Discord mention spam bot. Spam is a problem on Discord.
Discord mention spam bot py file, and copy the contents. - Moderation utility commands. Best. Bot (command_prefix = "!", intents = intents) bot. Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles. This bot can send random numbers using the “random-number” command you choose This bot has been made with the help of discord. cards - View cards in a deck. Fast Reddit feeds (within one minute) Fast YouTube feeds (within a few minutes) Join / Leave messages in a specific channel (configurable) Security Bot provides comprehensive Discord server protection with advanced moderation, anti-nuke, anti-raid, anti-spam, and verification features - all available for free with lightning-fast response times. . @mention bot spammer? Anything like this exist or can someone make one. decks - View all decks in a channel. Your prize is 30 server boosts. Users will be banned if they send any message which contains more than <max_mentions> mentions. You receive a message from a bot displaying a giant “You Won!” sign. An open-source, forever free tool that allows you to raid and destroy Discord servers via Discord bots, compromise Discord accounts, and generate Discord token grabbers. Our automated system will flag bots it suspects are being used for spam or any other suspicious activity. So today, we want to tell you what we are doing to Below is a list of all commands available in QOTD Bot. Vortex started as a bot to stop mass-mention In my case I got a channel where people read rules and get a role by accepting it. Carl-bot Dashboard Carl-bot is a fully customizable and modular discord bot featuring reaction roles, automod, logging, custom commands suggestions, high uptime, autoroles, embeds, starboard, autofeeds, repeating Discover Spammer Discord Bots and Apps on the biggest Discord Bot list on the planet. (Need help? Learn more about working with AutoMod!) On the Horizon: Better Protection Against Raids The best communities on Discord are welcoming to anyone interested in joining, and easily accessible with the click of an invite button. py, so I started with the fun commands to get familiar with the library. - Auto-moderation system (anti-spam, anti-mass-mention, nudity detection/removal, etc. Prevent spam and copypastas; Prevent name hoisting; Customization (bot prefix, log timezone, moderator role) ℹ History and Motivation. This app can access the following data in the server: import discord from discord. AutoMod now automatically blocks messages containing @mention spam and other unsolicited spam messages before they're posted. ; SPAM_MESSAGE: The message that will be spammed Discord Spam/Exploit Bot This is a bot I wrote for Discord that uses known methods to generate havok in a Discord Channel. A powerful anti-swear, anti-spam, and moderation Discord bot. Friday’s chatbot system is powered by GPT-3 and to make it easy for everyone to chat with Friday, talking with Friday was built as if you were talking to a person. Anti-spam features include a mention limit per message and quarantining accounts that aren't a certain age on Discord. setminage ACCOUNT_AGE_IN_DAYS: Set the minimum age of an account in days required to not be quarantined upon joining. ). The world of Discord moderation bots is vast and fascinating, and we encourage you to do your own research! For super-large public communities (>100,000) Both “Block Mention Spam” and “Block Spam Content” can be found in Server Settings > AutoMod, as long as Community is enabled. When you add a term consisting of multiple words to a rule, only messages that contain the exact term will be blocked. gg”, select your bot, and click the “invite” link. Apparently, if you mention Bitfinex or Tether in a post's title, you get hit by quite a few obvious sockpuppets (or bots?) defending those scams days after anyone else cares You should also mention that they should report the bot to any staff on mutual servers to get it removed and reported to Discord. Add Advertise # Fun # Moderation # Utility # Music # Economy # Game # Social # Meme # A discord bot that allows users to mention a role once, and then applying a cooldown to this role before it can be mentioned again. Select create folder, add a new folder to any directory, and set it as the project's directory. 