Kenshi best armor shop. Where the land is harsh and full of terrors.
Kenshi best armor shop Some are better than others, some are completely atrocious. They also found a masterwork set of samurai armour. (Samurai cloth pants have decent armor, and no penalties). Kenshi is full of useful shop vendors, some of them sell weapons, some of them sell first aid kits but today we’re gonna talk about the best armor vendors in all of Kenshi. Where to buy Crab Armour Recipes - Kenshi. My 2nd play was opening a shop in lots of different cities and just sell shit. Toughness is the best damage reduction. Players should be aware that these Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Run drifter leather jacket, iron hat, leather turtleneck (or dark leather shirt if you don't want to craft turtle for 33 hours), samurai clothpants and wooden sandals (for speed boost, if you micro you can easily kite people 1v1) Shop Collectible Avatars; Get the Reddit app Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. These items, however, will not respawn when the shop restocks. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a Honestly stealth is easy to level, and it also caps at 100. I usually use dustcoats, but either will work. Dustcoats have much better coverage and slightly better damage reduction. Also, Samurai Cloth Pants are a must for light armor users, though some prefer Sneaky Drifter's pants. The best Weapons and Robotic Limbs are sold in Black Desert City which is in the centre of the Dead Land. Unless you're roleplaying as a paladin of course. And You would need it to store all your freshly severed limbs so you can do the meatbag nugget crawl of shame for 20 minutes at 3x speed to the nearest safe bed if you tried to fight a skeleton 56182-rebirth. base Headgear Shop is a shop which sells Headgear and related blueprints. . Specific stock varies by location or faction. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Squin is a town with quite a few shops and See more Armour King's Shop! This shop has the greatest armor pieces for you to buy. patreon. Dustcoat dosen't have to most amazing defense stats but it's extremly good against all sort of environmental effects which makes it an allround armor. Some chainmail armor blueprints sell for up to 7k-8k. That is what works best for me. g. Shirts: Hivers only have the Leather Hive West to work with if you insist on retaining your Crossbow skills and Stealth, though the Blackened Chain Hive Shirt doesn't make you run slower (you sneak more slowly though). For legs? I’d skip heavy armor, go for Samurai leg pants/armored plate skirts for MA bonus. That armor is basically made for endgame DPS characters. Having no protection for the arms is a feature once you get into cybernetic limbs. Unlike Clothing, most light armour must If you're not making your own armor, Holy Nation chainmail is probably the best chest slot item you can reliably get. Reddit . In my current game I have equipped most of guys/gals with the following: Shirt - Chainmail although my stealth characters get Leather turtlenecks and the newbs get Leather shirts. Heavy armour allows you to take quite a few hits while with light doesn't so you rely more on blocking. The Police Helmet, Armored Hood, and Masked Helmet give good defensive stats (and 100% head coverage). Better off being the supplier for the local weapon/armor shop. Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, Yeah a skele in good armor versus a fully armored Shek of equal stats will probably win 1v1. Shek Armor Shop [Top 10] Kenshi Best Armor Shops And Why They're Great. Light armor is generally better for martial artists because heavy armor has major penalties. Best. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a Light armor: Assassins rags, best for 1v1s where you won't be aoe attacked or shot with no chance of dodging. The Blackened Chainmail Tagelmust provides 20% more head coverage at the disadvantage of being slightly less protective. Which makes blackened paladin armor one of the best heavy armors. I use this armor for martial artists and low skilled recruits. mod Heft Armour Shop is an Armour Shop of the Tech Hunters found in Heft. Skeletons are the best martial artists and can excel with any weapon class because they're just the easiest to train hands down. Samurai Armor is great because it doesn't reduce Dexterity. If your designated ninja needs +50% stealth from gear AND stealth limbs on top of that - then he is simply not very good and you need to level him instead of investing in a bunch of useless gear. It