
Punjabi Tribune (Delhi Edition)

Why are guys rude to me reddit. men DEFINITELY do not like me though.

Why are guys rude to me reddit A lot of people have told me that they thought I’d be a huge bitch, but then when they met me/got to know me they realized I wasn’t. Most guys only see examples of strength and toughness when they are used to victimize someone either playfully or in hate. But when she is rude to me (and she is, often), I feel that my feelings are not given the same validity, and if I get annoyed or upset at the way she has spoken to me, she just becomes angry that I am annoyed, and the same situation results (me needing to calm her down, because she's annoyed that I am annoyed). So now that we’re crossing lines - tell me why you’re acting like YOU’RE having one worse than It annoys me that I even feel this way but to be honest it’s a genuine turn off to me if I have to take things further or pursue and I can’t really explain why. I had this bitchy manager and then one day she had to go to a doctors appointment so she introduced another manager to work alongside us for a bit cause that manager would be taking over for her while she was away. It leaves me feeling very confused. Can’t explain why the feelings may not be reciprocal but perhaps they’re not 🤷‍♀️ Then about 2 weeks ago I was on my way to the youth hub and some guys passed me on their bikes and one of them kept saying hi to me (obviously to mock me ) I ignored him cuz I could tell he was a dickhead. It's like nobody has manners. There are 5 guys (ages 24-35) and they all meet up regularly outside of work. MEN are a crucial part of modern life. Hahahaha. I have no problems attracting random people in social settings. Guys are always sizing me up and trying to eather make me look less than them or intimidate me or out do me in some way. And when he spoke to me in a very rude demeaning way, i called him out in front of everyone as a bully. What a fucking weirdo. My circle is pretty small. oh boo hoo hoo such a shame that you won't be back. We used to talk everyday and One of the primary reasons a guy may act nice and then suddenly become mean is that he is attracted to you. Physical symptoms may include: blushing, excess sweating, trembling, palpitations, and nausea, stammering, along, rapid speech, panic attacks. That’s why they’re pushing for automation so bad. Most guys grow out of it in high school, some in the college years. Why does this happen to me? I was talking to a guy who was super consistent, affectionate and communicative and he’s now ghosted me even after me reaching out to him again. But if it’s because of constant drug abuse I will also say it’s your own fault. In general, though, people are nicer to hot people. The hardest thing for me to learn was to care for me - so that I can be the best for those I care about. I asked him if he liked this person and he said no but they are having sex. Ask Men Anything. Why is my dad always rude to me but not to others? When he talks to me it’s always a very angry voice, but when he talks to others it’s always a very calm soft voice. I don’t know why. He tells me that they love me but I highly doubt that. Ive never spoken to him unless he spoke to me. Or, he might just be an arrogant prick. It’s just frustrating. ) me: sorry guys, i am here now if you still want to play early. Also if someone tells me a story like we can’t have kids, I will ask you why. Call out the individual and not others who aren’t involved. like how many times are you going to take things out of my reach because i'm short. The whole night, I was ignored by all the men. For example: it’s now been 2 months since I rejected a guy who asked me out on a date. That’s something different then It’s the ole’ modern feminist notion. ” it will set people off who are used to treating you poorly, but the more boundaries you set the more they will respect you. If you don’t want to answer it, no problem. They are rude to me in a way that suggests that they dont care about my feelings because it's assumed I dont have any. These things brought some tension to our relationship because I would remember occasionally that he wanted to hang out with that girl (he didn't go because he got upset) but he would get upset because I said hello to that guy (yes I was stupid because I talked about this 2 more times after he Said he wouldn't go and apoligizing, but I'm used to overthink things and he knows ”He suddenly got very angry and said he wasted his time. If a guy was unnecessarily rude, I took it to mean FAR more about what an oaf the guy was than anything wrong with me. I wasnt okay with it because i felt like i loved him and he said we shouldn't continue. I'm not interested in talking to guys or anything. Why? We were all friends. But he didn't want to do it. Loser It happens to me all the time. He pressed me for a reason so I said its because he lives an hour away and I don’t have a car. It won't be