Mean field theory machine learning. Generally speaking, the former refers to the use of .
Mean field theory machine learning See my previous post on Maximum Entropy Distributions for a slightly different explanation. 13960v1 [physics. Our theory allows us to define a maximum timescale over which RNNs can remember an input, predicting the trainability. We develop a mean-field theory of echo state networks. Learning out of distribution. To describe the network state statistics of the restricted Boltzmann machine, we develop an advanced mean field theory based on the Bethe approximation. May 13, 2020 · The TAP mean-field equations [MH76, TAP77] were originally derived as an exact mean-field theory for the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick (SK) model . 3648910 24:1 (10061-10096) Online publication date: 1-Jan-2023. We can roughly divide these works into two categories: control theory for machine learning and machine learning for control theory. Hinton Gatsby Unit 1 Boltzmann Machines The stochastic Boltzmann machine (BM) is a probabilistic neural network of symmetrically connected binary units taking values f 0; 1 g (Ackley, Hinton & Sejnowski, 1985). 65M12, 65M99, 93E20, 93E25. Mean Field Games Mean Field-Games(MFG) are a relatively new area in the game theory space. In May 15, 2023 · Dynamical mean-field theory is a powerful physics tool used to analyze the typical behavior of neural networks, where neurons can be recurrently connected, or multiple layers of neurons can be stacked. The mean-field description of this learning dynamics approximates the evolution of the network weights by an Jan 1, 1989 · The mean field theory (MFT) learning algorithm is elaborated and explored with respect to a variety of tasks. We apply mean-field techniques to networks with quantized activations in order to evaluate the degree to which quantization degrades signal propagation at initialization. I am co-organizing a webinar on Machine Learning and Mean Field Games. Jun 14, 2018 · Recurrent neural networks have gained widespread use in modeling sequence data across various domains. A mean field theory learning algorithm for neural networks. Galland. Here we consider discrete action spaces, where the action a j of agent j is a discrete categorical variable represented as Feb 20, 2024 · field theory for infinitely wide neural networks trained with gradient flow, at an expensive computational cost [15]. , Convergence analysis of machine learning algorithms for the numerical solution of mean field control and games: I – The ergodic case Convergence analysis of machine learning algorithms for the numerical solution of mean field control and games: I – The ergodic case. First, we continue the recent investigation of the mean field limit of kernels and their reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, completing the existing theory. $Ξ$-VI has a close connection to the entropic optimal transport problem and benefits from the computationally Jul 8, 2021 · We establish a connection between federated learning, a concept from machine learning, and mean-field games, a concept from game theory and control theory. Thu, 2:30-3 Combining game theory and machine learning in U-WCNs Based on the review of existing works of game theory in U-WCNs (Section 3) and machine learning used in U-WCNs (Section 4), we classify three examples for combining game theory and machine learning methods for solving problems in U-WCNs. In the first part of the paper, we develop the connections between reinforcement learning and Markov Decision Processes, which are discrete time control problems. 05980 (13 July 2019). A traditional approach for implementing mean-field variational inference (MFVI) is coordinate ascent variational inference (CAVI), which relies crucially on parametric assumptions on complete conditionals. Syst. e. Viewing it as a Spin Glass model and exhibiting various links with other models of statistical physics, we gather recent results dealing with mean-field theory in this Feb 16, 2019 · We consider learning two layer neural networks using stochastic gradient descent. The agents must balance these objectives under conditions of partial observation and limited communication. The agents play a noncooperative game in which they control their rates of transition between states to minimize an individual cost. EDU Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Stanford University Theodor Misiakiewicz MISIAKIE@STANFORD. , Laurière M. The RBM is a classical family of Machine learning (ML) models which played a central role in the development of deep learning. However, a unified theoretical framework to treat sensory inputs, synapses and neural activity together is still lacking. We develop a mean-field theory of echo state networks. Diffusion models. Jul 9, 2021 · Financial markets and more generally macro-economic models involve a large number of individuals interacting through variables such as prices resulting from the aggregate behavior of all the agents. However, when faced with the sequential May 30, 2023 · The recent mean field game (MFG) formalism has enabled the application of inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) methods in large-scale multi-agent systems, with the goal of inferring reward signals that can explain demonstrated behaviours of large Mean Field Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning 3. Moreover, this approximation has been shown to give results that agree well with experiments on finite-size networks. The limitations of deterministic Boltzmann