Tj02t table in sap Similarly, in whatever tables you want to link check for the object number and then map the object number to JEST-OBJNR and then JEST-STAT with TJ02T-ISTAT. 3) In this Table the full description will be in TJ02T-TEXT30 and Short description will be in TJ02T-TXT04. Use user status profile of work order. JCDS is for the status history of the work order. f_user_status type j_stsma. LOOP AT i_vbap INTO wa_vbap and call the FM 'STATUS_READ' and get stsma = v_qstsma TABLES status = i_qstatus. and the System status descriptions will be stored in <b>TJ02T</b> table . into table IT_TJ02T. In TJ02T, i can see many status description. Reward points if useful. In this case,i need to check the individual status of the production order. inner join tj30t as g on a stspr = g stsma. MOVE: g_tj02t-txt04 TO g_bapistat-txt04, g_tj02t-txt30 TO g_bapistat-txt30. TJ02. BW Status. TXTLG. Hope it helps Pass the object number (OBJNR) to table JEST and get the active statuses (JEST-INACT Not equal to X). To get the process order status follow this flow, give order number in AUFK and get object number, then Using this object number get status from JEST. This will give you the overall status of the item. TJ30 table contains the list of user status and TJ30T contains their description. But actual System status is stored in <b>TJ02 t</b>able. on c istat eq b stat. Also Tables TJ02T, TJ30T & JEST may be of interest to you. g. Table used for System status texts. check table T132T - Definition of Valid Statuses. It belongs to the package BSV. Valid From Date <Extractor Logic> Now goto Jest table ,use OBJNR and you get many status. Function module: Z_BAPI_GET_ORDER_STATUS . Hi, Before call the FM you can use DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES statement with comparing all fields. For the question on tables Oliver is right in showing tables JEST and TJ02T. TJ02T does have the system statuses, but how should I link that with the inspection lot. MOVE: g_tj02t-txt04 TO Hi SAP Gurus, In the transaction qa03, after entering inspection lot and pressing Enter, there is a field "System Status". Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. Now map JEST-STAT with TJ02T-ISTAT. By the way, you can also set/remove status of WBS elements programmatically Hi SAP Gurus, In the transaction qa03, after entering inspection lot and pressing Enter, there is a field "System Status". I0002 Released. Data Element (4) Table (2) # TJ30 table contains the list of user status and TJ30T contains their description. TJ02T TJ02T (System status texts) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Table JCDS holds the status codes and TJ02T contains the text for the . istat FROM tj02t. A single object can have multiple active system statuses and user statuses & inactive ones. BUTBWCVSYSTAT. . User status: TJ30T. The Best Online SAP Object Repository. Retrieve OBJNR of the document number from VBAP into I_VBAP table selecting vbeln posnr objnr fields. Input the system status in TJ02T table ,u will get the production order status. select single c~txt04. Table: JSTO. The table TJ02T (System status texts) is a standard table in SAP ERP. objnr only gets me the DEL, REL, CLSD and TECO statuses Is there any other tables that could give me more statuses, I have tried jcds, jest and tj02t. Individual Status of an Object (Short Form) TJ02T. The UDATE will get the date and UTIME will give us time but this is messy. Origin Table. However we found that these two fileds are actually coming from TCC02 and T132T tables. DPR_BW_SYSSTAT / DPR_BW_USERSTAT . Language Key. ABAP Development. LOOP AT t_et. on b objnr eq a objnr. Thanks and Regards, Pavan. Status: SAP hase different types of Status as below: 1. Below is the technical details TJ02 is a standard General status management Transparent Table in SAP Cross Application application, which stores System status data. As you can see from JEST-STAT, the value is being stored in alphanumeric manner like --> I0076, I0099. mrutyun^ Reply. from proj as a. Table TJ30T contains the descriptions of user statuses (Exxxx), you are looking for the description of system statuses (Ixxxx). Try Hi SAP Gurus, In the transaction qa03, after entering inspection lot and pressing Enter, there is a field "System Status". inner join jest as d on c objnr = d objnr. the status codes from JEST-STAT starting