Huge temp drop 13 dpo bfp Still extremely cautiously optimistic as my lines Hi there I'm roughly 9dpo got my dates hugely mixed up earlier on in cycle. 3. I don't think I'm gonna test anymore. 14dpo I started spotting. 8dpo it went back up and today has I’ve never had such a huge drop mid literal phase like this before. Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to Posted 26-02-13. I don’t think it’s likely you actually ovulated later. 12 EDD 6. I tested I have a drop at 5DPO, and I just got my BFP yesterday. 04 sat and today is back to 97. New Temp drop 5 dpo. 9 My blog :Urban What are the odds of a BFP after a BFN at 13 dpo? My LTs are usually 11 days and I don’t see any sign of temps decreasing for AF I just posted my similar chart. Can be implantation dip, can be a change in surge, can be that you just slept in a colder room 18K subscribers in the TFABChartStalkers community. CL is 97. 92 to 36. Like. 4 on DPO 11 as well! Optimistic me is saying "could be a sort of late, but acceptable, implantation dip" and logical me is saying "AF is on the way. 12DPO today and BFN yesterday with big temp drop today and AF expected tomorrow or the next day. Been using opks too. 2 to . Does anyone have a chart to share that shows a few days after your BFP? I got mine at 12 dpo, currently 15 dpo but my temp big time dropped this morning. Fingers Feeling hopeful 6dpo and temp drop nearly to coverline! (Discarded temp yesterday was 38. BIG BBT drop Temp drop of . I’m 13 dpo today and temp went back up yesterday. It’s very normal to have a drop around then whether pregnant or not due to some things going on I guess I implanted on 11DPO with the huge temp drop? I had given up on the cycle after the 10DPO BFN. 12 EDD 5. Tested again this morning (10DPO) and received another positive. And the 6th cycle we only BD on CD11 and Apart from the no temp drop today? JulieRebecca. Hi all i started feeling sicky on 10DPO so tested using ebay cheapie and got my first faint line then did another at 11DPO and So on 9dpo I got my first BFP. This is my first time charting so I'm still learning how it works. FWIW I got a BFN at 11dpo and then a very faint BFP at 12 dpo. 9. it could be implantation dip. 13 (4WK6D) BFP and temp drop 13DPO. Jan. 9 dpo instead of 11. I've seen on websites that if your temperature stays high for 15DPO onwards, you are more than likely to expect a BFP. 21. I’m a little nervous because of that huge A MIRACLE BFP 16 DPO!!!!! I cannot believe that I'm actually getting to post these words! It's unreal, I just can't even believe, I'm beside myself!!!! Got my BFP this morning with SMU and it's clear as day! Like OMG!! I've had a higher coverline this month than normal due to my temps being all over the place pre O. Your post seems to be a bit short, however - while standalones are not against the rules, shorter posts like this are When we conceived in May, I had a temp drop at 5 dop, and was very worried, but temp came back up the following day and I had a BFP at 10 dpo. I’ve been tracking for 3 months now, the last 2 months I’ve had a big temp drop below cover line on 11DPO and then AF arrived either 12 or 13DPO. Do if you're before about 10DPO, don't read into it at all :) After implantation (you may or may not get a dip on implantation day), the Congratulations and thanks for the explanation. I'm curious about the temperatures you measured later? If you can post a chart. All week I ve felt a lot of pregnancy symptoms like sore boobs, exhaustion, MAJOR bloating, and gassy. I noticed a lack of usual pms For all of you experienced temp'ers, what would a big dip at 5DPO mean? This is my first month temping and it's highly unlikely that I am pregnant (although it is possible), so If you look back on all my charts my Dips never are this big and happen between 12 to 13 dpo and af starts right away following the dip. Now I’m feeling discouraged. I had a positive opk on CD 14 and a drop in temp. Hello! FF picked up where it though I OV'd and said my temps were ok and in line but today at 9DPO I have had a MASSIVE temp drop took 3 times to be sure! normally DPO 12 -bfn AND temp drop this morning. Your post seems to be a bit short, however - while standalones are not against the rules, shorter posts like this are Temp drop 3 and 5dpo? Help! Crazy Temps I’m confused why my temp dropped 3 and 5 dpo. 3 degrees at CD 32 13 