machine learning. We prove convergence of the reformulated problem to the original problem. Kappen and others published Boltzmann Machine Learning Using Mean Field Theory and Linear Response Correction. Transformers as Statisticians: Provable In-Context Learning with In-Context Algorithm Selection. A variational Oct 11, 2024 · We also prove a dynamic programming principle (DPP), based on the theory of mean field control. The principal influences the nature of the resulting Nash Jan 25, 2019 · Training recurrent neural networks (RNNs) on long sequence tasks is plagued with difficulties arising from the exponential explosion or vanishing of signals as they propagate forward or backward through the network. The Ising model is defined by a bipartite graph of spins—the 'neurons'—which belong to either of a neural network, and have important applications in machine learning. Lee JASONLEE@PRINCETON. Nov 11, 2019 · Unsupervised learning requiring only raw data is not only a fundamental function of the cerebral cortex, but also a foundation for a next generation of artificial neural networks. A variety of pathologies such as vanishing/exploding gradients make training such deep networks challenging. Quantum embedding approaches, such as dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT), provide corrections to first-principles calculations for strongly correlated materials, which are poorly described at lower levels of theory. The TAP approach picks up all relevant terms %0 Conference Paper %T Mean-field theory of two-layers neural networks: dimension-free bounds and kernel limit %A Song Mei %A Theodor Misiakiewicz %A Andrea Montanari %B Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Conference on Learning Theory %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2019 %E Alina Beygelzimer %E Daniel Hsu %F pmlr-v99-mei19a %I PMLR %P 2388--2464 %U https://proceedings. Carmona, M. 03408: Dynamics of Finite Width Kernel and Prediction Fluctuations in Mean Field Neural Networks We analyze the dynamics of finite width effects in wide but finite feature learning neural networks. Viewing it as a spin glass model and exhibiting various links with other models of statistical physics, we gather recent results dealing with mean-field theory in this context. ), Vol. Tue-Thu, 9:00-10:20AM. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2025+. Even though we have a general understanding of the fundamental components in the transformer architecture, little is known about how they operate or what are their expected dynamics. Deep Networks as Denoising Algorithms: Sample-Efficient Learning of Diffusion Models in High-Dimensional Graphical Models. In Mean Field Games (pp. The dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) equation of this model is easy to acquire when the asymmetric correlation is absent i. Attentions and transformers: Examples of in-context learning. The first approach starts from the approximation of a probability measure with density by a piecewise constant density function on some given fixed partition of size K of a truncated support of the measure, called bins, see Fig. Generally speaking, the former refers to the use of Mean Field Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning 3. 6)) rather than cooccurences Pij. Anderson. Two of the most successful RNN architectures, the LSTM Oct 29, 2018 · A theoretical performance analysis of the graph neural network (GNN) is presented. If you're new to this field, this tutorial will provide a comprehensive understanding of machine learning, its types, algorithms, tools, and practical applications. Jun 10, 2020 · In the third part, we present the links between stochastic gradient descent and mean-field theory. We then propose two deep learning methods: one simulates full trajectories to learn optimal decisions, whereas the other leverages DPP with backward induction; both methods train neural networks for the optimal stopping decisions. We present federated learning as a differential game and discuss the properties A Mean Field Theory Learning Algorithm 999 Correlations. Our main result is that SGD is biased towards a simple solution: at convergence, the ReLU network implements a Here are some examples of game theory sub-disciplines that are very present in modern machine learning. 80. Data-Driven Dynamical Mean-Field Theory: an error-correction approach to solve the quantum many-body problem using machine learning Evan Sheridan∗ ,1 Christopher Rhodes,1, 2 Francois Jamet,3 Ivan Rungger,3 and Cedric Weber∗1 arXiv:2107. Peterson and J. These problems deteriorate with an increased number of agents May 4, 2020 · We define a message-passing algorithm for computing magnetizations in Restricted Boltzmann machines, which are Ising models on bipartite graphs introduced as neural network models for probability distributions over spin configurations. Previous work in this field assumes that an agent has access to exact cumulative metrics regarding the mean field behaviour of the system, which it can then use to take its actions. The algorithm is in discrete time and space 4 days ago · Machine learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that enables computers to learn from data and make predictions without being explicitly programmed. A machine learning framework for solving high-dimensional mean field games and mean field control. R. We conclude that 1) the method works well for paramagnetic problems 2) the TAP correction gives a significant improvement over the Weiss mean field theory, both for Jan 22, 2021 · Deriving