Webpack vue uglify Am I missing any configuration, or what could be wrong? Why does uglify parse images? Do I maybe need Babel? I am using ES6 features. some { display:block; } after uglify: . optimize ), and it will pick up the new version of uglifyjs you just installed. js from UglifyJs SyntaxError: Unexpected token punc «(», expected punc «:» [index. If you, like me, ever manually made an instance of uglifyjs-webpack-plugin in your config (probably to specify non-default options), you briefly had ES6 support but it went away again through no fault of Great Question, I just used Angular-Cli, I have no idea it even used Uglifyjs until now. 升级webpack版本到4. UglifyJsPlugin(), ); Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Webpack Uglify errors in CSS. vue file, it's JS file instead. If you want to use a front-end framework (Next. One way to solve it is to update the template to use uglify-es, instead of uglify-js. I'm not sure how to best solve this. 6689fc597972447f1496. Switched to the new version of the uglifyjs-webpack-plugin, which uses the latest uglifyjs so we can minify UglifyJS can take multiple input files. Disclaimer: TerserWebpackPlugin is a third-party package maintained by community members, it potentially does not have the same support, security policy or license as webpack, Webpack UglifyJS running into unexpected token Ask Question Asked 7 years, 5 months ago Modified 7 years, 5 months ago Viewed 821 times 1 I am trying to set up a development boilerplate which can also easily push a Vue. vue code like thi Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers After hours of debugging, testing and being completely desperate, I could not find a way to disable class/function names uglifying using UglifyJS for Webpack and Vue-CLI. Upgraded to webpack 4. json 和 webpack 的設定了 I am trying to add an UglifyJS plugin to my webpack config. The files are parsed in the same global Returns ObfuscationResult object which contains two public methods:. js to avoid using the built-in compressor. Since you're using Webpack 2, the bare-minumum Babel configuration that you need is: { "presets": [ ["es2015", {"modules Describe the bug running webpack command after running npx webpack-cli init and answering questions results in Error: Cannot find module 'uglify-es' What is the current behavior? running webpack command after running npx webpack Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Vue does not support IE8 and below, because it uses ECMAScript 5 features that are un-shimmable in IE8. 30. This plugin runs uglify in parallel with one thread for each of your available cpus. The New Watcher dialog opens. svg etc. 0-beta. But I don't know how to translate uglifyjs -m -c inline=false to webpack uglify options 🤷🏻 If I manage to finally migrate to webpack@4 I'll share the speed improvements I got on all of my (very big) projects 👍🏻 The text was updated successfully, but these errors were Usage: Vue. 15. Another solution is to update the template/webpack config to have babel transpile I use webpack build vue and use UglifyJs,but its error,for this: ERROR in index. Skip to content. 0, last published: 5 years ago. 4, last published: 7 years ago. json which should cover most standard JS and DOM properties defined in various browsers. Upgraded to vue-loader 15. So basically, I'm trying to make a hybrid structure for an MVC project. However, I I work with Vue and I want to configure warnings option in production. Anw, in case of reading source code, if your web What problem does this feature solve? @vue/cli is currently using uglify-es via the webpack plugin for script minification. It's recommended that you pass the input files first, then pass the options. Return true to uglify the chunk, false otherwise. moduleIds is set to deterministic. js from UglifyJs Invalid assignment [xxx. ) Do I need to configure something so that Webpack/UglifyJS build node modules containing let's? (The let's in my actual project don't give me problems. e. Latest version: 3. ) Nevertheless you can create a simple vue app by npm install --save-dev @vue/cli vue create vue3-project but it is too simple. env. 1. Start using uglify-js-webpack-build in your project by running `npm i uglify-js-webpack-build`. What I need is to mantain certain comments, so I've tried to set up this in vue cli, without success. Upgraded to Babel 7. 2. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; vue init webpack my-project cd my-project npm install Import and include vuejs-datepicker into the App component. I assumed the preset would output ES5 but it merely converts the JSX. 0, last published: 4 years ago. js which throws an error when I run npm run build because it cannot work with ES6. module. full coverage schema options validation; enable inline optimization by default I have some errors with webpack 5, express, github actions. 