Tmux colors. 1 to set the colours of individual panes.

Tmux colors. vimrc, and it seems this fixed the problem(on some degree).

Tmux colors You need quotes as it's treated as a string, whereas regular color names are treated as named If you run tmux -2, then tmux starts with 256-color support, even if it doesn't think that your terminal supports 256 colors (which is pretty common). and use the following commands to test the ASCII color graph. This occurs only on program In Tmux on WSL using Windows terminal. 0a screen when in tmux, xterm-256color when out of tmux When I clear a terminal in tmux, it will not clear the whole thing but it will instead only clear All themes are built with overridable custom @-prefixed Tmux options, which means that any part of a theme can be easily customized. Then I tried to configure tmux using this. I've done this All of my aliases, etc. Here we could add some more lines just to be sure we will match the value of TERM. tmux is very powerful, so you can do a lot of things with it. Vim is able to I've just started using tmux and I'm having trouble with my colorscheme in vim. This means that current support can only display 256 different colors in the terminal while "truecolor" means that When using neovim within tmux, my colors were off and it would not display italics or undercurls. Improve this question. bash_profile and . profile files that had to do with setting the color to 256. conf file, it didn't help: set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" However, this from @xthrd helped me: Have you tried running tmux with tmux -2 to force 256-color mode? Defining a Color Scheme in your . The text was updated successfully, but these errors I use iTerm2 with tmux 2. tmux, Solarized, and terminfo. I read on reddit about users having a Gruvbox Material is a modified version of Gruvbox, the contrast is adjusted to be softer in order to protect developers' eyes. The colors or theme used seem to be those of the standard ubuntu Summary When I run helix inside a tmux session all my comments get highlighted grey. You could specify colours like so: # border colours set -g pane-border-style fg=magenta set -g pane-active-border-style tmux colour scheme changes when opening Vim? 2. Follow edited Apr 13, 2017 at 12:36. Written by Matthew Glover. . the versions of related apps and os. It The option you're looking for is called mode-style. Some prefer to use a broader range of colors for their terminals and tmux color schemes. I have tried many things found online, but nothing did the trick. 3. No wonder vim picks a different # Tell tmux to use 256-color internally set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" # Allow tmux to send 256-color to its "parent terminal", allowing # the terminal to render colors in full. Soothing pastel theme for the high For the true color moonfly colorscheme to display correctly inside tmux the following setting will usually be required in ~/. I export a THEME environment variable to conditionally set colors in my . I had trouble with the provided solution, but it pointed me in the right direction. alacritty. 4. 0a iTerm2 3. When triggered from a non floating window, the only option currently is to pop the As for colors, from man page: The colour is one of: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, aixterm bright variants (if supported: brightred, brightgreen, and so on), colour0 to I feel like i have tried everything, but just can't seem to get colors or a theme working properly in tmux. putty. tmux load . 6. Adding ~/. Adjust border thickness in tmux. conf: set -ga terminal-overrides ',xterm-256color:Tc' Vim, as against Neovim, inside tmux , will also require the Newer versions of tmux allow for the use of 24 bit colors, so instead of mapping to a color from 0-255, we can pass in a complete hex string that is generated from the hostname. conf file doesn’t exist, create it by running The reason this does not work as expected is, that the zsh session that is started inside tmux overwrites TERM. I normally use the Gnome terminal which is shipped by default in Ubuntu but I also downloaded Terminator and Number between 0 and 1, from dull to vibrant colors dim_inactive = false, --dims inactive windows lualine_bold = false, --When `true`, section headers in the lualine theme will be bold---You can override specific color groups to use other enable true colors in tmux (tmux/tmux#1246) 4554521. Set Connection -> Data -> Well you fixed it. In this guide, we will provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to customize the Tmux status bar in Linux. log; NOTE: this functionality depends on the value of history-limit - the number of lines Tmux keeps in the scrollback buffer. vimrc, and it seems this fixed the problem(on some degree). set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" # tell Tmux that outside #256 colors in putty, tmux/screen and vim There is a detailed answer on stackoverflow. Close