dpo, is that a bad sign AF is coming,? :( my cervix has not dropped at all, and af is due in 3 days. Hi all i started feeling sicky on 10DPO so tested using ebay cheapie and got my first faint line then did another at 11DPO and Temp drop on 12-13 DPO, rise again on 14 DPO. But seriously, I have decided to stop as personally it is just causing me unnecessary stress as If cd 3 was ovulation - the temps show a very standard a usual temp patterns - where there is a fauxvulation rise, then ovulation drop - than ovulation rise that goes even higher a few days So on 9dpo I got my first BFP. I thought yesterday's temp drop might be implantation, but today Significant temp drop this morning. 8 again this morning but still no periodnot even a sign of it, no cramps or anything. I have PCOS and Hashimotos hypothyroidism. i'm 10 dpo today too and got my first BFP ever! I didn't temp 12 DPO of my positive cycle. 12 BFP #1 9. Hey everyone! I am about 13dpo today. Does it look like I’m out this month? Skip to main content. My temps rose again but had a huge drop at 4dpo followed by a Spotting at 13 DPO but no BFP. I am supposed to start Monday or Tuesday. I am not a temping expert --I did for 3 cycles in 2016 My temp dipped below cover line this morning which makes me so upset. At 7 DPO it dropped from 98. 40, and after having bfns at 11 and 12 dpo I was sure af was going to show her face. R. Old. Thought Positive test 12 DPO after BBT temp drop BFP I got a positive this morning! 12 DPO, our 11th cycle of trying for our second baby. just not this cycle! BFP#1 It has been almost a complete flat line up until my big temp spike this morning. So I’m going through it. Today it shot up. i'm 10 dpo today too and got my first BFP ever! and my temp dropped today 9DPO - temp drop (36. About +/- 0. 5 down to 97. RAL0613. According to the US Office on Women’s Health, home pregnancy tests are about 99. Today I woke up with a spiked BBT and AF hasn't started yet with 15 DPO approaching. Is this a bad sign or normal? I know it’s too early for implantation dip, I’m confused and disheartened. BigDLilDandMe. Today, my temperature got even lower - but the pregnancy tests are getting darker Second temp drop below cover line. Hi Ladies, I got my first ever BFP yesterday with an easy@home test strip and confirmed with a I'd say it's hard to tell. CD 43 / 13 DPO: Took another wondfo, similarly faint BFP. Top. 2 w ICSI in Dec 2010 = I had a big temp drop at 10 dpo on both my cycles where I got bfp. However, I got my bfp the next Can anyone comment on if I should still be optimistic? Has anyone had a temp drop this late in their luteal phase? I woke up this morning to a temp drop and I’m super CD 42 / 12 DPO: Took wondfo, very faint BFP. Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to this post yet. Reply . On 13 dpo, I was cramping so bad. I would be preparing for AF. Someone recommended I start using a progesterone cream because of the drop. However, I track my BBT and my temp dropped by . BFP chart - temp drop BFP Do I need to panic about this temp drop? (18 I guess I implanted on 11DPO with the huge temp drop? I had given up on the cycle after the 10DPO BFN. Oldest First 7dpo temp drop My temp this morning dipped by . Totally discouraged now bc i thought this would be our month. Q&A. Can be implantation dip, can be a change in surge, can be that you just slept in a colder room Any one have a temp dip and a bfp? hopefully tomorrow I see a temp rise but wanted to hear from you ladies. Justice0119. Sort by: Best. Dealing with MFI. DenimPocket • My 8dpo AM test Anyone ever get a BFP after getting a big temp drop below cover line at 9dpo? I am feeling like it's inevitable I'm out at this point😏 Charting and temp dips! 9dpo temp drop, implantation? Thread starter BeautifulD; Start Had huge up and down dips after O before my BFP. Skip to main content. Temps have been about the same as normal after O but today I have had a 12DPO is fairly definitive. Hello all, I tested positive after on that 4th cycle of trying. But I had falling temps and strong Looks like I am out. Tell me what you think! Locked post. Im counting myself out now. 3 since ovulation. Especially since BBT drop after BFP / 11 DPO BFP Hi everyone, I’m freaking out because I got my BFP yesterday on 10dpo and I am still seeing a positive test today but it’s not much darker (I remind myself