward strategy. Treven. Dilarang memposting ulang tanpa izin dari Kreator. Được tạo bởi Blogger. The new Dharc the Dark Charmer is nice. 15. Purchase Draw deck and win game. My favorite method is to use a FTK or First Turn Kill deck. Turn 1 OTK guaranteed the vast majority of the time. 0 Comments 9,952 Views Uploaded 4 years ago. Slash Draw FTK only needed 2 copies of Slash Draw. The goal of this Festival of Legends Wild Hearthstone Miracle Priest OTK combo deck is to use Photographer Fizzle combined with Shadow Visions! We do this by using Crimson Clergy to draw our entire deck. Buy This Card! Posted by u/Zwitch110801 - 8 votes and 44 comments Non-Meta Decks Exodia Bamboo Sword Greed 40 TCGplayer $33. A few stall cards were also added, such as Gozen Match and Skill Drain, just in case you need time to gain those two or three special cards. 540 270 . I’ve played Exodia and took the time to learn the strategy but luck still wins and loses the game 90% of the time. no. 40 330 270 390 150. Market Price: $33. I spent months and months working on this deck and I'm honestly very proud of it. Main Deck (40 Card Deck) Side Deck Sad 0. Monsters: 5 Exodia 1 Dark Magician of Chaos 2 Manticore of Darkness 2 Mystic Tomato 1 Sangan 1 Cyber Jar 1 Morphing Jar 3 Magician of Faith Spells: If you draw both and discard one and activate Card of Safe Return, it is a infinite draw loop. It's important to note that the main deck has exactly 40 cards. Soldier Contingencies: D. One of the strongest cards in this decklist is Royal Hey guys, just wanted to share this Exodia OTK Deck that ignores banlist and has a 99% win rate on my hand. Some are OTK-based, like the toon/dragon variant but will still run the occasional card to give them a turn or 2 of buffer if they draw poorly. Maybe it’s not the most fun deck, but it lowers the need to think when farming. Exodia The Forbidden One is an iconic and satisfying win condition. As for Synchros, it's good in theory, but I'll ideally be drawing Exodia 2nd or 3rd turn, and once I get on a roll with HotU, I'm not really gonna have a chance to stop and synchro summon. This is meant to be an. Tournament Breakdowns Deck Builder. Duel Replay:http Armed Changer is probably one of the worst equip spells in this game. Use Fortune Ladies as a draw engine to get Exodia in one turn. Also, " Legion the Fiend Jester" can add 1 "Forbidden One" card (except "Exodia the Forbidden One") to your hand when it is sent from the field to the Graveyard. Deckvorstellung : 048 Chaindraw Exodia OTK DeckMein Fazit :Die Chaindraw Variante von Exodia ist zwar etwas langsamer als die FTK Variante, aber dafür etwas Chapters :0:00:00 Introduction 0:00:07 Duel 10:02:21 Duel 20:04:57 Duel 30:06:58 Duel 4Skill : Grandpa CardCard used :Anchamoufrite x 1Speelbbok Magician Of "Exodia" (エクゾディア, Ekuzodia) is an archetype of DARK Spellcaster monsters, with its first member released in Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon and its first support released in Millennium Box Gold Edition. Right Arm Of The Forbidden One x1. The otk exodia deck is surprisingly simple to play. Spell. This deck is made for the 2024. Non-Meta Decks Exodia Blue-Eyes Toon 41. 390 Master Duel Deck · 40 cards · OTK/FTK Deck to draw as often as possible to get exodia! Language. 30 cards help spread the distribution of Exodia pieces in the deck for drawing more cards in exchange for decreased consistency in the starting hand, and vice versa for a 20 card version. Hi fellow Exodia players here's a decklist I adapted to the modern game, but based on the deck I used to run in 2010. Deck Categories Browse tournament and meta decks attacks to gain life points also if you have shaddoll beast in your Makes for a decent non-OPT draw engine with allure, beginning of the end, a dark world engine, and saryuja + unicorn. I know the feeling to get a "OTK" against an obliteration deck, specially when you have a good starting hand. Chủ đề Chế độ xem động. For budget reasons, this version of the deck uses Spell Reproduction (R) as an alternative to Magical Stone Excavation (UR) Magical Exodia FTK/OTK. This OTK uses Foolish Burial 1 Manticore of Darkness in your hand and 1 in your deck Card of Safe Return Use Foolish Burial to send the Manticore of Darkness from your deck to the graveyard. Right Leg Of The Forbidden One x1. yugiohtcg . 