Nokia nsp api Skip to main content It also requires a small language model with knowledge of a network API that is attached to software code and the commentary included in that code. What happens on the lab teardown date? Your lab is available until 23:59 UTC of the teardown date. Figure 11-1: New alarm message example AnNFM-PsystemcollectsdatafrommanagedNEsandcollatesthedataforaccounting, performancemonitoring,troubleshooting,inventory,andfaultmanagement. Navigate to the INVENTORY tab and select Customers from the drop down menu. 1 Excluded entities The following table lists entities/attributes that are only present in Version 3 of the SDN API in NSP NSP APIs External / public APIs. 122) and vIP2 This tutorial has been tested using the NSP-FAULT category. availableintheNSP NFM-P Release Description. NSP Planning Guide—platform support information. WS-NOC Description. See fm. port/api/v1/brgc/ Contact Nokia support for information about changing the default URL. This tutorial is to create a L3VPN service with an auto assigned route distinguisher. NSP Network Services Platform Network Functions Manager - Packet (NFM-P) Release 17. ” Rapid’s API technology includes a public marketplace, enterprise services, and an enterprise-grade API hub that allows companies to securely design, build, test, and share APIs across Nokia recommends that each configuration request contain no more than one configuration operation. 1 Why use Service Fulfillment? TheServiceFulfillmentapplicationallowsformulti-vendorserviceprovisioningandactivation 1. UsesubjecttoTermsavailableat:www. For general information about developer support, visit the Network Developer Portal. See the system . How do I enable viewing of L2 and L3 topologies? How do I add a controller? How do I upgrade a controller? How do I add a simulator? How do I enable user access control? How do I configure the network map? How do I automatically discover cross-domain links? How do I automatically commit cross-domain links? The combination of Rapid’s API technology and R&D expertise with Nokia’s scale and network and API domain expertise will enable us to expand the broader API ecosystem. Latency-based optimization Step 1: Verify the prerequisites. The XML API receives SOAP XML requests for configuring and managing NFM-P system and network objects. client. See the Network Developer Portal for information. You must create a scope of command profile to group the OSS Management scope of command role with additional roles. The portal is also home to API documentation, samples, and tutorials for the developer community. Telemetry is enabled in this lab by default by a REST API call to the NSP which NSP NSP. 11 TroubleshootingGuide 3HE-18817-AAAD-TQZZA Issue1 November2022 ©2022Nokia. The -persistent parameter specifies a durable subscription, and is optional. This eLearning enables the learner to develop a solid theoretical and practical understanding of NSP Intent-Based Service Fulfillment (IBSF) from a planning and design perspective. For API documentation, see the NSP API documentation portal. Messages are sent to the XML API using an RPC pattern. This tutorial is for performing inventory requests in order to visualize the NSP managed network in an OSS. pySROS programs can be executed on the router itself using a local Python interpreter, as well as remotely using NETCONF. The user has retrieved a token to be able to use the notification service. The NSP NFM-P XML API Developer Guide provides information about developing OSS applications, Your Feedback will be sent to this document’s maintainer to improve Nokia documentation. The templates are hard-coded in the NSP, however, the NSP service definition is very abstract and models only a small subset of Nokia — Proprietary and confidential. This article explains the basics of interacting with SR OS devices through pySROS. Cloud and digital The Nokia Network Functions Manager for Packet (NFM-P) is the Network Services Platform (NSP) module for IP/MPLS management. 4Networkadministration Youcandefinegroupsofnetworkobjectsforaccessbyspecificusergroups,andcreatepolicies thatdefineNSPoperatoraccesstoobjectsandfunctions. internal. AlarmObject. Once it is created successfully, status Aim. 5 Main database See the NSP Planning Guide for the TLS and HTTPS port assignments, and the NSP Installation and Upgrade Guide for TLS configuration information. Discover the concept of Intent-Based Networking and the relationship between service intent types and service intents. This means that a filter lists the higher-level object properties before the lower-level properties, as defined in the NFM-P object hierarchy. See the XML API Reference for object hierarchy information. The sites may also include cookies from third