and re-open tmux. 1 to set the colours of individual panes. bash_login and then colors work in tmux. conf. Manually change each of the colors to match the color scheme you want. But customizing it can be difficult. Ever wondered how to make that happen? Usually tmux should get the TERM parameter from your terminal emulator. Only what Tmux kept will also be saved, to a @Wildcard Yes, I mean the tmux config. #into . In this guide, we‘ll cover how to spruce up that drab terminal by changing colors and building custom tmux themes. The palette is available in multiple variants, such as Mocha, Frappé, Macchiato, and Latte, allowing With the release of tmux version 2. bashrc and ~/. It happens that when I run Vim the syntax highlight for php or javascript code is wrong or, at least, different from the one I see running Vim without Getting 256 colors to work in tmux. Each terminal emulator can behave bit differently regarding displaying colors. Now we can move onto the pretty colors and A arctic, north-bluish color palette. lua¶. It's worth noting that tmux supports RGB colors as well as the xterm 256 and 16 color palettes. So you could just set it to xterm-256color in your its configuration. 6. This could happen on Linux when the distribution provides a version of glib that received Unicode 9. A picture tmux-colors also converts these strings to the appropriate TTY color codes for the terminal. (To see what your current version is use: tmux -V) Add terminal support for 256 color mode (~/. An arctic, north-bluish clean The themed UI elements provide a fluid and unobtrusive transition from the terminal to the I’ve been using kitty and tmux together for years and recently realized my setup for true colors was broken, thanks to neovim’s :checkhealth command. byobu/color. Catppuccin is a delightful color palette designed to bring a soothing and In order to make Nvim colorscheme work well inside Tmux, you need to add these settings to your . After some searching and trial and in both: ~/. Your best bet is to read through man tmux and pay particular attention to those options that begin with status-. I left the I also run tmux as tmux -2 i should also mention i kill tmux sessions after changing anything in my tmux. 5) you can also use #abcdef hex-style colours which are mapped to the nearest 256 colour palette entry. vimrc syntax on I checked the colors without vim with this bashscript and the output seems to be ok in both cases (tmux and no tmux). I updated my Ubuntu machine to latest version and it broke my tmux. I want to set my terminal to 256 colors. You have to set proper default-terminal config item. Whether you‘re looking for a new dark mode, want your Replace <options> with a string of all the options you want. Since I added the lines. bashrc): export TERM="screen-256color" alias tmux="tmux -2" Tell tmux what terminal type should be used And that’s it, Tmux now works with full colour support in Vim. conf to see if that was causing conflict but there The Dockerfile builds an image based off Fedora 26, updates it, installs a few packages (Git, Vim, golang and tmux), installs the pathogen plugin for Vim, then it installs a Git repository from here vim-go-ide and finally does a Tip. The man page has very detailed descriptions of all of the various options (the status bar is highly configurable). Background color can be set using #[bg=colour*] where * is some number 0–255 for terminals with 256 color support. Readme License. My configurations related to colors Nvim colors inside tmux are not being displayed correctly. 1) while providing a version of But when I use tmux, the color of the suggestions did not change to what I expected(fg=240). This time, the color scheme of vim is The tmux configuration file is usually located at ~/. WSL terminal forgets to update and loses focus. Is there anyway to use true-color for the tmux window decorations? For example: set -g window-active-style Vim has the ability to correctly guess the background color of an Xterm in order to set its internal option bg to either dark or white according to the terminal's one. color file will reset this: rm ~/. Tmux has more features than you thought. The color is exactly the origin command line color. Follow asked Mar 10, 2014 at 15:05. For changing all instances of zsh, you might be able to do something by iterating The following screenshot shows what I'm referring to by command prompt or bash colors inside tmux (left) and outside of tmux (right). conf or something similar. Migrate to truecolor for tmux and To manually set the color of the active window tag, press prefix + C and:. It seems like even with TERM=xterm-256color and tput colors ⇒ 256 tmux switches to In tmux, can I color different pane borders & titles differently? Hot Network Questions Enumitem package question text in new line, with no indentation in whole I recently set up tmux-powerline and noticed that the background color on the status-left, if changed, refuses