Swtor class with least buttons. Trash clearance is one button.
Swtor class with least buttons Scoundrel and Operative are pretty easy for PVE as all you can stealth past everything and start with a tank character. That's why I posted it mainly. Weirdly enough I see more Operatives than Snipers. At their current state, Vanguards/Powertech have a lot of procs that need to be monitored to maintain maximum efficiency. SW isn't a council member and inquisitor becomes a council member at the end of their story, so they technically are a councilor after their story with the last "page" being their promotion. 0 TTK. Don't care for other PvE content or ranked PVP. I'd disagree with merc/commando. Soon the assassin-boom will go down and people will return to their smash marauders. I'm curious about the representation of the different classes in the swtor community. every class and spec in the game is viable for everything up to and including hm ops. Still, PT is easiest in terms of active mitigation and buffs you have to keep up, Jugg is easiest for always having a CD up, and Sin is easiest for having your rotation take the least buttons and never having to auto-attack. The only time WoW got as bad with the spell glut as SWTOR was during the Cataclysm expansion, when I was using a 17-18 spell rotation on my demo warlock. My favorite Class to play is the Jedi Consular Shadow (and Sith Inquisitor Assassin), while my least favorite is the Jedi Consular Sage(Sorcerer). I ju Dec 29, 2011 · Disclaimer: english is not my native speaking, so bear with me, please. May 2, 2013 · I have all three tank classes in full 69s or better (Jugg is main). I have left scroll button and right scroll button mapped to [ and ] and use those for targeting. For serious enemies its 5 buttons, 3 of which are 'use this when it lights up'. and BM hunter at the raid level). My logitech has two button near mouse one which are supposed to be used to increase/decrease DPI, three on the thumb side and the scroll wheel rocks left and right for two more. Sentinel rewards people who actually think and hmm learn the class. If you want to make sure that you are only working on your class story quest, you can "untrack" quests in your log by selecting them and then clicking the "untrack" button in the lower right corner of the quest log For Taris, I think all the classes probably work for it. Edited December 12, 2014 by DerSchneider Nov 26, 2012 · What DPS class do you see the fewest of on this server for each side? To be perfectly honest, solo PvE is pretty much the lowest expectations you can have for a class. Overall, of course, everyone will have their own opinion. For example, in WoW (I know this game Sep 1, 2024 · Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) has captivated MMO fans for over a decade, offering rich storylines, exciting PvE encounters, and competitive PvP modes. Every class has at least 4 buttons in their dps rotation alone, before you take into account survivability/utility abilities. Probably has the least number of abilities you need to still be effective. Ive spent my level 60 creation on a Juggernaut sith warrior. Now something im kinda wondering is do I really need all these damaging abilities Feb 25, 2013 · In my opinion, BioWare has done a good job keeping the various classes reasonably balanced. Rinse repeat to endgame. Dec 17, 2011 · I think the problem here lies in the diffrent playstyles of some of these classes. If you were light-leaning you were fresh out of the academy, but if you were dark-leaning you were a former anti-Imperial guerilla or something like that. I'm curious as to which class has the easiest rotation or least amount of skills. First: I do want to say, that it does NOT come down to to many buttons. Of all players who voted, 36% of them voted the Imperial Agent as their #1 favorite class in the game. However I like to get smashed and play drunk on the weekends. Ready to start learning how to play your class in Star Wars: The Old Republic? These basics guides for every class will get you started! Each basic class guide includes: An extremely basic 5-button rotation for every class; Gear suggestions including Tactical, Legendary Implants, and Stats Nov 21, 2012 · I don't have an Assassin yet, but that is going to be the final class I pick up to finish off my buff unlocks. In this respect, the easiest class with fewest keys bound would indeed be, as HungryKangaroo suggests, Vengeance/Vigilance -- 25 keys should suffice for that one (plus one more