parties. Note: Offline representations NSP can also connect through other domain controllers using proprietary or open interfaces such as T-API. The aim of this article is to provide a good starting place for using Ansible with SR OS. Verify that telemetry is enabled. It also performs an OAM test to ensure the service is correctly configured and applies statistics collection to monitor performance. NSP PKI Server—generates TLS certificates for system-wide NSP NSP NetworkServicesPlatform NetworkFunctionsManager-Packet(NFM-P) Release24. Use pursuant to applicable agreements. The Nokia WAN SDN Controller is known as the Network Services Platform (NSP). Applications Overview The NSP allows operators to automate, optimize, and assure network services across multiple network layers and both physical and virtual infrastructure, including equipment from multiple vendors. Fault management API and tools support Fault management API developer portal documentation. REST API Gateway—acquires NSP REST API tokens and locates specific NSP APIs. About this guide Overview. To use the XML API, you must perform the following configuration tasks. Your feedback will be sent to this document’s maintainer to improve Nokia documentation. The JMS advanced message filters Overview. The Nokia Certified NSP IP Network Automation Professional is a foundational certification focused on developing your automation skills using programmable APIs, workflows and intent-based networking. 2. com . 1 Excluded entities . NSP RESTCONF—for communication with the NSP system and state notifications WaveHub Labs. NSP Installation and Upgrade Guide—installation information. 11 AdministratorGuide 3HE-15125-AAAF-TQZZA Issue1 November2019 When NSP connect is installed, in the “Explorer” section you should see a new “NSP setups” section. Step 2 – Prepare for the exam with This Fault Management RESTCONF API tutorial documents a new API method introduced in NSP 24. Enter an NFM-P license key that activates the XML API. 4 Output Output is a data structure containing expressions that define workflow output. It provides them with starting sample code and client libraries All NSP labs are deployed on bare metal servers in a Nokia external facing lab environment. Exception: XML API Maximum Connected Clients Nokia recommends that an OSS should use only one JMS connection per JMS topic. NSP NetworkServicesPlatform NetworkFunctionsManager-Packet(NFM-P) Release20. Industries Enterprises. Session Manager—tracks and manages SSO sessions. Skip to main content Speak now. Affected methods New entities & attributes Generic API Your Feedback will be sent to this document’s maintainer to improve Nokia documentation. NSP path routing and optimization automatically computes an LSP path using specified objectives and constraints. 2 NSP REST API design 1. It provides them with starting sample code and client libraries The Network Services Platform (NSP) helps you automate your IP and optical networks to simplify your operations, respond quickly to fast-changing demand, get the most from your resources, and ensure maximum service performance This tutorial describes how to manage a persistent subscription in a Disaster Recovery (DR) setup mode where there are 2 data centres (DC1 and DC2). Enter one of the following to open a JMS connection to the NFM-P system: Note: The connection is made to the standalone main server, or to the current primary main server in a redundant system. vIP1 (147. See how Nokia’s Network Developer Portal provides automation guides, NSP API documentation and downloadable sample codes. The server addresses are specified in the initial JMS context. 4 NSP Flow Collector An NSP Flow Collector is an optional, scalable component that collectsAACflowd statistics directly from NEs and forwards the statistics records to a remote target server or an auxiliary database, after which they are available for processing by third-party or NSP applications such asAnalytics. Clear-text password format. message filter. See the NSP Installation and Upgrade Guide for TLS configuration and management information. Notification Service - Managing a Persistent automated procedures and closed loop automation using Nokia NSP or 3rd partyAPIs. Central Authentication Server, or CAS—authenticates user login attempts. The now named Original Service Fulfillment (Original SF), first introduced in 2017, which provides a web-based user interface and a REST API for service fulfilment tasks has been replaced with an intent-based service fulfilment application that is Aboutthisdocument Purpose TheNSPPlanningGuideisintendedfortechnologyofficers,networkplanners,andsystem See the NSP Planning Guide for the TLS and HTTPS port assignments, and the NSP Installation and Upgrade Guide for TLS configuration information. Click the + Your Feedback will be sent to this document’s maintainer to improve Nokia documentation. End-to-End EPIPE Service Configuration - Tutorial to create a point-to-point L2 service. 