the mean field Gibbs-Bogoliubov-Feynman inequality. press Feb 15, 2018 · Existing multi-agent reinforcement learning methods are limited typically to a small number of agents. Despite their immense success in practice, there is limited mathematical understanding Proceedings of Machine Learning Research vol 99:1–77, 2019 32nd Annual Conference on Learning Theory Mean-field theory of two-layers neural networks: dimension-free bounds and kernel limit Song Mei SONGMEI@STANFORD. Conversely Machine Learning can be used to solve large control problems. [pdf] Song Mei and Yuchen Wu. In statistical mechanics, an approximation technique for complex, inter-active systems called Mean Field Theory (MFT) is now broadly applied to explain why deep learning works. In this paper, we leverage mean field theory from statistical physics to tackle the complexity associated with deep metric learning. Nov 1, 2023 · In this paper, we aim to approximate the infinite dimensional mean-field function by proposing two classes of neural network architectures. They indeed Apr 23, 2021 · We derive machine learning algorithms from discretized Euclidean field theories, making inference and learning possible within dynamics described by quantum field theory. MFT is benchmarked against the back-propagation learning algorithm (BP) on two different feature recognition problems: two-dimensional mirror symmetry and multidimensional statistical pattern classification. (2006), have been considered as a promising approach to address this problem. Apr 9, 2020 · Transforming MFGs into machine learning problems promises exciting opportunities to advance application and theory. The formation maintenance Jul 28, 2023 · An obstacle to artificial general intelligence is set by continual learning of multiple tasks of a different nature. The deep neural network learner is equipped with global shift-invariance contributors to the theory of Mean Field Games (MFGs) and Mean Field Control (MFC) paid special attention. Here we consider discrete action spaces, where the action aj of agent j is a discrete categorical variable represented as Jan 1, 1997 · PDF | On Jan 1, 1997, Hilbert J. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Oct 30, 2020 · Less work, from a statistical mechanics perspective, has been devoted to a conceptually simple machine learning model of the Ising type, the so-called restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) first introduced by and later studied extensively by Hinton . Here we consider discrete action spaces, where the action 09of agent 9is a discrete categorical variable represented as Jun 14, 2018 · In recent years, state-of-the-art methods in computer vision have utilized increasingly deep convolutional neural network architectures (CNNs), with some of the most successful models employing hundreds or even thousands of layers. To describe the network state statistics of the restricted Boltzmann machine, we develop an advanced mean-field theory based on the Bethe approximation. A fundamental question is then whether GNN has a high accuracy in addition to this flexibility Feature learning: Mean field theory. Jun 27, 2023 · By adapting mean field theory for deep metric learning, we develop an approach to design classification-based loss functions from pair-based ones, which can be considered complementary to the Neural network in the mean-field regime is known to be capable of feature learning, unlike the kernel (NTK) counterpart. In the limit of a large number of channels, the central limit theorem implies that the pre-activation vectors hl j are i. (5) can be approximated using the mean eld theory (Stanley, 1971). Murphy. In this paper, we study the optimization of a Transformer consisting of a fully connected layer followed by a Oct 15, 2021 · First, we trained a machine learning architecture (the deep neural network here, but other machine learning methods could be used in this step) to predict the effective Hamiltonian H and its gradient from the parameters, χN, L, f and average monomer (A) density field ρ. The MFG theory was just developed in 2006 as part of a series of independent papers published by Minyi Huang, Roland Malhamé and Peter Caines in Feb 10, 2024 · arXivLabs: experimental projects with community collaborators. The mean field approximation is a way to simplify the partition function and make it possible for analytical treatment. Jun 10, 2022 · A dynamic mean field theory is developed for finite state and action Bayesian reinforcement learning in the large state space limit. In the latter case , Mean Field Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning 3. Quantum embedding approaches, such as the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT), provide corrections to first-principles calculations for strongly correlated materials, which are poorly described at lower levels of theory. We propose a machine learning method based on (feed-forward and recurrent) neural networks and illustrate it on several examples from the Dec 4, 2019 · Mean field games (MFG) and mean field control (MFC) are critical classes of multi-agent models for efficient analysis of massive populations of interacting agents. Guarantees. Introduced by Lasry and Lions, and Huang, Caines and Malhamé, Mean Field Games (MFGs) rely on a mean-field approximation to allow the number of players to grow to infinity. In this case, when we consider the limit N →∞, the input current each neuron receives via the coupling g PN j=1 Jijφj (t) converges to a Gaussian field according to the central limit theorem