🔧 Robust Moderation Tools. Getting Started. Just avoid these bots and maybe report it to any Discord server's you share with it, so that it can be removed. ; Set your message in your I have the bot able to react to a user leaving and joining the server, but I'm trying to get the bot to mention the user when they join. KirBot can protect against the following: Link spam, message spam, newline spam, mention spam, attachment With in-server password protection, Good Knight is the ONLY bot that can stop hacks & scams for good! Discover Antispam Discord Bots and Apps on the biggest Discord Bot list on the planet. - Full language support (community translation). To get to your 50,000 goal, it would take 50,000 seconds, which is around 14 hours of constant spam. The ways of talking with Friday are as follows: Mentioning Friday (or using a reply) eg. In the future, I may add the functionality to specify roles that can use it and which roles can mention which roles. Set a limit on the number of unique mentions that a message may contain. Arguments <max_mentions>: Must be 0 or greater. Here's the code I have right now @client. I want everyone to read the rules all the time otherwise I could just hide it to people who got the "have read-rule". queue - View the queue for a Carl-bot can reduce the number of bots needed in a server from 3 to 4 or more to just 1. command(name='spam') async def spam(ctx): global stop stop = 0 content = ctx. Spam sucks. Select the new file button and name the file spam. Ex: 8s 69m 28h 1d = 2d 05:09:08, 600s = 0d 00:10:00 /rolecooldown remove <role>: Remove a role from having a cooldown User General /mention Carl-bot is a fully customizable and modular discord bot featuring reaction roles, automod, logging, custom commands and much more. Intents. ↓ look at us goooooooooooooooooo The Discord Raider Application is a bot project written in C# designed to facilitate a variety of automation and management tasks on the Discord platform. default () bot = commands. @Friday hey, how are you? Setting a channel to be the chat channel. Bot is a discord tool that generates, deletes or joins bots for you in few seconds! You can use these bots to spam someone! Enjoy and do not forget to give it a star. Friday will discord-anti-spam-bot This bot has been built using the Discord library on Python which blocks a person from spamming in a server. It's currently helping in **1,000+** severs worldwide. or protecting against spam bots and targeted harassment. We treat this issue with the same level of seriousness as any other problem that impacts your ability to talk and hang out on Discord, fine-tuning our anti-spam systems daily to catch more and more spammers and spam content. Spammer Discord Bots and Apps. 🚀 Features. Explore. /automod message-spam: Prevent message spam. So I dont spam people who read it everytime but remind these one who didnt. import discord client = discord. Feeds. , "fear has hacked you"). Star 51. command(name='99', help='Responds with a random quote from Brooklyn 99') async def nine_nine(ctx, member : discord. Server Message Spamming: Spam specific text in server channels. You'll be able to specify the max number of mentions in a message, as well as exempt roles or channels. /mention <role> [message]: Mention a role in the current channel role: The role to mention; message: A string of text to send after the role mention; List /list all: Display a list of all registered mentionable roles along with their cooldown /list cooldowns: Display a list of all roles currently on cooldown along with their remaining cooldown time The Zandercraft Bot is a multi-purpose Discord bot that aims to provide both fun and useful features for moderation, productivity, and entertainment. this bot has a verification system type /verify-setup to setup and type /verify-del to turn the verification system off. @bot. 🎵 Music System: Enjoy high-quality music playback with seamless controls for playlists, queues, and more. We know it. Beyond content, Lexi watch out for promotions of other discord servers in the public channels, messages flood and other. Invite zzagzag bot to your server and use its anti-spam, anti-discord invites, moderation, verify and fun commands. To mention a role put "&role name" anywhere in a message. It has fun commands for people of all ages. content[11:] if ctx. mass ping, mass mention, dm spammer etc. 0 upvotes in March Invite Report Discord Bot Upvote Report Discord Bot. Our bot is trusted by over 200 servers! FishBotV2 | Discord App Directory YAGPDB (Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot) is an advanced configurable discord bot providing a load of useful features for help with managing a server. [SFW Environment]: Enjoy an uncensored ChatBot without worrying about