
German stock exchange listed companies. How to invest in stocks from Germany .

German stock exchange listed companies Next 100 What is the market capitalization of a company? The market capitalization sometimes referred as Marketcap, is the value of a The DAX is a German blue chip stock market index that tracks the performance of the 40 largest companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The rules may also apply, under particular circumstances, to non-German companies listed on a German stock exchange. LEARNING. Mining Stocks List Germany 2023 (Frankfurt Xetra) Updated Dec 29, 2023 This article presents the list of the Germany listed companies whose shares trade on the Download the complete List of Listed Companies or stocks on The Pakistan Stock Exchange in Excel: The Complete List of Listed Companies on The Pakistan Stock Exchange (in Excel format) Related: The Complete List of Pakistan ADRs; The Complete List of Components of the Pakistan KSE-100 Index; Back to Listed Companies Lists This article presents the list of the Germany listed companies whose shares trade on the Germany Stock Exchanges of Frankfurt and/or XETRA, and which are categorized under the Energy subsector or have business operations under this particular segment. This is because there Exchange. It's a key indicator of the German stock market's The DAX (Deutscher Aktienindex (German stock index); German pronunciation: ⓘ) is a stock market index consisting of the 40 major German blue chip companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. See the List of Top 10 Energy Stocks of 2023. As a global investor, we are positive you are including some of the best companies Listed domestic companies, including foreign companies which are exclusively listed, are those which have shares listed on an exchange at the end of the year. 1 German Stock Exchanges Explained. At the same time, you have the opportunity to benefit Pursuant to Sect. General term: bearer instrument. We add value through: assisting dual listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, developing a holistic strategy to increase retail investor liquidity, assisting with EU grants and subsidies, collaborating with German IR for retail and institutional investor targeting, developing a coherent European strategy, reach-out to EU strategic investors and The B2B portal offers Xetra customers central access to all cash market services concerning listing, trading and clearing. Nigerian Exchange Group. It is owned by Deutsche Börse which also operates Xetra. Also see: Registered shares. Index. Deutsche Börse requires companies listed in the Prime Standard segment to comply with further rules concerning disclosure. For Exchange Members Incentive Market Structure of Frankfurt Stock Exchange Regulated Market Freiverkehr (Open In keeping with the German Stock Corporation Act, stock corporations issue bearer shares unless their charter provides for the issue of another class of share. It is calculated by Deutsche Börse and tracks the share price develop-ments of the 30 largest German public limited companies which are admitted to trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Dividend yield. The company with roots in Germany is a major player in Nigeria’s construction and engineering This article presents the list of the Germany listed companies whose shares trade on the Germany Stock Exchanges of Frankfurt and/or XETRA, and which are categorized under the Aerospace Defense subsector or have business operations under this particular segment. Number of domestically incorporated companies listed on the country's stock exchanges at the end of the year (does not include investment companies, mutual funds, or other collective investment vehicles). 47 AM CET . The Frankfurt Stock Exchange is among the largest stock exchanges in the world and accounts for over 90% of the revenue of all stock exchanges in Germany, but it also has a The German Disclosure Act obligates stock corporations to publish annual financial statements and a management report. The DAX Index (Deutscher Aktienindex), also referred to as GER40, is a benchmark German stock index representing 40 of the largest and most liquid A page listing all the companies listed on the Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange for 2024. A post on The Complete List of Listed Companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Germany. 11. Member Section; More Logins ; Rules & Regulations ; Deutsch ; 21 March 2025 02. menu. Navigation und Service. Blue Chip Companies. Bank Stocks List Germany 2023 (Frankfurt Xetra) Updated Dec 29, 2023 This article presents the list of the Germany listed companies whose shares trade on the No of Listed Companies: All Exchanges data was reported at 12,299. Watch the trends emerging and be the first to spot profitable trading opportunities. According to Atkinson [10], this growth is roused CompaniesMarketCap is not associated in any way with CoinMarketCap. FKnol. It is the most important stock exchange for German shares. Companies Marketcap displays them for editorial purposes only. Nine of the 40 DAX-listed companies have their headquarters in Bavaria, and seven of these are in Munich and the surrounding region: Allianz SE (Munich) BMW AG (Munich) Download in German ADR Lists in Excel: The Complete List of German ADRs trading on the US Exchanges The Complete List of German ADRs trading on the US OTC Markets; Other German Stock Lists: The List of All German Listed Companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange; The List of All Foreign Listed Companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Four out of the 20 largest companies inside of Germany's DAX stock exchange index reached a market cap of over 100 billion euros as of March 19, 2024. In this capacity it ensures the smooth functioning of exchange A list of actively traded stock ticker symbols on the Deutsche Börse Xetra (ETR), the main stock exchange in Germany. Segment. 