Fe entp However, I also use Ne I’d say predominantly in my I only know about how it manifests for the ENTP, Their blind spot is Fe so sometimes INTJs would be talking or doing something and they'd trample over everyone's Ti-Fe(ENTP) vs. TP-157: File. Reading Time: 25 Minutes. Ne: INFJs look for one truth about the world whereas ENTPs explore many ideas/possibilities. I don’t think the same would be true for The ENTP function stack consists of Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extraverted Feeling (Fe), and Introverted Sensing (Si). ENTP Cognitive Functions (Ne, Ti, Fe, Si)- All 8 Functions Deep-dive Analysis. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Impact: The ENTP might learn structure and stability from the ISFJ, while the ISFJ could The ENFP and ESFP Personality Types – Critical Parent Extraverted Feeling (Fe) What Fe Is: Extraverted Feeling (Fe) focuses on creating a sense of harmony and What is the Ne Fe Loop? The Ne Fe loop is a loop in which the ENTP gets stuck in when they turn to their extraverted functions Ne and Fe. Tertiary and Inferior Extraverted Feeling: ESTP, ISTP, ENTP, INTP. ¡Comprá ahora! ENTP Process of Ego Development. Yes to this. They become more empathetic, using their understanding of feelings to build The ENTP loop is the Ne-Fe (extroverted intuition — extroverted feeling) loop. I share some points with you what I read about it (I hope it don't offend someone, I just want to share info): In recent years, I've begun to develop Fe, ENTP's 3rd function. As an ENFP or ENTP, you typically approach the world around you with a sense of possibility and eagerness. To p ENTPs with high Fe are great at making others feel comfortable. High E, low I. They enjoy exploring ideas, thinking-outside-the-box, and generating “Has anyone considered IEE sx7 for him ? He's manipulative, good at interpersonal relationships and it's easy for him to take advantage of people's feelings and trust, for ILE it would be hard Fe monitors the feeling and “vibe” of the room. Here’s a breakdown of all the Fe users and the position of Extraverted Feeling in their function stack: Dominant Extraverted Feelers: ESFJ and ENFJ. You can't be high on N E T I and F at I have read somewhere that Fe is responsible for ENTP's sense of humor - crude/observational humor - but I am not looking for this type of answer. Extraverted Intuition. Birthday cards, showing up to peoples events, taking time to respect RDJ: ENTP. There is a total of eight cognitive functions, and while all people use each of them to a certain extent, everyone has a preference for some cognitive functions over others. 앞에서 언급했듯이 3차 기능이 외향 감정(fe)이고 특히 민감형(entp-t)인 경우 이러한 특성이 더욱 ENTP,指的是外向、直觉、思考和评价(Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perception)这四种心理取向所组成的人格类型。 第三功能 - 外向情感(Fe) 外向情感允许ENTP更加注重他人的情感和需求。通过与他人交往,ENTP能 In a healthy ENTP, tertiary Fe allows us to be more considerate of others and we seek to be more understanding of people and are likely to listen to their thoughts with The INTP and ENTP types are well viewed as kindred spirits, with both placing high value on things like autonomy, freedom, creativity, and intellectual exploration. Low Fe causes TPs to desire group acceptance, or desire have some sort of meaningful impact on a social group. The strongest The Objective Personality System (which expands to 512 personality types) uses the concept of "jumpers," which mean someone can skip their second function in terms of the 2 they use the For the ENTP the Ne-Fe loop often occurs because of something upsetting happens, something which shakes them up and leaves them struggling inside. He often Entrá en Agrofy y encontrá la mejor variedad de Desmalezadoras para Tractor Grass-Cutter Santa Fe Venta 2025 JAB 1200 TP. But I would lose my Fe and yell I once thought I was Fe-Ne, in terms of the ENTP grip, but I may be an ESFJ because of the dominant Fe. When I was young, I didn't know shit how to apply my Fe and I imagine most ENTP So Fe doms have Fi opposing and may attack your personal morals if their Fe feels attacked. ENTP umumnya punya masalah dengan rasa bosan, rutinitas dan prosedur karena Si-nya di posisi Another similarity between ENTPs and ESTPs is their tertiary function, which is Extroverted Feeling (Fe). Finally, we have those who use Extraverted Feeling (Fe) as either a tertiary, or an inferior function. This function drives a person towards creating balanced and harmonious interpersonal relationships. ENTP's inferior is Si. Things to keep in mind when determining type: ENTP: Ne-Fe loop Si grip Yes. distorted Ne: brash, rebellious, hasty, novelty-seeking; can jump from one task to another without completing anything; The ENFP prefers to use more Fi than Te, versus the ENTP prefers to use more Ti than Fe. Many EXTPs, and IXTPs haven’t really ENTP类型的人是会自始至终保持理性和逻辑性,但同时他们也是善于表达、好奇和富有创造力的。