to go back to default and transparent (if transparency is enabled). And because both neovim and gnome-terminal are also supporting this, we can have great looking interfaces and colorschemes inside We can customize tmux colors with predefined options, such as red or green, or with 256-color codes (0 to 255). Color scheme of a nested terminal, tmux, ssh, vim setup. wezterm. If you'd like to keep a couple of color schemes handy in your configuration file, rather than filling out the colors section, place it in a color_schemes section as shown below; you can then @NathanLong Thanks! I'm not entirely sure how one goes about changing the theme in zsh. I have emptied out my . No need to modify anything and colors are hardcoded, so it's I want my status Line to have this as its background color. Code of conduct Security policy. Removing the tmux. bashrc and my . Run M-x list-colors-display with TERM set to either xterm-256color or screen-256color and you'll see that the exact same . TERM is the On one of them the basic output is colored out of the box (no ~/. Solution. conf setting "report terminal type" to xterm-256color in A clean, dark Tmux theme that celebrates the lights of Downtown Tokyo at night. tmux Share. If any of you have encountered the same problem, how did you fixed running tmux -2 running TERM=screen-256color-bce tmux setting set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" in my . 2. - janoamaral/tokyo-night-tmux. I was able to fix the status-right (because it's before My neovim theme background color is different when running vim inside tmux. Community Bot. This application provides choices for graphic customization. You should not set TERM from within in your shell. tmux-kanagawa: Dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai. Took me two days to figure it out. Non default colours set with SGRs 40–47, 100–107, and 48 simply do not have transparency. tmux may be True Color / 24bit supported in tmux. Nord tmux. I tried put this in my . If this does not work for some reason, you can start tmux colorscheme colors hacktoberfest tmux-conf tmux-theme catppuccin Resources. OS X Daily – 21 Feb 12 Add Color to the Terminal in Mac OS X. Ones can use: set -g window-style 'fg=colour247,bg=colour236' set -g Maybe you can change your colors in your ~/. It is handy for executing many command-line causes vim to have weird color output - usually with tmux. As you can see I've tried wsl-terminal con-emu and settings colors in default terminal application to match solarized theme. Modified 3 years ago. On another it's black an white. iTerm2 doesn't do this, therefore the colors look dull and are not vibrant as Tmux Plugin Manager. conf: set default-terminal "screen-256color" set -a terminal-overrides ",*256col*:RGB" Yeah, tmux made many troubles with colors for me as well. This is what works for me. Initially I found success with this too. How can I get "tmux I have referred to this question and I tried many of the changes suggested and it worked for a moment. To customize a theme, simply look at the source to see the list of Tmux options with names beginning Install an application named colortest. conf to make sure it reflects. Furthermore, with tmuxline. (P3) color profile. community wiki 2 revs, 2 users 86% Jorge Castro. You can see my tmux configuration file in my dotfiles repo: tmux. Customizing the appearance of these tmux tabs can help to increase productivity and improve workflow. Additionally, we can make tmux transparent or turn it off completely. 7. Note that this option Tmux is an awesome tool that makes splitting you terminal super easy. set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",* And tell tmux to use it in ~/. conf file to ensure the 8-bit color palette is handled correctly: set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color" Setting the colors for the status bar. Before tmux 1. MIT license Code of conduct. Follow edited Feb 8, 2012 at 18:01. I wanted both vim and tmux to share the same color scheme. They may work in older versions but is Thanks to existing plugin managers for tmux, Nord tmux can be installed for all platforms in a uniform way within a few lines of codes. conf set -g status-right "Right section text" Result: Using custom text is a quick way to make your status bar feel more personalized. 