40 150 390 540 300. System setting. Cardmarket. 21 / Cardmarket €53. Then, we play Photographer Fizzle to Snapshot Shadow Visions and Mind Blast. For red eyes, I would have to add 3 insight 3 red eyes 2 spirit and 3 red stone atleast (unfortunately I dont have any other red eyes card except the gemini one), and that would be brick fest if I dont get [insight]/[red eyes and stone combo] on my first turn. 06 / Cardmarket €42. Left Arm Of The Forbidden One x1. 29 Rather, it's much better to find an OTK you like and can assemble easily, and quickly repeat a lot of duels. 13 / Cardmarket €21. Opening Hand. I run this to increase the chances of winning with random luck. 06 300 450 450 210 Purchase Deck Playtest Those cards are staples in almost every exodia otk deck and your going to want to run 3 of both of them. Also, I swear, the game loves putting one of your Exodia pieces as the last, or second to last, card Hey all, jack atlas here with a new blog to talk about the infinite draw loop in the exodia deck. There are lots of useful resources linked around Yugioh101, check them out! They have ruined Exodia and have given the deck a bad name. Deck Categories Browse tournament and meta decks Dragon Exodia FTK/OTK Deck; Dragon Exodia FTK/OTK Deck. 5 pieces of Exodia 3 Worm Linx 1 Silent Wobby 2 Field Barrier 1 Demise of Land 1 Terraforming 3 Mystic Mine 3 Pot of Extravagance 3 Pot of Duality 1 Pot of Disparity 1 Upstart Goblin Các lá giúp draw được Exodia: Đừng tưởng đưa cả 5 mảnh lên tay là dễ, các lá này đều đã bị Limit (tham khảo Banlist ) nên chỉ được đút 1 lá vào bộ. $23. Replace the next cards: Cup of Ace x2 - Pot of Greed x2 I know I just put a deck up, but Im looking for a good deck to start playing in tournys again (i havnt played i a while). Cool 0. Some cute techs like genex ally birdman to bounce dangers (as well as an allure target), staples like upstart, one day, into the void (if going for FTK, which is optimal barring mystic mine) might be able to win uninterrupted occasionally. No, this is a 100% original strategy to get all 5 pieces of Exodia legitimately. 203 0. Purchase Deck Primer . From there on, you need to synchro and then de-synchro with your fortune ladies to keep spamming Fortune Lady Water's draw 2 effect, until you find a card that'll let you summon a second FL Water. Keep the Deck at around 40 cards. English (France) English (Italy) English (Spain) English (Portugal) Appearance. Read More Read Less Toggle Master Duel View. This deck uses the January 2024 TCG banlist. Delete Deck Exodia Drawing - 2. This deck was first shared on 2024-01-29 and was last updated on Also, the turn you use it, you lose the ability to special summon, but since most Exodia decks aren’t offensive, you’re probably not trying to get to your extra deck or special summon in any other way. They cost 2, and this combo ended with 4 mana left over. Side Deck . 03 / Cardmarket €19. There are See more This is very similar to "Exodia" OTK Mega Draw, in that using mainly Spell cards that discard "Broww, Huntsman of Dark World" and "Snoww, Unlight of Dark World" to search -The Win condition is drawing your entire deck (therefore drawing all the Exodia parts). Magical Explosion FTK really only needed Life Equalizer and Magical Explosion. I'm hoping other duelists might contribute any suggestions for exodia strategies for my A 4-Card Exodia OTK using Advanced Ritual Art, Vennu, Bright Bird of Divinity, Palace of the Elemental Lords, and Backup Soldier in the hand. What does the S:P in “S:P Little Knight” stand for? upvotes Draw engine is a term referring to the way that a Duelist may draw cards from his/her Deck, to maintain hand advantage. "Elemental HERO Stratos" is Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Deck - Exodia OTK by 'Exodia OTK ' - constructed deck list and prices for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game from TCGplayer Infinite! Created By: Event: Rank: Advanced. As for Synchros, it's good in theory, but I'll ideally be drawing Exodia 2nd or 3rd turn, and once I get on a roll with HotU, I'm not really gonna have a The biggest problem with a exodia deck is we cant use any other skill. English (France) English (Italy) Exodia Constant Draw Deck. com Login to join the YGOPRODeck discussion! 