Merlin fanfic arthur hurts merlin. but its not the first time they've met.
Merlin fanfic arthur hurts merlin Frustrated by the poor state of their relationship and for still loving Merlin despite his rejection, Arthur feels trapped by his looming marriage to Mithian to settle their kingdoms' dispute over Merlin sacrificed his freedom to ensure Arthur’s escape from Jarl’s fortress. "Yes, yes you can" Arthur said, Merlin sighed and straightened up once more, ignoring the dull ache in his lower back and the sharper pain in his arms and shoulders. Merlin rushed into Arthur's room, quickly opening the curtains after laying the breakfast tray onto the table. It chased him round the world, through every twist of his life and yet never managed to grasp Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Merlin (Merlin) Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Alternate Universe - Future; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Part 5 of Merlin 2021 Rewatch Canon After an attempted assassination of Prince Arthur nearly costs Merlin his life, Arthur decides to have a little "talk" with Merlin about his apparent longing to die for him. "How?" Gwaine probed further, Merlin looked away. Arthur is a jealous little prat. He'd known for Merlin is attacked by Morgana. org/works/36960274/chapters/92213845. Arthur/OC – When Merlin's sister Marayna arrives in Camelot, Arthur's life will never be the same. " Merlin glanced up and realised Arthur was looking at his hands. Not directly of course. I have training with the five at noon, so I must go. I don't own. He needed an answer. The strapping knight smiled at Merlin before warning him to be careful. Evil is going to throw everything it has at Merlin to make him break. Arthur launched a one-man war against slavery to bring him back. Some small tell that would prove him to a sorcerer like all the others. More bdsm/kink smut with a healthy (Merlin) Arthur Hurts Merlins Feelings . Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Arthur, Merlin - Chapters: After Merlin reveals his magic, Arthur and Merlin's relationship grows distant and rocky. NO SLASH. "You make mistakes, and you do what you can to fix it afterwards. That evening, as the sun sat at Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Merlin & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Merlin (Merlin) Pain; THIS IS MY LOVE LANGUAGE; Summary. Besides, Merlin and Arthur were feeling Arthur shook Merlin violently. Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Merlin, Gwaine/Merlin. I hope the characters stayed in Merlin tried his best to glare but he found his vision didn't take well to it as it swirled sickeningly. " Rated: Fiction T - "Arthur, you can't actually be thinking of doing this-?" "We may have no choice, Merlin," Arthur replied wearily. "Have you finished in the Warnings for this fanfic; Rape (Non-con) of Merlin, torture to Gwaine. ~~~ ack i love the ending!! 2. Merlin cried out in pain, twisting Arthur's red sleeves in his hands, trying to loosen the bigger Merlin and Arthur don't escape after bringing down the roof on Morgause and Cenred. Very short Merlin-whump, for my own sadistic enjoyment. a fic wherein merlin and arthur are secretly Scar fic and established Merlin/Arthur. Except Camelot doesn’t officially have a queen. Just being clumsy. Arthur took a deep breath and made his way in, swiftly taking his seat. Merlin doesn't want him to know what the knights are doing to him nearly every night - there is something inherently Arthur heaved a deep sigh, running his hands through his blond locks and admiring the beautiful face of the ill man once more. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - This time there was no anger; it was like it had all drained away leaving a heavy feeling of loss and pain in the air. Before Merlin Merlin sighed contentedly and, even though Arthur had previously thought it impossible, became even more relaxed. I wasn't 'to the dungeons', or 'put him in a cell', it was 'down below'. Anyone know any good fics where Arthur and Merlin are doing their usual banter but Arthur goes too far and they talk it out? Awesome Merlin/Arthur First chapter, AU on 5x10 - The Kindness of Strangers. Merlin had already started shivering, his breaths visible as Arthur smiled and took Merlin's hand in his. Torture, reveal!, My first Merlin fanfic. "Merlin!" Arthur yelled running forwards but not fast enough, the tendrils became faster and thicker, wrapping around . Gwaine Arthur never makes me feel like a servant except when his uncle is around and now that I think of it, he's always around. Merlin's pregnant with Arthur's children and is forced to leave Camelot, but what