it Is 13 days DPO too early to test? Maybe. Update: After several days of low BBT it spiked to almost 99 today, and I also asked for a beta test that looked right on target. Whether you’re hoping for a positive pregnancy test or just curious about your body’s changes, let’s dive into what’s happening Hello everyone,I am currently at 5 DPO and noticed a massive drop in my bbt yesterday (97. Bfp with weird bbt chart :D. Oldest First. But. B. IVF #1 w ICSI in July 2010 = BFN IVF #2. First time ovulating since D&C in October. BFP Share Sort by: Best. 5 degrees. Open comment sort options. LP is usually 11 days. and on 7dpo I had a temp drop to below my baseline temp. How many days after temp rise did you get bfp? Excited! Ofc, I know it’s only 1 temp, but I totally thought I might be out after AF-like cramps yesterday afternoon, then this happened! My last two cycles cut short on CD25, so I’m shocked. If I CD 44 10 DPO BFP but huge drop in temp today :/ I just got a big drop today on 12 DPO and haven’t tested yet and honestly wasn’t going to to avoid the disappointment Reply I got peaks on OPKs on CD9, but my temp did not shift until CD12, so theoretically, I likely ovulated 12-36 hours after the peak. In fact I did not feel anything or any major symptoms that led me to believe that I am out. Yesterday at 10-11dpo I got a huge bbt drop with my tempdrop, after which I tested positive (with several brands of pregnancy tests, including a digital). Share Sort by: Best. Today is 13dpo and my So I have never had a LP like this and I have been charting on and off for about 7 years! My LP is on avg 16 days. " Fingers crossed for bfp at 6 dpo- is that even possible?! Trying for a baby. Yeah, sorry, based on last chart 13 DPO with temp increase but BFN Help? I was truly expecting a big temp drop this morning and hopefully getting my period soon but got a small increase back toward my luteal line. I posted a similar question and was told that it is normal to have How Big is Baby; View all; Baby & Toddler. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. My temps stayed Those are good lines for 10ish dpo, and I have seen bfp charts that di Thank you KMC33. It’s so hard when our bodies do such hard things! I also had a dip last month at 9 DPO, then consistently went back up I POAS at 9 dpo (BFN, of course) and I didn't do it again until 14 dpo, that's when I got my BFP. This spike is extremely Anyone feel like this and get a bfp!? Temp drop really put me in the no basket :(Like. My temps stayed REALLY high. 9% accurate when used correctly ‒ but the main Welcome to 9 DPO! You’re now in the thick of the two-week wait, and things are getting exciting. 8°c to 36. I’d like to see similar charts. I’m only 7 DPO today. I am about 11/12 dpo and expect my period in about 2 days. 17 DPO, no AF, BFN?? I'm 8 dpo now 13 dpo. I got my BFP yesterday, but it was so weird because I 9 dpo temp drop. 7. Some progression but then faded away after a couple days, and period started 17 DPO (12 DPO is typical for me). feeling bloated in the lower pelvic region, still very I'm on DPO 12 today. I had a 2 day temp drop, before it went back up, and 3 days later got a BFP! Everything I read said 2 day implantation dip couldnt happen but its what happened to me. 4 I was super sick) Hoping thats a implantation dip! Honestly if you look back on my 5DPO - huge BBT drop dribbling in sleep vivid nightmares* stuffy nose* very constipated* 6DPO - 2nd day temp drop below baseline full feeling in uterus sticky/dry CM* 22 votes, 13 comments. . My Newborn 0-6M; My Newborn 6-12M; Your Life; I always get a temp drop at 3-4 dpo. Trying for a baby. Today, my temperature got even lower - Not very many. 20+ Similar Discussions Found . Ravenmcc13. 89 to 97. There was no af that day though. Today is 13dpo and my Your temp rises when the corpus luteum starts releasing progesterone after it releases the egg; then, once the CL starts degrading and stops releasing progesterone, that’s when your temps start dropping. BFP today. I'm on 12DPO with a usual 12 day LP and just tested to see what would happen and I got what I think is a BFP. I thought it was an evap or something. 19. r/TFABChartStalkers A chip A close button. true. They are My AF is due on Thureday and today I had a huge temp drop below my coverline. I had a huge temp dip to the coverline yesterday (4 dpo), and then below the coverline this morning (5 dpo) - a BFP #3 1. Help? Locked post. Major temp drop. 11. 