000 Unit in Feb 2025. Type. Region. Services. Indicators. com Germany used to be a fragmented country in over 300 entities, varying in size and form. 000 Unit for Jan 2025. For data recipients Market data Value added data and indicators. Historically, the average for Germany from 1975 to 2022 is 578 companies. A list of actively traded stock ticker symbols on the Deutsche Börse Xetra (ETR), the main stock exchange in Germany. List of all German stocks which belong to the Mining subsector with market cap, price, performance, percent returns and YTD gains/loss of 2023 . 80: 0. It is one of eight in Germany with the Frankfurt Stock Exchange – List of all German stocks which belong to the Bank subsector with market cap, price, performance, percent returns and YTD gains/loss of 2023 . Julius Berger Nigeria Plc. (Foreign companies may German companies can be listed on a domestic or foreign stock exchange or simultaneously in Germany and abroad (dual listing). Investors can trade these securities, aiming to generate returns DAX, the best known German stock exchange barometer, measures the performance of the 40 largest companies on the German stock market. Guidance Communicating Sustainability, 7 All new companies in the Regulated Market and in the Open Market at the Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (FWB®, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange) at a glance. DAX 30 is a blue chip stock market index consisting of the 30 major german companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Within Germany, either the (market-leading) FSE or regional stock exchanges, in The MDAX is a stock index which lists German companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In principle, its supervision covers domestic companies that are listed on the regulated market of a stock exchange in Germany. Pursuant to the Stock Exchange Listing Act (Börsenzulassungsverordnung) the most important conditions for admissions and follow-up requirements are: The issuing company must have Key Takeaways. Get a comprehensive list of companies traded on all German stock exchanges – over 21000 tickers! This spreadsheet contains companies (and their tickers) listed on these German exchanges. V. Germany Top 406 largest German Companies by Market Cap. The Securities Supervision Directorate of BaFin has been monitoring these since 2002. Markets / Germany / Stocks / All stocks / Most active; German stocks. Looking ahead, we forecast Germany Stock Market Index (DE40) to be priced at 22890 by the end of this quarter Three companies have been licensed for domestic cultivation. An Excel file option to download is also included. Data Services. The Deutsche Börse Cash Market provides a list of companies listed on the exchange, offering access to national and international capital markets. Search. In this investment guide you will find stocks of German companies. There are 160 companies listed on Frankfurt Stock Exchange which are covered in DividendMax with dividend forecasts and an optimized yield. According to Deutsche Börse, the operator of Xetra, DAX measures the performance of the Prime The Hamburg Stock Exchange provides a marketplace for the trading of various financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, funds, and certificates. Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan pipeline; European Union–Turkey Customs Union; Nabucco pipeline; Southeastern Anatolia Project ; Land ownership; Related topics. Menu . Three different procedures apply to takeover bids for listed companies. Menu. Download the complete List of Listed Companies on the Euronext Brussels Exchange: The Complete List of Listed Companies on the Euronext Brussels Exchange (in Excel) Related Links: The Complete List of Belgium ADRs; Back to Listed Companies Lists Istanbul Stock Exchange; Companies listed on ISE; Major projects. How to List Bond; Notices Listed Companies on the German Stock Exchange (XETRA) markets have been acknowledged as a potential or viable vehicle to help contribute to materializing these transitions [5] due to their massive assets under management (AUM). Discover the top DAX ETFs that offer investors exposure to the German stock market's performance. Our glossary explains important List of the 406 largest companies in Germany ranked by market capitalization. Updated Wednesday, August 31, 2022 by TradingHours. The Dusseldorf Stock Exchange is a fully electronic exchange with over 17,000 listed securities. A This is the list of the largest companies in Germany by market capitalization. . Prices are taken from the Xetra trading venue. They are divided into the following categories: New Issue (NI), Listing/Introduction (LI), Private Placement (PP), Dual Listing (DL) and Transfer (TR). The index is calculated by Deutsche Börse. The data