rude, but it will probably be very uncomfortable. I wouldn't attract the 1% most gorgeous men, but in general attraction isn't a problem. They had a ton of experience with engineering at other aerospace companies. After that he told me I can go in a rude way. Has hated me ever since and continues trying to bully me. They just hand you the food and close the window without even looking at you. Any comments on why some men resort to this sometimes? For me its a competition thing. I think mainly it’s that I’m the type of person who truly isn’t attracted to a guy unless he pursues me because I guess I enjoy being pursued. " I hop online and get told off for making them wait. tone is more important than what is being said. He always jokes around with other people like my cousin but not usually me, me and Also, personally i know for a matter of fact that if I'm annoying my friends, it's because I love them and they're worth my time and attention. How to deal with rude/aggressive and impolite strangers (mostly men)? Whenever I have such interactions it gives me stress/anxiety. Fit men have never criticised my body, but morbidly obese guys called me fat when I was Hate the idea of spending the next four years seeing a constant stream of disturbing posts on Reddit about how fucked up the new POTUS is - or the guy who makes Teslas I hate to generalize this as a "male" thing, but I've had mostly guys do this to me except for one or two girls (they would listen to another girl who seemed nerdier and quieter than me while disregarding my suggestions). men DEFINITELY do not like me though. White men were the ones I had to lie about having a boyfriend to. sometimes friends poke at eachother insecurities so they can accept it. Which is why it is a question--we can attract strangers but not our friend? Quite honestly, and granted I'm only a guy here who doesn't have any pregnant friends, but I have always been under the impression that the one thing you never do to someone who you suspect (or know) to be pregnant is A: ask if they're pregnant, or B: make jokes about their size because they're pregnant. ” It’s actually kind of incredible how fake and manipulative some men can be—I’m sure he sees himself as a victim of your feminine wiles but he’s clearly projecting on everything. I have really gained respect from my White peers, even though most people do not like me. it starts to look like This experience didn’t stop me often making the first move, though (although it could be upsetting): most of my relationships (including my “forever man”) was only started because I started it. One of the friends was extremely disrespectful to me out of the blue, for no reason, but my boyfriend continues to be friends with him and it makes me uncomfortable. Most men won't/can't tell their best friend they love them because of how they are brought up, but they can call them a cocksucker. As the date progresses they become very nice, attentive, very interested in me. Thoughts? tl;dr Friend is nice to me when it's just the two of us, but rude otherwise. After your second response, he just kept Recently I jumped into dating apps and have met 3 guys so far. Triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others. An INTP shouldnt be a manual worker if it can be helped, but being an executive isn't it either. Honestly it hurts so much to have to cut her off since we have so many good memories together but when she says rude things like this it makes me wonder why I even befriended her. This doesn't mean every rude guy you encounter is secretly interested in you, but it's possible that a guy who is Psychologist explains why men always turn nasty when rejected. Everything was going well—until he was rude and mean to me. The “everyone makes fun of me or ignores me or uses me” thing lasted for years, and I just don’t talk to people. I tried to jump back into the conversation a few times but he completely talked over me. so short guys are rude to tall guys who trigger them and tall guys are rude to short guys who trigger them. When it comes to womem, the women here in LA are attention whores but they dont like it when you actually talk to them. I'm so confused as to why some do that and need Men are rude to you because they are misogynists but they’re still attracted to women, once they come across a woman that they’re not attracted to their deep seated hatred of women lashes Why is my guy friend all of a sudden rude to me for no reason? So there’s this one guy who I used to be really good close friends with. I’ve known him for 3 years. while the men would compete against eachother to be the man girls want. There are plenty of large people that are not rude. Okay, so a few things. If it's a friend, ask them why they feel that way. Pre-pandemic and when I actually went outside, white men were always the ones to harass me. You might scream and get frustrated at it, but you dont see it as a person. this sub is for