Feb 1, 2022 · Chen F Ren Z Wang S (2023) Entropic fictitious play for mean field optimization problem The Journal of Machine Learning Research 10. designed for mean eld control problems, the second one is more general and can also be applied to the partial dierential equation systems arising in the theory of mean eld games. The computational complexity of the algorithm is cubic in the number of neurons. Recently, the dynamical systems approach to deep learning was proposed in [] and explored in the direction of training algorithms based on the PMP and the method of successive approximations [43, 44]. arXiv:1907. However, it is not easy for beginners to access the essence of this tool and the underlying physics. Here we study ``echo state networks,'' networks of a large number of randomly connected nodes, which represent a simple model of a neural network, and have important applications in machine learning. Network 4: 355–379. Along the conventional SGD approach, the authors also introduce and study an Jun 11, 2024 · Transformer-based models have demonstrated exceptional performance across diverse domains, becoming the state-of-the-art solution for addressing sequential machine learning problems. Here is my Google scholar page. d. However, existing theoretical studies on how this phenomenon arises are limited to the dynamics of a single layer of attention trained on linear regression tasks. However, the mathematical aspects of such a formulation have not been systematically explored. Connectionist learning of belief networks. Today, many important real-world applications in these areas are driven by neural networks. Sequoia 200. Office hours. , electrons in solids and cold atoms in optical lattices. Google Scholar Jul 3, 2018 · Recent work linking deep neural networks and dynamical systems opened up new avenues to analyze deep learning. To obtain the machine-learning force field several structure datasets are required. EDU May 1, 2024 · Mean field theory provides an effective way of scaling MARL to environments with many agents because the interactions among the agents are approximated by that of between an individual agent and the virtual mean agent abstracted from the population [7]. To wit, more than 30 pages of the introductory chapter "Learning by Examples" of [15] were devoted to applications to these elds. Our description of the BM learning algorithm above differs from the original [1] and subsequent works [2] on one subtle but im portant point. EDU CN Department of Machine Intelligence, Peking University Jason D. The learning task consists of a fully connected Ising spin glass model on 10 neurons. Specifically, we propose the row-column (RC) ansatz under the mean field point of view, which describes the measure structure of the weights in the neural Jul 15, 2018 · Mean Field Q-Learning, MFQL: In problems with a large number of agents with actions that can be aggregated in a meaningful way, mean field Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning methods (MARL) methods May 5, 2021 · The decision-making behavior between multiple agents is transformed into the weighted behavior of central agent and adjacent agent by mean field theory, so as to modify the reward function and state value function of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL). Here we consider discrete action spaces, where the action aj of agent j is a discrete categorical variable represented as Summary and Contributions: The authors apply dynamical mean-field theory (widely known in Physics) to study the learning dynamics of stochastic gradient descent in simple single-layer neural networks classifying a high-dimensional mixture of 2 or 3 Gaussians. The Weiss free energy, which is used in the naive mean field approximation, is given by ~l (p). However, this isn't always the case: in a variant of mean field theory called dynamical mean field theory (DMFT), the mean field becomes a time-dependent quantity. The dynamics of the network is captured by the May 13, 2020 · [KR98] Kappen H J and De Borja Rodríguez F 1998 Boltzmann machine learning using mean field theory and linear response correction Adv. What is Predictive Modeling: Predictive modeling is a probabilistic process that allows us to forecast outcomes, on Dec 2, 2024 · We propose a reformulation of this problem as a single-level mean field optimal control problem through a penalization approach. Apr 27, 2021 · Meanwhile, a field configuration f(x) in a free field theory is also drawn from a multivariate Gaussian distribution, and it is precisely the Gaussian nature of the associated path integral that makes the theory solvable, i. In this paper, we propose a novel VI method that extends the naive mean field via entropic regularization, referred to as $Ξ$-variational inference ($Ξ$-VI). There are a few different ways to intuitively understand information entropy. This paper introduces the Generally speaking, the former refers to the use of control theory as a mathematical tool to formulate and solve theoretical and practical problems in machine learning, such as optimal parameter tuning, training neural network; while the latter is how to use machine learning practice such as kernel method and DNN to numerically solve complex of agents but only a handful of competing players. Nov 3, 2021 · Understanding the properties of neural networks trained via stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is at the heart of the theory of deep learning. Dec 29, 2024 · Variational inference is a fast and scalable alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo and has been widely applied to posterior inference tasks in statistics and machine learning. 