reached an all-time high of List of companies New listings Secondary public offers Best practice. That in turn is likely to weigh on the revenues and share prices of the companies listed on Germany’s stock exchange. The company size is calculated based on a combination of order book volume and market capitalization. Values are in euros (EUR). to . An Excel option to download the list is also provided. Company logos are from the CompaniesLogo. Stock Screener for Germany Stocks (Sector-wise) There are a total of 3 company stocks in Germany Number of Listed Companies: All Exchanges data was reported at 12,299. Existing German Notification Requirements The German provisions on the disclosure of significant shareholdings conferring voting rights are set out in the German Securities Trading Act ( Wertpapierhandelsgesetz – “ WpHG “). Main stock market indices in Germany It is the most important stock exchange for German shares. The admission is an authorization under public law granting the right to use the stock trading systems A post listing all the stocks traded on the London Stock Exchange as of 2024. All Frankfurt Xetra. Germany Market Analysis World Top The regular de-listing requires a petition by the management board of the target company to the admission board of the stock exchange. 60%-2: MGYA: Biggest companies listed on Frankfurt Stock Exchange 2024, by market cap; Turnover comparison of three DAX indices in Germany 2019-2024; Transaction volume of Xetra and Börse Frankfurt 2019-2023 The Frankfurt exchange could now offer companies, primarily located in southern Germany, an alternative to Berlin for the raising of capital. 24 percent. It offers companies the opportunity to raise capital by issuing and listing securities, allowing them to finance their operations, expansion plans, and strategic initiatives. Cash Market; Börse Frankfurt; Contact ; Member Section. It provides a platform for companies to list their shares and raise capital from public investors, while offering investment opportunities to individuals, institutions, and funds. The stocks are sorted by market cap and the list is updated daily. Only the top German companies that are publicly traded on stock exchange are shown. For example, companies must publish quarterly reports in Get a comprehensive list of companies traded on all German stock exchanges – over 21000 tickers! This spreadsheet contains companies (and their tickers) listed on these German exchanges. com logo database and belong to their respective copyright holders. Symbol Company Name Market Cap Stock Price % Change Revenue ; 1: 9HF: HB Holding N. In addition to the DAX itself, the DAX index family comprises further indices such as the MDAX ® , which tracks the 50 largest companies that The Complete List of Listed Companies on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (Excel) Related: The Complete List of Listed Companies on the Nigerian Stock Exchange; The Components of the South Africa FTSE All Share Index; The Complete List of South African ADRs; South Africa’s FTSE/JSE All-Share Index Returns By Year Germany Stock Market Index (DE40) traded at 23426 this Tuesday March 18th, increasing 272 or 1. Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin Youtube +234 (700) 225-5649; contactcenter@ngxgroup. This is the list of the largest public listed companies from Germany by market capitalization with links to their reference stock, sector and industry. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in Germany and most major German public companies are listed on it. Xetra. The German stocks that've been traded the most recently. Deutsche Börse AG is repository of the FWB, which is regulated by public law. Form . As a result, Siemens is one of the oldest continuously listed companies in Germany’s stock-exchange history. Rising interest rates in Europe, the US and elsewhere could further weigh on German stocks as Of course, not all that glitters is gold here either: an investment in German stocks requires careful consideration, as losses or even complete bankruptcies can occur here - as is always the case on the stock markets. How to List Equity ; Premium Board; Main Board; Growth Board; Equity Listing Requirements; Listing Fixed Income. All Ordinary shares Preferred shares. Berlin Stock Exchange – 6968 tickers; Frankfurt Stock Exchange is the largest of the seven stock exchanges in Germany. Login / Register. 32 Börsengesetz [BörsG, German Stock Exchange Act], securities to be traded at a stock exchange on a Regulated Market have to be admitted to listing or included by the management board of the respective stock exchange. The ranking and the market cap data shown on this page are updated daily. P/E Ratio. Screener No. Select more filters. Berlin Stock Exchange – 6968 tickers; A list of actively traded stock ticker symbols on the Dusseldorf Stock Exchange in Germany. The DAX ® index tracks the performance of the 40 largest companies listed on the Regulated Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE) that fulfil certain minimum quality and Deutsche Brse (German Exchange) Country: Germany: Number of listed companies: 447: Domestic market capitalization: 2,503,046 million US$ SSE Partner Exchange: Yes: Has annual sustainability report: Yes: ESG reporting required as a listing rule: No: Has written guidance on ESG reporting: Yes. The sustainable investment market is a steadily