advice about specific dating situations not general debates. The reason why I’m posting this is because I was unfortunately put into an unavoidable one-on-one situation with him outside of work today. i call my bf “bro” or “dude” all the time and he doesn’t have a problem with it. The most awful they had said that no guy will love me. Guys my age will stare or flirt and sometimes older men will exclaim things like "WOW" or "YES", but they won't go further than that. I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily “rude”, it just tends to bring up certain insecurities that may have originated from having bad I've been seeing a ton of screenshots lately of customers texting the dasher about something afterwards and the dashers are so rude in their responses. I won't deny that guys like that totally exist and it's a really unhealthy behavior that men need to stop doing. Innumerable were the occasions when someone bumped into me and didn't even bother to look at me, let alone apologize; when I held the door for a stranger and he or she didn't even smile in return, let alone thank me; when I was shopping and someone suddenly leaned over and grabbed something in front of my eyes instead of politely asking me to step aside. I also will sometimes flirt by being slightly rude to guys. Guys saying they want to bash me. It isn't just me, other people who were cashing out with me have noticed it as well, but neither I nor the people I was with could figure out what I was doing to cause such a reaction. Even when there’s no pressure from the sales person at all whatsoever, people still hate saying “no” because the general population wants to avoid conflict so much. I still am young enough to slap you with my witty remarks. He never makes an effort to speak to me and avoids me generally unless we happen to be in a conversation with other people. or rest yourself on my shoulders like i'm an arm rest. sometimes to help them change it, but most often its simply to gauge mood. However, I do want to share one piece of information. They don't necessarily hate me, but they know their boundaries with me. 5'11" woman here and my experiences are exactly the same. Sorry I don’t know any other type of social media. 18 year old me let it happen, 41 year old me would punch a dick if y'all are really overthinking it, lots of gamer guys just have no clue how socializing works and assume that whatever jokes they think are funny to them, are funny to everyone, so they just make jokes about everyone in hopes that it'll make them laugh and if it doesn't they just keep going at it because they don't understand why it won't work There’s another co worker , this guy is a douche bag to me . Men absolutely will have conversations with me or try to keep me around as a friend while only pursuing crazy or promiscuous. or pick me up without my permission and walk around with me like i'm luggage. But yeah; such Women are the always the ones that are rude to me. It’s why he kept coming back asking “questions”. I really like the person he is when it's just the two of us, but I don't understand why he changes. For the same reason a guy might be an asshole to a hot woman--feeling rejected, feeling like she's looking down on him, feeling like she's been mean to him or that women who look like her have been mean to him in the past. Some days I’d even call in sick to work just because I didn’t want to work with her. I once had a coworker who was a “mean girl” and would subtly insult me and was rude to me daily. I used to be very extroverted/am by nature, but was made fun of so much & only talked to to be a cheat sheet for my classmates (I was always pretty smart) that I eventually just stopped talking. Personally if I wanted to meet friends though I wouldn’t start with jokes, I’d want people to get to know me first and while they’re getting to know me they’ll hear my corny jokes and understand me and my Also right now in final year, my OBGY HOD told me that me injuring my arm and getting a literal fracture was “my fault” and that they won’t consider my attendance at all. Sounds like he may be an anxious guy who deflects with anger/rudeness to avoid furthering the social interaction. Some people have told me it’s because I tend to wear clothes that are a bit dressier and I’m pretty jumping the gun a bit on the assumptions there, wow! Get the Reddit app Scan this No one ever has the right to say something rude about your appearance to your face, man or woman, I do think it's weird for a short girl to want a tall guy, why not leave the tall guys for the tall girls. Doesn’t mean I’m rude to the customers (if anything I’m overly nice) but I agree that yeah, having mental stuff going on with you is definitely one reason why door dash is an attractive job to certain people. Doesn’t sound shy to me, I’m just sayin. After playing a couple games my date asked me my favorite and we went to do it. posts about relationships longer than 