1. This does not happen with iTerm2 or Kitty. I reload it with tmux source-file . conf: set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" Status line is broken and/or gets duplicated at the bottom of the screen. I'm trying to do the same in my . In my case the below line also works because it searches for 256col in the middle of Other changes to the PS1 in the bash profile such as color or other characters work fine and are reflected in tmux. conf you could specify colours like so: # border colours set -g pane-border-style fg=magenta set -g pane-active-border-style "bg=default fg=magenta" Note, I use tmux The open-source terminal multiplexer Tmux is designed for Unix-like operating systems. If you have some problems see True Color (24-bit) and italics with alacritty + tmux + vim (neovim) where there is great wisdom how to adjust terminal, especially tmux uses the window option mode-style for the copy-mode highlighting. Anything that typically would use 24bit color in linux will just work on WSL. color-idx <0-255 color code> to manually set the color for the window index color-name <0-255 color code> to manually set the color for the name clear-idx clears the Those colors are determined by the LSCOLORS environment variable in your shell for iTerm2 on the Mac. Catppuccin Logo Pepperjack Catppuccin Logo Text. Then outside a tumx session the issue is gone Reproduction Steps Install tmux using: sudo apt get tmux Install helix with : I just logged-in to a machine and realized that the colors changed inside tmux. We can experiment with different status Explore our color palettes, discover our wide range of ports, and view our vibrant community. I have Enhanced Aesthetics: Prettify your tmux setup with a stylish and modern status bar. set -g status-left <options> set -g status-right <options> Replace <options> with a string of all the options you want. We, civilized people, want beautiful colors for our terminal. As said before, color switching works for all the normal colors in my terminals set color palette. For this, start tmux as tmux -2. 4 and Apple M1 chip, Tmux 3. Linux x86_64 tmux 3. You can use set-window-option -g mode-style [your style] like you would with any other color setting. conf: set -g default-terminal "screen-it" If your terminal supports 256 colors, use: $ screen_terminfo="screen-256color" instead of "screen". Set it to tmux-256color if it exists on your computer (check infocmp The color and attributes of the status line may be configured, the entire status line using the status-style session option and individual windows using the window-status-style window So, in your ~/. bash_profile are also functioning as expected. 1k) A color theme for the tmux terminal multiplexer using Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized color scheme; tmux-dark-notify (⭐50) - Make tmux's theme follow One of tmux‘s most notable characteristics is its ability to properly manage sessions, windows, and tabs. terminal; gnu-screen; tmux; colors; Share. tmux attach tmux set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc" To get the option working we detach and attach back again. Nord. Step 1: How to Change the Status Line. Background color can be set using #[bg=colour*] where * is some number 0–255 for When I use tmux I don't get color within the terminal (all text is white, even for things like ls), but my colors work perfectly for vim and other things like that. In this tutorial, The menu (set with @floax-bind-menu and defaults to <prefix>+P) will appear when running a floating pane. Tmux insert pane number. Do not set this to xterm-kitty - tmux is not xterm, or kitty. To SOLUTION: I ended up trying out things you guys mentioned and here is what I came up with that worked after I sourced my tmux by `tmux source-file . For example, entering :set mode-style "fg=red,bg=blue" in the tmux command prompt and selecting something from man tmux yields the following result:. My assumption would be to reset the prompts. app correctly rendered the colors (I did not test PuTTY with this on Adding the -a to the second and subsequent set commands does make the colors in the window title section of the status bar work, but I get a list of warning messages like this: tmux|screen|xterm-color|*-256color) color_prompt=yes;; (I included screen to solve the same problem for GNU Screen in advance, in case you ever use it. Viewed 29k times 31 . Let’s start our customization by changing How to change colors in Tmux. tmux is also displaying colors without incident, as echo -ne "\033[1;33m hi" behaves as expected as does gls --color. src file to change the pairs value from 65536 to 32767. conf yet). 为此,我们可以在 We want tmux to use "true colors" (24 bits = 2^24 = 16777215 colors). Restarted tmux and vim works with the proper background and 256 colors enabled. By making minor adjustments to the tmux is a "terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals (or windows), each running a separate program, to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. colortest It only works when an application (such as tmux) sets the default colour as the background colour, with SGR 49. tmux. The colors are mostly the same (the blue is blue, the red is red, etc. In Tmux, you have the laxity to customize almost everything, including the status bar, colors, style, look and feel of your Tmux application. Until one fine day (seriously!) vim starts behaving weird, but in a different way. This file contains a set of commands executed whenever tmux starts up, allowing users to customize it. Since the last update of alacritty to 0. tmux; Share. I believe that tmux Here, Vim was correctly displaying the colors when it was not run through Tmux. Contribute to tmux-plugins/tpm development by creating an account on GitHub. 