for crafted grenades) I wonder if a mmo mouse with 12 plus buttons would help you. I understand from reading that leveling with anything can be easy like that, but as the game progresses, can you share your opinions on the least button bloat (lazy) type of spec? Thank you and have a lovely day! Based on my personal observations, least played class would probably be Scoundrel or Vanguard. To the OP: Just about every class has a spec that can put down some serious DPS. Anni specced Marauder is like teh total best 1v1 class, dood! Okay, now that the obligatory main class bravado is out of the way, let me say this: There is no single best class/spec for dueling or 1v1 scenarios. Just assign every key the left hand is responsible of pressing while typing to an ability. Left mouse button to target things, and Right mouse button to turn your character while moving around. At least it wasn't all a dream, I guess. Sharpshooter Gunslinger/Marksman Sniper. Jan 13, 2014 · Unfortunately, all tanks in swtor are close-range classes, but VG/PT have a little advantage for range attacks, so it's a little bit easier to play if you are not comfortable with moving a lot. For example, unlocking Cyborgs will allow you to make a Consular with the menacing round glasses cybernetic. I find it awkward and clunky. The biggest deciding factor as to whether or not your team wins a warzo Jun 26, 2016 · and that is the crucial point. From top-tier DPS to essential healers, find the class that suits your playstyle! The easiest class will be the one which gameplay you enjoy and vibe with the most. Mar 23, 2012 · SWTOR is not "clicker friendly". Once you play that much tanking, all 3 of them seem easy. First off, this is a bit irrelevant, as I run a lot of PVP, but I don't encounter a lot of 1v1 scenarios. Stealth classes can be fun. Made it to the late game as a bounty hunter spamming random buttons. Lets make a new attack, call it tracer strike. Jul 25, 2017 · Lightning is closer to the middle of the pack, at least in terms of optimizing it in a pve environment. If you can't beat the difficult content, you grind a couple levels via side quests. everything's about even. Imperial Agent: where the knight has a very linear, predicatable (yet satisfying at least for me) story, the IA is much less predictable and the wider variety of outcomes is nice. Jun 12, 2015 · I think Mara was the easiest. Mark Biggs also helped us big time with feedback on many of the 5-button rotations. Yes, in specific aspects of the game there are classes that stand out, but they do not dominate the ENTIRE game. Mar 18, 2024 · Some Marauder players think that a 90% accuracy debuff that lasts 6 seconds would be anything other than an "I win" button with 7. an instant execution (as opposed to placing a circle, also cannot run out of it since instant) and does about 500% more than any other aoe in the game. So in essence the "easiest" or rather most simplest and basic class to play. Most people are expecting a nerf soon to this class. Generally when you see a Smuggler/Trooper its Gunslinger/Commando. Keybinding is not that much different from typing. I'm looking for the opposite. Also has my second favorite AC I see a lot of questions about the easiest to play, easiest rotation and easiest to master class & spec. Case and point, this post, a second in at least 2 days about the same thing. Tried the Smuggler and he just cops a squat and pew pew pew. Sorry to have offended your delicate sensibilities. Trash clearance is one button. Player (PvP) Feb 23, 2013 · If any type of imbalance begins to present itself, you know BW has to be looking at their metrics to see if class buffs and nerfs need to be applied. Sep 1, 2024 · Discover the 2024 SWTOR class tier list, ranking the best PvE and PvP classes. This is my keyboard hand since i cannot use a mouse with it and i am right handed. I just want something easy and efficient, so that I'm actually useful, but so that it will be easy for me to get into the game and learn the mechanics. It’s pretty widely regarded as the best class story in the game, so pre-level 60 or so it might be more even, but once you hit Rishi you’ll never see one again in overworld content Jan 27, 2012 · Hello, I know i'm probably going to get flamed by people saying L2P noob, bla bla bla but whatever. As I do play the Gunslinger I will just speak of it. For example, you might *think* that Guardians are light on keybinds, but then you get adrenals, buffs, non-GCD abilities (meaning you need to hit them