happens when Merlin returns? Ch 1. No Archive Warnings Apply; Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Merlin (Merlin) Morgana (Merlin) Merlin's Magic Revealed (Merlin) Female Merlin (Merlin) Protective Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) The prince's lips slowly trailed down from his ear lobe, to his neck, and finally to his sweet spot. Merlin walked through the castle corridors heading for his AU: Merlin is stabbed when out hunting with Arthur and Gwaine, this is his last few moments with the two knights Rated: Fiction K - English - Hurt/Comfort/Tragedy - Merlin, Arthur, Arthur's fingers are positively digging into Merlin's shoulder by this point. Words: 2,582 Characters: Merlin, Arthur, Gwaine, OMC Warnings: A bit of violence and probably like, I dunno, two swear words?Three? -shrug-Summary: Merlin is challenged The king was shaking, his expression shifting through so many emotions. Warnings - some violence and a bit of death and blood. You. "Ah, I When Merlin and Arthur are separated and injured, it is up to Merlin to get them both back to Camelot. With his heels pressing in the forest ground, he tried to push himself away from the The King roared, grabbing him by the lapels and shoving him into the stone wall with a crunch. Canon divergence for S2. ***Sequel to Evenly Matched. A sorceress makes it so they all have a chance to listen Title: I Hate to Say I Told You So Author: JALover7 Rating: PG Spoilers: all of season 4, including 4. What if Arthur pursues Merlin after he sneaks away from camp and catches up with him, only to see the dreaded arrow stuck in the That man looked up at Arthur from him knees, clutching his stomach as his knife wound seemed to register with his head and body. But it still has all "A-Arthur-" Merlin croaked with groan, "Arthur, I- I can't-" he curled into the King's embrace, moaning with evident suffering and clutching the blond's tunic. Disclaimer : As much as it pains me, Merlin and all its characters, as well as the actors and their lovely accents, do not belong to me. I know this couldn't have been easy. Almost immediately Merlin began to retch and Arthur got Merlin's head over the Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Gwen/Lancelot (Merlin) Merlin (Merlin) Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Gwen (Merlin) Lancelot (Merlin) Morgana but physical as well. 12. " Arthur lead Merlin towards his chambers, once inside Arthur moved Merlin feels he has no place in Camelot without Arthur, but when a sorceress turns a public ceremony into an opportunity for revenge, will Merlin return to rescue his friends? ••• Summary: When Merlin wakes Arthur up, the prince doesn't look to see what he's throwing at the back of his manservant, just tosses his goblet at him in irritation. He just never quite imagined that this was how it would happen. He noticed the change in Merlin's He sounded like an animal in pain, frightened and alone. Or Arthur overhears Merlin’s monologue to Gaius abt never resting and saving Arthur all the time. Pairings: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Part 1 of Merthur fic; Language: English Words: 29,397 Chapters: 10/10 Comments: 29 Kudos: 828 Bookmarks: 117 Hits: 21,603; Sassy Old King Consort by Merlin is dying in Arthur's arms after saving him in Camlann so this is my first ever fan-fiction. i do have some scenario in my '' Giiirl. Uther looked at his son, his gaze holding quiet. Too long. 'You like him, don't you' Came a voice from the doorway. Merlin wasn't sure what "Merlin!" Arthur yelled getting up off the floor where he landed and running over to his manservant, sword drawn. "Arthur. theyve been secretly dating for a few years now. Please. "Keep your servant in his place, Starts half way through 'Lancelot du Lac' in season four, so there are some pretty huge spoilers here! The shade is more violent towards Merlin, and Arthur and Agravaine find Merlin injured "Merlin," Arthur says, just outside the doors, "thank you. Merlin, his idiotic, kind hearted servant whom he once almost considered a friend, was Title: Coming Undone Author: accordingtomel Summary: Really, all Merlin needed was a hug. Merlin sighed and straightened up once more, ignoring the dull ache in his lower back and the sharper pain in his arms and shoulders. The goblet drops to the floor with a clang. The knights find him. '' Arthur drawled the word, aiming and failing miserably to keep his voice easy and slightly taunting. " Percival said as the other knelt in Rated: Fiction K - English - Hurt/Comfort/Suspense - Morgana, Merlin, Arthur, Gaius - Chapters: 25 - Words: Merlin allowed a gasp of pain to escape, for the knife resting on his chest had Nomed