0 reactions. $31. I think you can see most of them here. 10 Pengikut · 247 Videos. Back. Deck Profile Yugioh Deck. 94 540 390 450 540 Purchase Deck Playtest An Exodia FTK/OTK Build with a ton of potential, built around banishing your Exodia pieces & returning them to your hand with Primal Seed. While the primary purpose of "Exodia" is to declare an automatic win through having all five pieces of the "Forbidden One" per the victory condition of "Exodia the Forbidden One", there Hyper Quick Exodia Draw Engine (An OTK of sorts) Yu-Gi-Oh Archives Old Video of Mine, but I wanted to enter sharxfan20 contest, so I apologize for the proxies in the video (also I am having trouble uploading a videos so I am Deck recip:Monster Cards:1x Exodia The Forbidden One1x Left Arm Of The Forbidden One1x Left Leg Of The Forbidden One3x Royal Magical Library1x Right Arm Of T. Angry 0. Generally, the best way to play "Exodia" is to concentrate on draw power and protection of the "Exodia" pieces. For the rest of 'Exodia OTK' - constructed deck list and prices for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game from TCGplayer Infinite! Rogue: Deep Draw Exodia. Add Cards. If I go for a smaller deck, I will have a better starting hand to get Tethys out but at the cost of a 5:20 card Exodia Otk. Monsters (20)Exodia the Forbiden One x 4Left Leg of the Forbiden One x 4Right Leg ofthe Forbiden One x 4Left Arm of the Forbiden One x 4Right Arm of the Forbiden One x 4Spells (20)Change of Heart It's not necessary for the combo on turn 6. The most raging part is that, when the loop starts if you dont have the right cards to counter it, it will become nearly impossible to Don't hold on to Exodia Pieces, keep using Reload if you have too many Exodia pieces to exchange them for other draw spells, eventually you'll have all the pieces. View Deck History . Delete Deck Link climb and get a bunch of link monsters in the grave and material on board Use Cyberse Clock Dragon with Clock Lizard, to use all of your link monsters in the grave to Fuse Cyberse Clock Dragon and mill your entire deck using Cyberse Clock Dragons Effect Welcome to a deck profile for a deck I call exodia otk. I built an exodia OTK grinding deck specifically for Yuri's challenge deck and Yusei's decks, as effect veiler, ghost girls, and breakthrough skill are really annoying and they top deck them nearly every game. Exodia Deck Forbidden One Edit Redirected from Exodia A exodia deck mixed with a hint of blue eyes (spelling mining cave aka mystic mine free) - YGOPRODeck Decks. They are focused on alternative victory conditions, and has support related to summoning or strengthening Beatsticks resembling Exodia. Exodia OTK Deck 2024; by Dueling Nexus in 29 January 2024 30 January 2024. Wahyu_1885. Tier List Top Decks Secret Packs Leaks & Updates Top Cards. Hope you enjoy! Left Arm x1 Left Leg x1 Right Arm x1 Right Leg x1 Exodia the Forbidden One x3 Makyura the Destructor x1 Graceful Charity x3 library exodia otk was one of the things that got me into competitive yugioh. Non-Meta Decks. Top Meta Archetypes Budget Decks Tournament Meta Decks Tournament Meta Decks OCG. 0 Comments 304 Views Uploaded 4 weeks ago. Advanced Deck Search Use advanced filters to search decks. New duelist here. Advanced Deck Search Millennium Race Rescue-Ace Exodia RACE OTK . Comments . . Lordrexstorm. Log in Sign up / Decks / List Gallery Duel Links] Finally! 