不過我後來使用 Gulp 的機會比較少,現在 Webpack 算是主流. js:72,40] const isitinPort = (elem webpack is a module bundler. 5 but got the error below ERROR in xxx. I'm using Vue. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 11 months ago. Thank you @yyx990803 for your piece of advice. Type: Function<(chunk) -> boolean> Default: => true Allowing to filter which chunks should be uglified (by default all chunks are uglified). 0, you need to update UglifyJS to 1. I was not able to find anything on webpack 4. It looks like one of the loaders that is used, might be the For my previous article about three different ways of how to structure a Vue. There are 2409 other projects in the npm registry using uglifyjs-webpack-plugin. Tree shaking is a term commonly used in the JavaScript context for dead-code elimination. Requirements This module requires a minimum of Node v6. The client and server run on different ports. I was using 1. exports = {// optimization: {moduleIds: 'deterministic',},};. 0 and Webpack v4. Probably also worth mentioning that I haven't had any issues with any other dependencies (of which there are a lot, very large project). I tried this and its combinations: optimization: { minimizer: [ new UglifyJS plugin for webpack. json, you also have access to a script called eject. name. This gives a solid testing infrastructure etc. I've just checked, and even uglifyjs-webpack-plugin does not use the deprecated compress. Then in your webpack config, create new rule for js to use babel (you doesn't need to edit vue-loader config because it will auto-detect the presence babel-loader and use it – Quoc-Anh Nguyen You signed in with another tab or window. I know uglifyjs-webpack-plugin is used in a lot of projects, so hoping that this may help someone else as well. If the top level minify option keep_classnames is undefined it will be overriden with the value of the top level minify option keep_fnames I started with a default starter for vue (simple-webpack) and added sass functionality and a menu component that's all. The I got a legacy vue. I use uglifyjs-webpack-plugin. conf. npm install --save vuejs-datepicker By default UglifyJS will not try to be IE-proof. For ES6 uglify, you need to use uglify-es NOT uglify-js. 感觉升级webpack版 Click or press Alt+Insert and select the UglifyJS predefined template from the list. I believe I've got everything setup correctly, however the Javascript just isn't being minified. configureWebpack: { plugins: Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers UglifyJS - A JavaScript parser, minifier, compressor and beautifier toolkit. 7 which broke my build a few hours ago, however, after installing the latest version via npm install --save uglifyjs-webpack-plugin It upgraded to 1. I did an NPM install of Uglify but have no idea how to tell webpack to use it. Another solution is to I think it would help if you specify which version of webpack and uglify plugin you are using, what would also help is to know which command you use when building? – chrisweb Commented Mar 22, 2018 at 10:20 @chrisweb webpack-3. So I add this code to my vue. A full-featured Webpack + vue-loader setup with hot reload, linting, testing & css extraction. 0, uglifyjs-webpack 在vue. vue: Inside my div template there is my html below i have my script. e650a1216d2254 I've been using mix. 修改项目的babel配置文件:. Some do still show the original source code. X. - Releases · vuejs-templates/webpack. Start using webpack-parallel-uglify-plugin in your project by running `npm i webpack-parallel-uglify-plugin`. 0 uglifyjs-webpack-plugin Version: 2. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with To leverage esbuild-loader in your Webpack configuration, add a new rule for esbuild-loader matching the files you want to transform, such as . js webpack minify uglifyjs Haim 328 asked Jun 28, 2023 at 10:06-2 votes 2 answers 75 views window. It will make your code parse faster, which matters on the frontend: you're trying to get to interactive as fast as possible. deterministic option is useful for long term caching, but still results in smaller bundles compared to hashed. However, after weeks of tinkering and picking up proper Webpack ^ Error: bundle. x we have 2 choices: We can install 2. Latest version: 2. 4 Please tell us about your environment: OSX 10. For anybody else who might run into this, you need to add vue-awesome to the babel After webpack vue code, I tried to use YUI compressor(and then tried uglify) to compress the generated code, but it still didn't work util I modified the source code of total. However, regarding this comment, uglify-es is no longer actively maintained. g. I'm trying to get Webpack to minify my Javascript code when it's being run through Yarn. Make sure to remove any other loaders you were using before (e. 0. 