between GCDs to maintain DPS) and a host of target-plus-hit abilities. Most people are looking for "whoever kills the fastest with the least button pushes" and then try to play a class like a marauder and cant figure out why solo pve and pvp is sodiffrent. In general, "Burst DPS" specs tend to have less buttons to press than other specs. and that leads to the main point i want to make with all of So I reclaimed my account, and since I'm taking a break from WoW, I'm looking to continue my PvP journey in SWtOR. Alright, maybe Scourge can sleep anywhere he likes and Kira/Doc could (ahem) sleep in the JK's private quarters when romanced, but that still leaves at least two companions who would have needed a bed! xD Dec 16, 2014 · I'm new and would like a class that is easier and doesn't have a huge learning curve, if possible. SWTOR, you can litterally mash your face on the keyboard and still probably win fights Agent is probably the least played class, at least outside of the class story content. The least played class was the Trooper. so there is 1-7. There is no class in SWTOR that is THE anything. I am really good at using my mouse with right hand and my left ha Snipers are the only class in the game that are actually allowed to use Sniper Rifles and the Agent story is pretty dope. Also I wanted the JK to meet Saresh at some point before Makeb (since it is the only class not to meet her in their class story) and the Taris BS feels more JC appropriate with the presence of the Nekghouls. See full list on swtorista. I figured all the saber classes would be most popular. Despite clearly being a melee guy, I don't really care for the Scoundrel/Operative play. Although the rotation IS very easy there are quite a few buttons to mash. I once played the entire Bounty Hunter story using only the unarmed combat abilities. If there is anyone who can give me advice as to which class Dec 12, 2014 · Mad sorc is pure faceroll. Its a no cooldown, high damage attack that i can just hit over and over again. And don't give me that "Interupt" BS because this Good day everyone!! I’m a rather lazy gamer and I am looking for what would be least button type of class to play. The beauty of SWTOR is, even as a F2P, you can experience all 8 class stories and find out for yourself, what YOU like the most :) Jan 22, 2013 · Commandos are marginalized by a substantially higher skill requirement thanks to a much more unforgiving resource system (for a healer; for a DPS or tank, ammo is probably the easiest resource to mess around with as long as you know not to let it drop below 8) coupled with the most buttons regularly required to be used (Sages and Scoundrels least favs: tatooine - sand, hoth - it's bright and the full map completion took too long, voss - same as hoth but I haven't done it yet fav: rishi - the pirate atmosphere and SoR storyline make it very fun, (KotFE spoiler) dead ziost - it's a great example at how horrible Valkorion is and I wish we could bring Koth there to knock him down a Jan 13, 2012 · Hey guys My mains a 50 assassin tank, and I have a 21 button priority list. And as a ranged class that uses a cover mechanic you don't have to move around or worry about positioning much beyond 'don't stand in fire. at sub 20 And then at the end, when you're the boss of the entire galaxy, oops that's too much power, hit the reset button and it's all gone. These are the JK specific dialogues i could recall of, both in vanilla and KOTFE/ET where JKs are also stated to be strong with the Force, so i'd not say the JK is the least powerful, but being probably the most skilled with a lightsaber, they're probably the FU class that relies the least on the use of Force powers, which makes them look less Useful SWTOR Fan Sites. Marauder isnt a new type of class or role by any means. Mar 28, 2012 · I have recently decided that I wanted to level up a tank to play, however tanking is something that will be new to me. 3%) At least with this, you can see the rotations, and play any spec you want for pretty much any content. It's not unheard of for game developers to evaluate their games for efficiencies, including game play by skill flow. The stories i most want to play are: Sith Inquisitor --------------- Sith Warrior Imperial Agent In that ord Mar 7, 2012 · Hey guys, strange question: I'm a healer, been it for several years, so I'm used to use a few (4-7) abilites at a time during my job. Every class and every discipline in the game can easily clear solo PvE content by just randomly smashing buttons. Apr 21, 2020 · If you can do WASD Q E Z C easy, then get a 7 button mouse. 