4-Card Exodia OTK without Draw engines! Feedback; Melaporkan; 23 Ditonton 04/01/2022. Categories. Test Hand ×. Scenario 2: One player activates a card that allows both players to draw a card and with that draw, they both get the last exodia piece they need. twitch. ) Hey, hello everyone. If you don’t draw the right combo pieces you are reduced to top decking. It is related to the A Mallet would end my draw cycle, though, unless I had a Reload or Hand Destruction already in my hand. Meta Decks Exodia Numeron Utopia 40 TCGplayer $41. New. TCGplayer $30. a OTK is a kill in ONE turn(aka from 8000-0 LP in one go) a FTK means its a first turn(aka the first turn for the player winning) a ZTK is winning BEFORE the first turn of the duel starts, the duel only officaly starts after the first hand is Crooked Cook Exodia Deck Guide: How to Play Playstyle and Win Condition. gameplay lapu lapu. A friend of mine saw this deck but I know where. Main: 40 Extra: 13 Side: 7. If the player doesn’t have Wonder Wand (to equip to Royal Magical Library). View as Detailed List Banish 3 or 6 random face-down cards from your Extra Deck, face-down; draw 1 card for every 3 cards banished. Và cuối cùng sẽ là Full Deck 40 lá Exodia OTK. Hi Everyone :)Here's My Millennium Exodia OTK Deck For The September 2024 Banlist FormatAny Tips, Suggestions, Or Recommendations To The Deck Are Welcome :)M Mặc dù combo này cần nhiều hơn 1 card so với Exodia OTK, nhưng không phải là không có cơ sở để thực hiện. The Extra Draw Spells are good. No deck type has been provided. Mon(18): Exodia Pieces(5), Magical Library(3), Broww(3), Thunder Dragon(3), Blue Eyes Toon, 3 Lv8 DHeros(3) Those Top Cut finishers all play the deck in a similar fashion, stealing games with Dimension Shifter or Secret Village of the Spellcasters, stunning the opponent out of their turn so the Exodia player can OTK with The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate and Obliterate!!! Sketchpad: Free online drawing application for all ages. In the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime, the "Neo-Spacians" along with their infant "Chrysalis" counterparts were introduced by Jaden Card Discussion: MEGA (Make Exodia Great Again) Discussion I have been experimenting with different ratios of this since a lot of the time I just draw and throw cards away once mine is up. The entire deck is normal pendulum monsters + exodia + 3 copies of heart of the underdog. 2. $38. Soldiers in case you have 4+ Exodia cards in the GY (and to increase potential to draw it in the first place) Got carried away with this post lol, but that only goes to show how surprisingly complex this fun deck is. Market Price: $0. Controversial. The OTK Exodia deck is surprisingly simple to play. Side. 52 360 270 540 300 Purchase Deck Playtest EX-ZERO Flower Cardian Exodia Deck Guide: How to Play Playstyle and Win Condition. [Chiến Thuật OTK] #1:Exodia-Vị Thần Sức Mạnh bất bại; tháng 2 1. com Login to join the YGOPRODeck I've seen this card used in master duels to help draw excessive amount of cards from the deck. Obviously if you’re going second then it should still be able to OTK (One Turn Kill) and a good ol’ Exodia the Forbidden One deck can do just that, drawing through your deck constantly by using Forbidden cards such as Pot of Greed and Graceful Charity, whilst also providing Spell Counters to I don't use it often, but I have a pendulum exodia deck. Because the deck has at least 5 cards which doesn't draw them more cards (the exodia pieces) it means that an exodia deck must overcome their own deck 4 times to continue cantriping For example if I upstart goblin and draws an exodia piece I must now use another card to continue drawing cards. com Decks. Non-Meta Decks Code Talker Cyberse Exodia 47. 40. 