inappropriate or harmful content. author. anti-spam, anti discord server invites, join/leave systems, moderation tools, verify system, anti bad words, fun commands, anti toxicity and anti scam links. It’s designed to be customizable, allowing you to choose the target channel and adjust the ping frequency. Then, select the server, review the bot’s permissions, and authorize it. The concept is if a person posts same message for a given number of times within a given time frame then that user will be blocked from posting messages for a given time. Data Access. Carl-bot does what the most popular bots do *better, and faster*. A highly configurable anti-spam system to catch even the worst spammers. Moderation-/ban: Ban a user. Visit my github here. I wanna ping all, who didnt accept yet. g. Kevin's first feature, Automod. How to Add a Bot to a Discord Server on Mobile? To add a bot to a Discord server on mobile, go to a bot list page like “discord. To use this tool, simply enter all required info in input boxes (Webhook URL and message other is optional) then start spamming the webhook by clicking "Start" button then "Stop" button to Discord. Discord. Here's the code: @client. Star 42. Press “Set Up” or enable the toggle button on Block Mention Spam to view the different response actions. Configure the maximum pings if you want in stopMentioning Parallax provides comprehensive moderation tools for your server. This will, most likely, get you banned This repository contains code for a Discord bot that performs automated pinging in specified channels. Remove Ads. Updated Mar 6, 2024; Python; Jansy-cc / Discord-Nuke-Bot. This project is written in Python and Golang (for speed and efficiency). py. webhooks discord webhook discord-py discord-webhooks discord-webhook-notifications discord-webhook discord-spam-bots discord-spam discord-spammer-bot discord-spamer discord-spammer discord-webhook-spammer discord-webhook-tools discord-spam-tool discord-spamming-tool discord-spam-mention discord-webhook-tool so basically I am trying to make a spam command for my discord bot, which takes in a custom message to spam. discord-spammer discord-raid-tool discord-spam-bot discord-joiner discord-spam-tool discord-spamming-tool discord-spam-mention discord-spam-report Updated Jan 24, 2024; P1shi / PWeb-Plus Star 1. A Discord bot for sending a large number of direct messages to someone and trolling your friends. 2. That's why Kevin has eight automod features: advertising, mass mention, profanity, hoax, spam, duplicate messages, max Un guide tuto avec une série de conseils pour protéger vos serveurs discord du spam : bot de modération, gestion des rôles modérateurs, bot captcha, vérification, slowmode, toutes les astuces pour mener la vie Block Mention Spam Rule - Set a limit on the number of mentions a message may contain. Since AutoMod applies before the message is sent, if it removes the message then the people in it won't actually be pinged, because the message never existed to Set the autoban conditions for mention spam. I am not responsible if anything The member argument is on the wrong location. Welcome to Report Bot! Report Bot empowers your Discord Community through reports. 1. The bot will join your Discord server immediately. Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord Bots and Apps. Here are a few things it can do: configure AutoMod, create tickets, user search, handle reports on users + messages, and look up reports. This is meant to be used on a windows machine. It uses machine learning techniques and a variety of algorithms to identify potential spam or scam messages. - wickstudio/discord-protection-bot I'm trying to code a simple bot using discord. Discord has ratelimits, and no one likes spam. 🚀 If you want to run it yourself, you can follow the steps below: 👇 Commands Admin Cooldowns /rolecooldown add <role> <cooldown>: Add a new role to the monitored list, or change the cooldown for an existing one cooldown: The cooldown to apply to the role on use (separate with spaces). Github: NpmJS: Open index. 