3. (L2, L3, SAPs, TE and SR-TE). See the IP/MPLSOptimizationapplication. An OSS client can send CLI commands to an NE using the methods listed in Table 9-7, CLI command methods. When working through these sections, it is recommended that you refer to the NSP developer section of this developer portal to see how Nokia's commercially supported management and automation framework may benefit your network. AlarmObject information. 9 AdministratorGuide 3HE-16023-AAAC-TQZZA Issue1 September2020 NSP Network Services Platform Network Resource Controller – Flow (NRC-F) Network Resource Controller – Packet (NRC-P) Network Resource Controller – Transport (NRC-T) Network Services Director (NSD) Release 17. The Nokia Network See the NSP Planning Guide for the TLS and HTTPS port assignments, and the NSP Installation and Upgrade Guide for TLS configuration information. Note: The use of firewalld is not supported on NSP cluster virtual machines. 1Overview 7 1. See Chapter 6, XML API filtering for more information about the resultFilter type. NSP partner program; Contact us; Paid Support Note: Nokia recommends that you create filters that have a top-down hierarchical structure to make them as restrictive as possible. 1 General information The NSP and its applications provide dynamic connectivity and resource control using high-level, RESTfulAPIs. On this page. pyang is an open source tool. Transform operational practices with automated workflows and develop connected applications for on-demand networks using APIs and SDK from Nokia’s IP and optical products. 2Structureofsafetystatements 8 1. SR OS; (NSP) sections to see Nokia's automation and management system. The NFM-P has a default customer already created with a customer ID value of 1. pyang has become the de facto standard for YANG model compilation. It enables end-to-end network and service management across all domains of a converged, all-IP network. Thesystemdeploys Nokia sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. 1 Introduction 1. 1 Overview TheNSParchitectureaccommodatesawidevarietyofnetworkmanagementfunctionsand interworkingcapabilities Nokia Network Service Platform (NSP) APIs are now exposed and public on nsp. The NSP NFM-P XML API Developer Guide provides information to help OSS developers create applications that perform NFM-P functions. The pySROS libraries provide a model-driven management interface for Python developers to integrate with supported Nokia routers. When an OSS client needs to receive events from multiple JMS topics, Nokia recommends subscribing to the 5620-SAM-topic-xml-filtered topic, which supports advanced message filtering and allows an OSS to receive any required events. 11 UserGuide 3HE-18121-AAAE-TQZZA Issue1 November2022 ©2022Nokia. ForlistingexistingLSPsinIETFtable faultFilter method usage requires knowledge of the fm. The templates are hard-coded in the NSP The NSP architecture publicizes the following APIs for Online Support System (OSS) clients: NSP REST—for HTTP CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations on NSP carrier SDN, NFM-P and NSP objects. A subscription represents a request for statistics information management. 3 To specify the BRGC IP and provisioning URL Purpose. NokiaConfidentialInformation Nokia sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. 3 To specify the BRGC IP and provisioning URL All of the requests used in the tutorial are in the Brownfield Service Migration collection. NSP provides you with a superior toolset that lets you automate your IP, optical and microwave networks to make them more agile, The NSP architecture publicizes the following APIs for Online Support System (OSS) clients: NSP REST—for HTTP CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations on NSP carrier SDN, This Fault Management REST/Kafka API Tutorial is intended to demonstrate the typical fault management alarm retrieval process required to access the NSP FM alarm data. See the XML API Reference for fm. You should set the permissions for this user appropriately for your network. 2 Contents 1. Fixed networks; IP networks; Optical networks; Programs. The NFM-P uses the CLI credentials in the associated mediation policy to gain CLI access. Service Migration Step 1: Create Customer. 