13 Eleanor born 10. Healthy baby boy♥ _____ Report 0 Reply. Kell28. JnJG. 4 degrees last night. No spotting and cramping as of now. Still extremely cautiously optimistic as my lines are pretty faint for 15-16DPO. 1 deg) on 11/27 but then my BFP with a digital test on 11/28 after a bbt increase (. Ovulated on Huge Temp rise at 12DPO but BFN. 10 dpo temp rise. BigDLilDandMe @BigDLilDandMe, And af 18K subscribers in the TFABChartStalkers community. queguapo • Could be a so-called "implantation dip" or could be nothing but a big change Please can someone help been TTC for 5 months now and this is my first month temping. Is this something to cause concern? Temp rise again to 98. Honestly, plenty of women get BFP's without having a Second temp drop below cover line. This sub is for everything related to charting your cycle while trying to conceive. 1. Also, so-called implantation dips don't actually have anything to do with implantation. 6DPO progestrone blood test came back Any ideas as to why my temp would drop at 4 dpo? It's not below my coverline, but it's a drop of . My blog:Urban Times in Michigan ~ My BFN 10DPO, BFP 15DPO BFP I guess I implanted on 11DPO with the huge temp drop? I had given up on the cycle after the 10DPO BFN. Details in comments BFP Locked post. Pretty bummed :(22 Comments. 89 to I am 9 Dpo today. It was just mild So I had a slight bbt drop (. 13 at 40 weeks 6 days 13dpo hcg@32, progesterone@13. Well today it went below CL to I thought I was out with that 10 DPO temp drop and BFN! BFP Archived post. anyone else ever have a significant dip 11 dpo go on to get a bfp? Copes12. RayRay007 member. 43. FF has me at 10dpo today but I think I am 11. Add a Comment. And the beta HCG came back very low on 15 DPO, and I don’t think you ovulated until CD47. January 2014 in TTC After a Loss. Using tempdrop wearable. Add your thoughts That said, I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be worried by a temp drop and such a faint BFP at 14 dpo. Pregnancy Week 13. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. 4 I was super sick) Hoping thats a implantation dip! Honestly if you look back on my charting i never get a dip this big, yes i get the 5DPO - huge BBT drop dribbling in sleep vivid nightmares* stuffy nose* very constipated* 6DPO - 2nd day temp drop below baseline full feeling in uterus sticky/dry CM* 7DPO - 3rd day temp drop below baseline (very unusual My temp dropped slightly this morning which would usually indicate af coming in a day or two(it’s due on the 24th) Is there any hope to get a bfp still or am I out? I’m 13dpo, had 22 votes, 13 comments. I just starting temping this VFL at 11 dpo, but HUGE bbt dip HELP! J. AF isn’t due until another 2-3 days. 13 DPO and a BFN but Hi, any Oura users tracking BBT experienced a drop in BBT after a BFP? Today is 13 DPO for me, lines are progressing but worried my temp returned to baseline right when AF is to arrive I'm on DPO 12 today. 08. I was very surprised to get Hi, any Oura users tracking BBT experienced a drop in BBT after a BFP? Today is 13 DPO for me, lines are progressing but worried my temp returned to baseline right when AF is to arrive : My advice would be to stop temping (says me who is still temping 1 week after bfp!). At 13 DPO my pregnancy cycle was obviously different, I had the highest BBTs this month and thought I was out when I had a HUGE temp drop BFP and temp drop 13DPO. Best. I’m . BBT drop at 15 DPO . My temps are still up which got me very Pregnant and non-pregnant charts follow the same trend until implantation (7-10dpo). BBT big drop after BFP Hi Ladies did anyone here experience a big temp drop around 13 dpo after a BFP? Can you share your experience? Was it ok or should I I got peaks on OPKs on CD9, but my temp did not shift until CD12, so theoretically, I likely ovulated 12-36 hours after the peak. Yesterday (8dpo) I had a huge temp dip from 97. 12 at 4 weeks. k. Hi, I had a huge temp dip at 14dpo, went from 36. 1 in Oct 2010 converted to IUI = BFN IVF #2. And today it’s 97. Well AF came this morning 😒 And I was only 10 DPO, I don’t think you ovulated until CD47. 13 today so I think I’m out and AF will be here soon. I had a big temp drop 8 DPO and then it Yesterday at 10-11dpo I got a huge bbt drop with my tempdrop, after which I tested positive (with several brands of pregnancy tests, including a digital). 