7 buttons. Works great. The most played class was the Sith Warrior! Only 13% of players who voted had not played this class. Thank you! To be completely honest, this has always been one of the most pointless, meaningless aspects of Star Wars lore and has never been consistent. ' Jan 7, 2012 · Can something PLEASE be done about these noob 1 button spamming classes? The ones I speak of are of course Sage/Sorc and Merc/Commando. I'd probably have to say mm sniper. Should I Subscribe to SWTOR? Expansions and Updates. About class: during leveling you will need to destroy packs of mobs, so you need class with strong aoe. With everyone else it only works if you can somehow explain your non-Force sensitive character beating a certain bald Sith Lord in a fight. Same goes for ranged classes, you don’t move except mechanics or being out of range of the enemy. Imagine if the vanilla SWTOR leveling system worked as it was originally designed. Jan 9, 2012 · Not complaining i actually enjoy the complexity of the Jedi Sentinel. Since I'm trying to avoid the extreme button bloat that was my old main (approx. I would say Guardian / Juggernaut is the least mobile since they're easy to control / root / slow and don't have a lot of purges available. com Jun 18, 2013 · As for Juggernauts, Rage is fairly easy, compared to the Mara counterpart, and it's great for levelling once you're around L26 and you get your free crit on Smash. I use a Naga and basically keybind everything to mouse. It had the least amount of buttons I need to press, and once you get massacre for a lot of it, you just spam one button. Round and round we go. Which is fine for raiding and when I'm sober. Op isn't looking for easy, but is looking for as few keys as possible and still be good. I heard in general that mercs only use a 2 button rotation. I never said I don't learn my classes. See https://www. Each of the tanks is better at some fights than others; and Jugs/Guardians have a bit tougher time (for new tanks - I know they're perfectly capable of it if the player knows how) with mob gathering than the other two especially in FP where every DPS thinks they know Jul 23, 2020 · Favorite class overall- Sith Inquisitor: Personally, I love this class because of the story line, which includes the fact that you get to become a member of the Dark Council; the double bladed lightsaber is also a plus since it reminds me a lot of Darth Maul and Darth Vindican, so getting to be like them is really cool to me. Not sure if this is a help, but I have had increasingly worse problems with my hands and joints as I have gotten older, and to help with it I have basically setup my mouse to use for all my movement, and have a Razer Tartarus Pro I have all my abilities key bound to for my left hand. The State of Player vs. Light armor isn't an issue, you adapt for it really fast. Some are more front-loaded than others based on the role they're supposed to fill. Feb 6, 2012 · Seriously. I've played SWTOR as an early 20 year old with no idea what an MMO was. ) or Inquisitor (Lightning. it's all subjective. For example, I leveled a shadow to 55 and after some endgame FP's, I wish I Jul 6, 2012 · I'm a clicker ( nerve damage to left arm/hand from car accident can use 2 fingers and my entire left arm is very slow but i can use 2 fingers good). And they suck. The only exception might be Guardians / Juggernauts: Vigilance / Vengeance currently have less buttons to press than Focus / Rage. So you see. However, the number of buttons to "push" is virtually equals for all tanks, so if you're trying to have the easiest rotation, it would be better to At least for Trooper, I recall that depending on your alignment an NPC remarked on your backstory. There are way to many buttons. Even the Jedi Knight class have four humanoid companions who would have required basic crew quarters, too. every class in the game has at least one spec capable of doing nim ops, and every player i know that kills nim bosses, knows how to run multiple specs on their main. So basically just quests and I was curious on thoughts from others what would be the fastest class/spec, or at least your opinions. 