1 Introduction ThischapterprovidesanoverviewoftheNetworkServicesPlatform(NSP)productandthe componentsthatcompriseanNSPdeployment. Sample codes are then imported into POSTMAN to execute Nokia Network Service Platform (NSP) APIs are now exposed and public on nsp. Open source tools are often provided without support frameworks behind them. A JMS client must specify the following to subscribe to a JMS topic: client ID. 5 PCMPAPI Reference 3HE-12004-AAAB-TQZZA Issue 1 May 2017. Steps to add a new setup: Click on the plus button (+) Provide a meaningful name to the setup you are adding (e. It provides them with starting sample code and client libraries Nokia sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. 8543. 1 Systemcomponents 1. API Documentation; Release Changes; Downloads; Partner Program; Multi-vendor Adaptors; Archive; IP Networking IP Networking. XML API. The fields of the AlarmInfo correspond to the properties of the new fm. NSP NetworkServicesPlatform Release22. Licensing NSP product software is licensed, versioned, and delivered in modules. Note. 11 ArchitectureGuide 3HE-17232-AAAD-TQZZA Issue2 December2021 ©2021Nokia. Figure 1. NSP Controller vRGW NFM-P DHCP SNMP Internal communication REST API AAA RADIUS RADIUS 26324 BRGC BRG Web Portal Customer (Interface) KAFKA UE PCMP DHCP/SLAAC/ Datatriggered REST over HTTP KAFKA Google Nokia Subject: Architecture Guide Keywords: Vol 1 of 1 3HE-15126-AAAC-TQZZA Issue 1 Date 09/2019 NSP Nokia – Proprietary and Confidential Use pursuant to applicable agreements 2 3HE-11082-AAAC-TQZZA Issue 1. You can prevent an XML API client from attempting to connect by suspending the XML API user account. IP/Optical Coordination API support. The messages are constructed and wrapped in a Note: Nokia recommends that you create filters that have a top-down hierarchical structure to make them as restrictive as possible. The XML API allows you to create and manage customers of services by using the subscr package. 8 XMLAPIDeveloperGuide 3HE-20022-AAAB-TQZZA Issue1 August2024 ©2024Nokia. FaultManager in the XML API Reference for information. Sample codes are then imported into POSTMAN to execute use cases for NSP APIs including Network Inventory, Service Fulfillment, Fault Management, Telemetry and Workflows. This 2-day hands-on course enables the learner to develop a solid theoretical and practical understanding of NSP Intent-Based Service Fulfillment (IBSF) from a planning and design perspective. This article does not cover how to use pyang in detail as there are plenty of good tutorials available on the Internet. 1 Productoverview 1. If you would like to receive a response, Note: When you remove a durable subscription, the XML API client can still attempt to connect to the XML API. Cancel Submit. Entry point for NSP: Network Map and Health on shared-mode NSP deployments. nokia. 3 XML API Developer Guide - Free ebook download as PDF File (. Ad hoc report design. Many configuration, NSP NetworkServicesPlatform Release20. AlarmInfo object attributes. Create the deployments using the nsp-icm:create-deployments API. AlarmInfo structure. 1 WhatcanIdowithFaultManagement? TheFaultManagementapplicationprovidesalarmmonitoring,correlation,andtroubleshootingfor See the NSP Deployment and Installation Guide for details about the NSP modules and their deployment options. 3HE17250AAAATQZZA_V1_NSP NFM-P 21. 1 NSPoverview 1. Alarm result filtering. Retrieve port objects from NSP using the NSP restconf equipment inventory API. NSP REST API and Kafka notification service. 6 API Differences Guide Issue 1 June 2017 Nokia — Proprietary and confidential. HTML: PDF. YANG/ietf - IETF models for NETCONF infrastructure to interwork with SR OS CLI command methods Overview. 1. Table 3-1, Compatibility table for NSP, WS-RC, WS-NOC, Nokia sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. The WaveHub Labs catalog is a self-service, first fully tailored lab that allows more agility and access to a common platform across diverse Optical Networking products; WS-NOC, WS-RC, WS-O, WS-P, WS-SE, WS-H&A and Overview. faultFilter method usage requires knowledge of the fm. REST API RESTConf API Service Fulfillment Network Supervision Fault Management Modeled Device Configurator Device Administrator Network Protocol Interface Layer Operator/ OSS MDM Multi-vendor network NSP Concepts MDM NSP 3HE-16045-AAAA-TQZZA Release20. NSP Resource Control Network Diagram. The Internet Engineering REST API RESTConf API Service Fulfillment Network Supervision Fault Management Modeled Device Configurator Device Administrator Network Protocol Interface Layer Operator/ OSS MDM To deploy IP services to the NFM-P, the NSP uses NFM-P templates that are installed into the NFM-P during NSP installation. The NSP NFM-P XML API Developer Guide focuses primarily on OSS application integration with the XML API and JMS mechanisms. Compatibility between NSP , WS-RC, WS-NOC, and T-API. The customer ID can be used to modify customer information. 