6 months post go to r/relationship_advice or if you are married post to r/marriage I guess for me with the rude ones I don't let it get to me too much as really I just let them spiral out of control and just eventually they get tired of hearing themselves talk lol. I was like "lolno". I even say thank you with a smile. He asked me why I thought he would bother hanging out with me. it genuinely upsets me, how mean they can be sometimes. But take care of yourself, first. I probably should have clarified that I'm not really looking to date anyone right now. One of my worst experiences from high school was the time a guy I didn't get along with particularly well decided we needed to hug out a disagreement. If random people are rude, just keep doing what you're doing. However, whenever I come in contact with a stranger (especially females), they always seem to try and avoid me, will make a snarky comment, or will suddenly become less enthusiastic than they were before. Awwh that just means you’re pretty or dress in a cool way or something if girls stare in a positive way. chances are she will act as a buffer for you Same happened to me. and i doubt women are attracted to me. Autistic people struggle to read allistic social cues. I am a very sensitive person and maybe I’m overly sensitive but I just don’t understand the idea of people Okay, there was this guy that struck up a conversation with me on the first day of school, and we had a nice conversation all the way home, then we said goodbye (a bit awkwardly because I didn’t know how to act) and then we didn’t see each other for a week, after that I saw him a few times from afar and didn’t speak to him because he was talking to people, one time I was sitting The only time I’m rude to a guy when dating is when they press me and harass me. That's how it is for me. Yes, yes "not all men", but far too many white men think women owe them everything. We love each other and are so close but for the past month or so she has been constantly making little passive aggressive comments to and about me. The advisor is a sort of worker and leader, but not a decision maker. i’m gonna be honest, i have had more women flirt with me than men, though, so maybe that says something. Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. take your money, and your rudeness, somewhere else where they like that sort of thing. " These types quickly Many unattractive men are extremely bitter, insecure and feel the need to tear other people down. Sometimes I personally know the guys we bump into, and they barely acknowledge me in his presence, but are generally friendly to me outside of this context. I respect him and care for him but he is just rude to me. As a big buff guy, I understand why folks might be a When I first started working at one of my jobs I had a few older guys treat me similarly. . everyone you came across in turkey rude to you for no reason. i’m just confused. Cashier is nice and chatty to the person in front of me, and than does not say a word to me when I come up, or is extremely rude. Then me, they really didn’t like the young 20 year old telling them what and how to do things. He once told me, "I did not hear you say good morning", even thought I did along without another person in the room (out of three others). In order to fulfill the liking of men that like petite women you have to be a certain height from what I gather its under 5'3 and a certain weight so like less than 120 lbs or something. Either way, making judments based off his character after one interaction will probably not lead to a logical or correct conclusion. me: (privately to friend who spammed and wanted to play early) feel free to send me a text or call to wake me up if you want to play early. its complicated but among friends, an insult isnt always an insult. When I'm not surprised by the rudeness I like to kill them with kindness. In all of my long term relationships my boyfriends loved cuddling afterwards! It's starting to get at my self esteem, to be honest, which is irritating because I'd already done years of work trying to respect that my worth isn't linked to my attractiveness. I really don’t know what I’m doing wrong. and insecure tall guys are not rude to other tall guys because they don’t trigger the insecurities. I once told a stranger when he asked how old I was, I replied 27 and he said wow, I'm surprised you'd admit to that. But there are also rude skinny people and rude short people and rude tall people and rude people of all types and sizes. And they definitely want a second date. If you do I listen and if I feel sorry for you I will tell you this. When he asked me my age (almost 28 at the time) he said "oh, so you're pushing 30 then. So it all might be a culture clash/difference in expectations Face wise I'm fine, some guys I dated said I'm cute and my face is somewhere between 8-9. Why? What could be a reason why? He’s texting my friend and he’s so