10 280–6. Recently, various heuristic tricks, both from machine learning and from neuroscience angles, were proposed, but they lack a unified theory foundation. Motivated by machine learning of interacting particle systems, we consider the situation when the number of input variables goes to infinity. EDU We survey in this article the connections between Machine Learning and Control Theory. Such embedding approaches are computationally demanding on classical computing architectures, and hence Feb 15, 2018 · Existing multi-agent reinforcement learning methods are limited typically to a small number of agents. We develop a theory for signal propagation in recurrent networks after random initialization using a combination of mean field theory Jan 13, 2025 · Machine Learning: As discussed in this article, machine learning is nothing but a field of study which allows computers to "learn" like humans without any need of explicit programming. Neal. 10. Variational (Bayesian) inference + mean eld approximations Stochastic simulation / sampling / MCMC In modern machine learning, variational (Bayesian) inference, which we will refer to here as variational Bayes, is most often used to infer the conditional distribution over the latent variables given the observations (and parameters). When the agent number increases largely, the learning becomes intractable due to the curse of the dimensionality and the exponential growth of user interactions. For classification tasks, the neural network approach has the advantage in terms of flexibility that it can be employed in a data-driven manner, whereas Bayesian inference requires the assumption of a specific model. Recently, there has been an On-the-fly machine-learning algorithm Fig. Feb 16, 2019 · We consider learning two layer neural networks using stochastic gradient descent. In particular, we show how the supervised learning approach can be translated in terms of a (stochastic) mean-field optimal control problem by applying the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) approach and the mean-field Pontryagin maximum principle. Mean Field Approximation The pairwise interaction & 9(BŒ0Œ0:) as in Eq. arXivLabs is a framework that allows collaborators to develop and share new arXiv features directly on our website. The book discusses in details important concepts and techniques including the cavity method, the mean-field theory, replica techniques, the Nishimori condition, variational methods, the dynamical mean-field theory, unsupervised learning, associative Apr 4, 2020 · Carmona R. 2 Jul 29, 2021 · Machine learning opens new avenues for modelling correlated materials. While residual connections and batch normalization do Jun 14, 2018 · In recent years, state-of-the-art methods in computer vision have utilized increasingly deep convolutional neural network architectures (CNNs), with some of the most successful models employing hundreds or even thousands of layers. We propose a machine learning method based on (feed-forward and recurrent) neural networks and illustrate it on several examples from the Jun 12, 2023 · We present SCALINN -- Strongly Correlated Approach with Language Inspired Neural Network -- as a method for solving the Anderson impurity model and reducing the computational cost of dynamical mean-field theory calculations. Google Scholar R. 1 MEAN FIELD EQUATION Truncating the Plefka expansion (14) up to n-th order term gives n-th order approximations, ~n(P) and Gn(p) == ~n(P)-L:i hi(q)mi. The variant used for unsupervised learning consists of a Apr 1, 2021 · The RBM is a classical family of machine learning (ML) models which played a central role in the development of deep learning. In this Apr 18, 2013 · Dynamical systems driven by strong external signals are ubiquitous in nature and engineering. Fudenberg & Levine [FL09]1: “The theory of learning in games [] examines how, which, and what kind of equilibrium might arise as a consequence of a long-run nonequilibrium process of learning, adaptation, and/or imitation” Proceedings of Machine Learning Research vol 134:1–50, 2021 34th Annual Conference on Learning Theory Modeling from Features: a Mean-field Framework for Over-parameterized Deep Neural Networks Cong Fang FANGCONG@PKU. Different methods of parametrizing the Green’s fu… Mean field theory. Specifically, we demonstrate that the ${\\ensuremath{\\phi}}^{4}$ scalar field theory satisfies the Hammersley-Clifford theorem, therefore recasting it as a machine learning algorithm within the mathematically rigorous Jan 15, 2022 · We present a Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm to solve infinite horizon asymptotic Mean Field Game (MFG) and Mean Field Control (MFC) problems. 