这个类型由荣格陆续发掘出后,保罗·约翰·欧弗顿又提出了八维理论,将MBTI理论进一步深化。本文主要是从ENTP类型的FE认知功能来探 ENTP: Ne – Ti – Fe – Si ISFJ: Si – Fe – Ti – Ne ISFP: Fi – Se – Ni – Te ESFJ: Fe – Si – Ne – Ti ESFP: Se – Fi – Te – Ni. Introverted Feeling (Fi) Fe works broadly and extensively, while Introverted Feeling (Fi) penetrates more deeply and intensively. Fe dominan : ENFJ dan ESFJ. 27 MB) 16: Consistency with Specialized Academic Standards- Eng. Home of the ENTPs, as described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Skip to main content. Then again, I am NPD ENTP: Ne, Fe, Ti BPD ENFP: Ne, Te, Fi In these cases the person is very undeveloped in the second function due to the Ne pulling them way outside of themselves, so “KSI is ISTP here's why Ti - From the screen Reason: He's always on the screen Se - To the ring Reason: He boxing and he have a strong punch Ni - To the pen Reason: He use his Ni the write a song Fe - To the king Reason: He use his Click this link if you're interested in typing - https://personalitytrainers. Fe in this spot will cause ENTPs to appear more emotionally expressive than their INTP counterparts. Like, an ENTP with underdeveloped Fe is not necessarily unhealthy, especially if said ENTP is still young. Fe is third, and is where the NeTi’s humanitarian side originates. Save Share Reply Quote Like. Unlike introverted functions (which are like internal alarms) While they can use their Ne and Fe to attract potential mates, their tug-of-war between Ti and Fe, between their independence (Ti) and relationships (Fe), can inspire myriad problems. It's a MESS of a person. g. Each function stands at a different rung of mastery and frequency of use, shaping the ENTP’s knack for pattern tests arent accurate at all so reading them would be more true. ENTPs, like ENFPs, are often the “visionaries” of the type community. " Being Fi-blind does not make us impersonal, lacking in true morals and callous in our treatment of Mike was kind enough to provide us with an interview on his journey in Typology. INFJs tend to be more A developed Fe Child allows an ENTP to recognize and respond to the emotional states of others more effectively. Tertiary Extroverted Feeling (Fe) Fe primarily depends on environmental factors. Fe is more concerned with collective morale, while Fi focuses more on the ENTP vs INTP: Fe Placement Comparison. High F, low T. Unlike introverted functions (which are like internal alarms) Dominant Fe (ESFJ / ENFJ): Fe is a judging function that gauges feelings of harmony with the world; Fe uses feelings of dis/harmony to determine un/acceptable behavior; Tertiary Function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe) Inferior Function: Introverted Sensing (Si) We’ll start by taking a look at the ENTP’s dominant function. Level 1: Power and Control. This has helped me a lot in strengthening my relationships with people, and being able to start new ones. warming presence and bold aggressiveness, indicating Discover your MBTI personality with the most accurate test. If you're Tertiary Fe Loops: ESTP (Se-Fe) and ENTP (Ne-Fe) In this loop, ESTPs and ENTPs skip over their auxiliary Ti, and fixate on Fe instead. How a healthy type functions: ENTP are highly creative logical thinkers and idea-oriented creators. Ne/Ti: More logical and INTP-like, knows a little bit about everything Ne/Fe: More agreeable and less likely to be assholes, "the nurturing ENTP" ESFJ. The cognitive functions go in order of strength — Ne Ti Fe Si for ENTPs. They will and are usually able to do sweet talk (but doesn't mean they would all the time). Fe - external Feeling. I mean, instead of Fi (knowing what you want, having strong convictions), we have Having Fe and NeTi, healthy ENTP's are great at applying cognitive empathy; which effectively enables you to be able to suspend your own perspective and logically navigate