has good defensive stats and very few negative combat modifiers. It's very situational, and there is no "overall best". comPatreon: https://www. Top. All armour shops have this sign of a standing suit of armour haning above their entrances. Steal from one faction, sell to another. Jun 16, 2014 @ 2 Samuari: good chest and arm protection and little stomach. Sheks obviously are easier to train with heavy weapons or hackers. But unholy armor has less of a dex debuff. Hive soldiers dont have reduced chest HP, like their drone counterparts, so unholy isnt really as good for that race specifically. These recipes are Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. The artifacts system will spawn unique, top quality items in random, one off locations during each play through. We’re gonna discuss their locations, how hard they are to get to, what sort of armor they’ve got, and plenty of other stuff. Drifter's Last General Shop Im fairlly new and terrible i wanted to know the best city for setting up a weapon and armor shop i was thinking 2 skeletons to work it one manning the counter and one making the weapons and armor and running resources while im out doing bounties and stealing. Assassin rags have better stat bonuses. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a mere slave The list goes on, but you've got to stay alive first For melee users, you're best off getting whatever headgear gives the best defensive stats. Give them the lowest quality you can find wakizashi for low damage but high dex training, get into the 70s, then give the shittiest quality of whatever weapon you really want them to use and keep using that until your skills are good. reReddit: Top posts of November 2019. 57329-rebirth. For crafters with a steady supply of crafting materials, it's obviously best to just spam armor crafts and sell anything that isn't Masterworked. So, light armor (even Assasins rags maybe) until you can get good heavy armor and have the STR to wear it. Blueprints Straw Hat Rattan Hat Masked Helmet Visored Helmet Tagelmust Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. This armour tends to provide buffs to stats to compensate for the lack of protection as compared to medium and heavy armour. Boots - If you wish to sell trade goods, the best bet is just to jump cities. You can't make armored rags at leather armor workbench, you need plate armor bench. I’m pretty new, so be gentle with me please. Now that we know everything about armor in Kenshi, let’s get started with the best armor shops: 10. Heft Depending on certain World States, this vendor might spawn in these locations: Heft (Empire Peasants) UC Armour Trader Ninja Guard (3) Blueprints Mercenary Plate Plated Longboots Samurai Clothpants Samurai Boots Samurai Armour Samurai Helmet Samurai Legplates Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Reply reply It's good to have a mix of light and heavy armor, so some pawns can soak up damage, since heavy armor prevents a lot of [Top 10] Kenshi Best Weapon Shops And Why They're Great [Top 15] Kenshi Best Mods Everyone Should Use (2022 Edition) [Top 10] Kenshi Best Weapons And How To Get Them [Top 5] Kenshi Best Armor And How To Get Mongrel weapon shop inventory. mod Armour King's Shop is a hidden unique armour shop found in Drowned Ruins in the river Wend. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a Website: http://www. just keep someone out of it with Passive and hold to run in and heal everyone up afterwards. CloMcNasty. This shop also rents out beds upstairs for free if the player is in need of healing. Light armor: Assassins rags, best for 1v1s where you won't be aoe attacked or shot with no chance of dodging. It has the some of the best defensive numbers, the highest harpoon resistance, great weather protection, and no maluses for melee characters. most of the early research is only from books, you can purchase from most venders in the general stores. Samurai and Crab helmets give best defensive stats but are pretty bad for crossbow users. With good armor and heavy weapons (with proper arms) 10:1 fights can work. Begin by knocking out and looting all shop guards, traders and town guards. mod Mongrel Armour Shop is an armour shop found in Mongrel. If you're looking for [Specialist] or [Masterwork] endgame armor in Kenshi there's no better place than the Armor King vendor. Medium armor: Armored Rags offer a bonus to martial arts, masterwork has basically no debuffs. Best armor for sustained DPS, meaning damage per second for more than 5 minutes or single battles, you need either 