8s 69m 28h 1d = 2d 05:09:08/rolecooldown remove: Manage role cooldowns--role: The role to removeUser /mention <role> [message]: Mention a role in the current channel Lightning is the ultimate bot for powerful moderation and utilities on your Discord server. channels - View all channel setups. Its robust features ensure rule enforcement, including Anti-Link, Anti-Raid, Anti-Spam, Anti-Bad Word, Keep Your Discord Server Safe with Our Antispam Bot. event The official clients won't provide the option to mention a webhook message in a reply & a webhook ID cannot appear in mentions. - topoos07/discord-bot-ping [Smart Spam Filter:] Protect your server from unwanted content, including black hat hacking topics and NSFW. /view. Use at your own risk. Customize these variables as desired: GUILD_NAME: The new name for the server (e. Set Vortex: Discord Moderation Bot ℹ Purpose. Commands:- $about(alias-help) - This is the help command $funcmd - List of fun commands Overload Spammer is a Discord bot designed to automate sending spam messages to a specific channel on Discord. administrator or ctx. Get the zzagzag Discord Bot now! DISCORD BOT LIST zagzag Discord Bot {mention} to mention a user. The bot, as well as the bot owner’s account, may be disabled as a result of our investigation. 0. Some commands may be hidden if you don’t have permission to view them in Discord. Follow your favorite streamers, run giveaways, and more! Anti-Raid Discord bot. - Productivity commands. ; CHANNEL_NAME: The name for channels to be created (e. The bots @ everyone still pings the server even with it off You've mistyped "@everyone" in the keyword filter Discord spam bots with multiple account support, account creator, auto-join, proxies, mass direct message and more. Chat Checker is the discord bot you need. You know it. /automod mention-spam: Prevent mention spam. ', 'Bingpot!', ( 'Cool. If your proxy system is using a single webhook, this will let you confirm the webhook being replied to is the one owned by your Here’s everything you need to know about the Discord server boost scam. Add popup menu for easy emoji selection. It provides real-time protection against spam, unauthorized links, bot addition, and other potential disruptions, ensuring your Discord experience remains enjoyable and secure. modset mentionspam kick Syntax A versatile Discord bot for managing your community. py in a text editor and replace 'your_token_here' with your Discord Bot Token from the Discord Developer Portal. discord-raid-bot discord-raider discord-raid-tool. I want to see 50,000 notifications on my phone. py file. Add Advertise # Fun # Moderation # Utility # Music # Economy # Game # Social # Meme # Leveling Moderation Anti-Virus Anti-Spam Category-Roles Captcha-Verification Auto-Punish Leveling Nitro-Monitoring Strike-System and lots more! View Invite A very simple bot that will let you mention roles without having to let everyone mention them. mention spam, bad words • Punishments per rule being broken • Delete scary file formats • Media-Only channels • Whitelist roles and channels The Discord bot to make server About Discord Webhook Spammer. It elevates server management and makes it easy to keep your community safe and organized. Discord Bots Automod. https://discord. All you need to do to claim it is invite the bot to your server and wait a day. With support for multiple bot tokens and a customizable messages, Simple anti-spam Discord mention bot. Getting a discord bot to mention other users. These spam bots are easily avoidable with a Zia Bot is a versatile Discord bot designed to simplify server management for staff and owners, offering both manual and automated moderation. Discover Antispam Discord Bots and Apps on the biggest Discord Bot list on the planet. This is a discord webhook spamming tool created by Josakko that allows you to spam an discord webhook. What Is the Server Boost Scam in Discord? Picture this. Customizable Auto-Mod: Automatically Shield your Discord server—Auto-punish spammers, delete messages, ban, kick, timeout, and warn with lightning speed and total control! Are you tired of python raider discord-raider discord-tool discord-raid-tool discord-joiner discord-mass-dm discord-token-joiner discord-mass-mention cwelium. If your bot’s code is publicly available, please remove your bot’s token from the text to prevent it from being compromised. FEATURES. Discord; Feedback; Account & Server Management; AutoMod - Mentions spam Rayo ⚡ September 01, 2022 20:03; My suggestion is to implement that this mention antispam not only blocks mentions if they are only in the same message, but also blocks mentions to users or text, not only detects it if they are in the . Ad. These automated tools can help with message testing and server management, making it easier to engage with members. Spammer Slammer is a special little Discord Bot, that only has one purpose: Ban all Spammers. Direct Message (DM Open bot. card - Preview a specific card. The ID of the webhook is returned in the referenced_message