3 KPImonitoringandreporting TheNSPmonitorsnetworkKPIsforimmediatetrend-basedapplicationreporting. The resultFilter type applies to alarms that the findFault method returns. When you configure a telemetry subscription, you specify a set of statistics data along with notification and Nokia NE or any other NE from another supplier that conforms to the same adaptor paradigms. Introduction. The REST requests are formatted using UTF-8 in JSON. Whether you’re looking to automate and orchestrate, to simplify operations, or monetize NSP NetworkServicesPlatform NetworkFunctionsManager-Packet(NFM-P) Release21. The pluggable network adaptation feature package also includes next-generation NSP frameworks: • NSP model-driven telemetry framework: Supports the Nokia SR OS and third-party devices in configuring and collecting performance statistics The Network Developer Portal hosts the latest NSP software in shared (free) and dedicated (paid) lab environments to allow customers to evaluate the NSP platform and develop and test NSP-enabled OSS applications. Network Services Platform that have been introduced to the supported versions of the APIs in NSP Release 17. Among all the ports that have been returned in the response (response not shown here), Overview. g. Classic mediation reporting Analytics reporting for classic mediation requires the configuration of auxiliary database collection parameters such as the following using the samconfig utility on each NFM-P main server: Nokia recommends that you review the entire NSP NFM-P Microwave Radio User Guide before you attempt to manage Wavence devices. The token is refreshed every 15 minutes. Nokia recommends using Calico policies to control traffic to an NSP cluster deployment. This section is not designed to be a tutorial for Python but will provide some examples on how to get started interfacing with the model-driven interfaces of SR OS using the Python programming language. pdf), Text File (. When developing an OSS application: XML API Reference—contains javadoc-style documentation of the object model, essential for writing XML API requests 1. YANG/nokia-submodule - The Nokia YANG models defined in submodules, used for compilation into two files: one for configuration and one for state. The XML API is installed with the core NFM-P software components. Note: The NSP REST APIs also Nokia sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. 11 FaultManagementApplication Help 3HE-16056-AAAD-TQZZA Issue1 November2020 It uses the ONF Transport API (TAPI) architecture to enable end-to-end wavelength visibility and control so your optical transport team can easily configure and pull stats from plugs installed in the routers. txt) or read book online for free. Typically, as is the case with most other POST requests, the new method will require a basic list of mandatory alarm values to be included. By subscribing to NSP REST APIs, an NFM-P OSS client can configure and manage objects, and receive near-real-time Kafka event notifications. August 2024. 4 XMLAPIDeveloperGuide 3HE-20022-AAAA-TQZZA Issue1 April2024 ©2024Nokia. TCP. NOTE: A known issue prevents some boolean attributes from appearing in API Swagger See the NSP Planning Guide for the TLS and HTTPS port assignments, and the NSP Installation and Upgrade Guide for TLS configuration information. developer. topic. Use the same API, copy the "nsp-model:identifier" attribute value as an input for the filter. An NSP deployment that requires optical management functions must include the WS-NOC product, which provides unified end-to-end optical management and support functions such as service provisioning and service assurance. The NSP is a set of applications which are built on a common framework that hosts and integrates them by providing common functions. The NSP reports are based on data from model-driven Nokia or multivendor NEs, and may also include classic mediation data. You can use the NFM-P GUI to manage the rollover period for performance statistics files. Nokia NSP Lab Catalog offers a variety of dedicated lab environments tailored to different network management use cases and suitable to meet different business objects: learn new NSP features, develop OSS solutions using NSP NBIs, prepare customer demo, etc. Once the OAM tests are created (either via API or GUI), they will appear in NSP Insights Admin. The NSP architecture publicizes the following APIs for Online Support System (OSS) clients: NSP REST—for HTTP CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations on NSP carrier SDN, NFM-P and NSP objects. 6 PCMPAPI Reference 3HE-12004-AAAC-TQZZA Issue 1 June 2017. 3HE-20012-AAAB-TQZZA. 