3- a huge dip. TTC #1 since October 2008. 3 degrees like that is just normal variation - you can't read that much into one temp. Huge temp drop at 8 dpo Frustrated What is going on? I’m so frustrated. I was I am over the moon seeing a positive test on 9DPO AM and a FRER on 9DPO PM. But if I count the temp on FF it changes my O date later making me. 12. My temps are still up which got me very Bbt drop after 11 days of BFP. October 2012. Guides. It went back up today. 9-98. How big was the temp drop compared to Does a big temp spike at 6 DPO really tell much? I know that’s still super soon and don’t want to get my hopes up. Non pregnant people can have temps shoot up and there's a number of factors that could cause temp drops. That's a 13 with AF due tomorrow and my temp is still above 99. If I tested on 9 dpo there would have definitely been a 11 dpo: breast still tender temp gone back up 13 dpo: bfn good luck ladies. Is this an implantation did or is AF on the way or possibly something else?? Super confused . but dips like that happen It could have been implantation but I tested for the first time on 10 dpo and it was a super dark line on a FRER (pic below). 28. Could this be an implantation dip??When I got pregnant with my loss last summer, I remember On 10-11 DPO I had two temp dips. Everything is going smooth, I haven’t been getting the worst pregnancy symptoms like nausea, My fingers are crossed for you! 🤞🏻 My temp barely went back up only 0. New comments cannot be posted. kannkann85. Love any advice!! Greetings all! I have only been charting for 3 months (this being my 3rd), but TTC for 7 months. I had a big drop on CD5 last cycle (not pregnant). Should I worry? What the heck?! Today I'm at 14 DPO and I've considered myself out since my BBT drop and negative FRER on 12 DPO. Erinphillips32 member. Good luck to you! My fingers My new OBGYN reviewed my charts for the last 6 months and identified that I consistently have a temp drop (usually below Cover Line) around 6 DPO. af due today or tomorrow, and got a BFN today with FRER. Posted 10-10-20. What kind of test is that? Can you pick up a FRER Rude temperature drop today - 13 DPO Frustrated My boobs are so abnormally huge despite shrinking between the CP and the next cycle, larger than they ever have gotten pre-period. Woke up to massive temp drop, below cover line. You'll just freak yourself out! I've always read that temps fluctuate I had a huge implantation dip on 10 dpoit went from like 98. Is this likely a chemical? R. My drop wasn't as big as yours, but I did have a small drop. I’d say my biggest symptoms were sore boobs (and they also felt full), and prominent Montgomery glands. This temp doesn't really mean anything at all! Implantation doesn't usually occur until 6-9dpo, and most people will usually only get a dip below the coverline meaning they're "out" the 11 dpo huge temp drop. Share Sort Congrats! I like stories where you get a BFN on a late-ish dpo and then a BFP Thank you for your reply, I have nike had any spotting what so ever, jut a huge drop in temp, it could be implantation dip. Ovulation Chart. 13 dpo. 23 F) and today it went back up a bit (97. It very well could be an I have tested positive since 9 DPO and lines have gotten darker since. 5 deg) and 13 dpo. It’s very normal to have a drop around then whether pregnant or not due to some things going on Do I need to panic about this temp drop? Beta HCG from today doubled appropriately. 6 then slowly went back up the next few days and got a bfp on 13 dpo. Pretty bummed :(22 Comments . Any insight what’s going on here. I had a HUGE (1 degree) drop in my temp this morning and I'm worried it could be a sign of low progesterone. Honestly do not know why did not start charting WAY back I’ve been tracking for 3 months now, the last 2 months I’ve had a big temp drop below cover line on 11DPO and then AF arrived either 12 or 13DPO. Controversial. Sort of didn't take it seriously. Best wishes. New. Yesterday Hoping for a “late” BFP not the stomach flu. 40 this morning, still see the blue veins, have been EXHAUSTED all day, like I want to curl up under my desk and sleep. I had a faint positive on 12DPO after some spotting on 10-11 DPO. So this is a bit early for a drop for AF. My temp has been 97. 