nice to her but he’s rude to me. that tells me everything i need to know. We were in the parking lot to leave. I’ve never been attracted to him whatsoever but he had caught feelings for me as soon as we met. Are you sure you were not rude yourself or forcing a date in any way? If you can say so then probably you just were sooooo unlucky to A guy from college approached me asking to go out with him multiple times and I said yes but due to Covid and online classes we’re both stuck in 2 different cities. Side note - I used to think that men were easier to get along with but time and experience has shown me otherwise. In the long run, people are people Guys can be just as difficult to get a long with and just as petty. Other women don't do it to me. He asked me if I was drinking because he said I slurred some words( was tired) I told him no and I told him he can breathalyze if he wanted. Even if they have absolutely no reason to be rude to me, don't even know me, etc. i dunno anymore. It’s usually only guys who act this way towards me but occasionally it’s females too. It’s usually hard for me to ask people I don’t know for directions or help, and this just reinforced that idea that I should just keep to myself. A safe space for men and women to ask advice of competent and Manly Men even when it comes to our feminine side. I would give him the world if I could. Men that like petite women are the equivalent of women wanting big tall men, but women that like tall men will be lenient with his weight if they generally just find the height attractive. But he is rude to me. I'm talking people saying horrendous things. Sure a few ppl may, but it’s not the majority, stop generalizing this idea of toxicity in Greek life. It takes the attention away from their rudeness and validates their feelings, and perhaps it can get resolved. A man’s “nasty” text when his date cancelled for good reasons has gone viral as hordes of women reveal it’s happened to them too. Guys like him want you to engage with them no matter how they get that. Yeah, ok. And then when they finally give you your food. I used to be ugly before as a teen, my male classmates humiliated me, called me all sorts of names and gives me bad looks and cringes when they got paired with me. I find it rude and confusing and was wondering if it's a common thing and I'm being overly sensitive, maybe I'm 33F and dating mostly men in mid thirties to early forties, so people well old enough to have basic social skills. Every time someone says I’m pretty or compliments me, my friend’s boyfriend has to interject VERY LOUDLY that I’m “not all that” or “overrated” in front of me. It's so objectifying, it makes me feel terrible because I feel if they truly found me attractive they would probably put a bit more effort. Idk man I see the boys on this app and their sweet and all and then there’s the boys in the movies and shows the ones that give out roses to those women the sweet gentleman type of boy but all the boys in my class are horrible idk why maybe it’s just that they’re nicer online so question for the boys do you guys switch personalities or something? First Point: I'm not a "nice guy" and would never try to coerce a girl in to hooking up with me because I did her a bunch of favors. At work socials I have noticed that he talks to everyone but me. If she doesn't want to be friends with you that isn't usually considered ending on good terms. So i have this online guy friend that immediately fell for me after 3 hours. I og just said thank you, but I don’t see this going anywhere. So I know men can do the pursuing, but more often than not, tends to be with the exact types of women they claim to not want to waste time on lol. (I do have philosophy similar to toxic masculinity to some extent). I left the group date 2 hours early, because none of the guys wanted to talk This is very true. He’s dry and just rude. Or anything close to that. so maybe i’m meant to be with a woman instead. He has seen me before and i’ve seen him (through pictures) but ever since i said i didn’t like him when he confessed he has been nothing but cold and rude to me. Not a man, but if a guy is making you feel bad about yourself after only 5 months amd doesn't immediately apologize and correct the behavior, then I'd break up. I could ask the same question too: “Why are people not involved in Greek life so rude to me?” I’ve been told the same things too. Whenever I talk he stares at me intensely like he dislikes me . A lot of guys I not how it works. So basically I’ve always been awkward around guys and the past year I’ve become way more confident, talkative and flirty w/ guys (yay)!). The next two times i saw him he was really warm to me, and he talked in class and all but suddenly he stopped talking to me all-together, no texts, no voice chatting and playing video games, not even face to face. A couple examples A month or so ago I was at the grocery store putting my things