安装webpack-parallel-uglify-plugin低版本1. I'll look into this and try targeting es6 with uglify-es and get back to you. All reactions I need to configure Uglify options in a vue cli project. There are 83 other projects in the npm registry using webpack-parallel-uglify-plugin. npm i --save-dev terser-webpack-plugin purgecss @fullhuman/postcss-purgecss purgecss-webpack-plugin glob-all path */ const TerserPlugin = require I'm submitting a bug report Webpack version: 2. When I execute npm run build, compress process starts but I get the error I'm having some issues using the babel-loader plugin in conjunction with uglifyJS. babel Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs For some reason the gulp-uglify fails when trying to import this package : SyntaxError: Unexpected token punc «,», expected punc «:»', I've dug through the source code and didn't see anything wrong. js, . png, . As a developer with an Angular background, I started very skeptical. You'll need to correctly configure Babel to transform your sources down to ES5 syntax. 0. There are 2404 other projects in the npm registry using uglifyjs-webpack-plugin. Latest version: 1. That's a long time in Javascriptland. Start using terser-webpack-plugin in your project by running `npm i terser-webpack-plugin`. You signed out in another tab or window. Module. JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit. Is there a way to do this with webpack or should i use other tools That was 4 years ago. vue files have this problem. js 文件 Webpacker, babel, uglifyjs-webpack-plugin - not transforming arrow functions, but only in Vue files. 0的) npm i webpack-parallel-uglify-plugin@1. 4. js project to The timeslotjs library is basicly using a default parameter in a function, which is a ES6 feature that UglifyJS2 doesn't support. Semantic Versioning. Installation Compatibility Note. This can lead to significantly reduced build times as UglifyJS plugin for webpack. Conversely webpack & Vue logos I have just started a new job at a young startup that develops its front-end part using VueJS. You don't actually need to implement the minify function at all though. You need to import The UglifyJS plugin provided with webpack runs sequentially on each of the output files. js: configureWebpack: { optimization: { minimizer: [ new UglifyJsPlugin({ 終於可以來打魔王,也就是介紹「Webpack」了! 1. It has a new API so the plugin has to change accordingly. 1 beta 22 Please tell us about your environment: Windows 10 Current behavior: Using webpack. It relies on the static structure of ES2015 module syntax, i. Switched from node-sass to Dart Sass. In the Program field, specify the location of the UglifyJS executable file. So I decided to completely disable uglifyjs-webpack-plugin from webpack build process. 0 2. (could be my webpack config is bad as I want to uglify my code to make it smaller and faster. 0(原版本是2. I think the way is to create two separate files, one for dev and one for production building. Type: Boolean|String Default: false Enable file And because it de-transpiles JS only (the uglifying webpack pipeline), so if you're using Vue SFC, the Debundle cannot produces your original . Latest version: 5. 9, last published: 3 months ago. onload does work as expected. There are 3 other projects in the npm registry using uglifyjs-3-webpack-plugin. 8 harmony No idea, UglifyJS isn't written in a way that allows it to be bundled easily. Modified 5 years, 11 months ago. 0 (2018-09-14) Bug Fixes. 2 and damn simple webpack. js application, I wanted to set up a build system which not only allows for regular JavaScript code splitting, but also CSS code splitting. 0 was breaking, updated to newer versions of webpack, and dropped support for older versions. js from UglifyJs SyntaxError: Unexpected token punc «(», expected punc «:» [static/js/app. Using the latest beta 2 release, i still can't compile our project with webpack and uglify js. json file which UglifyJS uses internally during mangling. From the docs: Allows you to override UglifyJS plugin for webpack. So I changed it for the standalone version of the Webpack plugin: // webpack. Start using uglifyjs-webpack-plugin in your project by running `npm i uglifyjs-webpack-plugin`. babel. The application runs fine on my local system. Useful for code relying on Function. Thanks to webpack 4 and the mini-css-extract-plugin (which basically is the successor of the extract-text-webpack-plugin), CSS code splitting is finally 本项目webpack版本 "webpack": "^3. Reload to refresh your session. 1 webpack Version: 4. 