7, 15dpo hcg@110, 16dpo progesterone@25. Still above Temp spike at 9 dpo and temp drop at 10 dpo. I had my highest temps ever this cycle at 12 and 13 dpo, AF was due on 13 dpo and also temps usually down by 12 dpo. 15 Comments. Was a bit fed up so decided to test to clear my mind ready for the next cycle. Usually the drop is at 13 Anyone ever get a BFP after getting a big temp drop below cover line at 9dpo? Posted 10-13-16. Posted 04-01-12. Today I saw a vfl on a pregnancy test, but my bbt this morning Are there any pregnancy symptoms at 13 DPO? Learn more about what to expect at 13 DPO and when you might take a pregnancy test with Flo. Share Add a Comment. Actually need to add this is my first IUI cycle and my first BFP ever after 11 cycles. Should I stop my progesterone? Frustrated Me again- woke up to a temp drop and bfn on an frer. hope you all get your green I ´m currently 15dpo and first received a BFP on 11dpo. IB or AF? Wildfire613. I saw more of them on my right areola than I had ever seen So I have never had a LP like this and I have been charting on and off for about 7 years!  My LP is on avg 16 days. ♥BFP#2 05-09-13, EDD 01-15-14. I’m not having any line progression and on My BFP chart turned into a huge scare yesterday with a BBT drop below coverline on 14 DPO. J. For whatever it’s worth, I’m with you. Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. 4°c) and some brown tinted cervical mucus 10DPO - teary and emotional+++ overnight and in the morning, just had a feeling so tested and had a faint I know only time will tell whether this cycle brings a BFP. 12 at 4 weeks 1 day BFP #2 10. Temp dropped to 97. Praying it sticks Locked post. Especially now that I'm super paranoid. 9 but went back to 98. I kept temping until 18 dpo. I also have a temperature drop to 12 dpo. 13 EDD 10. Is this Okay so now I'm 15 dpo temp was 96. If I implanted on 11 DPO maybe that’s why my tests 10DPO BFP after big temp drop yesterday and chemical last month. 63 F), but still below the cover line. 13 c/p 9. Still BFN. Posted 11-02-16. 13 c/p 10. 0 2013 #8 I got my bfp at 10dpo but very faint! I had no symptoms at all except a few waves of nausea at 7 dpo and just I'm probably clutching at straws here cause I'm getting to damn desperate for my bfp (cycle 13 now and have fertility clinic appt just come through). C/S 12-23-13 at 36w5d for complete previa. Posted 05-29-21. Literally, up one day, dropped BFP 11DPO - Temp Drop at 12 DPO. Tested every I had a temp drop yesterday and a lot of cramping and pinching throughout the day which felt nothing like period cramping. Them I got a super super faint positive on 9 DPO. I am currently having the longest cycle I've ever had. Had BFP 8dpo PM same day as a big temp dip. But when I did CM and cervical check, there was very minimal red I just starting temping this cycle and I'm 5 dpo. I got my BFP yesterday, but it was so weird because I 16K subscribers in the TFABChartStalkers community. November 26, 2018 | by kodonnell61788. Worried about a CP even if it is positive due to late implantation. So, I don't think that it is too early. 15. Tested this morning. I know a drop can happen on implantation, but this morning I had a very big BBT drop, but I am wondering how much of this is influenced by additional things. I'm 12dpo and usually have 12 When we conceived in May, I had a temp drop at 5 dop, and was very worried, but temp came back up the following day and I had a BFP at 10 dpo. 2 to 97. I was very surprised to get When I saw my temp drop yesterday I was going to stop the progesterone but decided to stay on it for 2 more days to avoid possibly Oing while DH was out of town. It’s actually encouraged that you stop I heard that some advise not to temp after confirmed ovulation, as temp dips are super unreliable. Did anyone get a BFP after such a thing? My breasts are really sore and TTC #1 since 7. Huge temp drop at 8DPO. All day it was light bleeding, I was feeling hopeful this month—until I had a temp drop this morning. About how many days after the temp drop should I I normally have a 12-13 day luteal phase, last cycle for the first time ever I made it all the way through 14DPO without my period starting and no spotting. I know every pregnancy is different, but something similar happened with I heard that some advise not to temp after confirmed ovulation, as temp dips are super unreliable.