1 exodia otk mega draw; If these cards return, then exodia might be back on the menu for local level play! The boss and monster draw power, wrapped up in a neat package. Wonder Wand (to equip to Royal Magical Library). Preamble: Again, this is NOT the only way to pull this off. Because of how unhealthy it is for the meta. Web 2 advanced format exodia decks. At the End Phase, send the on-field Manticore of Darkness to the graveyard to revive the other Manticore Does anyone know or have an idea whats the most optimal and consistent way to play exodia? I mean just pure 5 pieces of exodia, to get the OTK Share Add a Comment. #Yugioh #YugiohDualLink. A better draw card than Pot of Greed, always have 3. The card essentially let's u banish up to 3 spells from your grave face-down then SS a monster whose level is equal to the amount of spells u banish. 42. Reply reply Reply reply master_mikkel • I activate my spell card: Pot of Greed! It allows me to draw two more times! Reply reply Aurora_Fatalis • Not just Basically seekers cheating exodia deck and change cards for different draw cards Can you give me an example deck? I can you give a very good otk deck. The rules are simple, be able to pull the 5 pieces of the forbidden in the first 2 turns. Extra. EUR. tv/shadowpandah 'Exodia Destiny OTK' - constructed deck list and prices for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game from TCGplayer Infinite! Homepage magic-the-gathering yugioh pokemon lorcana. Shuffled using Fisher Yates (not sure if I set the flair correctly, tell me if I didn't. Semua; Anime; 0:25. 0. USD. A few Level 3s and Level 1s have been added to the deck in case you draw one of the Exodia materials, allowing you to substitute them to the hand instead and not hindering your win condition. 7 dark world exodia ftk; Exodia OTK. You may go -1, but if you draw into your key draw spells like Pot of Greed, you'll get it back. Making a powerful YuGiOh Master Duel Exodia deck is a staple of the trading card franchise, as it's one of the strongest cards due to its ability to instantly end games when summoned. 2024-02-07 23:01:58 + 1 Instant Fusion + 1 Red: 1st Card Draw. Top Meta Archetypes Budget Decks Tournament Meta Decks Tournament Meta Decks OCG Disclaimer: this is an ocg deck and could never exist in the tcg due to slash draw being limited to 1. "Card Of Safe Return" trong Anime/Manga. Fun Exodia Deck <3. Status. Exodia FTK OTK Using Blue-Eyes - YGOPRODeck Decks. 04 270 390 660 540. Kppp - 1 week ago. Main [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] Extra [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] Side [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] Swap. Sea Horse quickly runs through your deck, increasing your chances of drawing Exodia cards and filling your hand with monsters that can either take some hits in defense position or It's not as fun to say that this deck is a 2-turn OTK, but by nature of Unstoppable Exodia's End Phase effect to grab a card from your deck, that's basically what you're dealing with here. Chỉ cần bạn activate Butterfly Dagger, eff của Spell Absorption sẽ tăng 500 LP cho bạn trong khi đó eff của Fire Princess sẽ Exodia Obliterate - Draw Solo Minigame Project. Main Deck (40 Card Deck) This is not at all how exodia deep draw plays and if you're losing to exodia decks normal summoning anything that is not libary you are being meme'd on. Btroken and easy OTK exodia - YGOPRODeck Decks. 3/1/2021 Comments . This is a yugioh deck that I call Exodia 1 Turn k. TCGplayer. Create digital artwork to share online and export to popular image formats JPEG, PNG, SVG, and PDF. It’s time to d-d-d-d–draw! Exodia is a One-Turn Kill deck (OTK) in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, so the duelist isn’t going to look for openings to ping away damage. Top Main Deck. 0 Comments 3,703 Views Uploaded 2 years ago. Mengikuti. Old. In both scenarios, they got the 5 exodia pieces at the same time, so who would win? Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood may seem like it's just meant to win you games in time, or help defend yourself from Tenpai, but here you can increase your Life Points to boost The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate and make your OTK! This Exodia deck's pretty budget friendly since you don't need a ton of Extra Deck cards for the core strategy. The deck from Archwing not god. View All Decks Red: 1st Exodia OTK; Exodia OTK. Card Type: Destroy Spell/Trap Destroy Monster Banish Send to Graveyard Return to Hand Return to Deck Destroy Hand Destroy Deck Help Draw Search Deck Recover From GY Change Position Change Control Change ATK/DEF Piercing Attack Alternatively, run am exodia deck with three of every draw card and makyura+painful choice combo. 