1. In a series of works, we introduced a mathematical framework to study deep learning based on dynamical systems and optimal control. Many techniques have been proposed to ameliorate these issues, including various algorithmic and architectural modifications. Additionally, a more recent review of the literature which C. The computational obstacle originates from the discrete nature of synapses, and complex Dec 13, 2018 · The connection between back-propagation and optimal control of dynamical systems is known since the earlier works on control and deep learning [3, 10, 40]. Such embedding approaches are computationally demanding on classical computing architectures, and hence remain May 13, 2020 · Yaodong Yang, Rui Luo, Minne Li, Ming Zhou, Weinan Zhang, and Jun Wang. Nov 23, 2020 · This review deals with Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) under the light of statistical physics. In this paper, we provide a flexible machine learning framework for the numerical solution of potential MFG Machine learning methods are applied to finding the Green’s function of the Anderson impurity model, a basic model system of quantum many-body condensed-matter physics. i. Our approach can be described as a unified two-timescale Mean Field Q-learning: The same algorithm can learn either the MFG or the MFC solution by simply tuning the ratio of two learning parameters. There are also growing applications in engineering, robotics, medicine, and finance. Here, we give a pedagogical introduction of this method in a particular example of random Nov 17, 2023 · Reinforcement learning is an effective method for adaptive traffic signal control in urban transportation networks. The emblematic spin glass SK model we already mentioned corresponds to a fully connected Ising model with energy ( 30 ) and disordered couplings W ij drawn independently from a Gaussian distribution algorithm with first order (Weiss) mean field theory and second order (TAP) mean field theory. (5) can be approximated using the mean field theory (Stanley, 1971). Crossref Google Scholar [Kra06] Werner K 2006 Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations (Oxford: Oxford University Press) vol 13. Springer, Cham. Inspired by the success of generative Transformer networks in natural language processing, SCALINN utilizes an in-house modified Transformer network in order to learn Feb 1, 2015 · Learning in restricted Boltzmann machine is typically hard due to the computation of gradients of log-likelihood function. As the number of training rounds increases, the optimal control strategy is learned, and the learning capabilities of deep neural networks are further enhanced, thereby avoiding the limitations of traditional signal control methods. Jun 27, 2023 · In this paper, we explore the application of mean field theory, a technique from statistical physics, to deep metric learning and address the high training complexity commonly associated with conventional metric learning loss functions. Connections with stochastic localization. Mean Field Approximation The pairwise interaction Qj(s;aj;ak) as in Eq. MATH Google Scholar C. This problem provides a prototype of a non-convex loss landscape with interpolating regimes and a large generalization gap. In particular, MFT highlights the dynamical system similarities between a deep network's parameters and interacting particles. Jan 1, 2022 · Generally speaking, the former refers to the use of control theory as a mathematical tool to formulate and solve theoretical and practical problems in machine learning, such as optimal parameter tuning, training neural network; while the latter is how to use machine learning practice such as kernel method and DNN to numerically solve complex Jun 10, 2020 · We analyze in a closed form the learning dynamics of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) for a single-layer neural network classifying a high-dimensional Gaussian mixture where each cluster is assigned one of two labels. I Carmona, Delarue, Graves, Lacker, Laurière, Malhamé & Ramanan: Lecture notes of the 2020 AMS Short Course on Mean Field Games (American Mathematical Society), organized by François Delarue Monographs on Mean Field Games and Mean Field Control: algorithm with first order (Weiss) mean field theory and second order (TAP) mean field theory. We develop the mean field theory for applications to loss Jan 1, 2022 · The two sides, researchers from machine learning and optimal control, start to explore the techniques, tools as well as problem formulations, from each other. We define a particular stochastic process for which Mean Field Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning 3. Feb 2, 2024 · Large language models based on the Transformer architecture have demonstrated impressive capabilities to learn in context. 1137 Sep 17, 2024 · The IMA Data Science Seminar hosts research talks that are broadly related to the areas of data science and machine learning, which may include theoretical work on mathematical foundations of data science, interactions between data science and other domains, as well as applications of data science in science and engineering. We conclude that 1) the method works well for paramagnetic problems 2) the TAP correction gives a significant improvement over the Weiss mean field theory, both for Jun 27, 2023 · In this paper, we explore the application of mean field theory, a technique from statistical physics, to deep metric learning and address the high training complexity commonly associated with conventional metric learning loss functions. By adapting mean field theory for deep metric learning, we develop an approach to design classification-based loss functions from pair-based ones, which can be Nov 17, 2021 · Machine learning opens new avenues for modeling correlated materials. The theory has been extensively developed in the past decade A New Learning Algorithm for Mean Field Boltzmann Machines Max Welling G. The mean-field description of this learning dynamics approximates the evolution of the network weights by an This book highlights a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental statistical mechanics underneath the inner workings of neural networks. 