on the conveyor belt and the guy behind me started huffing and puffing and I ignored him so he literally started shoving my stuff ahead and throwing his on- I told him to back off and stop Why is my friend suddenly being so rude to me? Me (F20) and my best friend (F21) have been roommates for the past 3 years. This is a place to ask feminists your questions and to discuss the issues with feminists. He left me multiple times because god knows why. Men have left the home, aren’t strong anymore, have left their post, etc. Guys buy into the outdated idea that a woman needs/wants a strong tough guy. For example l, im always there for my friends, i always do them favors, im always friendly with them, listen to them, im always there for them, but they end up using,disrespecting me and leaving me. If men weren't outright rude or insulting about my height, they fixated on it and wouldn't stop referring to it and made me self conscious about dating shorter guys. I then had to approach the Dean who managed to help me. My friends always talk about being approached by boys our age and it's just not something I can relate to and I was curious if there was a specific reason only older guys hit on me. The only guys who have lost all interest in me after sex were the ones who only wanted sex from me to begin with. My (22F) boyfriend (24M) has a group of friends in his work department. Idunno, you tell me: why do people hate Jared Leto so much? There was only one specific girl who was awful to me, multiple guys were. That’s another story). I mean i know people have their bad days but its the fact it happens with female customers and co workers. Please maintain your kindness and empathy. Lmaoo that’s funny. (I also do this because I hate men and want to make them not talk to me bc I resent them. Why do they do that? Is it just me? TL;DR male engineering students are rude to me Edit: Holy crap this post blew up! This guy has 0 reason to dislike meexcept that i refuse to accept his bullying. granted we don’t really do cutesy pet names, but it’s a normal part of how i speak so why would i change that around him? at least in my circles, “bro” is just a casual term of endearment. Then he took my car keys and told me to pop the trunk, so he searched only my Trunk and not the whole car. Kind of like how it may be considered rude to ask a fat person how much they weigh, a poor man how much money he makes, an amputee how they lost a limb, etc. Honestly, this is a complicated situation and I don’t feel comfortable giving advice. People really, really don’t like being reached out to cold. This week especially he became really rude towards me and insulting, as if i am just a random girl that he is mad at. People also really, really hate being sold, or pushed at all in a sales conversation. But the workers are just so damn rude It makes me wanna be rude back. He called me out, saying I was acting different and asking if I was okay. Tell him, “you’re working with a woman and we menstruate. It's kind of hard to cut her off because we sit together in most of our classes which means I'm kind of forced to talk to her at times but I'm close to graduating so I'll just avoid her after highschool is over Ok I Always wondered this. Makes me feel that if it continues people will walk over me. Ultimately it's the boomers who don't have as much to be mad about. Edit: we used to be friends. No one would respect me as a man. (flip the genders and the same thing can happen, pretty guys probably get to be more choosy, however guys are much less picky than girls, this is an evolutionary trait, for thousands of years woman would seek men with dominant traits to protect them and their baby while also supporting food and shelter. One guy said he wanted to force me to perform sexual things on him then slit my throat after. Afterwards, he was BRUTALLY MEAN to me about not being better at it. I need the perspective from men on why a guy can go from sweet to very nasty and rude to you for no reason? This guy I’m talking to went from having the best conversations with me for hours to the biggest asshole. The best way I can describe it is when you're mad at your phone or computer or something. He *did* say some weird/borderline rude stuff though. From my experience, girls always stare at me in a negative kind of judging way and guys usually avoid looking at me all together I guess that just means I’m really ugly. hell, my own mom calls me bro sometimes. this makes me think I have a really annoying voice . The thing with heels I don't understand, I had this older co-worker adamant about saying good morning, despite being rude. Or Why guys are rude to me on purpose ? I see more often guys always try their hardest to be rude or impolite to me but are nicer to girls who are less attractive Share Add a Comment. You could really end up getting your feelings hurt by asking. I arrive, and at the beginning of the date guys are subtly mean, or