with I should be provided as an input in the table TJ02T- ISTAT along with the language key as EN for example in the field SPRAS. The order status line does not show all system status values More status values are seen in table JEST than appear on status line Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Use the function STATUS_READ OR STATUS_READ_MULTI to read the status details of the notification SAP stores individual statuses as separate records and combines those records while display in IW53. go through these tables. JEST table will hold teh status codes. SORT it_tj02t BY istat. Below is the list of attribute values for the TXT04 field including its length, data type, description text, associated data element, search help etc I am looking for the database tables that contains system status CNF for pp orders (like in COOIS transaction). By the way, you can also set/remove status of WBS elements programmatically SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. u2022 INACT like JEST-INACT indicator status inactive. Hi, can anybody tell me, in which Transaction I can the "prod. These are the tables that are related to Statuses in work order. I have and internal table like this but i dont get the data what is the worng can you pls tel me where i went wrong. Where Used List (Table) for SAP ABAP Table TJ02 (System status) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online SAP Object Repository. 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Go to solution. Delete duplicate from that temp table and find the text from T001P separately. for description see TJ02T table. TJ02 is a standard SAP Table which is used to store System status data in SAP systems, such as SAP R/3, S/4HANA, depending on the version and release level. Download TCode Books Download TCode Excels You need to combine data from two tables: Table BWCVSYSTAT (the one you mentioned) and Table TJ02T u2013 system status text. STONR 2) Fetch the Value of STAT from JEST , this the Value of the User status. FLG_USER_STAT SAP Managed Tags: CRM WebClient UI. Hello developers, I'm rather new to CDS (core data services) view technology. STONR. Name ZGetOrderStatus. Go to solution. Usually in standard program they will maintain the statuses clearly but there may be bug. text fro table TJ02T. Edited by: Smitha KB on Apr 10, 2009 6:15 AM. SELECT spras. READ TABLE l_tab_tj30t INTO l_str_tj30t WITH KEY estat = l_str_jest - stat . However this field is limited to 40 characters and the additional individual status are not Hi, 1. About this page This SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. The TJ30T table consists of various fields, each holding specific information or linking keys about Texts for User Status data available in SAP. I0076 DLFL Deletion flag . DATA: gt_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_data, wa SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. You use this DataSource to extract status texts (central lock) for the SAP Business Partner to the SAP Information Warehouse. SELECT equi~equnr. Regards, Claus Use. IW38, IW31, IW39, TJ02, TJ02T , KBA , PM-WOC-LE , List Editing , PM-WOC-MO , Maintenance Orders , Problem . Alternatively, you can fetch it from tables. To get all statuses that are active and inactive: JEST. Sidd. Hi rupesh. for that frist For each works Order find the records table jest. *** Move and append it to the internal table inside loop endloop. JSTO - Status Object Information . This means they are consistent across objects and clients. Hi Tables JEST contains the status and TJ02T contains the description of status Pass Prod order no to AUFK table and Pass the AUFK-OBJNR field to JEST-OBJNR field and take the STAT field which gives status for description pass this STAT field and get the description Reward points for useful Answers Hi ABAP Guru's, I am currently working on a program for the confirmation of a production order. Delta update is not supported. For example: For a production order, fetch OBJNR from AUFK table. from TJ02T. For Production order,what is the Objnr and with respect to that Pick the status from JEST. Being able to view the purchase requisition and purchase order documents, if any, when my client clicks on the PYPs in my report on request. *Table for sales order and PO TYPES : BEGIN OF gs_data, vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln, posnr TYPE vbap-posnr, pstyv TYPE vbap-pstyv, matnr TYPE vbap-matnr, END OF gs_data. For performance never do join on 4 tables as this is not recommended by SAP. So I'm trying to develop a first SAPUI5 app which should shows specific data of "released" and running productions orders. you will get status in the field TJ02T-TXT04 and text in field - TJ02T-TXT30. Then go to TJ02T, pass the status codes: TJ02T-ISTAT = JCDS-STAT, enter the language =EN and fetch the status and description of that particular entry. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Testing and Analysis. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP FORM 0prodorder_attr_enhancements TABLES p_data. begin of Type_tj02t, istat like tj02t-istat, txt04 like tj02t-txt04, txt30 like tj02t-txt30, end of type_tj02t. This is how you can get the status text like CRTD(Created) REL (Released) TECO(TEchnically Co0mpleted) etc. This is faster than having huge list of where clause values. DATA: END OF set_stat. - TJ02T -> master datat for system status description. data: wk_objnr type J_OBJNR, wk_status type J_STATUS, wk_statustext type J_TXT30. Individual Status of an Object. TJ02T. WHERE prps~pspnr = t_anla-posnr. Hi ABAP Guru's, I am currently working on a program for the confirmation of a production order. Using this status get status text from TJ02T SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. few of them are - DLV- Delivered; REL- Release for production/manufacturing; DLT- Deletion A New Home in New Year for SAP Community: Exciting times ahead for the SAP Community! Not yet a member on the new home? Join today and start participating in the discussions! How to find the sequence of work order status from TJ02T table ? 214 Views. it_main-txt04 = it_tj02t-txt04. System status stored in TJ02 (for text TJ02T) table. SPRAS. Your all doubt will be clear. Field in the Table of Origin. TXT04 is a standard field within SAP Table TJ02T that stores Individual status of an object (short form) information. For MIGO, F-02, I can get a document from ACDOCA. ISTAT. Regards. System Status: which is SAP Standard Status, User can not interfere with SAP System Status. From these see basically what I am trying to do is just update the tables in SAP,whereas the actual process of time confirmation is done in MES system, suppose if there is a breakdown them MES will create an order its own in its maintenance module ,that same thing i have to replicate in SAP . Here first go to CAUFV table input the production order get the object number. into (f_system_status) from equi as a. Turn on suggestions. I am looking for the database tables that contains system status CNF for pp orders (like in COOIS transaction). Data Element (4) Table (2) # Object Type Object Name Object Description Note ; 1 : Table : T002: Language Keys (Component BC-I18) 2 : Table : TJ02: System status : Related Links. u2022 TXT04 like TJ02T-TXT04 individual status of an object JCDS - Change Documents for System/User Statuses (Table JEST) TJ02T - System status texts. Field Data element Checktable The SAP table TJ02T is a transparent table and belongs to the application class BSV. However this field is limited to 40 characters and the additional individual status are not Search SAP tables. INTO TABLE y_i_equnr Change your select statement and add <u>tj02t~spras = sy-langu. 2. These can be system status or User statuses defined for any objects across the system. Either you can use JEST Table or FM STATUS_READ. Notitfication Status tables: JEST, JSTO. DATA : gt_status TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_status. SYS0 I0001 01 Then use combination of JEST and TJ02T table. Be sure to sort your results by udate and utime to . Examples:-table TJ02T: It worth to filter on language by field SPRAS (Language Key). IF sy-subrc = 0. Here are some key status tables: JEST - Object Status . e. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, and SE11 TCode for the table structure and definition. FOR ALL Go to CAUFV-Order table,take OBJNR-object number field and input to JEST table and execute. Structure for return messages. Best Regards, Ameya Beri into corresponding fields of table itobj. Can i know from where i can pick it from database table with respect to lot number. Technical Information RE FX (RECN) - system and user status stored table Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. Thank you for visiting SAP Community to get answers to your questions. In above table we can have link between PRPS and above two tables. This system status takes its value from JEST (Status field) and description from Tj02T table. objnr through jcds. Hi, I need to get the system status. TXT30. only for STAT = E0001, I want to read both entries from this table how to achieve this If anybody have any idea regarding this issue please let me know. All statuses in this table are internal. hi. Remember to pass the required language to the field SPRAS. This statement only reads first entry i. TJ30T - Texts for User Status. I0016 Pre-costed. equi~eqart. DATA it_tj02t LIKE TABLE OF tj02t WITH HEADER LINE. SELECT equnr objnr. Thanks a ton for helping. according to transaction system status would be activated. Delta Update. Table TJ30 (and text table TJ30T) for external status. Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link TJ02 to other SAP tables. View products (1) I want to find the table for the field CAUFVD-STTXT. Check which are the status are for released in this table. AUFK Production order headers. where a~sernr = i_old-sernr and JEST. Regards, Swarna Munukoti. thanks. for all HI all i am working on performance improvment. data: sys_itab like standard table of wa_itab. etc. T_BAPISTAT like ZBAPISTAT occurs 0, G_BAPISTAT like ZBAPISTAT, Table for object texts. Radhika Hi Can any one tell me the table name where the System Statuses and User Statuses of item of a business transaction are stored?? Please help. Description of the Field in the Extract Structure. FROM equi. for all entries in IT_JEST. based on this i think no need of using JCDS table. You could use function module STATUS_READ read active object status and Hello Rajesh,. Instead, you do you selection directly from PA0001 and then create a temp internal table of those contents. Regards, Bhanu. T179. I0001 Created. While the system status automatically controls the sequence of transactions and comes packaged in SAP, the user statuses are customizable to the business requirement. Show replies. For text of this status no, You can go to table TJ02T and pass STAT to field ISTAT and SPRAS = 'E'. DATA: BEGIN OF lit_usrtxt OCCURS 0, "User Status text - TJ02T. Thanks & Regards. READ TABLE lit_jsto WITH KEY objnr = l_objnr. status code. TJ30T. tj02t table and then use read table statement to find the value in the internal table. INNER JOIN tj02t ON jest stat = tj02t istat. FOR ALL entries IN t_anla. 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Using this status get status text from TJ02T. You get the OBJNR value of project from PROJ table and WBS element from PRPS table. CLIENT 800 . How should I find out say for example for the inspection lot 202020 the status is ICCO. J_ISTAT. Active Contributor Check the table TJ02T. join tj02t as c. </u>. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. TJ02 table contains the list of system status and description. Hope this helps. inner join tj02t as f on e stat = f istat. for each record find Tj02t-txt04 concatenate each txt04 separated with spaces. TJ02T-----JEST. JozsefSzikszai. The structure is: CNJ_STAT. Sathar Please find the table for your requirement : JEST, JCDS, TJ02 ,TJ20T, TJ30T, TJ02T. if you want the text for the said status then pass the said field of STAT in table TJ02T and you will get the description of the said status. Please check these tables. IN JEST table you have a field STAT. Pass these STAT to table TJ02 and get teh value of TXT04. pl come back if required. (few distinct records) read the table in an internal table and map the original field values from SELECT to external format with READ TABLE (binary search) when filling the final table (displayed) READ TABLE T_TJ02T ASSIGNING <TJ02T> WITH TABLE KEY ISTAT = SELECTED-ISTAT SPRAS = SY-LANGU. The SAP short description for table TJ02T is "System status texts" 2) Fetch the Value of STAT from JEST , this the Value of the User status. So, you are actually looking for BW Status SYS0. View products (1) Hi All, I need to know the meaning of data stored in the column "STAT" of table JEST. Give this set of values of STAT in the ISTAT field of TJ02T table to get your real statuses from TXT04 field. T1321 is another table, containing the field STTXT. Then go to JCDS table, pass the Object number = PRPS-OBJNR and pass the date as well. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP SAP Managed Tags: SAP BW/4HANA, BW Data Modeling (WHM), PLM Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/Plant Maintenance (PM) But we have used a custom data source linking to tables AUFK, JEST, TJ02T, TJ30 tables. But i have a requirement to get the <b>text/desc</b> that correspond to each of the status You find the information in table TJ02T, for example I0001 Created I0002 Released I0010 Partially confirmed I0016 Pre-costed etc. Then pass this status number to TJ02T table to get status text. Hi amit, in table QMEL based on the notification no you will get value for OBJNR, take this OBJNR and pass this OBJNR in table JEST you will get all the active and inactive status for the said quality notification, in the field STAT. View products (1) Please check table JEST and TJ02T (QMEL-OBJNR -> JEST-OBJNR and JEST-STAT -> TJ02T-ISTAT) ISTAT TXT04 TXT30 . AFKO Order header data PP orders 2) Fetch the Value of STAT from JEST , this the Value of the User status. TJ30. TXTMD. . endif. For TECHO in jest . For desciptionwe need to check TJ02T table. Pls share your views. it_main-txt30 = it_tj02t-txt30. DATA: BEGIN OF set_stat OCCURS 0. There is a standard data source 2LIS_17_I3OPER which can also be tried. TJ02 table fields. Try this: Get STAT value for your particular lot numberfrom JEST table (active value) and search in TJ02T table with this STAT value to get the description of the same. I have another query in this regard. then take STAT-status field value and input to TJ02T you will get the status of the order. CRM WebClient UI. Reply. READ TABLE t_tj02t. Co_sttxt is the system status of char 40 length. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view SAP ABAP Table TJ02T (System status texts) is using. Tables Parameter STATUS of FM contains all the status of WBS. BWSTSYS0 can be parsed into BW STS SYS0. INTO TABLE sys_itab. Get list of Status - JCDS-STAT . only thing is iw41 will not be required to execute if i update the tables that would do. This dataelement was not stored in any SAP tables. Follow RSS Feed How to find the sequence of work order status from TJ02T table ? Find us on SAP Defense Forces & Public Security 6. TXT04. Now to get the code description you need to pass it to TJ02T table Like JEST-STAT = TJ02T-ISTAT. Rgds, Bujji. WHERE What is the database Table-Field where this. READ TABLE it_tj02t WITH KEY istat = t_et-stat BINARY SEARCH. You need to get the equipment's object number (OBJNR) from the EQUI table and then use the OBJNR and get the status (STAT) from JEST table. See the code below. System Status. Now input this OBJNR value to JEST table and get the value s of STAT. Master tables: System status: TJ02T. You will have to first get the staus from JEST table passing object number (QALS-OBJNR). or. Import parameters: ORDER_STATUS_IMPORT type 2) Fetch the Value of STAT from JEST , this the Value of the User status. For fetching status texts got TJ02T. inner join aufk as c on b pspnr = c pspel. For a list of system statuses, pelase refer to table TJ02T. J_TXT04. Try SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. Valid To Date <Extractor Logic> DATEFROM. TJ30T is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Texts for User Status data in SAP systems, such as SAP R/3, S/4HANA, depending on the version and release level. View products (1) Hi. DATA: Declarations for TABLE parameter. Prasad To do that, copy the STAT values to the clipboard (use SAP GUI function 'Quick Cut & Paste' or simply CTRL+C) and check in table TJ02T for system statuses and TJ30T for user statuses in transaction SE16. Why we have to use JCDS table?I am using PROJ Intenal table which contains the delta part thenI am downloading the data for JEST and JSTO based on OBJNR of PROJ Internal table which contains the Delta part table by using For All entries. Here, first get the OBJNR value from the QMEL table by inputting the Notification no in QMNUM field. I had tried the FM 'STATUS_TEXT_EDIT' which returns the collective status text for a production order. I'm trying to find the database table and field from an structure fieldname. Hi All, At WBS level , we have three system status in active mode : REL BUDG AVAC To track the latest status using tables, i am using PRPS - JEST - TJ02T. I mean Primary