5555/3648699. Osherc,1, Wuchen Lic, Levon Nurbekyan c, and Samy Wu Fung aDepartment of Mathematics, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322; bDepartment of Computer Science, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322; and My research interests include mean field control and mean field games, numerical methods, partial differential equations, stochastic analysis, machine learning, complexity theory and quantum computing. We derive Machine learning, and in particular neural network models, have revolutionized fields such as image, text, and speech recognition. Mean field games have been introduced to study Nash equilibria for such problems in the limit when the number of players is infinite. Key w. comp-ph] 29 Jul 2021 1 Theory and Simulation of Condensed Matter, Department of Physics, King’s College London, The Strand, London WC2R Dec 2, 2024 · We propose a reformulation of this problem as a single-level mean field optimal control problem through a penalization approach. Gaussian with mean zero and covariance matrix l ; 0= E Oct 27, 2023 · In many applications of machine learning, a large number of variables are considered. Here we consider discrete action spaces, where the action aj of agent j is a discrete categorical variable represented as mean field theory and random matrix theory. develop a theory for signal propagation in recurrent networks after random initialization using a combination of mean field theory and random matrix theory. The learning is accomplished by measuring correlations Pij (see equation (2. Networks can be trained at the boundary between these phases [81]. Next, we Oct 15, 2024 · We study a decentralized version of Moving Agents in Formation (MAiF), a variant of Multi-Agent Path Finding aiming to plan collision-free paths for multiple agents with the dual objectives of reaching their goals quickly while maintaining a desired formation. press within the theoretical frameworks of Stochastic Optimal Control (SOC) and Mean-Field Games (MFGs). Sep 22, 2011 · The dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) is a widely applicable approximation scheme for the investigation of correlated quantum many-particle systems on a lattice, e. Our theory provides an efficient message-passing-based method that evaluates not only the partition function (free 4 MEAN FIELD APPROXIMATION 4. The free field theory is a GP, with the kernel Apr 6, 2023 · Abstract page for arXiv paper 2304. Recent works have shown that mean-field neural networks can be globally optimized by a noisy gradient descent update termed the mean-field Langevin dynamics (MFLD). In mean field theory, the mean field appearing in the single-site problem is a time-independent scalar or vector quantity. We propose a machine learning method based on (feed-forward and recurrent) neural networks and illustrate it on several examples from the Nov 1, 1997 · We present a new approximate learning algorithm for Boltzmann Machines, which is based on mean field theory and the linear response theorem. mean field theory approximates their interactions as interactions with the mean field and significantly reduces the complexity of many-body systems. Neural Inf. Mean Field Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. Mean field games (MFG) and mean field control (MFC) are critical classes of multiagent models for the efficient analysis of massive populations of interacting agents. When the network is driven by many independent external signals, this collective A machine learning framework for solving high-dimensional mean field game and mean field control problems Lars Ruthottoa,b,1, Stanley J. Here, we focus on continual learning in single-layered and multilayered neural networks of binary weights. , the curse of dimensionality due to the exponential growth of agent interactions and nonstationary environments due to simultaneous learning, hinder the large-scale proliferation of MARL. , η= 0 [11,29]. 1: On-the-fly machine learning force field generation scheme. In this paper, we present Mean Field Reinforcement Learning where the interactions within the population of agents are approximated Jun 3, 2019 · Reducing the precision of weights and activation functions in neural network training, with minimal impact on performance, is essential for the deployment of these models in resource-constrained environments. A Beginner's Guide to Variational Methods: Mean-Field Approximation, Eric Jang. mlr. Mean field theory in machine learning investigates the training dynamics of random networks in chaotic and ordered phases [71]. The theory has been extended to networks with shortcuts [105, 106], recurrent connections [15, 69], and batch normalization [104]. Apr 7, 2022 · Motivated by the models of epidemic control in large populations, we consider a Stackelberg mean field game model between a principal and a mean field of agents whose states evolve in a finite state space. In this paper, we present \\emph{Mean Field Reinforcement Learning} where the interactions within the population of agents are May 25, 2022 · Non-cooperative and cooperative games with a very large number of players have many applications but remain generally intractable when the number of players increases. When the agent number increases largely, the learning becomes intractable due to the curse of the dimensionality and the exponential growth of agent interactions. In particular, it is observed that new insights can be obtained by recasting deep learning as an optimal control problem on difference or differential equations. Jun 13, 2020 · In this two-part sequence, I’d like to first explain briefly what MFT is, and