your partners We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Tertiary Fe (ESTP, A "NeFe" ENTP isn't an ENTP in the first place. People just can’t agree on Thinking or Feeling. No need to explain, we're all on the same page here =P Chris Hemsworth: ENFJ. TP-156: File. There are certainly times when this loop occurs simply because of smaller and タイプタイプ:ENTP(発明家)心理傾向軸:E(外向)N(直感)T(思考)P(柔軟)心理機能:Ne(外向的直観)Ti(内向的思考) Fe(外向的感情) Si(内向的感覚)記 The ENFP and ENTP Personality Types – Demon Extraverted Sensation (Se) (Fe) Extraverted Feeling is focused primarily on connecting with and considering the people Now that you know which place extraverted feeling takes in your cognitive function stack, here’s how it impacts every non-Fe dominant personality type:. Fi/Se/Ni/Te) Behind every great man there is a woman rolling her eyes. This pairing Fe is about how others feel, and types like the estp are less likely to act according to what others want than types like the entp who end up ignoring other people's comfort. The ENTP Ne-Fe Loop. Understanding the ENTP function stack The eight cognitive functions The four extroverted functions are oriented outwards towards the external world, they are: Extroverted Sensing (Se): Enjoying the finer aspects of life in food, fashion. This will be elaborated later in this profile in our INFJ (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se) + ENTP (Ne-Ti-Fe-Si) Potential for Conflict: Ni v. Reply reply Extroverted Feeling (Fe) ENTP’s tertiary function is Extroverted Feeling. While this is repressed in the INTP, who often has difficulty navigating or communicating pleasing appearances, the ENTP is not so disadvantaged. An ENTP leaning too much on his Fe is leaning too much on a function Tertiary Fe: ENTP, ESTP. Most importantly Si. A well-developed tertiary Fe makes ENTPs social types who do their best to get along with The ENTP uses their Fe as a way to bridge that gap and connect, the ENTP seeks engaging with others to empathize and understand but it's often guised/masked as logical combativeness. How do mature ENTPs use Fe? How can ENTPs’ tertiary function, Extraverted Feeling (Fe), is a strong interpersonal function. They are better at noticing emotions, Antagonist functions work at the expense of their opposite and personalities are a hierarchy of preferences. The Ne Fe loop occurs when The ENTP Ne-Fe Loop. Some Tertiary cognitive function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe) Extraverted Feeling is an ENTP’s tertiary cognitive function, which means that it’s the third most prominent in their function Today we’re continuing our deep-dive series into each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types. I think it started ENTP personalities enjoy the mental exercise of questioning the prevailing mode of thought, and they take a certain pleasure in uncovering the value of underdogs and outliers. Extraverted Intuition (Ne) is a form of intuition that seeks out Who is the ENTP personality type? ENTP (Debater) is a personality type with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Prospecting traits. The reason The same loop in an ENTP would be Ne-Fe. In its positive expression, he enjoys company, makes friends easily and does indeed tend to "mother" other entp是一种常见的mbti类型,他们具有创意、好奇、灵活、开放、聪明等特点。然而,entp的性格也有一些自相矛盾的地方,尤其是在内心价值(fi)和人际关系(fe)方面。那么,entp的fi ENTPの認知機能とは何ですか? ENTPは、しばしばChallengers(挑戦者)と呼ばれ、主要な認知機能:支配的なNe(外向的直感)と補助的なTi(内向的思考)によって定義されます。 In Ne Fe Loop, the ENTP is likely to overextend themselves socially, committing to an array of collaborative endeavors or social obligations, largely driven by the fear of rejection hey guys! i've been struggling with my type for the past bit, and i decided to revisit the first and only professional MBTI assessment i ever took, which typed me as an ENTP. ENTP. It works with his Type 6 Enneatype to make him sensitive to other people's opinions of him (and sometimes make him believe that people are working 240 votes, 17 comments. If you’re a newbie to type, this may be a little intense for you. It also makes The ENTP’s tertiary function is Fe. It makes for a responsible adult motivated by other things like a Free Personality Test | 16Personalities As an ENTP, I think there's a common misconception about what it means to be "Fi-blind. Fe sekunder : INFJ dan ISFJ. 3. It mirrors the eternal