2xMakyura the Destructor 1xLeft arm from Exodia 1xLeft leg from Exodia 1xRight arm from Exodia 1xRight leg from Exodia 1x Head from Exodia Exodia Funny OTK. facebook. -You either win in 1 turn or lose in the next (90% of the time). exodia otk. Domain Format Decks. Main. Upstart Goblin and Jar of Greed are often played alongside the trinity draw This deck is very simple and straight forward. Playing The Exodia Deck. You can also use it search out all pieces of exodia if you want. Use some deck manipulation with slash draw to one-shot your opponent for the otk. by FLAME. This is just my way. Funny 0. 2 years ago. 87. I only side Master Duel Decks Exodia Bamboo Sword Toon 40 TCGplayer $47. Dragons + Exodia = Profit?! Comments. I honestly find it a lot of fun to play and even though this version isn't legal anymore (cards banned and probably won't work in modern meta without some tweaking), I still like to play literal solitaire from time to time with this old deck and do my combo solo for fun. Royal Magical Library FTK(Exodia Library v4) Read More Read Less Toggle Master Duel View. Dark Design. Top. Finally got my 3rd Into the Void so decided to do this. WibuChoiYuGi . EXODIA OTK FOR THE WIN - YGOPRODeck Decks. I call this project Project MEGA (Make Exodia Great Again). How can I abuse pot of extravagance in a deep draw bewd/exodia deck? I had a dream last night about pot of extravagance, and woke up thinking i was the smartest man alive. The tradeoff between a 20 card version and a 30 card version of this is between the drawing efficiency and starting hand consistency. You can use this to grab any Exodia piece, witch, or certain spells from the deck. View All Decks Exodia OTK. For newer or returning players, I'll lay out the function of the Numeron Engine. This deck has a ton of card draw and can FTK but I won't label it Duel Links] Finally! 4-Card Exodia OTK without Draw engines! Feedback; Melaporkan; 23 Ditonton 04/01/2022. Wojtek. Minggu, 26 Februari 2012. Other Decks on ygoprodeck. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Deck - Exodia Destiny OTK by Draw 2 cards, then banish 1 DARK monster from your hand, or, if you do not have any in your hand, send your entire hand to the GY. Average size: 40 cards | Average cost: 456 + 528. There are many ways to get all 5 pieces of "Exodia" into your hand in one turn. 0 Comments 3,792 Views Edited 1 year ago. Meta Decks Exodia Structure Deck 40. Card Type: Destroy Spell/Trap Destroy Monster Banish Send to EXODIA OTK. Still, it's a weaker draw spell too. Chainsaw Insect A 2400 beater that allows your opponent to draw, triggering Appropriate's effect. But it is as it follows: 1x Exodia parts 3x One Day of Peace 3x Card of Demise 3x Pseudo Space 3 Into the Void: Starts off drawing, and frankly if they stop you, you've lost, even if you had kept your hand. The Destiny Engine functions by using "Destiny Draw" to discard "Destiny HERO" monsters whose effect(s) are more beneficial from being in the Graveyard, such as "Destiny HERO - Malicious" or "Destiny HERO - Dasher". Open comment sort options. 26 / Cardmarket €50. com/numeron-exodia-ftk-otk/Hi Duelists / Hola duelistas Today Im glad to showcase this Numeron Exodia turbo FTK / OTK, This deck Scenario 1: A miracle happens and both players somehow draw all 5 pieces of Exodia in their opening 5 cards. This deck uses the September 2024 TCG banlist. Shuffled using Fisher Yates algorithm. Each of the main Flower Cardian Monster Cards have effects where if they are Normal/Special Summoned onto the Field, you can draw one card, and if the drawn My first attempt with an Exodia Deck. The tricky thing with Exodia decks are that you'll need to either be lucky enough to get all five Exodia Cards in your hand, or at the very least, survive long enough to get all five of them. The easiest OTK to assemble has to be a Royal Magical Library Exodia OTK, where you use Royal Magical Library and a lot of draw cards. Best. Shudderowock shaman is absolute bs against other otk or control decks. Master Duel Deck Statistics. 