Key Freign key Relationship. INTO TABLE t_join FROM prps. TJ02T is a standard SAP Table which is used to store System status texts data in SAP systems, such as SAP R/3, S/4HANA, depending on the version and release level. The TJ02T table TJ02T is a standard General status management Transparent Table in SAP Cross Application application, which stores System status texts data. STATUS. TJ02,TJ02T,JEST,JCDS. Table TJ30T contains the descriptions of user statuses (Exxxx), you are looking for the description of After checking out tables JEST, TJ02T and JCDS I still dont find an easy way to acces the most recent changed record. WITH KEY istat = g_bapistat-stat BINARY SEARCH. SAP Community; Products and Technology; Enterprise Resource Planning; ERP Q&A; Inspection Lot System Status cancel. If yes, here's how we get to them: f_system_status type j_stsma. Short Description. Table of Origin. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Hello dear friends, I am preparing a PS Development Budget Report. Key fields are marked in blue. STATUS_READ is used to get the Status of a Production Order. FINAL-TXT04 = <TJ02T>-TXT04. So I go into SE11, enter the table name and hit the where-used-list icon. STAT = 'I0045' INACT ne X. PROTECTED This is the SAP standard way to handle it, copied from the Company Code GetList BAPI. former_member19 8275. TJ02T . In COOIS, there is a field called "System Status". You find the information in table TJ02T, for example. Table TJ02 (and text table TJ02T) for internal status. You can also use the fun module STATUS_READ. 00. can anybody tell me how they are Related. * NEVER CHANGE IT MANUALLY, PLEASE! READ TABLE t_tj02t. Then for this OBJNR goto JEST table to get the status. AUFM Goods movement for prod. Long Description <Extractor Logic> DATETO. TJ02T - List of system statuses, TJ30T - List of user statuses, Hope this helps. This dialog appears: and is defaulted also with "Data Definitions". or simply use FM- STATUS_TEXT_EDIT. ISTAT is a standard field within SAP Table TJ02T that stores System status information. Take the Order no and enter in AUFK table take the OBJNR field and pass it to JEST table and take the STATUS field STAT. I usually easilly find the database table and field from where the structure is filled with the data, however when facing to this system status text i'm really having trouble to find it. Passing aufk. Medium Description. Table Description Module; CPEC_APPLSETTING: CPE - Application Settings for the Commodity Pricing Engine: CA-GTF: CRMC_IC_EV_PARAT: Event Parameters: CA-GTF: RMPSU_T_DP_AUTH: SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. For this I'm trying to create a CDS view to select orders from table AUFK joined by status of table Tables TJ02T, TJ30T & JEST may be of interest to you. u2022 OBJNR like JEST-OBJNR object number. DATA: i_prod_order TYPE ppord_bw. Input this object number in JEST table and get the system status. I0010 Partially confirmed. ABAP Testing and Analysis. DATA: BEGIN OF SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. Since you're asking a question here for the first time, I recommend that you JEST table is for system status for a production order and TJ02T table is for system status text. I uncheck the options for Programs, Classes and Web Dynpro Components. Regards, Ferry Lianto. 3. pass the objnr to jest. u2022 TXT04 like TJ02T-TXT04 individual status of an object in which table i will get the Process Order "Status" description that is STTXT? Regards. Using this status get status text from TJ02T General tables useful in the SAP S4HANA module MM in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by Members yesterday; Credit Management for Advanced Execution Order Item [DP92] in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP Monday; Unlock Efficient Resource Management with AI in SAP Project and Resource Management in Enterprise Resource JEST table holds the status of the Production Order (PP), Inspection lot status (QM), Project status (PS). 64). inner join prps as b on a pspnr = b psphi. u2022 STAT like JEST-STAT Object status. read table it_tj02t with key stat = it_viqmel-stat. Jest-objnr = aufk-objnr and Jest-stat <> 'X' and first charecter = '1'. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. Table JEST to see active and inactive status on objects. SAP Managed Tags: CRM WebClient UI. It only contains all the values for the system statuses. which can be further updated in your original internal table. View products (1) Reply. Hello SAP ABAP Community, Hi thomasfiedler, I want to find CDS Views based on an SAP Standard Table e. SELECT * FROM tj02t INTO TABLE it_tj02t FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_et WHERE istat = t_et-stat AND spras = 'EN' AND txt04 IN s_status. Check with reference to OBJNR. IF lit_jest-stat CP 'E++++'. we need to pass OBJNR of WBS to BPEG & BPJA table to fetch values. INNER JOIN jest ON prps objnr = jest objnr. You must be a registered user to add a comment This is the SAP standard way to handle it, copied from the Company Code GetList BAPI. how do i validate the above formula? data:begin of wa_itab, spras TYPE tj02t-spras, istat TYPE tj02t-istat, end of wa_itab. Pick STAT field from table JEST based on OBJNR from table VBAP. All forum topics; tj02t txt04 tj02t spras. Smitha. The status will be available in column JEST-STAT; You can get the status description from table TJ02T, by passing JEST-STAT = TJ02T-ISTAT and TJ02T-SPRAS = EN. The description of table parameters STATUS-STAT can be found in table TJ02T-TXT04 /TXT30. Reward points for useful Answers. READ TABLE l_tab_tj02t INTO l_str_tj02t WITH KEY istat = l_str_jest-stat. For any inner join you need to use unique where condition else you will get multiple entries. Active Contributor Options. The table CRM_JEST stores statuses of all objects in the CRM system. Field of structure: STTXT_INT. To access jest/jcds use EQUI-OBJNR. INTO g_tj02t. Thanks. *** Structure V_STATUSTEXT contains the system status. order. In my program i have to download the data from these table based on Created date and Last Updatetd Date . how can i replace the for for betterment. JEST <b>Reward ff usefull</b> check this code for relation between SO PO Production Order as well: LIKE gt_output. This is the SAP standard way to handle it, copied from the Company Code GetList BAPI. Programming Tool. CLASS-METHODS get_status_text FOR TABLE FUNCTION ZG_CDS_TF_TEXT. LANGU. equi~eqtyp. Below is the list of attribute values for the ISTAT field including its length, data type, description text, associated data element, search help etc TJ02 (System status) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. INCLUDE STRUCTURE jstat. Now select istat txt04 txt30 FROM tj02t INTO TABLE i_tj02t. When reading the JCDS table, object id for notifications will be QM + notification number. It will deteriorate your query performance. JH Hi Guys, I manage to filter the <b>status</b> of a Production order via table JEST, status field STAT. Creating our first Sales order in SAP SD; SAP General Application Functions Tables. passing objnr = wa_vbap-objnr. t_tj02t type type_tj02t occurs 0, g_tj02t type type_tj02t. Now using the status (STAT) you can get the status description from the TJ02T table. Except PROJ table other tables ar JEST table is for system status for a production order and TJ02T table is for system status text. reward point if helpful. Hi Guys, I am using these tables PROJ , JSTO , JEST , TJ30 , TJ30T and TJ02T. so could any one please help in finding the 1. tt_status TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_status. AFIH Maintenance order header. and d stat = e stat. Example: if you want to link PROJ with TJ02T then - map PROJ-OBJNR with JEST-OBJNR. Thanks a lot Sincerely Go to PRPS table, Get the Object number = OBJNR based on last changed on. TXTSH. pass this field entries STAT to tabel TJ02T and field - ISTAT, language = EN. TJ02T: System status texts: Cross Application - General status management SAP ABAP Table TJ02T (System status texts) is using. Related Articles for SAP TJ02T Table. but it returns nothing, unless i comment this condition: AND jest~stat * get WBS status profile from table JSTO SELECT objnr stsma FROM jsto INTO TABLE lit_jsto WHERE objnr = l_objnr. Software Product Function. Edited by: Rajesha Vittal on Mar 27, 2008 10:17 AM Usually order header screen system status is displayed based on the statuses which are maintained in tables TJ02T so please debug the program and check. if you want its description pass this status field value to TJ02T table and take the description. Regards , Kaushik. JCDO - Change Documents for Status Objects SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. System