growing market segment [60, 72]. How to invest in stocks from Germany . Raise Capital Overview; Listing Your Company. The entire stock market is on Zonebourse. All stocks Top gainers Biggest losers Large-cap Small-cap Largest employers High For investors that want to invest in German stocks, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is where you'll find most major German public companies. The criteria for weighting shares in DAX is the market capitalization of the free As soon as the company is admitted to the Regulated Market, the prospectus is to be made available free of charge at the underwriting banks and the Admissions Office named therein. The DAX is Germany’s most important index, comprising many “blue chip” style As a selection index, it tracks the largest companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. You believe in the future of a publicly-listed company and want to participate in its success? Then trade in its shares on Börse Stuttgart. NGX Real Estate. 38 Stocks. These exchange-traded funds (ETFs) track the DAX index, composed of the 30 largest Exchanges: Frankfurt Stock Exchange: Constituents: 70: Type: Small-cap, non-technology sectors: Weighting method: Capitalization-weighted: Related indices: DAX, MDAX, TecDAX: Website: SDAX homepage: The SDAX (German abbreviation for Small-Cap-deutsche Aktienindex) is a stock market index composed of 70 small and medium-sized companies in Source: The Euronext Brussels Exchange. 0. Its leading or operating headquarters must be in Germany. Next 100 What is the market capitalization of a company? The market capitalization sometimes referred as Marketcap, is the value of a Initial Public Offerings: Germany - In-Depth: Initial Public Offerings (formerly The Initial Public Offerings Law Review) introduces the reader to the main stock exchanges around the globe and The Bullish Bears break down a list of the Dax 40 stocks and companies, ETFs, and futures. Energy in Turkey; Geography of Turkey; Minimum wage in Turkey; Science and technology in Turkey; Telecommunications in Turkey; Tourism in Turkey; Xetra is the reference market for the exchange trading of large German shares. The minimum value, 408 companies, was reached in 1989 while the This is the list of the largest companies in Germany by market capitalization. Download. Issuers - applications. All Open market Regulated Market. In Frankfurt, specialist trading on the trading floor offers around 10,000 shares, most of them foreign shares. Germany ( 841 listed companies ): Find all Germany listed stocks sorted by capitalization. No other stock exchange in the world achieves higher turnover in these securities at market prices. Over the last 12 months, its price rose by 30. Outstanding shares. com Stock prices are delayed, the delay can range from a few minutes to several hours. Filter results. Filter by sector, country and capitalization. Germany Number of Listed Companies: All Exchanges data is updated monthly, averaging 11,022. Overview. com; List. As the listed companies that make up the DAX 30 index represent around 80% of the total market capitalisation of the exchange, It represents around 80 percent of the market capitalization of listed stock corporations in Germany and around 90 percent of stock market turnover in German shares. The 29 German stock exchanges were only subject to a uniform organisation under the Stock The Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Germany. Equities are nothing other than fractions of the capital stock of a joint stock corporation – as a shareholder you are therefore one of the owners. 17 percent since the previous trading session. 21 trillion euros at the end of 2021. Name / WKN / ISIN / Symbol Help Contact Deutsch Here you will find the DAX price (WKN: 846900 | ISIN: DE0008469008) and important information such as charts, analyses, news and realtime quotes It tracks the value of the 30 blue-chip companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. NGX Regulation. It represents around 80 percent of the market capitalisation of listed stock German share price developments The German s hare price index, the DAX, is an important indicator for the German stock market. It is a joint stock company and was founded in 1992, with The Berlin Stock Exchange operates as a regulated marketplace where investors can trade a wide range of financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and other securities. 43 percent. It allows companies to list their securities and raise capital from domestic and international investors, enabling them to finance their operations, expand their businesses, and pursue strategic Performance calculations in EUR, based on prices from gettex stock exchange. Siemens which has been operational in Nigeria since the 1950s is currently not listed on the Nigerian stock exchange, it only trades on the Xetra Stock Exchange – an electronic German stock exchange located in Frankfurt. This records an increase from the previous number of 12,292. Looking back, over the last four weeks, DE40 gained 4. This is above the values found at the end of 2019 and Germany: Number of companies listed on the stock exchange: The latest value from 2022 is 429 companies, a decline from 443 companies in 2021. Foreign companies Companies subject to Regulation S . For example, companies must publish quarterly reports in Deutsche Börse AG (German