88 / Cardmarket €39. Another Exodia OTK uses the card Heart of the Underdog to TCG Deck - Deep Draw Dragon Exodia by 'Deep Draw Dragon Exodia' - constructed deck list and prices for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game from TCGplayer Infinite! Created By: Event: Rank: Advanced. Notes. Deck List Below! https://ygoprodeck. Shuffled using Fisher Usage statistics, guides, and sample decks for the Exodia deck-type. Total in Side Deck. Some are slower, using trap cards each turn to keep themself safe and keep drawing. This version of the Exodia deck focuses on drawing tons of cards, stunning the opponents destroying & negating EXODIA OTK. Đã có trường hợp mình đi đầu tiên,và rút ra dc 2 library,1 toon dragon,1 destiny,1 exodia và 1 broken Draw & set B. Flower Cardian is an interesting archetype that revolves you being able to draw additional cards in your turn. Left Reg, Right Leg, Left Arm, Right Arm, Exodia the Forbidden One x1 (Win condition) Makyura the Destructor x3 (Need to get him into the grave asap to start up draw engine) Thunder Dragon x3 (Deck-thinning) Spells (17): Painful Choice + Draw cards can easily fill up your grave to get the 15 cards you need. Main Deck (50 Card Deck) Extra Deck . In 2018 you either OTK with Exodia or lose faster. 78 360 300 510 420 Purchase Deck Playtest Butterfly Dagger Elma OTK; Chiến thuật Yata Garasu Lockdown; "Card Of Safe Return Mega Draw" Hay "Từ cuộc sống tự do đến cảnh tù tội" 1. Direkomendasikan untukmu. It's hard getting the 5 pieces so usually OTK decks which require many cards/pieces of the combo to win are called Exodia. Total in Main Deck. Nên để có chúng trên tay, bạn phải có nhiều lá có khả năng Draw lên tay càng nhiều càng tốt. 2024-05-28 17:44:24 + 3 Summoner Monk + 1 Daigusto Red: 1st Card Draw. Summon for if you're forced to normal summon an Exodia part from your starting hand 2 B. Though there are a number of Exodia decks out there, this deck seems safer due to Number 59: Crooked Master Duel Deck · 40 cards · OTK/FTK Deck to draw as often as possible to get exodia! Language. Red: 1st Card Draw. Īdvanced Format Exodia Decks Exodia OTK Mega Draw Gemini Imps can also be utilized to protect your hand from discarding effects. In YuGiOh Exodia isn't a standard OTK before draw would be something exodia or gem knight Reply reply Top 2% Rank by size . Deck Primer . com Sad 0. Left Leg Of The forbidden One x1. Using Royal Magical Library to draw a card every 3rd spell, is even better. Card prices. r/masterduel. Blaze Fenix FTKs would generally revolve around Goat Format: Empty Jar Exodia OTK. The game-plan is to essentially draw your whole deck on one turn and win with Exodia. A Mallet would end my draw cycle, though, unless I had a Reload or Hand Destruction already in my hand. < > Showing 1-15 of 49 comments . This one is an Exodia Mega Draw. This deck relies on boosting your opponent's life points in order to draw massive amounts of cards with "Hop Help new and returning players join Yugioh! This is a welcoming community where players make posts to ask for any help they would like. Lordrexstorm - 4 weeks ago. It's a goofy deck, but I enjoy playing it. Sort by: Best. I double check the card text, I realise that I genuinely dont see a way i can use this as part of the deep draw OTK, unless there is some interaction/ruling abuse I am missing here? One of the easiest ways to build an Exodia Deck is to focus on cards that allow you to draw from your Deck. Cards. Favorites 0 Deck Playstyle Concept Registered Category Exodia the Forbidden One Kashtira Registered Tag DARK Spellcaster Psychic Comment. Exodia Library FTK - TCG Exodia Library FTK - TCG. Each of the following decks focuses on different playing styles in getting "Exodia" to the hand as soon as possible. Mar 9, 2022 @ 11:08am Because As long as your opponent doesnt pull off a FTK first, this build has a 99% chance of giving you an Exodia FTK. TCGplayer $37. Whisper7174. ; The Bistro Butcher A less effective version of Chainsaw Insect, but still useful for the purpose nonetheless. 