0版本有问题,1. X, and even gave Buble a shot after reading this. logs from Prod envs. 0就是没有问题的,会报错Cannot read property 'tapAsync' of undefined 2. A regular expression can be used to define which property I am using webpack 4 and I am unsure if my code is being compressed and minified. I have now pushed the code onto the server. In your current setup you are not passing any options to Babel when it is used by vue-loader (meaning Babel uses no rules for your Vue files). In order for this to be of any use, we avoid mangling standard JS names by default (--mangle-props builtins to override). // 實際把這些模組抓進來執行 /******/ // The module cache /******/ UglifyJS Webpack Plugin 是一个用于压缩 JavaScript 代码的 Webpack 插件。 以下是该项目的目录结构及其介绍: │ └── └── lib/: 包含插件的核心代码,包括主入口文 雖然目前我還沒有想到什麼狀況會需要自行開發 Plugins,所以以下會先簡單介紹一下如何使用自行開發的一個 Plugin:單純在執行 webpack 指令時,在 terminal 上印出訊息。 This plugin uses uglify-js to minify your JavaScript. npm install -g vue-cli vue init webpack my-project cd my-project npm install npm run build Error: > node build/build. 0 . js module. Try using a transpiler or uglifyjs-webpack-plugin@^1. 所以今天我就想直接開始介紹整個 Vue-Cli This plugin uses uglify-js to minify your JavaScript. Either create . js:386,6] hello. js to make an SPA application with Django and I transpile, uglify, and bundle the code using webpack (specifically webpack-simple from vue-cli setup). push( new webpack. UglifyJsPlugin declaration, There are problems with using this declaration with Webpack 3+. This install uses Uglify. I also tried adding a specific include condition, just in case, and that only ended up breaking other Update. babelrc with a typical conf to overwrite the other 2. Javascript minification gradually becomes an integral part of practically almost websites, especially when you build your websites based on frontend-based frameworks, like AngularJS, React, Vue. The frontend framework will be managed by Webpack and VueJS. I am using Webpack 6. js from UglifyJs Unexpected token punc «(», expected punc «:» [js/0. essentially, what i was looking was to debug ES2015 codes, and founded that webpack(and vue-loader) are converting *. 10. 9. The entry point is simple and looks like this: import Vue from 'vue'; import Comp from '. I am still unsure if it is minifying. When I try runni I'm submitting a bug report Webpack version: 2. 2 Expected Behavior webpack can build the js correctly Actual Behavior report a error: DefaultsError: warnings 你的这个2. I am using UglifyJS to remove console. Lib is my components library (shared with other projects) Problem When I build my project ClientApp npm run build, I have the Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. js中配置uglifyjs-webpack-plugin 压缩代码 12-15 2789 如果vue项目打完包,js文件夹里面只有一个app. While this comes with a small increased compile-time Currently using UglifyJS 3 breaks the plugin. vue config example working with purge css and terser (uglify / uglifyjs) - vue. Edit [23-7-2019] After further research, I found that not ALL . There are 2405 other projects in the npm registry using uglifyjs-webpack-plugin. babelrc, manually pointed Webpack-stream to Webpack 2^. UglifyJS will parse input files in sequence and apply any compression options. The UglifyJs that comes with Webpack doesn't compile ES6. Length of the numeric value is chosen to fill a maximum of 80% of the id space. This module requires a minimum of Node v6. 8 and now my First of all, thanks for your help, considering it's not a problem with your component, it is greatly appreciated. . js file that modifies the webpack environment that webpacker ships with (vue loader is at the bottom). 44. Pass --mangle-props domprops to disable this feature. The name and concept have been popularized by the ES2015 module bundler rollup. onload does not work when minified using Uglify When not miniifying the scripts window. (link below) Simply teach UglifyJS ES6 There are two versions of UglifyJS - ES5 and ES6 (Harmony), see on git ES5 version comes by default with all the There is an uglifyjs plugin available for webpack, so possibly, that's just what you need. 并在项目的webpack中bable-loader加载器中使用以上babel Yes, UglifyJS only supports ES5 syntax. I add optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin to my vue. To get round uglify-module is meant as a placeholder, it means "require one of the modules that works the way uglify does", since there's more than one option there. config. js They are changing the uglify js and these changes are not backward compatible. This circumstance resulted in a fork, terser, especially to fix or at least work on the not-that-small amount of issues uglify-es had or still has (at least these). warnings option anymore. 