Status : TJ02T. Function group ZBAPISTATUS. this is sql stst as below. t_et-txt04 = it_tj02t-txt04. View products (1) The table CRM_JEST stores statuses of all objects in the CRM system. SELECT * APPENDING TABLE t_tj02t FROM tj02t WHERE istat IN r_status AND spras = sy-langu. Anji why do you need a Text table in a Join Query. Field in Origin Table. My question is, I know the way to bring th Learn and share on deeper, cross technology development topics such as integration and connectivity, automation, cloud extensibility, developing at scale, and security. Former Member. The TJ02 table consists of TJ02T is a standard SAP Table which is used to store System status texts data and is available within SAP S/4 HANA systems and previous ECC R/3 systems. On table BWCVSYSTAT, the values for SYS0 are: BWSTATUS R3STATUS STONR. >MKPF (AUFNR) (AUFNR) (AUFNR) (AUFNR, MBLNR) (MBLNR) But we need two more fileds System Status and User status from Production Order(CO03), we couldnt able to find these two fileds in any of the above mentioned tables. Regards, Maria João Rocha. SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, PLM Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/Plant Maintenance (PM) Search SAP Tables. Pass object number obtained in step 1 to function module STATUS_READ. Please help. User Status: TJ30T. join jest as b. where ISTAT = IT_JEST-STAT. INCLUDE LZBAPISTATUSUXX ***** THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE FUNCTION LIBRARY. JCDS - Change Documents for Statuses . and SPRAS = SY-LANGU. Former Member TJ03T is a standard General status management Transparent Table in SAP Cross Application application, which stores Texts for object types data. How to Download for TJ30T , TJ30 and TJ02T?Very urgent in which table i will get the Process Order "Status" description that is STTXT? Regards. AND tj02t~spras = 'P'. Anji. You can see all system status in Transaction BS23. but it's not giving performance in se30. TJ02T is marked as a favorite sap table and is particularly relevant. status' ever applied to the order. TJ02T / TJ30T . Take the STAT from JEST and Goto TJ02T table ,pick the TXT04 ( 'REL') using condition TJ02T- ISTAT = STAT(jest). ABAP; SAP_FIN : 53 : Table : TJ02T: System status texts: BSV : ABA : SAP_ABA : 54 : Table : TJ02V: Responsible for system status: BSV : ABA : SAP_ABA : 55 : Table : TJ04: Status SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. find the latest status for the order because this table contains all . Search SAP Tables. For CRTD status its I000,Input this to Jest table and take all the OBJNR numbers and input CAUFV,you will get list of orders with CRTD status. AND jest~stat LIKE 'I*' AND jest~inact = inact. inner join jcds as e on d objnr = e objnr. order/task", whether it is finished, when it starts and ends und the duration from the task! Also I have to know the physical SAP-tables, where I can find above mentioned Information. Try with these fields in the above tables. brahmankar3. This DataSource is used to extract the texts for the system status of status category 2 (defined in Customizing) in all existing languages. You can use the following code to get the Equipment status. For a list of user statuses, pelase refer to table TJ30T I think you may be talking about the statuses held in tables TJ02T and TJ30T (4. good. * combine JEST and JSTO table for user status LOOP AT lit_jest. Example to change status with BAPI Example on Equipment: " Change internal status CALL FUNCTION 'I_CHANGE_STATUS' EXPORTING objnr = 'IE000000000100000335' estat_inactive 2) Fetch the Value of STAT from JEST , this the Value of the User status. Any help really SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. objnr LIKE JEST-OBJNR, ISTAT LIKE TJ02T-ISTAT, txt04 LIKE TJ02T-txt04, END OF lit_usrtxt. It is from the Tr Code 'CORK'. Show ENDLOOP. Is there any rules to follow in SAP query. You can use the transaction code SE16 to The 'System Status' table (TJ02) table will also be joined to the 'System status texts' table (TJ02T) to get the System Status and Description for the appropriate Language using the Details of SAP TJ02T table & its fields. Hello Julian; User status stored in TJ30 (for text TJ30T) table. the tables used here are JEST and then use table TJ02T to get the correspoding value of the text. uitn wahp pir pwt orrv oulo nslsr bhjtyh boy jenjx