2. Nokia sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. See the NSP Planning Guide for the TLS and HTTPS port assignments, and the NSP Installation and Upgrade Guide for TLS configuration information. Sample codes are then imported into POSTMAN to execute use cases for NSP APIs, including Nokia sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. NSP kubernetes VM >32768. 3 Installation and Upgrade Guide 3HE-11994-AAAA-TQZZA Issue 1 March 2017 where serveristheNSPIPaddress Seethe“TopologyAPI”tutorialintheNetworkDeveloperPortalformoreinformation,orcontact Nokiasupport. 3 March2017 Issue1 3HE-12000-AAAA-TQZZA 7 NFM-P XML API and JMS event stream. Network Services Platform (NSP) Labs. gg NSP Network Services Platform Network Functions Manager - Packet (NFM-P) Release 17. 3forOIM 10 NFM-P What’snew? Release17. To deploy IP services to the NFM-P, the NSP uses NFM-P templates that are installed into the NFM-P during NSP installation. 11 XMLAPIDeveloperGuide 3HE-20022-AAAC-TQZZA Issue1 December2024 ©2024Nokia. At this point, you can start or execute the test from the GUI if required. The XML API uses request, response, and fault messages to handle the XML message data related to network objects. 12 OpticalIntegrationModuleUser Guide 3HE-14081-AAAD-TQZZA Issue1 December2018 1 FaultManagement 1. As soon as the tests are functional, you will see test results in NSP 1. OSS users can access the NFM-P using a clear-text password. NSPF-153451 — LSP optimization using live telemetry IP stats When optimizing LSPs, the NSP can move LSPs off congested interfaces to interfaces that have less congestion using real time YANG/nokia-combined - The Nokia YANG models collapsed into two files: one for configuration and one for state. Whether it’s IP, optical, fixed access or wireless, Nokia provides developers with APIs and SDKs to turn networks into amplifiers of opportunity. Some example use cases for the WFM: • Node software upgrades API information to create a URL as an inline expression. The following types, which are specific to the registerNotification method, provide advanced filtering for clients that subscribe to the 5620-SAM-topic-xml-filtered topic. NFM-P helps service providers maximize operational efficiencies through provisioning, This section outlines the differences between Version 2 and Version 3 of the NSP SDN API in NSP Release 2. See the NSP NFM-P Classic Management User Guide for more information about customer management. com/terms Nokia sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. Learn to utilize NSP predefined service intent types for off-the-shelf service Nokia sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. For example, to configure a service, each service object should be configured individually in its own XML API request, as opposed to configuring all service objects in a single, complex XML API request. Learning outcomes An NSP flow collector must be installed on an independent workstation or VM to collect cflowd records from the network. See “To configure a file policy” in the NSP NFM-P Statistics Management Guide for more information about modifying a file policy. It is intended to show the request flow required to be able to See how Nokia’s Network Developer Portal provides automation guides, NSP API documentation and downloadable sample codes. 9. It provides some examples of creating structured Ansible playbooks and demonstrates Nokia SR OS specific Ansible modules as well as some of Note: Nokia recommends enabling TLS for secure communication. The NSP NFM-P XML API Developer Guide provides information about developing OSS applications, including setting up the development environment, understanding the XML API schemas, and typical operational scenarios, such as receiving a real-time JMS event stream. Prerequisite. Learn how Nokia NSP combines automation with generative AI to help you simplify your network operations and accelerate new service delivery. By using this site, Poll for deployments that are not in the "deployed-aligned" state using the nsp-inventory:find API. Aboutthisdocument Purpose ThisdocumentconsolidatesthetechnicalinformationrelatedtothedeploymentoftheNSPNFM-P NSP Applications Guide 1. 4, that allows external users to create alarms in the NSP FM system. The XML JMS event stream allows OSS clients to receive near-real-time notification of NFM-P system and managed-network events. You must have web access to submit feedback. NSP Tutorials. 1. NSP fault management functions are available for OSS using programmable APIs. NokiaConfidentialInformation NSP NetworkServicesPlatform Release22. In this example the gnmi user is a member of the administrative group so they can access all configurations and actions but you should be selective about access and permissions in a live network. NFM-P web applications, REST API. The scope of this document is limited to the NFM-P application. 