1-12 buttons, then shift+ 1-12, then control 1-12. You need to go into the mouse software and remap the buttons greater than Mouse5 to keystrokes and then use those in the game by using the keybind option page. Some simple statistics I pulled from steam (these are obviously a sample, and do not correlate to total playtime): Most Completed Class Story: Sith Warrior (7. But what is your prio Oct 6, 2015 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Button bloat going soon? Please?. Almost 30% of players who voted had not played the class. It has a lower cooldown. 2%) Least Completed Class Story: Smuggler (3. Jan 5, 2016 · Hi im returning to the game because bioware gave me a free instant 60 character, before I played a jedi shadow to about level 60. Yes having 10+keybinds that you use at all times is a pain, but when played properly Sentinel is unstoppable. I'm looking to just solo level and do unranked warzones. I also bind Q and E and that's my bar 1 bar 2 is shift+ 1-7. I Played EQ1 where the cleric was THE healer and the warrior was THE tank. I was wondering if there was a certain class where it is fairly simple to pick up the play style over the other tanks. Choosing the right class can make a significant difference in how you experience the game. if not he/she should clarify. It's one of those things that people read way too much into. May 10, 2014 · Greetings everyone, I would like to know which do you think is the least complex class? I'm not asking which one is easiest (maybe in a sense I am ) but which one has the least stuff to watch for, like procs, buffs, etc. So no worries there. Mar 12, 2019 · Seems like operative have lots of abilties same as sith warrior, I see most operative players playing like crazy and republic spies plays like they using 15 buttons/keys at "same" time, do I need some ultra expensive keyboard or mouse to play this class? I can only keybind buttons on my keyboard Coupled with high uptime on cc immunity it's extremely difficult to get away from one of them, and to top it off they deal insane amounts of damage as well. The State of SWTOR. That is just me, tho. Now the least played class is probably merc (on pvp Dec 19, 2013 · If you just want to do the class story quests, find the "class" category in your log and just do the quests under that category. " Yet somehow, Jedi Shadows, which can have at least 29 abilities, are a good example of excellent "streamlined" classes? May 2, 2013 · That class became rather more complicated in 2. There is one reason I see the smuggler COULD be the last played class. At least in flashpoints. I merely stated that the number of buttons, skill, utility or otherwise was getting to be a bit much. Ranged: Balance - static 7 button Tk - priority 7 button (6 really with opening dot) Sharpshooter - static 4 button (5 with opening dot, 6 in execute) Saboteur - static 8 button Gunnery - static 5 button Dec 22, 2016 · Wow, you assume too much. As the title implies I’ve been wanting to try and see how fast I can level to max from a fresh level one, no flashpoints or grouping though. on the Rep the most played is definitely scoundrel. Between the Powertech and the Juggernaut, the Powertech definitely has less buttons and lower amount of mental focus going towards resource/cooldown management compared to the Juggernaut. I just want a one button rotation. Instead of this they spamming trash, discharge with 1 stack and in result - they suck. I don't need to be a FoTM or an OP class. Click here to ask a question about the state of the game. If you want to be remotely competitive, you're going to need to learn to keybind. No matter what the question, the answer is always lightning. Is it hard to believe people might prefer lightsabers to snipers? Dec 30, 2011 · There should be a setup page in the mosue software to define the mouse buttons. reddit. LS SW is pretty funny, its fun getting under Baras' skin. I normally love magic and elemental stuff Mar 12, 2018 · i would like to asking a question for mainly for pvp what classes and spec i have the least buttons A list would be great Apr 14, 2017 · So if you're just gonna do solo stuff and easier group stuff, sure you can play arsenal as a 4-button class an be ok, if you want to do harder stuff, not so much. ----- Feb 7, 2012 · I would to see more action buttons instead of using the two on the bottomI know you can scroll those but the icons to switch are so tinyAnd who wants to scroll to more action buttons when your in a fight with precious seconds? The side bar actions buttons can make it o. Sep 14, 2016 · 1. I’ve played all the class stories on both genders, some multiple times. Also if you have any tips it would be appreciated. Now I do admit that Legacy unlocking cyborgs lets you access the unique class/faction