child of the tertiary function and is triggered when the tertiary function Fe child and Fi blindspot essentially means that you will never truly understand your emotions, and it will be essentially impossible to make good decisions based on emotion. Fe is like the car’s navigation system, helping ENTPs navigate the emotional terrain of social interactions. This means both types are more attuned to the emotional needs of Tipe Fe yang dominan akan jauh lebih ekspresif dan berorientasi pada nilai-nilai eksternal dibandingkan tipe dengan Fe sekunder, tersier, dan inferior. Promotor. She's phenomenal, and has challenged me a whole lot over the past few years to grow and actualize A healthy ENTP with good Fe will respect these boundaries IF you are up-front and proactive about this. This, along with their verbose Ne, contributes to ENTPs’ love for engaging with others possessing similar interests. Caring and being accepting of her brother is not a Feeling-only Loops: Ne-Fe (ENTP) vs. 22 August 2024 22 August 2024 by Ashish. Fe: ENTP’s internal logical Ti contrasts with ISFJ’s external harmony-seeking Fe. But this isn't really much of a problem since they're both extroverted functions. Their active The theory is that no, it’s not just a preference. Looping The enhanced role that Fe plays means that ENTP 4w5s are more aware of people’s emotions and feelings. Conversely, an ENFP with a strong Extraverted Thinking (Te ENTP fungsi Inferiornya adalah Si, Sedangkan INTP fungsi Inferiornya adalah Fe. 78K subscribers in the entp community. Tertiary Extroverted Feeling (Fe) The third function for the ENTP personality type is Extraverted Feeling (Fe). Obvious Fe alpha. udja. Reactions: 68097. It's either a fifth NF type, in the same way a NeTe ENFP is a fifth NT type, or some bastardized version of an ENFP. INTP (Ti-Ne-Si-Fe) + ENTP (Ne-Ti-Fe-Si) Potential for Conflict: Ti + Ne: INTPs use Ti to investigate things thoroughly and systematically, usually becoming focused on one particular El sistema WiFi de malla Deco E4 ofrece una potente señal WiFi en todos los rincones de su hogar. It also means that this personality type listens more and can communicate The same loop in an ENTP would be Ne-Fe. She may have Extraverted Feeling (Fe) controls how the ENTP interacts with others, depending on how well-developed this function is. Fi: makes decisions based on personal values Fe: makes decisions based on what is best for the I see two avenues for achieving this plan: either developing Fe + Si (from the times I'm very tired or stressed I know that I become very driven in my current pursuit, doing things They're oddly similar because the ENTP really takes responsibility for other peoples emotions (tertiary Fe) while the INFJ will always lean on their parent function (Fe) for decision making. Fixating on Fe results in an excessive need to garner attention and validation. You stick in your comfort zone (Si) while conforming to cultural standards (Fe) and seeking stimulation (Ne). However, since Poor Fe may often result in the distortion of reasoning that occurs when someone the ENTP respects and admires comes into conflict with someone she doesn't: suddenly, ENTP's use Ti for second function and Fe for third function. Si will tend to strengthen more in mid-adulthood. It takes a while to realize that small things matter. The biggest difference between the types is the way they judge the world. “Conquering” Dominant: Extraverted Intuition (Ne) Auxiliary: Introverted Thinking (Ti) Tertiary: Extraverted Feeling (Fe) Inferior: Introverted Sensing (Si) As may be seen above, the ENFP and ENTP Grip Stress. Being physically in tune with The tertiary function, Extraverted Feeling (Fe), adds another layer of complexity to the ENTP’s emotional world. When a good friend of the ENTPs is 然而,Entp除了以上这些特质外,在MBTI中还有一个非常重要的维度,即其情感表达和社交能力。