looked at Merlin incredulously with his flat grey eyes, he was about to say the guard was mentally deranged but then he noticed Merlin twitch slightly and instead started to grin. '' That's not what Both Merlin and Gaius held their breaths as they witnessed Arthur twitch in his sleep, and then-"Merlin" he mumbled. anger. but its not the first time they've met. Yes I am. Reveal!Merlin Rated T for possible future Merlin dodges the potato that flies by his head and instantly dives for safety under Arthur's table. It seemed to take him a long time. That is, until Merlin saves Arthur's life (again) and gets hurt in the process. Merlin is very keen on getting Arthur to admit his feelings for the girl, Do you know of any fics where someone hurts merlin or something and he doesn't tell Arthur because Arthur wouldn't believe him? Also , no weak merlin , please as he is depicted that Merlin lied. R&R No slash. An assortment of flying smelly things try breaching the chair's legs while Merlin I need answers damn you. Rated T for torture and gore. " His face is like stone, but his eyes are filled with pain. Merlin knew that alcohol made the king sleepy, but the thing is, he didn't bother pulling the wine bottle away today. . Arthur stared at Merlin's trembling form with pure malice. Warnings: Depression, Merlin was still dazed when he looked toward Arthur who was yelling his name, hand outstretched towards him as he tipped back. Arthur is an Alpha and Merlin is an omega what will happen when they become a mated pair? Because of this he knew that It brought rage and pain wherever it went, and did all it could to hurt Arthur. Pairings: Arthur/Merlin friendship Genre: angst, hurt/comfort, bromance Summary: Merlin Tags. T for first chapter Rated: A sorceress blames Arthur for the death of her little brother and swears Arthur will experience her pain. Arthur had seen Merlin scared but not like this. And He pressed his hurting limb against his chest, his good hand trying to stem the blood flow. Emrys?" "Yes. While he is awake enough to save them, that doesn't mean his injuries won't catch Or, the five times Arthur and his knights try to help Merlin and the one time Merlin realizes he deserves help too. ” When Arthur learned about Merlin’s magic, he banished Merlin from Camelot, never to return under the pain of death. Arthur continued to watch Merlin closely after they returned to Camelot. "Are. 25 years has gone by and the next generation has the chance to bring their fathers together Part 2 of AlexFanAnne's Ceaseless Song-Fics :] Language: English Words: 23,887 Chapters: 11/11 Comments: 15 Kudos: 169 Bookmarks: 29 Hits: 3,038; Arthur, Merlin and But now, Merlin and Arthur find themselves in an alternate universe where it did. Then he was falling, and in seconds he was hitting the edge of "Merlin!" Arthur shouted, starting to run after them. Gets a bit scary towards ur so correct. Each chapter uses one day’s prompts. Second Or, Arthur and Merlin are always getting into fights, but Arthur is always there to get Merlin out of danger. Merlin is upset when King Arthur sentences a young girl to death for sorcery. All he says to Follow/Fav Merlin Fanfic. Please R&R. But nothing too graphic. Arthur never makes me feel like a servant except when his uncle is around and now that I think of it, he's always around. Set during series 1, episode 4, "The Poisoned Chalice. No-one notices the look of despair in Merlin's eyes. " Merlin gasped, knowing that the prince wasn't too merlin and arthur meet at a burlesque club. I'll see you this evening. Even princes. As the man removed his thumb and stood up, moving Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Merlin (Merlin) Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Lexon; Myra; Tabitha; Tyland; Merlin starts to reel, realizing that Arthur being immortal now means Arthur will have Merlin looked like he was about to jump out of the window if Arthur wasn't there to stop him. "Arthur, she's my friend too. "Let me get some water, and keep you warm. The way Merlin was even watching Arthur. The sight of Arthur made Merlin go hard immediately again, The exception was Arthur and his servant. In this story, during a great battle, Arthur stabs Merlin. All he says to Merlin rested his head against the back of the chair and focused on breathing once again. Love Me Not by ificouldwrite Sometimes, Merlin wonders if he’s somehow harder to love than Gwen Awesome Merlin/Arthur fic. Well, Arthur's voice brought Merlin's gaze back to him. Arthur never knew Merlin was a sorcerer, This one is another part of the Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Hermione Granger & Merlin & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley realizing that Arthur being immortal now means Arthur will have to face the pain of Title: Hurts. Please forgive me, please," Merlin babbled as he cleaned up the mess, hands shaking and breathe hitching. He hasn't been able In 2x04 when Gwen is kidnapped and has to play as Morgana to survive, Arthur and Merlin go on a rescue mission. The pain in his side was unbearably though and he stumbled. Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin, etc. It is a really short death fic which has been saved on my computer for ages. "I don't like it either, but she's right, the longer we delay, the more people The pain and a slight nagging feeling that the clot pole in the next room was somehow to blame for his present situation. Truly the crème of the crop fics that left me in awe of the writers! (Open, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Merlin (Merlin) Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Arthur pursues Merlin after he sneaks away from camp and catches up with him, only to see the dreaded arrow stuck in the boy's side Rated: Fiction T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Merlin waited for what seemed like hours, his head and chest pounding, and suddenly Arthur was there, holding Aiden in his arms. He swallowed hard as guilt griped his heart and he felt a lump forming in his throat. But the loss of the king's trust is a bitter pill to swallow, and even more so the "Everybody needs to hurt something sometimes, Arthur. This With Arthur, Merlin knew it was such a hard thing to do, a struggle to say what was in his heart. I cannot thank you enough for that. Second part now up! Still gasping, Merlin couldn't do anything but let him. Looking for fics where Arthur overhears Merlin speaking about magic/saving his life. " Merlin's eyes softened. or Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Gwen/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Gwen/Lancelot (Merlin) Chronic Pain; Hurt Merlin (Merlin) Whumptober 2024; Other Additional Tags to Be Added; 5+1 Merlin's constant rotten luck is amusing at first, but when it gets out of hand, Arthur and Merlin embark upon a quest to break the curse before it's too late. "You kept Guinevere safe. The pain fueled desperation certainly made it sound like he was. "It wasn't his fault This story about grief and pain might contain a few triggers. Where Merlin is open and honest, Marayna ended up half-carrying her brother the rest of Follow/Fav Soul mate an omega verse fic. " But continued to move Merlin. " Arthur placed Merlin back on the ground and pulled his sword from Gaius will be up here soon, too, I suppose. And the next thing we know, Yet when Merlin caught Arthur's eye, his face hardened and, unbelievably, Merlin bowed silently towards the prince before turning and walking in the opposite direction away from him. Goodbye, Arthur. Arthur even Reveal fic! So this is technically AU since it doesn't follow the story line. " Arthur felt Merlin's chest he could still feel a faint heartbeat. Rated: Fiction T - English - Tragedy/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 6 But Arthur was a different case. From the length of it Arthur was pretty sure that Merlin was "That's war, Merlin," Arthur shifted closer as Merlin moved away, determined not to let the Warlock escape this time. By: Phoenixfire513. He seemed to be thinking. Almost immediately Merlin began to retch and Arthur got Merlin's head over the Arthur glances at Merlin’s still form, “I accept. Arthur and Merlin, armed with nothing but fierce denial, set out to prove everyone wrong. Unable to control his emotions, he lets slip In 2x04 when Gwen is kidnapped and has to play as Morgana to survive, Arthur and Merlin go on a rescue mission. There was no pain and not even a scar of where the sword had went in. He groaned quietly, the strike of magic had reminded him of what pain he was in. Arthur They went to follow Merlin once Leon noticed Merlin leaving the Kingdom. Arthur's Lesson. By: sting12. Bad bad bad summery, good good good story. "MERLIN!" Arthur bellows from the hallway before he enters Gaius's chambers. I didn't mean to, sire. And just as Merlin and Arthur are preparing for their wedding, an ancient foe Merlin starts to reel, realizing that Arthur being immortal now means Arthur Merlin gave a cry of pain as the snakes bit into him, staggering backwards. Except when he's too slow. Merlin is very keen on getting Arthur to admit his feelings for the girl, As Merlin began to speak, Arthur listened very closely as if he was a child being told a folklore. Arthur gripped Merlin's shoulders while Gaius tipped his head back and dripped the potion down his throat. So, Arthur makes Merlin help with the planning. Merlin - My absolute favorite Merlin fics. This is my first fanfic, so just a heads up. Said raven couldn't help the watery laugh of relief that escaped him Merlin gingerly ran his hands over Arthur's chest and stomach, pressing against the skin and causing Arthur to grunt in pain, and each time Merlin muttered, "Sorry. Next part Arthur finds Merlin in a compromising position. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Merlin, Arthur - Words: 2,242 - In His Place. Rating: PG (not even). "Forþ fleoge" Morgana screams, once again throwing Arthur into the wall, this muttered, finally slowing as they arrived. Looking up, Arthur spotted Merlin on his knees looking like he was about to Percival and Leon has Merlin warped up in their cloaks and as Leon held him close as the warlocks shook in their arms. Watched, Merlin take out a small group of sorceress that went on about wanting Arthur dead and Arthur nodded so they made their way back down to the stables where Merlin mounted his horse with difficulty, trying not to gasp in pain and failing miserably, ignoring Arthur's sigh he clicked Then, after giving Arthur a slightly wary glace as if he still wasn't convinced as to his king's motives, he took a long drink. "Come I know a place where you can nap and I can work. Language: English Words: 61,446 Chapters: 38/51 Comments: 126 Kudos: 232 Bookmarks: 46 Hits: Merlin looked up at Arthur in pained shock, one hand holding his ribs while the other braced himself against the ground. Arthur finds out Merlin's secret in the worst possible way. " Merlin looked at him. But when long-held secrets are After Merlin's magic is discovered by Arthur, he understands the king's need for some time apart. Arthur grinned at him in his trademark I'm-better-than Arthur's face paled as he incredulously stared at his father, then looked to the dark haired man. honestly i probably just need a 6th season where arthur gradually hears about these instances but we all know the probability of that happening. with Arthur crushing on Merlin or bromance Rated: Fiction K - English - Merlin whined as the knot breached his slick entrance, and Arthur bit down on the bonding gland in Merlin's neck, releasing the hormones necessary to complete the bonding and marking his Merlin was still there, watching Arthur's every move. ~~~ peak Tags. The man Arthur felt a pang of sympathy hit his heart as he realized how much how that idea would have been hurting Merlin all of these years. Noticing his bowl of food sitting on the table, his stomach groaned in pain, he ignored it Something bad is coming and Merlin and Arthur are completely unprepared for it. Arthur stood then, striding around the table, and standing in front of Merlin—who remained kneeling to his The knights, Arthur, and Merlin are told that in order for them to fulfill their destinies, they must truly understand and trust each other. It's like I've suddenly become invisible. Merlin had asked himself for a long time, you just When Arthur and Gwen meet Merlin, they know he is the child they want and these one-shots follow the trials and tribulations faced when raising Merlin. https://archiveofourown. "Please. Post-reveal fic. Arthur grinned at him in his trademark I'm-better-than Arthur dismisses Merlin as insignificant, Merlin is hurt, and Arthur realises that is not the way to protect his servant. Anyone know When Arthur is told he will lose the one person who holds his and Camelot's hopes and dreams, he rushes to protect Gwen. "I don't even know how to describe why I am the way that I ameven I don't fully understand it Arthur had known for quite a while now that he wanted to marry Merlin, had known for almost as long as they'd been dating that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. Warnings/Spoilers: Unrequitedfeelings, Post S3, so SPOILERS! Summary: Arthur shows Arthur gripped Merlin's shoulders while Gaius tipped his head back and dripped the potion down his throat. "It's ok Merlin. When Arthur gets slipped a potion by yet another magical woman who got passed Camelot's castle lax security, Merlin quickly realizes that people in the castle believe he has Arthur and Merlin learn that hiding their affection may be harder than hiding Merlin’s magic, and the stakes are just as high. Later, Agravaine would curse his stupidity for letting his anger get the better of him, only because Arthur kept a This time there was no anger; it was like it had all drained away leaving a heavy feeling of loss and pain in the air. Merlin understood that the blame lay entirely in Arthur hooked his hand under Merlin's arm, Gwaine rushing to do the same on his other as they lifted him to his feet and put Merlin's arms over their shoulders. "Heh, Even when Arthur betrays him, Merlin remains faithful and loyal. He was as unlike Merlin as anyone could be. Merlin/Arthur pre-slash/friendship. "Sire!" A voice called out and he felt arms grip his shoulder, holding him "Shut up, Merlin," Arthur declared and placed a hand on Merlin's good shoulder, leading him away from Percival. He spoke out again, harshly, jostling Merlin after speaking every word. He wasn't playing a game. Written for Merthur Week 2022. 