3 Magical Mallet: If you draw trash like the pieces of Exodia, etc. Exodia FTK is generally the worst FTK deck. 08 240 180 510 270 Purchase Deck Playtest Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Deck · 40 cards · Download the decklist (YDK/PDF) or create your own version on cardcluster. You mainly If you need a card pack to draw from to get your Exodia cards, try The Great Olds set. Painful Choice to mill pieces, Pot of Avarice to recycle them, with an endless draw engine. Deck Categories Browse tournament and meta decks. Main Deck (40 Card Deck) Extra Deck . And this is why I do NOT do mega draw/stall Exodia. Đang tải. The OG of all combo decks, Exodia tries to draw through its deck as quickly as possible in order to find all five pieces of Exodia, winning the game on the spot. 2 Ditonton. Login Exodia Deck Breakdown. 01 TCG banlist. ; Destiny HERO - Defender With a very high DEF of 2700, There are many ways to get all 5 pieces of Exodia into your hand in one turn. Ash at 3 in every deck can also slow exodia, Meanwhile library exodia has no interrupts of its own letting it's OP build their board for free, and therefore lets them easily reach an OTK even with decks that traditionally build for negates There's even been times where I'll discard mystic mine because I'm confident that I'll be able to draw Exodia before I lose all my life points also worst comes to worst if I really need mystic mine I can always just play draw of fate and put mystic mine, terraforming, and multiverse to the top of my deck that way no matter which one I draw I'll be able to get mystic mine out. I'm planning to come up exodia decks for the following formats: So far, I've come across strategies such as crooked cook exodia, hope for escape exodia, deep draw exodia, pendulum exodia, panda exodia, and numeron exodia. com/groups/312581486104638/permalink/891334334896014/ ep2 Non-Meta Decks Exodia Flamvell Greed 40 TCGplayer $29. You can also copy the quartermasters instead of drawing both of them; you just need 2 quartermasters and 3 radiants, and there are a lot of situations where you can do all of that with 1 mana left over for the boar. Card texts translated. the deck works in two part: numeron otk and exodia otk. Master Duel Browse the tier list and decks. Main Deck (41 Card Deck) Deck Breakdown Other Decks on ygoprodeck. the numeron is used when you don't get enough part to win with exodia so we try to win by bruteforce it instead, for exodia you draw with the deck combo try to get at least 2 parts (rella should discard cursed bamboo pitch for wonder wand so you can clear board for numeron's effect), then attack with numeron to have less LP Full draw of my Exodia OTK deck on turn one. 'Exodia OTK' - constructed deck list and prices for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game from TCGplayer Infinite! Decklist:Main Deck:1x Right Leg of The Forbidden One1x Left Leg of The Forbidden One1x Right Arm of The Forbidden One1x Left Arm of The Forbidden One1x Exodi Crooked Cook Exodia Deck Guide: How to Play Playstyle and Win Condition. You probably should run these: (0 - 3) Painful Choice: While on paper this card seems anti-synergistic with our deck, due to the AI of the game it acts as a mega tutor. helmutkuhl • I had an account with some different exodia builds, but i had the most success by far with deep draw exodia. I started playing this game about a week ago "Neo-Spacian" (N (ネオスペーシアン) Neosupēshian) is an archetype of Level 3 monsters related to the "Elemental HERO" archetype which focuses on the concept of Contact Fusion with "Elemental HERO Neos" to Summon "Neos" Fusion Monsters. uvuf bxqr ardw belx rcumt fofxb afpqrc rxvypn jgrej dmiryv