3What’snewinNFM-PRelease17. The following table lists entities/attributes that are only present in Version 3 of the NSP SDN API in NSP Release 2. Instead, the 7750s can be configured to send cflowd data to Nokia sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. This project gives users, customers and partners a place to start. Forexample 1 NSPsystemadministrationoverview 1. Topology API - Tutorial to retrieve IETF-compliant topology models, including layer 2, 3 and TE topology. 6 June2020 14 Issue1 Nokia sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. NSP Kafka—for event and alarm notifications about the See how Nokia’s Network Developer Portal provides automation guides, NSP API documentation and downloadable sample codes. JMS subscriptions Overview. NSP modules that expose their functionality through RESTAPI services in the following functional categories: • NSP REST gateway • NSD and NRC − Service fulfillment − Optimization − Notification • Network and service assurance • Network Functions Management See the NSP Deployment Overview for more information about the NSP and its When an alarm is raised, the NFM-P sends a JMS message with an fm. This tutorial is to create a point-to-point Layer 2 service. 1 Service Fulfillment 1. 0 R3. The following figure shows a message example for a new alarm. This article does provide a small number of examples that can be used to compile the Nokia SR OS YANG models and display the information in various Nokia sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. 11+) then select “Yes” to standard port (443). When starting to use the NFM-P: NSP NFM-P Classic Management User Guide. my_24_8_lab) Provide the IP address; If you are in a new NSP setup (23. 75. 1 Productdescription 1. NSP RESTCONF—for communication with the NSP system and state notifications. It is part of the Developer documentation, which also includes the XML API Reference and Schema Reference. 11 XMLAPIDeveloperGuide 3HE-19017-AAAC-TQZZA Issue1 December2023 ©2023Nokia. The files are available from ALED and can be installed using the RESTCONF Nokia — Proprietary and confidential. The NSP Topology RESTCONF API services offer GET operations, enable OSS applications to access information regarding network topology. 1 Guidedescription TheNSPSystemAdministratorGuidedescribeshowtoperformvariousNSPmanagement NSP NetworkServicesPlatform NetworkFunctionsManager-Packet(NFM-P) Release18. 7 Model Driven Mediation Model-Driven Mediation (MDM) is a component within the NSP architecture that provides mediation between model-driven NSP applications and Nokia or third-party network devices. End-to-End VPRN Service Configuration - Tutorial to create an L3VPN service with an auto-assigned route distinguisher. NSP NetworkServicesPlatform NetworkFunctionsManager-Packet(NFM-P) Release19. Nokia Network Service Platform (NSP) APIs are now exposed and public on nsp. Session logs of NFM-P client GUI and OSS activity; the XML API client ID must use the JMS client ID format described in JMS subscriptions to be uniquely identified as a XML API session. From these sites, users can browse categorized API methods, view detailed request and response models, and send requests with minimal configuration. 6 the Service Activation and Configuration feature package there are two distinct Service Fulfillment applications. SF GUI. . Network solutions. The example below uses a newly created gnmi user rather than the built-in admin user. NSP NetworkServicesPlatform NetworkFunctionsManager-Packet(NFM-P) Release24. The end user NSP NetworkServicesPlatform NetworkFunctionsManager-Packet(NFM-P) Release23. 102. This guide covers the following topics: Test Cases Create CN Telemetry gNMI Subscription. By using this site, you consent to the use of cookies. The template-name must match the configuration template created above Nokia sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. MDM provides In NSP 21. 9100. Network Services Platform This section outlines the differences between Version 2 and Version 3 of the NSP SDN API in NSP Release 17. To become a Nokia Certified NSP IP Network Automation Professional, you must pass one written exam through Pearson Vue, the Nokia NSP IP Network Automation Professional Composite Exam. Scope. The NSP flow collector does not use a traditional redundancy model. Avoid configuration with children hierarchy This course is intended to familiarize the learner with the basic concepts and workflows required to use the NSP Classic Management (formerly NFM-P) GUI. The assumptions for this use case are: The user has already located the 'authentication' and 'notifications' rest API services by using the location services. AlarmInfo and fm. zgbmg aohr qzfhv nnotcg xeocgck vixnho iahbsfk nrafti utb puwwy