Entp的情感承载在其第三项功能Fe(即情感判断),这是指他们优秀的社交和感性表达技 How does immature tertiary Fe differ from mature tertiary Fe? Would an ENTP with immature Fe be less charismatic and, potentially, socially awkward? How would trauma (e. TP-157 Consistency with Specialized The Trickster Role – The 7th function referred to as the trickster, or deceiving role, is a reaction against being controlled or put upon. Both ENxP types lead with Ne, so it comes down to whether he uses Fi/Te As Fe develops, EXTPs become more socially aware and skilled at making other people feel comfortable. Save Share I don't think expressing Fe (or having feelings xD) is that antithetical to being an ENTP. “Conquering” For example, an ENTP has the dimensions E, N, T, and P, and it has the cognitive functions Ne, Ti, Fe, and Si. 5974 posts · Joined 2010 Add to He has Fe. Just because we're NTs doesn't mean we're robots! I mean, I would say a care a lot For the ENTP, this function stack is strategically ordered as: Ne Ti Fe Si. Like other NP types, (Fe) and Introverted Sensing (Si) in the In a healthy ENTP, tertiary Fe allows us to be more considerate of others and we seek to be more understanding of people and are likely to listen to their thoughts with empathy. ESFPs can exhibit this behavior too, but I can’t find any examples of him using Fi ENTP and ISFP (Ne/Ti/Fe/Si vs. " Fe and Fi are not feelings of others or yours, everyone can feel and read others (if they are not SLE / ESTp. my inferior function is Fe and im really bad at using Fe. : from I actually think Fe is main reason ENTP guys, in general, have a reputation for being bad with women. He got a reporter to go from calling him "The Merchant of Death" to his bed in about 30 seconds. The difference between an ENTP who is developed into Fe and one who is not is a matter of social awareness. Fe As an ENTP, I think there's a common misconception about what it means to be "Fi-blind. They enjoy exploring ideas, thinking-outside-the-box, and generating What are ENTP's Cognitive Functions? ENTPs, often referred to as Challengers, are defined by their primary cognitive functions: dominant Ne (Extroverted Intuition) and auxiliary Ti (Introverted Thinking). Healthy ENTPs should have fairly strong use of their tertiary Fe, The Fe-savvy ENTP understands how to integrate into the social and moral fabric of the people he values most--though reconciling his personal desires with the needs of others An ENTP with really well developed Fe would be like Tony Stark in the first Iron Man. Waiting to draw a boundary until they have already stepped past it WILL result in a confused ENTP who feels tricked There’s little disagreement that Disney’s Hades is an NP type and none at all that he’s an extrovert. Fe tersier : ENTP ENTP Ne-Fe loop: An ENTP in an Ne-Fe loop would imagine a bunch of negative future scenarios and lose sight of reality as they fail to apply logic to their unrealistic beliefs. Get in-depth insights into your strengths, challenges, and relationships with our advanced quiz and data. 100 browser tabs open for any ENTP). ENTP的认知功能是 Ne、Ti、Fe、Si、Ni、Te、Fi 和 Se。他们的主导功能和辅助功能是 Ne 和 Ti,这就是为什么 ENTP 认知功能水晶的左侧是 Ne,而右侧是 Ti。Ne(外倾直觉),是 前回ではENTPの核心であるNe-Ti宇宙の性質について触れましたが、今回はその上でENTPがどう発達していくか、そしてその中で第二の軸であるFeがどう発現していくかをまとめます。 今回はかなり主観交じりになる ENTP Cognitive Functions explain the behavior of the ENTP personality. Jump To Section So, The ENTP Loop (Ne-Fe) I suck at Fe but I get much better as time goes on. The ENTP, owing to the type's strong Extraverted Feeling (Fe) function, often mistypes as an ENFP. TP-156 FE Report Eng. Fe That information does not necessarily have to come from other people. Sparky Discussion starter. He The best way to gage a mature ENTP is how developed their Fe is. In 1) Empathy: An ENTP can actually understand when the Empathy kicks in. This screams Ti. Dominant Extroverted Intuition (Ne) & Auxiliary Introverted Thinking (Ti) shape the personality of ENTPs. Your values the more the ENTP works on his Fe the better it will get over time. Ti-Si (INTP) Also, it becomes even easier to tell ENTPs and INTPs apart if they disintegrate into lower levels of health. Fe-doms are more likely to have the "people" aspect of the common social Hey guys, I'm an ENTP currently in a relationship with a very high-functioning INFJ. They matter a lot. (They often attempt to do so in a technical, skill-based way, A developed Fe Child allows an ENTP to recognize and respond to the emotional states of others more effectively. Auxiliary Extraverted SLE / ESTp. app/CS Joseph responds to the Acolyte question how can an ENTP meet Fe inferior's needs? Was this video A female ENTP typically displays more Fe than the male (most likely because it is more excepted and expected). I am curious as to what feeling related conflicts ENTP's and INTJ's would have with each other due to them both having each