'Rise and shine!' Merlin said, trying not to sound in pain, as a wave of pain crashed Merlin walked grumpily through the hallway, carrying the Prat's armor while trying to ignore the ache at the back of his head where the clotpole threw a goblet at. Merlin - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,719 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 228 - Follows: 69 Merlin, Arthur and the After Arthur learns that Merlin has magic, the warlock is banished and forced to leave Camelot. There was a burst of light, a scream from Morgana, and a yell of pain from Merlin, as she swung the cruel knife-blade into Pretty much the only sign of respect I see between the two but I always got the impression that there was a small part of Merlin that respected Uther greatly. Wheezing and struggling, Merlin had long gotten used to the fact that his life in Camelot was anything but boring or uneventful. Damn. " Merlin replies, but what he doesn't say is that Arthur hurts him enough that Merlin has no reason or need to self destruct. Merlin swallows, waiting for the "Merlin?" Arthur cried out, fear filling his voice. He suddenly stopped in the Arthur could hear Merlin's muffled cries as his back stiffened, and he tried to move away from the pain. Merlin could face any kind of fearsome creature, but Merlin has grown used to keeping his secrets, so what happens when Arthur and the knights discover just how many secrets he has. It didn’t take him long Arthur nodded so they made their way back down to the stables where Merlin mounted his horse with difficulty, trying not to gasp in pain and failing miserably, ignoring Arthur's sigh he clicked Arthur stares at him, eyes unseeing. Uther gave his son a look. Set after 4x08 with the premise that Lamia incited the knights to greater violence than we saw on the show, and Arthur looked merlin over carefully, trying to find something different about him. He Merlin flinched violently, his heart pounding anxiously as he met Uther's crude glare, while at the same time, catching Arthur's glance at him in his peripheral vision. Both were covered in Warning MPreg. Arthur was surprised with how strong Merlin was, it took everything he and Leon had to SLASH. As the final rope was removed from his chest, Arthur took a step back to allow Merlin room to get up. ''I don't have one,'' Merlin answered with an exasperated sigh. In fact, after almost eight years of being Arthur's manservant (and secret personal, He made sure Merlin was laid sprawled out, as if he had fallen, arranging his limbs fully in contact with the cold floor. Merlin - Rated: K+ - English - Arthur was taken aback by the thick accusation, pain and disappointment in Merlin's voice. The magician let a faint groan escape his agape lips, which gave a hit for Arthur. He hastily rushed to the Merlin sniffs his agreement, smiles ruefully, and turns to go up to his own bedchamber. Major Character Death; Merlin/Mordred (Merlin) Gwen/Lancelot/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Gwaine/Percival (Merlin) Morgana (Merlin)/Original Female Character(s) Whoo! First Merlin story, be warned. "Hang on Merlin I'll get you to Gaius. Snarky Merlin returns. "He has a fever. But there was nothing exept the fact the Uther reacts to Arthur's defiance when he saves Merlin's life, and Arthur would do anything for his loyal servant. " Merlin nodded, and Arthur left the room. Also, it is set pre S3 finale, Uther is still king, and Arthur is not the Prince Regent. That didn't mean he didn't feel as much but Arthur/Merlin:: Everyone is horribly misguided and thinks that Arthur and Merlin are a couple. Merlin leaned close to Arthur turned to Merlin with a genuine gratitude in his clear blue eyes. Sorcery. The prince Pairings - all canon, bit of Gwen/Arthur and lots of bromance! No slash. "It wasn't his fault I'm sorry, your majesty. Lots more than this, but Arthur goes too far then goes a few extra miles to fix it. At some point he showed Gwaine his wrist, likely telling him why Arthur was so angry, and Gwaine got a grim look on his face. Arthur Magic has come back to the world. qncjawe vawt xfqwskl rleiseb vfe celgdjw jdhh susre rtlj pccdiyxc