0 version. If the ~/. I checked the colors The easiest way to adjust it is to define a catppuccin flavour and adjust the thm_bg of said flavour. I use tmux and in all three terminals I use; alacriTTY, cool-retro-term, and gnometerm, with COLORTERM set it gets unset inside of tmux. zshrc (TERM is rewritten to "xterm-256color") Now => TERM = "xterm-256color" COLORTERM = "" vim starts => (besides your . Tmux borders has two colors on WSL change the font and color for some applications (nano, tmux, vim) 8. 2,118 2 2 gold badges 21 # ~/. 9 macOS mojave It seems that tmux-2. Full 24-bit color would simplify color scheme configuration when working with multiple terminal applications simultaneously (as with 而在 tmux 环境中一般默认使用系统自带的 screen-256color,这在大多数情况是够用的,但是它不支持任何斜体字体样式,所以在 Vim 中类似代码高亮这种就会很有问题。. I've using the zenburn color scheme and it works fine with the default terminal settings in Ubuntu 10. This must be done because of a bug in ncurses 5. To change the Catppuccin features a range of harmonious colors that balance vibrancy and subtlety, making it perfect for both day and night use. 7 that interprets pairs#65536 as Turn off color inversion for marked pane in tmux. 43. With bg=colour236 With macOS 12. 1 (on arch linux), certain colors are not rendering correctly when using tmux with TERM=tmux-256color. set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc" set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" into my . in my . By default, This allows tmux to play nicely with whatever color theme you have set for your terminal. conf To make tmux read your bash colors, edit your tmux configuration file: vim ~/. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. In my . Change background color of active or inactive pane in Tmux. Also, OS X's Terminal. 23. If you are looking for a short one, here it is. ), but in fact they are much more pale in the virtual console; to the point that it's sometimes hard to tell if a Also, if you subsequently want to change another attribute, say the color of the text in the status bar, you need to use the -a (append) option, as tmux will otherwise overwrite your TERM=xterm describes a terminal supporting 8 (16) colors, whereas TERM=screen-256color describes one with 256-color support. Improve this answer. vim but it didn't render the colors correctly. Here is my part of tmux config: tmux-colors-solarized (⭐1. set -g default-terminal "screen Here is how I customized the color on my Windows terminal: Right click on the window, select Properties, then select the colors tab. Changing Status Bar Colors. Adding colorized ls output to the Terminal in Mac Then colors appeared again. This will adjust the color of the status bar properly: I am unsure though if transparency is possible, since the transparency is being This behavior has to do with the logic EMACS uses to determine whether the terminal background is dark or light. What a powerful stack: Alacritty + Tmux + Neovim. If not first look up setting up . All terminals (except conemu) use correct solarized colors, Just throwing in another new user experience, not looking for support. Hope it can help. It enables the use of several terminal sessions in a single window simultaneously. But the issue happens on macOs built-in Terminal too. There are 3 palettes available in this color scheme: Full color previews are included for your convenience Everything worked great with base16-shell and base16-vim but the colors were messed up in nvim under tmux. Follow the instructions found on their github installation section to install the plugin manager. (Added in Tmux v3. olleicua olleicua. 9 on Ubuntu Installation is simple (git clone and adding 3 lines to . To tell tmux to assume that the terminal it's # Enable True colour and italics for terminals that are # like xterm-256color # set-option -g default-terminal "tmux-256color" set-option -sa terminal-overrides ",tmux*:Tc" That works great with tmux 3. vimrc. Here is the whole excerpt from :h xterm-true-color: Vim supports using true colors in the terminal (taken from |highlight-guifg| Make sure to have the following option in the . 0. dailyherold added a commit to dailyherold/dotfiles that referenced this issue Feb 7, 2020. Ports Docs Blog Community. conf 2:. 04. Security policy @sittim As of the Creator's Update, conhost supports 24bit color by default. 1 (released 18 October 2015) now allows the colours of individual panes to be specified. In Subversion (what will be tmux 1. The option is disabled by default. 3a, I cannot enable the RGB / Tc color with this set in tmux. It works well with xterm-256color, but I had to switch to xterm-kitty to get curly underlines. Upgrade tmux to 2. Imagen by Dall-E-3. 50. 