0 / ES 5 / TS 2. x Current behavior: Source map is not generated when new webpack. ts, or . after I compile I open the css file in dist folder, and the class name (some I have a Vue3 app. js, a change from: plugins. Running npm run eject will allow you to remove the app from the preconfigured workflow ( webpack, babel, etc ) and let you modify When using a build tool like Webpack or Browserify, the production mode will be determined by process. prototype. jsx, . There are 2407 other projects in the npm registry using uglifyjs-webpack-plugin. Webpack not uglifying/minifying. x version by yourself by running in order to fix it as discussed at https://github. Bundling happens but Uglify does not. Then using latest version "1. /components/comp I'm using the official Vue Webpack template. My first problem is using the Webpack UglifyJS plugin in the webpack plugin property or the optimization property. 1. You switched accounts on another tab or window. js project with webpack: 4. 2. Getting Started webpack is a module bundler. UglifyJS plugin for webpack. NODE_ENV inside Vue’s source code, and it will be in development mode by default. To begin, you'll need to install uglifyjs-webpack-plugin: Then add If you are using webpack <4. Tried all scenarios webpack -p , webpack - mode production , set the node environment variable. js的话,就会在首页加载所有的js代码。如果需要分包打包的话,可以执行以下代码,这样的话每个页面就只会加载对应的js文件,减少首页的负担 If you are using webpack. js" Original answer before the update I hope you can get inspired by this solution which works with webpack. Automatic vendor extraction. e650a1216d2254804644. Webpack knows thousands of tricks how to make your bundle smaller, but from time to time it might be your false friend. There is 1 other project in the npm registry using uglify-js-webpack-build. webpack is a module bundler. config file which has plugin uglify added. By default a minimum length of 3 digits is used when optimization. 3. And here's the entirety of my environment. 2 with Vue 3. json. Sometimes we need to be close to bare metal - then we need a custom build with our own Check the version of uglifyjs-webpack-plugin you are using in your package. js:544 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'uglifyjs-webpack-plugin' at Function. If you look at what npm run build does, it actually runs another script, react-scripts build. js file be any different between my app and an I'm using vue-awesome, and forgot that I had to modify the webpack config slightly to get it working. 5. I have developed an application on my local. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with Hi, 大家好 今天原本我在昨天預告的主題是想做些 Gulp 和 Webpack 的介紹 不過我後來使用 Gulp 的機會比較少,現在 Webpack 算是主流 所以今天我就想直接開始介紹整個 Vue-Cli Boilerplate 有關於 package. Webpack - A bundler for javascript and friends. I have vue application with the cli. also, I use webpack because of using the secrets in the code. I currently have the following UglifyJSPlugin configuration: webpackPlugins = [ new DedupePlugin(), new What you're looking for is probably "beautify" combined with "mangle". vue files to normal, old fashioned, browser understandable code(am i right?). I was just implying that webpack depends on UglifyJS and therefore you cannot bundle webpack, with wepback (because of UglifyJS). js at your config folder (you should get this folder after eject) Search for keyword minimize: isEnvProduction then append the following at bottom; minimizer: [ new UglifyJsPlugin({ uglifyOptions: { warnings: false, parse: {}, compress: . Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, uglify, closure compiler: uglifyify: yes: uglify-plugin: UglifyJS-brunch: Multi pages build with common bundle: with manual configuration: yes: Those two webpack plugins are the most popular webpack plugins at all: UglifyJS - for JS; MiniCSS - for CSS; Webpack optimisation. Run npm run eject; Run npm install uglifyjs-webpack-plugin --save-dev; Go to webpack. babelrc by default. When I perform build production with the npm run build command, the UglifyJs error appears as follows: ERROR in app/0 webpack is a module bundler. webpack. @nckcol No probs, here's a rough roadmap: Upgrade the project to webpack-defaults. react(). However I found that in production mode the style in scss width: calc(100% / 3); is Webpack electron-builder electron-edge node-fibers some static assets (. _resolveFilename (m And the const's don't seem to bother Webpack/UglifyJS. default extract comment condition is case insensitivity; Features. Both build tools provide ways to overwrite this variable to enable Vue’s production mode, and warnings will be stripped by minifiers during the build. But when I do minified my scripts If I vue-loader will process your js with babel-loader (if it's detected), and uses . Cheers. You won't get a minified and raw bundle out of a single run or generate differently named bundles so the -p flag may not meet your use case. I use the github actions because want to use github secrets. 0 -D. 1 When I launching build command webpack --config webpack. config file as I mentioned above but it didn't help – parastoo Commented Add a UglifyJS plugin for webpack UglifyJS Webpack Plugin This plugin uses uglify-js to minify your JavaScript. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset. When I use the plugin property it seems to compress at least but not to a single line. A wonderful tool to do that is API Platform. uglify-js compiles ES5 only! So since #harmony branch not compatible with v2. optimize. Webpack, Rollup, or SystemJS), Webpack in production mode tries to uglify js but it only works on ES5 webpack/webpack#1542 Because r2-streamer-js delivers ES6 we have to I am implementing a project with vue js. tsx. However it supports all ECMAScript 5 compliant browsers. One question aside: What configuration do I need to be able to use webpack's resolve alias and that Laravel also hashes fonts? and that Laravel also hashes fonts? My recommendation is Babelify to which I switched after having constant errors with Uglify. Is there a simple way to make this preset use babel? I really love mix, but I'm starting to think my setup is too complex for These two properties (zoom, pitch) so happened to be included in the reserved name list, have a look at this default domprops. If you installed UglifyJS Important to note that all these results are running a custom fork of uglifyjs-webpack-plugin that uses the new version of source-map - there is a serious performance issue in the version that ships with the plugin, essentially half the runtime is spent doing . This is a node module and i need to use the classes even when is uglified. I have 2 Vue-Cli webpack projects (ClientApp and Lib). For a better solution, I used the semi to add semicolon to vue, and everything came back to normal. 2" with web pack 3. To begin, you'll need to install uglifyjs-webpack-plugin: Then add 今天原本我在昨天預告的主題是想做些 Gulp 和 Webpack 的介紹. Start using uglifyjs-3-webpack-plugin in your project by running `npm i uglifyjs-3-webpack-plugin`. What am i doing Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs If you use npm and a module loader that understands ES2015 imports (e. Vue follows Semantic Versioning in all its official projects for documented features and behavior. I get a bunch of errors: ERROR in js/0. com/webpack-contrib/uglifyjs One way to solve it is to update the template to use uglify-es, instead of uglify-js. split(/\\+/) Why would UglifyJS complain about what looks like a totally valid line of code? And why would a core Vue. I have to try rebuilding again and again to make it work. I said that because in some solutions it suggests to add a file . 0 NPM Version: 6. I'm no expert here, but it seems like my ES6 is not being transpiled to es5 correctly. 6689fc597 uglifyjs-webpack-plugin went from using uglify-js (no ES6) under the hood, to uglify-es (yes ES6), back to uglify-js (no ES6), and now uses tercer (yes ES6). Provide details and share your research! But avoid Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. If you installed UglifyJS 1、安装UglifyJsPlugin插件(如果你使用的是Vue CLI 3或以下版本,可能需要安装webpack和相关的webpack-cli)。 npm install uglifyjs-webpack-plugin --save-dev 2、打开vue. First of all get the most recent version of uglify and its webpack plugin npm install uglify-es --save-dev npm install uglifyjs-webpack-plugin --save-dev then on your src/build folder search for the file with named "webpack. I am using React as well. I can't make sense of anything in the log file but it seems to me it doesn't really point to any issue. import and export. However, it does not look like a plug&play approach if we should hardcode paths of third-party components in our webpack config every time. If I remove UglifyJSPlugin or use Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; javascript webpack gzip speed uglifyjs benchmarks size swc minification minifier measures google-closure-compiler uglify-js babel-minify gzip-size minifiers esbuild tesrser minification-benchmarks minification-performance If you still need to use Webpack Encore, use the following steps to switch. prod. I´m currently using the following setup in order to achieve the desired result of uglifying the js code from the build process of vue apps using TerserPlugin Install the webpack uglifyjs plugin and the es2015 uglifyjs lib: npm i -D uglifyjs-webpack-plugin && uglify-js Now you can use the discrete uglify plugin (I failed when I used the plugin buried in webpack. I have webpack 4. 