field in author-> id and webhook_id. There's a good reason for this. Are you tired of dealing with spammers and disruptive users? This Antispam Bot is the ultimate solution for maintaining order in your Discord server. handler = AntiSpamHandler (bot, library = Library. This subreddit servers as a hub for players to connect and talk about Mention Spam. Open comment sort options. discord raid tool with functions like: joiner, mass ping, mass mention, dm spammer etc. This allows the user to delete messages in a channel by a simple f. Dank Memer is Discord's largest game bot, boasting hundreds of thousands of active players per month all grinding/collecting/fighting their way through the leaderboard ranks. - zrSadek/discord-raid-tool Removing permission to mention u/everyone doesn't actually stop people from putting u/everyone in their messages, it just stops the mention from doing anything (the message won't be highlighted yellow and no ping will be generated). The bot sends messages mentioning everyone (@everyone) at regular intervals. message. event async def on_message The reputation requirement helps protect this question from spam and non-answer activity. /timeout: Time-out a user. Code Issues Discord's spam problem has grown into unimaginable size, but rather than seeing anything being done, Discord is pushing features that are make Nitro more appealing. Code ปรับตัวกรอง "Block Mention Spam" ของคุณ - ตั้งค่าขีดจำกัดการกล่าวถึงที่ต่ำลงและจำกัดมากขึ้น หากผู้บุกรุกกำลังสแปมการกล่าวถึงใน You can use Discord's new AutoMod and setup the "Block Mention Spam" filter. A Discord User Application that allows you to send spam messages without requiring bot permissions or adding a bot to your guild. Use External Emoji. Use External Stickers. bot! 🔥 An Advanced FREE Rumble Game Bot! ⚔️ Multi-life, Interactive battle bot that brings skill, chaos & huge fun to your Discord community! 🎉 View Invite Vote (25) They will ban you from their discord if you mention it! Spamming Semi-P2W Share Add a Comment. Mention spam is when users post messages containing excessive mentions for the purpose of disrupting your server and unnecessarily pinging others. Navigate back to the repo, open the spam. Never would have thought I'd The Wick Studio Protection Bot is a powerful Discord bot designed to safeguard your community with a suite of moderation tools. js then add your Discord bot token in stopMentioning > token. Updated Feb 10, 2025; Python; Riot-Byte / hydra-mass-dm. Complete quests, battle against mobs and bosses, catch den den mushis, sail with your boat, defeat players in the colosseum and more! Join our wiki. Discord does not offer a proper bulk deletion on its own, which requires the user to delete each message individually. Elevate your server with Arcane's versatile features. Report Discord Bot Described: /automod mention-spam: Prevent mention spam. purgehistory: Delete all history entries in the bot for this server. Why Our Bot? This bot features automoderation, along with normal moderation that is able to quickly supress Discord raids. Try moving it to the def statement. Lightning is the ultimate bot for powerful moderation and utilities on your Discord server. Play our exclusive One Piece game on Discord! Create your profile by choosing your class and your race then join the seas to become the Pirate King. guild_permissions. Designed with powerful features like banning, kicking, warning, and punishing spammers, the bot ensures your community stays safe and enjoyable for everyone. Features Send spam messages using Discord's User Application Discover the power of Arcane, the ultimate Discord bot offering leveling, moderation, logging, custom commands, member count channels, and more. How I just started coding a Discord bot and I have a small problem with mentioning someone. py . Code Commands Admin /rolecooldown add: Add a new role to the list, or edit an existing one--role: The role to add--cooldown: The cooldown to apply to the this once its used (seperate with spaces). Bot is a discord tool that generates, deletes or joins bots for you in few seconds! You can use these bots to spam someone! -script discord-spam-bot discord-dm-on-react discord-dmer discord-dm-spammer discord The ClearChat bot is a classic Discord moderation bot that focuses on channel managing. FishBot is the easy-to-use Fortnite Discord bot with 30+ commands that you can add to your discord server to interact with your Fortnite-based community. Supercharge your live stream Add an advanced level of interactivity and