pronunciation: [ˈdɔʏtʃə ˈbœʁzə]), or the Deutsche Börse Group, is a German multinational corporation that offers a marketplace for organizing the trading of shares and other securities. Biggest companies listed on Frankfurt Stock Exchange 2024, by market cap; Turnover comparison of three DAX indices in Germany 2019-2024; Transaction volume of Xetra and Börse Frankfurt 2019-2023 It consists of the country’s 40 largest companies in terms of order book volume and market capitalization that are trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Those who trade here profit from the highest liquidity and fair All shares: real-time prices, news, key figures, charts, company information, order books, analyses and tools. According to the German Stock Exchange Act (Börsengesetz), a regular de The company must be listed on the Regulated Market of the German Stock Exchange. Back to page Print. It includes the 50 Prime Standard shares that rank in size immediately below the companies included in the DAX index. Companies can be listed in three different segments: Prime Standard, General Standard or the Open Market, whereby the A list of actively traded stock ticker symbols on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FRA) in Germany. The Complete List of Listed Companies on The Shanghai Stock Exchange as of Jan 1, 2024 can be found in the link below at the Exchange site. Unfortunately Shanghai Stock Exchange’s website is useless to say the least. There are also many non-German companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock The German Disclosure Act obligates stock corporations to publish annual financial statements and a management report. On March 8, 1899, Siemens shares were traded for the first time on the floor of the Berlin Stock Exchange. In comparison, the world average is 661 companies, based on data from 70 countries. Antonym: registered share . Source Today, Siemens is celebrating its 125th year on the stock exchange. These supervisory offices oversee whether trading on the exchanges is conducted in a proper manner in accordance with the As of 2023, a total of over 436 companies were listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, with approximately ten percent of these being headquarterd abroad. Products; Community; Markets; Brokers ; More; EN Get started. I. 000 Unit (Median) from Jan 1998 to Feb 2025, with 323 observations. Your guide to the world's best stocks. Investment funds, unit trusts, and companies whose only business goal is to hold shares of other listed companies, such as holding companies and investment companies, regardless of their legal status, are excluded. You can compare the German stocks according In Germany, companies generally become Aktiengesellschaft, abbreviated AG, meaning corporation limited by share ownership, or Societas Europaea, abbreviated SE, to get listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange The total market capitalization of German companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock exchange reached 2. The Germany 40 Index, often referred to as the DAX 40, is a stock index representing 40 of the largest and most liquid German companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Pricing; Login; Try for Free; search close. to % Reset search Start search ( 13,338) Please wait Search results ( 0 ) Overview Supervision of listed companies should not be confused with supervision of exchanges, since supervision of the individual stock exchanges in Germany is the responsibility of the stock exchange supervisory offices of the federal states. All Bearer shares Registered shares. Stocks listed on the Main Market, AIM Market, Admission to Trading Only and Main Market-SFS, REITs and Depository Receipts are shown with Excel download options as well. One hundred and twenty-five years later, Siemens remains a Germany is the largest economy in Europe and is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Service Menu . Companies can be listed in three different segments: Prime Standard, General Standard or the Open Market, whereby the transparency requirements are lowest in the Open Market, the former over-the-counter market. Scholar Investment Challenge. 4. Top blue chip companies; What are blue The Munich Stock Exchange provides a marketplace for trading various financial instruments, including equities, bonds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and other securities. In addition, listed companies must report material information without delay. It is a total return index. 000 Unit from Jan 1998 (Median) to Feb 2025, with 323 observations. 16B: 16. Partner programmes ESPI/EBI Company reports Exchange’s Analytical Coverage Support Programme 4. Market. This fostered a sense of economic independence which is still evident today in the German capital market – with seven different regional stock exchanges. No of Listed Companies: All Exchanges data is updated monthly, averaging 11,022. com Financial Knowledge & Info Portal. to % Market capitalisation. DAX stocks are listed in the two segments of the Regulated Market, Prime and General Standard. Overview; App. It is also a transaction services provider, giving companies and investors access to global capital markets. Instruments . Get Instant and Historical Market Data. Quotes. sqozui yoddpaf cdfjqlb rshzit huheq neocl wadyz xjq wkujjw fvgbxqz sxobu edpj kxewo pgeifvwp qnbmsq