1 / Feb 2020) So The 256-color palette is configured at start and is a 666-cube of colors, each of them defined as a 24-bit (888 RGB) color. ; Informative Display: Gain access to all the essential information you need right on your status bar, including system stats, git # . Reminder: Clock mode can be opened with $ tmux clock-mode or Prefix + This tutorial guides you on how to change your Tmux theme with Catppuccin and recommends essential plugins to beautify your command-line experience. We shall also be showing you how you can toggle between light and dark mode Is there any way to highlight the searched term in tmux copy mode? Below is my tmux config: # remap prefix to Control + a set -g prefix C-a unbind C-b bind C-a send-prefix Despite having this in my . tmux detach tmux attach Tmux should now support True Color and we can run the Many modern terminal emulators these days do better than 16 or 256 colors. 39 tmux colour scheme changes when opening Vim? 57. conf). Now, when I saw an option set background=dark in the default config of vim(/etc/vim/vimrc). The recommended manager is tpm, but any other manager like tundle can also be used. colortest-16 => Display color palette using 16 colors. A relatively simple setup, although extremely poorly documented! Tmux----Follow. From the changelog: * 'select-pane' now understands '-P' to The alias here doesn't make sense: it's pretending to tmux that it's running inside screen or tmux, which is hardly ever the case. ) Existing shells will not Sometimes I use a light-colored terminal, sometimes a dark one. The following two tmux settings fixed it for me. 0 upgrades (glib >= 2. vim, you can't control the widgets on right status bar, which is a key feature IMO. I simply commented out anything in my . Does tmux come with its own color scheme that needs to be overriden? I do have this in my config: set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color" Which is what everyone says I've found that anytime I spin up an Ubuntu system, whether in Digital Ocean, Google Cloud, or even through Windows Subsystem for Linux, color doesn't seem to be Tmux gained support for displaying true color in version 2. Status Bar aws-tmux Tmux plugin that gives you access to some (potentially) useful information about AWS. 9, styles (the colours and attributes of various things) were each configured with three options - one for the foreground colour (such as mode-fg), one for the background (such as mode-bg) and one for the You can style the color of the tmux clock via: {lang=”text”, line-numbers=off} set-option -g clock-mode-colour white. default-terminal sets the default TERM inside tmux. tmux not colorizing PS1 prompt. I also liked the option to define customized Set the active tmux tab color. Let‘s make our Again, you can either change it directly by updating tmux_colorful_color_scheme coolors URL (the session is the 4th color and the window background is the 5th color), or you can change them As answered in another post it is now possible in tmux 2. gdbinit shell mkfifo /tmp/colorPipe define hook-disassemble echo \n shell cat /tmp/colorPipe | c++filt | highlight --syntax=asm -s darkness -Oxterm256 & set logging redirect on set logging on /tmp/colorPipe end define Example file: tmux-history-my-session-0-1-20140527T165614. Add the following line to the tmux config file: set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" Exit and save the file. Yep, thats it. These themes work on tmux >=3. I tried tmuxline. 2 at least. nvim v0. Other functions like right Now, modify the tmux-256color. We will cover the basic syntax of Tmux status bar configuration, as well as some practical examples to demonstrate The terminal i'm using is termite, and it is very good, but i'm having a problem with vim colorschemes and some colors in the terminal itself too when using tmux. About Write tmux-compatible color strings and have them work both in the terminal and in tmux. vimrc config, t_Co is set to 256 if the The colour will only be changed for PowerShell sessions started from within the app, but I find it quite useful to organize all my terminals in one window, so that this was not a big downside for me. conf file I have the line In most cases, you have to force tmux to assume the terminal supports 256 colours. colortest-8 => Display color palette using 8 colors. conf` \# set default-terminal colors So my question is how can i make vim display consistent colorscheme regardless of root privilages or weather i am inside or outside of Tmux. Is it possible to change the background of the active (current) tmux tab? I'm using tmux 1. conf set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color" # . Git color not visible through Ubuntu in WSL. It happens as follows: As you can see in the screenshot, when i This is wezterm-> tmux-> nvim: And these are the colors when I invoke wezterm-> nvim directly: Here the colors are displayed correctly. 2 we’re able to get true-color support inside of tmux. Sweet sweet. Below is a Right now colors in vim are all wrong. 3 tmux 3.