7. UglifyJsPlugin() in webpack. Is there something missing in my config? //vue. js, React, Vue, Svelte, etc), we recommend using their native tools and using Symfony as a pure API. js const UglifyJSPlugin yes, you pointed me to the right direction. i changed my point of view, and the most useful part was your explanation of global and env part that saved my night, thanks in First, you have to install babel-loader and create its config. I can do that (~30 mins of work). I want to believe that we can find a better way. 0", 要解决此报错有2中方法: 1. js from UglifyJs Unexpected token: name (Vue) [bundle. Disclaimer: CssMinimizerWebpackPlugin is a third-party package maintained by community members, it potentially does not have the same support, security policy or license as webpack, My guess is that you are bundling ES6 code, somewhere and uglifyjs-webpack-plugin < 1 does not support ES6. babelrc , 增加uglify: true 2. 在前端實作模組化,是需要把 code 做 transpile (轉譯) 的. 6. anyway, I got It showed the vue-timers files were included (or, at least, not excluded by the regex), but Uglify was still complaining. UglifyJS plugin isn't minifying all chunks in Webpack. In production mode, I use UglifyJsPlugin to minify and compress the index. I want to use uglifyjs plugin. vue files to provide it with options: I would like to use the Webpack UglifyJSPlugin to only remove comments from my bundle. js:47,8] I've started with Babel with a . Uglify really isn't giving me much information to begin to track it down, for a new user to webpack / Uglify it 前言 相信大部份使用vue single file做開發的人,幾乎都是使用vue cli的方式,但隨著專案越來越大,依賴的第三方越來越多,速度也就越來越慢了,此篇則是筆者爬了很多文章之後,最後自己成功實做,也確實加快了不少速度,所以筆記下來也供各個讀者參考看看。 Terser plugin for webpack. I use the following to "watch" The current latest version does not need any options passed in for This plugin uses UglifyJS v3 (uglify-es) to minify your JavaScript Enable prevent discarding or mangling of function names. A default exclusion file is provided in tools/domprops. getObfuscatedCode() - returns string with obfuscated code; getSourceMap() - if sourceMap option is enabled - returns string with source map or an empty Here's how we can UGLIFY our code in ReactJS. Contents of my webpack. UglifyJsPlugin() is used. js --progress It's started to the building, and throw an error I have had this problem for the last 2 days. js, it works pretty fine for a long time. babelrc or specify the js loader by yourself for the . config throws SyntaxError: How I do css uglify when I build the application in prod? before uglify: . Your project is bootstrapped with create-react-app, correct? As you can see in the package. Switched JS optimizing/minification from Uglify to Terser. compressed JS by mapping every token in the compiled JS to its original in my code i have classical template in my . There are 6064 other projects in the npm registry using terser-webpack-plugin. js var Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers To add another answer, the flag -p (short for --optimize-minimize) will enable the UglifyJS with default arguments. It works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't. I'll update the changelog to be more descriptive. x {display:block;}. – Bromox While Uncle Cheese provided half the answer, here is the other half: webpack. And since you haven't provided any details of your particular issue, I can only assume that you've the following: { "compress": { "warnings" 👍 41 I’ve inherited a project and am trying to figure out how to edit the config file to stop WebPack from bundling CSS completely. 22, last published: 6 years ago. js Options Examples Exclude Vendor Maps Host Source Maps Externally Install Usage Options context files formatter lintDirtyModulesOnly stylelintPath Errors and Warning Operating System: Mac OS Node Version: 10. js. When running npm run build I get the following error: ERROR in static/js/app. How to use uglifyjs to minify and compress css/scss in webpack/vue cli? Hot Network Questions In case anybody else is as confused as I was an hour ago: uglify-js has never supported ES6; uglify-es supports ES6 but was abandoned; tercer is a fork of uglify-es that is under active development; uglifyjs-webpack-plugin went from using uglify-js (no ES6) under the hood, to uglify-es (yes ES6), back to uglify-js (no ES6), and now uses tercer (yes ES6). I've built a It looks like you are trying to use uglify with the watch flag, which is intended to be used in development. Any recommendations? I don't have much experience with vue and webpack as I myself am in the process of learning. ) Here's what I want: A crossplatform autoupdating installer for the software The long version and the problems: I can get Electron, React, Electron Edge, node-fibers, webpack VUE 下打包报错 #353 Closed Ayhan-Huang opened this issue Jul 24, 2018 · 2 comments Closed VUE下打包报错 1. Edit: The problem might be in your new webpack. – JLRishe Commented Jun 22, 2019 at 3:04 I installed the uglifyjs plugin and created webpack. Reload to refresh your vue. For undocumented behavior or exposed Click or press Alt+Insert and select the UglifyJS predefined template from the list. A webpack plugin to run uglifyjs in parallel. 13 verbose stack Error: Currently, I've written a webpack task to compile vue files.