integration to your streams with Streamer. ANTI-SPAM COMMANDS f. For example, adding “this is bananas” as a term will only block messages AIO Script Developed with Python3. Customizable Auto Finally, if you see bots joining and want to help Discord stay safer, make sure you report these bots! If they send messages, you can quickly grab message links and send them out to Discord before you throw the ban hammer! Not to mention the thousands of bots auto removed every day by it. enums import Library intents = discord. A How to Set Up the Block Mention Spam Filter. Chatbot. The moderation system features an optional strike system that can be enabled. Since we were also missing this feature ourselves, we provide a simple and easy way to surround this problem. This is only a small preview of everything AutoMod has to offer. Add Advertise # Fun # Moderation # Utility # Music # Economy # Game # Social # Meme # Leveling # Anime. Set to 0 to disable this feature. Spam is a problem on Discord. For example, something like, "@user welcome to the server!", but right now, it only says the name and discriminator of the users and doesn't actually mention them. You should ask in the arcane bot support server, but most big discord bots won't mention roles Yes I enforce that rule along with the other 8 to make sure this subreddit doesn't get over run with spam If you have any issues please send a modmail to the moderators of r/discordbots. It gathers a total of 23 Discord tools (including a, a Raid Tool, a Token Grabber, a Video Maker, etc). Simply begin the setup with /setup and go through the steps. Sort by: Best. /kick: Kick a user. bots. This application offers features to assist with server management, message automation, and more. id in admins: if lock == 1: await Ever felt the need to handle spammers in your discord, but don't have the time or effort to do so yourself? This package aims to help solve that issue by handling all the required logic under the hood, as well as handling the spammers. gg/Zuq4k4fCn New: In addition to the features mentioned above, AutoMod can block spammy content and excessive mention spam — read here to learn about AutoMod's anti-spam powers. Implement new approach which simply executes API requests to add reactions, instead of manipulating the DOM as with version 1. We also provide message previews for SpamBot responses. ext import commands from antispam import AntiSpamHandler from antispam. ; Navigate to visual studio code and paste the contents in the spam. Top. It has a pleasant and intuitive interface to facilitate the use of all with help and explanations for each of them a simple self-bot which utilises multiple (or singular) account tokens and spams specified Discord channels with specified messages - superboxes/discord-spam-bot 🔨 Automoderation: Maintain order effortlessly with spam control, link filtering, mention limits, and customizable punishments. New I stopped getting spam bots for any p2w MC server because: I told Discover Anti Spam Discord Bots and Apps on the biggest Discord Bot list on the planet. , "Fear is everywhere"). /setup - Run setup for a channel. The Discord bot to make server management and moderation easy. Member): brooklyn_99_quotes = [ 'I\'m the human form of the 💯 emoji. Protects your server from common raid tactics, text/mention spam, discord invites, and more. In this article, we will explore the top 5 spam bots for Discord that developers can use for automated message testing. A 100% free all-in-one Discord Bot for your every need! Configure moderation, leveling, message logging, welcome and farewell messages, and more with the integrated dashboard! fully customizable moderation tools to help you guard against profanity and/or spam. It's one of the most important things a moderation bot should do. I want my bot to mention someone and say how cool he is when I mention someone on Discord in any channel, for example: Dahkris: lul howcool @Myfriend Bot: @Myfriend is 80% cool ! ( The random part is functional ) Helpful information about SpamBot Discord bot, including SpamBot commands, invite link, support server and reviews. You also need to have permission to mention @everyone. One of the best ways to enhance your Discord server is by using spam bots. It's literally called spam bot. Client() @client. Open visual studio code and go to explorer. This Discord bot is designed to detect and mitigate various forms of spam and scam messages in your Discord server. elffjgtzengyophfjxllcnhkqdqtdiuqtvvvmloivakplllqrylmmrcxtxswvbimxuthftlvxpskrlyz