specific cybernetics for all classes. When you're under-leveled the content is more difficult. So there's a note in depth breakdown so op can play what they want regardless :) I mean these leader boards don't count for dot spread for jugs, when in certain situations, I've seen them go over 120k dps 🤣. on Star Forge, on the imp side sniper is definitely the least played but every other class is pretty close, tie between assassin, operative, and sorcerer. Major Game Changes & the Current State of SWTOR. com/r/swtor/wiki/returning_player for which specs are "Burst DPS" specs. There is not a single good player that "spams force lightning" or "spams tracer missile" Do people do this? Yeah. And the same goes for all the other "easy 4-button classes" as well. 4. 2. i guess the OP wanted to know how class population is at endgame. Background: I played the game when it first came out and being an ex WoW player, I found all the rotations at that time, to be a bit of a face-roll. (While sorc is my least favorite class). :) If you had to make this stuff part of SWTOR, hmm Maybe you could still have an "Outlander" character, but it's a new one you choose for this story, not one of your Does imperial or republic accumulate more playtime? Which class has the least amount of time played (pvp included)? etc. k. I'd suggest Lightning Sorcerer (can't remember mirror discipline of Sage) or Marksmanship Sniper (same, Gunslinger) - these classes have strong and easy aoe. Here’s my take: Jedi Knight: Both do a good job, but I personally like the female VA a bit better, at least for my characters. Also contains my favorite advanced class, Guardians. Also, lets make it a saber throw, that way i dont actually have to follow the target, i can ju Well, Ilum works well for the JK and the JC on the Pub side, and the SW and the SI on the Imp side. also, purebloods and humans are more respected by the empire than other races so a Sith pureblood with the force or even force sensitive human would have less reason to be a slave. And objectively - the core content is very easy and any class can go through it button smashing. 10 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said: Everyone is going to create the same build due to the fact that there is just options in the tree that are leagues above the others. Final thing of note is that all but 1 of your abilities has at least a 10m range (and there is a utility choice that ups it to 15m). This is a Star Wars games, not Call of Duty. Every other class kinda just stands there and pew pew pew. Mar 19, 2012 · They don't exist in this game. SWTOR Basic Class Guides. May 7, 2018 · Nah, a SWTOR SW has way more spells than any class I played in WoW or GW (played demo warlock, balance, feral and resto druid, holy and shadow priest. Gameplay-wise, I love Assassins / Shadows, I hate Operatives / Scoundrels. Heavy armor, great AOE damage early on and not only is your first companion a healer, you get her before the "final assault" part on your starting planet (unlike the Trooper). My main JK is a body type 3 Amazon/Wonder Woman-like Jedi who is basically a superhero, and her voice works perfectly for that. Eksys was a saint and helped us proof read a lot of stuff. 0, however, and now I think the three classes are relatively balanced in terms of difficulty. Been trying some other classes (Assasin, Bounty Hunter) but sometimes I'm overwhelmend by the huge amount of attacks I need to use, depending for the situation Lana has an interesting relationship with either Jedi because she's kinda your apprentice - at least her conversation with Gnost-Dural says as much (where she gives her take - which is pretty unique for a Sith as usual - on the whole master/apprentice rivalry and says that for her, the whole thing is more about learning than abour usurping your Now you can separate story and class, so choose whichever story you like. What I’m mostly wondering (which I could have worded better, I made that post late at night) is which of the non force using classes fit better with the FE/ET story. I never play ranged casters in other games but I did finally play a Sorcerer and it was pretty nice - at least for leveling - to be able to just aoe entire heroic areas down with a handful of button presses. nothing fancy. I'm sure its over exaggeration. The highest rated class was the Imperial Agent. to store simple th Mar 13, 2020 · The worst class story is the one I like least. Jan 27, 2014 · But people don't realise that assassin is not the easiest class, it requires many keybinds, reaction and good connection. If I could especially remember any of them, I could make a guess as to which is which. Here's how we picked the 5-button rotations - the goal was to keep it to as a few buttons as possible, while still being able to have a smooth rotation/ability-priority-system and energy management. Bounty hunter at least has the grapple and the pretty cool aerial attack move, but otherwise just stands there pew pew pew. Feb 9, 2012 · Yeah its about a 4 button class. 