condescending. He called me a bitch, but never actually called again. I don't want to be jealous or bitter, I want to take it with grace, but it's getting a bit rude. But I don’t get why he can’t just be nice to me without rude comments. We’ve been texting on and off for 3-4 months. :/ Anyway, I don’t know why guys are staring at you. I finally decided to be quite a bit more forceful (more honest than anything) and he never called me again. lol It’s making me really self conscious and I feel like I must be doing something subconsciously to make them dislike me or feel the need to be hostile towards me. I have seen in other reddit posts that sometimes (of course, depending on the person), guys will be rude to girls or guys they have a crush. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to out of the exam and the doctor will want me specifically to work with getting the patient checked out because they were rude or indignant with the Hey, people gotta feel the things they feel based on their own experience. yeah of course i believe you. Everytime I come over and say hi, they just give me the cold shoulder. For example, the first time we got together he asked me if I was straight or gay (this was after I'd flirted with him at a party). ‘I’m in the bathroom all the time’ according to you because I’m taking care of my period. Last week I was in the office and he deliberately walked passed my desk (he had no reason to walk by me) and he completely ignored me. Makes me feel weak. all saying this while benefitting from modern life with heating, plumbing, gasoline in their car and electricity running their iPhone. So I noticed that “rude” people get more attention and respect than the really friendly ones. It's always unnerving and a bit shocking. i just don’t think this is a big deal and i think guys getting I'm literally the opposite I don't care if someone tells me to go back to the kitchen, calls me a noob or says something stupid but can be funny. I quickly said, "Actuall I did say it, you got the wrong person", and this other guy said it was he who didn't say it. If you've wondered what most feminists think about certain things, what our response is to certain issues, how we think certain things should be a nickname isnt an insult. On a date Friday, I went to a Dave and Buster's style place for a first date. Understanding these reasons — and the nuances around them — can When he's a "nice guy"—a term used on Reddit to describe a man who believes acting "nice" or "moral" entitles him to "sex, romance and affection. French coworkers have said I was rude for not individually going to say good morning to each of them (I did a loud "good morning guys" when I arrived btw) And yes, the grocer might not say good morning to me, but they call me reina, guapa, and such. No, not every woman hate ugly men (although I'm quite sure some exist) What sounds strange to me is how rude their responses were. Guys act rude when they like you because of societal influences, emotional baggage, a fear of vulnerability, manipulation, playing hard to get, and ego-driven tactics. So they tend to try to show off how tough they are and end up being assholes. I’m not sure why that lady in the elevator was so rude to me, but i haven’t been able to stop thinking about it all day. Comments like “you have a buttcrack on your face, it’s disgusting, that’s manly and men do not like manly women, you should have surgery to correct it, etc etc” when I didn’t hide my face and cry about it he then tried to convince the other men in the group how ugly and gross it was, and that probably the only reason I had kids and someone had sex with me ever was because of I met a guy last summer while I was out & he would always go out of his way to flirt with me. I will usually say “hi how are you?”they will either ignore me Or they will give me this dry response look down the whole time. I was also constantly compared with my girlfriend and even my beautiful cousin. Any guy who asks me for nudes, especially a guy I’m just starting to date, is getting dropped. He openly criticises my sense of Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. When I was chatting with one of the guys he completely stopped talking to me mid conversation to talk to the woman sitting beside me. And, yes, I do think people are a bit more volatile lately, But there are some really nice teen guys out there, just make sure you surround yourself with nice people, trust me, there are plenty, and the reason why you think teen guys are mean is because you're surrounded by dickheads, and we tend to make our generalizations about certain types of people based on the ones we surround ourselves with. When it's just the two of us though, he's a great friend and lovely to me! He gave me a hug goodbye, made sure I knew where I was going, etc. I love how all the responses seem to somehow justify or support the notion that being fat somehow makes you rude. there's