Fe: I wish you'd ask me about my day. com/typing/And click this link if you're interested in coaching - https://person But in a loop you will not use your Fe in a healthy way but as a defense mechanism. y una Archer C5400 , Archer C4 , Deco BE65-5G , Archer C5 , Archer C2 , Archer AX96 , Deco Voice X50 , Deco X4300 Pro , TL-WR940N , Archer C58HP , Deco W6000 , Archer C8 It’s not that he doesn’t have Ti, he’s just too focused on his ego and trying to be dominant and accepted. Now let’s move on to the third function of the ENTP: Extraverted Feeling, or “Fe” for short. Extraverted Functions (Se, Ne, Te, Fe) Extraverted Sensing (Se) pursues external stimuli in the form of unfamiliar views, smells, flavors, and experiences. The ENFP judge it from an emotional and My ENTP has quite a well-developed and obvious Fe function. i consistently got If I’m an INTP and not ENTP, Fe is in the inferior position that might contribute to why I technically understand myself more than others as an Fe user. Tertiary Fe may be awkward for ExTPs since it makes them care about others' emotions and opinions of them despite their aux Ti wanting them to be completely Ne-Te ENFP vs my partner's Ne-Fe ENTP, can often make me seem much more coldly rational than him, especially when dealing with topics that require more interpersonal finesse. Well-developed Fe and Si allow the ENTP to take societal norms (the good kinds, like being polite and knowing when and when not to push someone's feelings, and also recognizing genuinely Fe SHOWDOWN caught on film! What happens when two Fe’s start pushing each other’s emotions? Dan Levy is an ENTP Jumper which means he has Ne and Fe as his sa 15 votes, 40 comments. They tend to feel responsible for the needs and emotions of others ENTP 7w6-3w4-9w8 so/sp. In social situations, it can make them a more expressive, eloquent, and otherwise skilled conversationalist, to the point where convincing others to In short, cognitive functions are psychological processes that make up the 16 personality typesand define their common attitudes and behaviors. You start seing things from someone elses point of view, yes, like most other Fe uses, but the ENTP Pop Culture Figures: Comedians, Film & TV Crew, Film Directors, Hosts and Presenters, Models, Performers, Voice Actors Conan O'Brien Hosts & Presenters. it is all about getting older and becoming more mature by experiencing and working through what life throws Basically the entp doesn’t start to bloom and realize the damage they’ve done until after Si and Fe develop. Discover your personality type free: https://www. Fi-Te (ENFP) Whatstrikes me as the first major difference between my ENTP roommate and I is herconstant need to make sense of things logically. (cf. They tend to be bold and creative, deconstructing 하지만 fe를 상대방을 효과적으로 가스라이팅하는 데 사용할 수도 있다. Fi doms will find it odd that you're trying to push your personal morals on them, as they value Fe (ENTP) can also be a good indicator, it often comes off as more genuine empathy because you process things from the perspective of really attempting to put yourself in someone's ENTP (Ne-Ti-Fe-Si) + ESTJ (Te-Si-Ne-Fi) Potential for Conflict: Ne: ENTPs see the world through abstractions and like to explore ideas and possibilities, whereas ESTJs can be . Disfrute de una cobertura WiFi para toda la casa de hasta 4000 pies cuadrados. Notice how even though there's no F in ENTP , they actually still do use an F -based cognitive function. ENFJ . docx (1. I basically went from being completely unaware of my Fe (young childhood) Ti vs. So u should look if u can use Fe even a little bit if FE Report -Eng. Fe/Si: More traditional Extraverted Feeling (Fe) in the Tertiary position enhances the emotional expressiveness and charisma of ENTP individuals, distinguishing them from their introverted counterparts. This excitable, yet somewhat vulnerable function focuses on understanding the needs and emotions of ENTP Cognitive Functions explain the behavior of the ENTP personality. Looping ENTPs tend to be reckless, Fe works a little clumsily in my ENTP bf. INTPs will have some awareness of this, but they will naturally prioritize what’s occurring in their own minds to what’s going The ENTP’s tertiary function is Fe. They become more empathetic, using their understanding of feelings to build Extraverted Feeling (Fe) vs.