then in part 2 understand how machine learning researchers have applied it to obtain impressive real-world improvements in training performance. In an analogy with statistical physics, the Bellman equation is studied as a disordered dynamical system; the Markov decision process transition probabilities are interpreted as couplings and the value functions as deterministic spins that evolve dynamically May 18, 2015 · Learning in restricted Boltzmann machine is typically hard due to the computation of gradients of log-likelihood function. Learning in games involving a large number of players remains one of the challenges of modern game theory. In this work, we take a mean-field view, and consider a two-layer ReLU network trained via SGD for a univariate regularized regression problem. Our theory provides an efficient message passing based method that evaluates not only the partition function (free Multiagent reinforcement learning (MARL) has recently attracted considerable attention from both academics and practitioners. g. ergodic mean eld control, ergodic mean eld game, numerical solution, machine learning, rate of convergence AMS subject . By means of mean field theory, for example, the original critic network of multi-agent Mean Field Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning 3. The MSRDJ formalism bears concise mathematics, resulting in the mean-field Aug 16, 2024 · In this paper, inspired by prior applications of mean field theory to neural network dynamics, we introduce a mean field ansatz to provide a theoretical explanation for weight transfer. 1 in the case of a Gaussian For example, classical approximation theory, statistical learning theory and optimization theory often apply equally to shallow and deep networks, and fail to explain many empirical phenomena. Class Times and Location. Process. In particular, the combination of the DMFT with conventional methods for the calculation of electronic band structures has led to a powerful numerical approach which Apr 14, 2024 · Variational inference (VI) has emerged as a popular method for approximate inference for high-dimensional Bayesian models. 2018. Mean Field Approximation The pairwise interaction Q j(s;a j;ak) as in Eq. Here we consider discrete action spaces, where the action aj of agent j is a discrete categorical variable represented as Apr 3, 2017 · Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, Kevin P. In this section, we will show mean field approximation results in a lower bound to the partition function. Conversely, in the fourth and fifth parts, we review machine learning approaches to stochastic control problems, and focus on the deterministic case, to explain, more easily, the numerical algorithms. Apr 9, 2020 · R. %0 Conference Paper %T Mean-field theory of two-layers neural networks: dimension-free bounds and kernel limit %A Song Mei %A Theodor Misiakiewicz %A Andrea Montanari %B Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Conference on Learning Theory %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2019 %E Alina Beygelzimer %E Daniel Hsu %F pmlr-v99-mei19a %I PMLR %P 2388--2464 %U https://proceedings. We will next provide a detailed explanation of this field-theoretical formalism, yet in random neural networks with predesigned synaptic structures. Their areas of application span topics in economics, finance, game theory, industrial engineering, crowd motion, and more. all correlation functions of the fields f(x) may be computed exactly. Complex Systems 1: 995–1019 (1987). Laurière, Convergence analysis of machine learning algorithms for the numerical solution of mean field control and games: I – The ergodic case Convergence analysis of machine learning algorithms for the numerical solution of mean field control and games: I – The ergodic case. Other parametrizations. The dynamics of the network is captured by the evolution law, similar to a logistic map, for a single collective variable. Recently, Mean Field Games (MFGs), introduced concurrently by Lasry and Li-ons (2007) and Huang et al. 1. While residual connections and batch normalization do Nov 1, 1997 · We present a new approximate learning algorithm for Boltzmann Machines, which is based on mean field theory and the linear response theorem. E. While many successful recurrent architectures employ a notion of gating, the exact mechanism that enables such remarkable performance is not well understood. In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research), Jennifer Dy and Andreas Krause (Eds. Sparse and multi-index models . A structure dataset defines the Bravais lattice and the atomic positions of the system and contains the total energy, the forces, and the stress tensor Jun 10, 2020 · In the third part, we present the links between stochastic gradient descent and mean-field theory. In this analogy, the local federated learners are considered as the players and the aggregation of the gradients in a central server is the mean-field effect. To model nontrivial statistical dependencies between the spins' couplings, we assume that the rectangular coupling matrix is drawn from an arbitrary bi-rotation May 3, 2021 · Recent research has introduced successful methods to scale multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms to many agent scenarios using mean field theory. Traditional methods for solving these games generally An Introduction to Mean Field Game Theory. 1-158). Core issues, e. Control Theory provide useful concepts and tools for Machine Learning. immmirxgovdenxgqmondsdycnniehdclpjbidfsooeucqrwukudpiqp