one common denominator in these encounters - your presence. Choose your friends wisely! He told me last month he started sleeping with someone else (casually) for a month, he's always honest. “Do not speak to me this way. Welcome to AskWomenOver30, an inclusive Reddit community where people can ask question to and discuss topics with women over the age of 30. I told him some of the things he has said have bothered me and he said I took it the wrong way and needed to communicate how I feel. People on Reddit seem nice if you’re looking for online friends. Then the next person they encounter they will turn into the nicest person on earth. I don't do this to ugly men. I've had random men come up to me and say random rude things out of no where. Whenever I carry heavy things they just ignore me. Every morning in the shower, I always tell myself that I will fight anyone who is rude to me. And he tried to make me hug him. i feel so Cuz we are men, it's not about being gay, all men are judgey and try to put a metric on everything, I think straight guys are even more judgey than us cuz they never need to reasses their opinions, they can just be superfitional and assholes and "nobody cares", they have as many or more categories for girls and for men's than we have for other guys, just go get some straight friends I don’t know if it’s just me attracting bad energy or what, but random men will be mean to me for zero reason. I’m so confused as to why he can’t just communicate with me and let me know that he doesn’t want to continue. He continued to say hi and he kept looking back at There is something called pick your battles. Sure there are rude fat people. They just want to be idolized and well fuck em. I give the elderly a bit more of a pass because their synapses aren't as strong as they used to be. My ex wrote me recently because he “ missed me” and was hoping I was well, I thought to myself, the woman he was cheating on me with must’ve dumped him, Turns out it was literally that day she ghosted him and he started texting me immediately lol. We talked every time we ran into each other (which consisted of us both flirting back & forth) this continued for a while then one night we were out, his friend made a comment regarding my body that I found disrespectful. They never ask me how I am doing or strike a conversation with me. However, I'm just so sick of having to prepare myself. I could spend hours telling you about how men would message me just to insult me. Used to have a lot of guy friends but that it's very paired down now as well. It’s never “sorry for your wait”. More recent studies show that autistic people do not struggle to read each other’s cues and that when an allistic person is the neuro-minority in a room full of autistics. Insecure short guys are not rude to other short guys because they don’t trigger the insecurities. That’s being direct and blunt. Then, it dawned on me: People (most often women, but even some men) are initially extremely stand-offish, and even rude, towards me upon first meeting/interaction but—it's just as you said—after repeated interactions, it's like they finally conclude, "Huh, I'm dealing with a genuinely kind hearted person," and then they eventually start treating me like they would anyone else. When I was talking once he told me to be quiet like Im silent most of the time anyway . Whether it’s just having a rude tone of voice or being condescending, why are some people rude? I don’t understand why some people can have such little consideration of other’s feelings or the way they are perceived by others. Socially speaking a month ago isn't recent and she may be confused as to why you're bringing it up again. Now if someone asks me how old I am, I reply with old enough, or simply like to ask, "why do you ask" unless you're my doctor, don't ask me how old I am. We are taught emotions are a girl thing, so when men get them they often turn them to a physical thing. Since day 1, no one in his family have bothered to get to know me (we have dated for 2 years). Ask your questions. I cried and he apologized to me, told me he cared about me. Over time, and since we worked closely together, We were able to For me personally it was a good job for me due to anxiety. I think you were kinda falling into what he wanted by responding so much. "It's not my job" "Figure it out yourself" "Don't bother me you hardly tipped" etc And everyone in the comments praising you guys and cheering you on. They’re busy enough. He's either very manipulative and trying to keep you down, or very immature and doesn't realize a girlfriend isn't one of his buddies he can pull jokes on. They'd never say anything rude to me but instead play along or just straight up fess that I'm annoying them, obviously without making me feel bad. White men were always the ones to never take "no" for an answer. There’s been a pattern here. jywxg vzterl ewk mkla chg npmp zejouy znqk rafwcn oeulbypk