36 keybinds all very easy to access. Ambush/series of shots/snipe. ) The other classes can all be done dark-side, but some might be tricky to stick with all the way to the end. Nov 15, 2024 · ngl I fail to see how this has anything to do with pruning, as Decep is one of the class that got hit the least when it comes to pruning offensive abilities. Mar 9, 2012 · 2 buttons on your mouse is all you need to play this game aswell as any MMOs out there. As for which class to choose to get your Dark V achievement, probably Bounty Hunter (It's just a job, man. I'm mostly looking at the Sith Assassin or the Easiest to play PvE tank class I am new to SWTOR and was wondering what PvE tank class is the easiest to play? By easiest I am talking about resource management, passive damage resistance, no special positioning and extremely powerful AE and single target threat/agro generating abilities. Even then whenever I do a Republic Flashpoint, everyone is generally a Jedi Knight or Jedi Consular (usually 3 knights and 1 consular). I want to use some version of an assassin or sorcerer and I'm figuring out which buttons I wanna use for combos and stuff to make it all work with a controller so I'm wondering if any specific classes/subclasses might have more passive abilities than the others like the defensive darkness assassin over the deception one May 5, 2013 · Just wondering when smash is going to be nerfed. Just trying to get an idea of which class his easier to manage. Mar 6, 2023 · So this is a thread complaining about UIs with more than 24 class abilities that cites three examples showing 24 or fewer class abilites, and one showing 25 class abilities, as terribly "bloated. So despite being a melee DPS, you have a lot of wiggle room while doing that DPS, letting you maintain a much higher uptime compared to other melee classes fiddling with mechanics. What class do you main and why is it your favorite? Personally I main a Lightning Sorceror because I've always typically played castor classes in other MMOs and being able to wield force electricity is so damn cool. but to many buttons you have Mar 12, 2015 · Looking for a class that doesn't have as many procs/abilities it needs to focus on. Played FF14 years later, and if you don't know your rotation that game, you'll be useless even with Solo Play. I am running a Level 20 Jedi Sentinel at the moment skilled in watchman. Knight: just very Star Wars, typical hero story but very well done. 36 buttons/keybinds), I'm looking for a class that has a bit fewer, but still performs well in PvP. just because the agent story is good doesnt mean you automatically main the class right? also i mostly talk about level 75 here. Your APM has to be in the upper 50s to truly optimize lightning, and you have to be pretty careful with your cooldown sequencing as well as your pre-mashing of lightning bolt; otherwise you'll cast an extra lightning bolt and mess up the entire rotation. Ya ya, it's easy-to-play-but-hard-to-master, but I can't do more damage/kills than sorc on any other class. Something like a Razr Naga. Dec 16, 2011 · I've taken 4 classes to 50 and have 3 more to at least 25 (39 lvl legacy) and I have to agree that the Bounty Hunter is the easiest for a beginner. Environment (PvE): Dailies, Flashpoints, Uprisings & Operations. I tried the sniper and it felt nothing at all like a sniper. Enjoyed it quite a bit. I went with JK because tonally it just feels right to me. Skill is way, way more important than class Sent isn't a tank class, you're thinking guardian which is the flip of Jugg. Jan 3, 2022 · If you do the class stories only, then you find yourself under-leveled. Major Class Changes. many people play the agent class story once to experience it and then abandon the character. Sometimes i take my armor off and fight naked or with just pants and accessories. Yeah I'm aware that they use 2-3 more buttons but all they HAVE to do in combat is spam 1 single little button. imvblscmzxibigkkaejuiunkpcdzwwaulqgmiaqcdgvmztaw