1)Samurai Chest, Samurai Legplates, Crab Helm, Chainmail and whatever weapon you love (this is better for higher-dex weapons, as opposed to the following actual best combo for blunt weapons) The above is a generic "Heavy Armor" setup. Equipment Shops are stores which trade exclusive equipment types, like Armour, Clothing, Footwear or Weapons. Even heavy armor doesn’t have that heavy stat penalties at high quality, especially samurai armor. A large portion of light armour consists of items made out of Leather. Otherwise samurai armor with a leather turtleneck, samurai legplates, wooden sandals. [Specialist] and [Masterwork] armors too every single day and Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. If you want specialist and masterwork armor its best to just craft it yourself. Medium armor is pretty much never worth it because of poor coverage and minor combat debuffs. Pants - Halfpants almost across the board although I do use some Halfpants (sneaky chain) too, I just like the look of the halfpants, so it has more to do with aesthetics than practicallity. 2254-gamedata. The town of black scratch has a library with almost every blueprint in the game, usually where i get my stuff. Coverage tells you how likely the armor is to protect each body part; e. Boots - A lot of people say that Falling Suns are the best weapon - but it is really only possible to use them effectively at higher levels. Armour King Armour King's Thrall (4) Security Spider II This location has a gear Artifacts value of Just wear any armour that looks good. Though, Katanas rely on Dex, so armours that don't have big penalties to Dex is better to make best use of it. Kenshi. It works well enough, heavy armor is very strong and it levels your skills up faster. [Top 10] Kenshi Best Weapon Shops And Why They're Great [Top 15] Kenshi Best Mods Everyone Should Use (2022 Edition) [Top 10] Kenshi Best Weapons And How To Get Them [Top 5] Kenshi Best Armor And How To Get Them [Top 10] Kenshi Best Base Locations And Why They're Great (2022 Edition) 0. Crab armor is good but the helmet is too blocky while the hat is good [Top 10] Kenshi Best Weapon Shops And Why They're Great [Top 15] Kenshi Best Mods Everyone Should Use (2022 Edition) Howdy boyz, we’re gonna talk about the best armor shops in the world of Kenshi. Mongrel Ronin Armour Trader Shek Warrior (2) This shop is capable of spawning Artifacts, as such it may spawn items not in the list. almarsguides. If you're using Crossbows or Martial Arts then Ninja Rags is necessary. Such traders can be found in most towns. , 75% stomach coverage means that the armor will only protect the stomach 75% of the time, while 25% of hits will bypass that armor piece entirely. Don't think there is any effect on samurai armor that hinders perception, just crossbow use which is a separate skill from turret gunnery. Black Desert City has a store at the Scrapyard mappoint which stocks Edge 3 One of the first things I do on a new game, is buy a house in one of the cities and get the armorsmith and another crafter (or two) grinding up. Choose to be a thief, a bandit, a rebel, a warlord or a mercenary. Crab Armour is some of the best Heavy Armor that you can get in Kenshi offering some of the most coverage and protection that you can get on a single piece of armor. Holy nation armor is good if you lost ur arms already Samurai armor is probably the worst but good for training especially with robotic limbs. Aaaaaand there is a place you may find that serves as an actual library shop with a lot of dark corners sticky fingers can make a killing there. Plus it is a PITA to get to the Without a mod, noplace is good for a weapons or armor storefront. Best armor for what? If you want best defensive stats, then mercenary leather, leather turtleneck, samurai cloth pants, rattan hat and drifter boots. I was wondering what everyone thinks is the best armor? And which armors do you mostly use and why? My personal favorite is the Police uniform. Armor and pants tend to take up too much space. There is a author detailing where all the best armor, weapon shops are. That is always worth doing as long as obtaining raw materials isn't an issue. IIRC a lot of the prisoner recruit mod is up to RNG, you can pick the right option and still get the failed result. It works wonders. It has (IIRC) no dexterity penalty, and if you don’t use the samurai plate pants, your athletics is still very good. All i want is a decent size building under 20k has lots of shops good guards and copper and iron mines Don't bother with assasin rags until you are around midgame stats (50's mostly) as there would be not much stats to boost. Weapons generally range from 2k to 10k true value, chest is around 2k. Zero weight, takes one square and fetch up a really good price. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, traveled far and wide to seek the ancient secrets of this armor, yet I've returned empty-handed. Admag is the capital city of the Shek Kingdom. and top midem armor ive found is police good grade which the police chefs are the only ones ive seen that have it. I'm also a fan of the Paladin's Heavy Hachigane. For body armor you should probably choose either dustcoats or assassin rags. Overall, okay armor for early to midgame if you run into a good quality set in the wild, but I wouldn't seek it out if you have the luxury of shopping around for the best gear. Best armour combo is armoured rags + chainmail + samourai clothpants = only -10% dodge penalty and very The best armor i found for body is the grand cannibal wizard armor from a mod xD, i compared it to the samurai and crab Armour and it has less debuffs, Is perfect for my tank character since he mostly goes solo to fight groups with a falling sun, a heavy paladin cross or a plank. Weapon wise, these are Edgewalker grade which are second best and are the Equipment Shops are stores which trade exclusive equipment types, like Armour, Clothing, Footwear or Weapons. Crab armor late game, crab helm is best overall helm in game currently with no attack cons unless your using crossbows. #11. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a Samurai chestplate and crab armour are solid choices - crab armour is superior def but it cuts your dexterity in half, so it should be used only with heavy weapons or for tanking purposes (tho aggro management is crap in kenshi so it's really hard to maintain "one tank many DDs" strategy in mid-size and larger engagements, also there's cleave damage), samurai armour cuts your Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Reply reply IMO it is the best shopping mod available albeit not very well known. Once your assassination improves, you can really starting making money. It carries some of the highest quality armour in the game, for those that can afford it. New I would say for the shirt leather turtleneck (blackened chainmal comes second), for armor dustcoat. Ether cloth or regular samurai leggings, crab helmet, crab armor, armored rags, samurai armor, or leather armor. Now that we know Black Desert City and Armor King. crab armor is absolutely best at tanking samurai is really good if you are paying a "friendly" visit to your Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. The Paladin's Heavy Hachigane gives the best protection/coverage to In my current game I have equipped most of guys/gals with the following: Shirt - Chainmail although my stealth characters get Leather turtlenecks and the newbs get Leather shirts. Looks cool, useful and the best medium armor there is, IMO! Why this jacket is awesome: 34% blunt resistance, 58% cut resistance 40% acid resistance Looks like armor from Dead Space, kickass! You may also be Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, Are their reliable shops for specific armor, or is it somewhat random? Different factions obviously sell armor and blueprints based on what they wear Top posts of November 1, 2019. Probably the Hub tbh. Black Scratch Deadcat Flats Lagoon World's End Ronin Hat Trader Ninja Guard This location has a gear Artifacts value of 50,000 Cats, meaning it will spawn armour and weapons from the Artifacts system. You can get specialist+ gear from armor king and a few other places buying it, also in the United cities samurai gate guard sergeants have great armor and there's a small town along the coast where some noble guards wear masterwork armor. [Top 10] Kenshi Best Armor Shops And Why They're Great Looks cool, useful and the best medium armor there is, IMO! Why this jacket is awesome: 34% blunt resistance, 58% cut resistance 40% acid resistance Looks like armor from Dead Space, kickass! You may also be interested in: [Top 10] Kenshi Best Weapon Shops And Why They're Great [Top 15] Kenshi Best Mods Everyone Should Use (2022 Edition) I always do the highest quality samurai armor (I don’t have crab armor available) and send my dudes to fight gorillos. Players should be aware that these You can find three good pieces of Samurai armour in the following locations: Chest armour: the Weapons shop in Mongrel often sells a Masterwork. Otherwise armor shops often have blueprints of what they sell. #2. Last edited by qmarkball ; Mar 20, 2019 @ 1:29pm #15 50249-rebirth. Drifter's armor is very similar to police in terms of defenses, Light Armour are items which can be equipped on a character which offer armour protection without adding too much weight to the wearer. Heavy armor is your best insurance against damage. The Dustcoat/Turtleneck/Drifters is a good combo for light armor. Samurai can be amazing for early game, but it has to be high quality. Blackened plate jacket is the best light/ medium armor. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Police armor is good but can still only be obtained through looting, preserving uniform title. Failing that, unless you’re a Shek with boney exoskeletal growths Armor in Kenshi comes in many shapes, sizes, and stats - they might be light, medium, or heavy and give you many buffs/debuffs. The Armor in Kenshi comes in many shapes, sizes, and stats - they might be light, medium, or heavy and give you many buffs/debuffs. You could get away with samurai armor/legplates for best possible protection on a skeleton, not that they should need it up on your walls manning a turret. Medium is something in between. While this might be an odd thing to sell at a weapons shop, this is actually a result of Kenshi’s artifacts system. Hivers in my opinion do best with either crossbows, katanas, or polearms in place of heavy weapons for AOE. For non-crafters, the Armor King is probably the best overall bet for a general chance at a Masterworked bit of armor. A lot of resources, weak enemies. You can also get a level 3 research bench, engineering research, and unlock plate armor crafting. We’re gonna include shops from all around the world of Kenshi - The Great Desert, Black Desert City, Shek Kingdoms, and other fancy areas. You can hold the ALT key and the signs will be highlighted yellow so you can locate them better if you don’t know where they are. Bindings, armored skirt, that sort of thing. Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. I think that's probably correct if you mainly care about maximizing crossbow buffs. Heavy weapons have the most damage and when swinging a good likelihood to cause significant damage to heavily armored targets. My way of getting them is to lure bandit groups repeatedly until a Police gets knocked unconscious, then I swap clothes with him :o Legwear: Samurai Clothpants are the best armor that doesn't hinder your movement. In this guide, Ryan and his crazy crew venture around the continent in search of the best places to buy armour for the newest member of the squad. To get anywhere in this cruel world ruled by the surviving fittest and random chance, you’ve gotta be tough. I’ve been making my martial arts character, and up until now I’ve been wearing armor that boosts my martial arts skill. I'd say the piece of armor that most clearly is best in slot is the crab helmet for non crossbow users. The best armor gives 100% coverage to the first three areas. Grinding the skill is time consuming, but if you can get animal skins you can tan that to leather for experience. (Strength+Dex 50+ imo) As for armor, I believe samurai armor offers the best defense, or maybe crab armor, but it comes with massive offensive penalties. Crab Armor is better protection than Samurai Armor but you're going to be hit more often, so just use Samurai unless the character is a meat shield. Let’s start! 5. Armor King is in the Wend River and has a lot of Masterwork armor. The Armor King Location & Guide - Kenshi. At this point though, his base martial arts skill is at 55, so I figure I should probably be putting heavier armor on him even if it has a negative martial arts value. As for the specific armor, yep Samurai is probably best because it gives OK coverage and doesn't debuff dex, even though it debuffs damage. Armor is all different in Kenshi. A few things to consider, though: The Assassin's rags have poor armor coverage for chest and stomach, so if you're anticipating a straight-up fight you might consider dustcoats or drifter's leather jackets, depending on what stats you want most. Martial Artist is a strength based weapon with long ass animations, so you take tons of damage when fighting groups no matter what. I personally just love barbarian fist fighter builds so this is always my go to. Dexterity influences how fast your guys act in combat, as well as cutting damage, so you really don't want your It's really hard to nail down the best, as there are tradeoffs. Coverage and cut efficiency are probably the most important factors, generally speaking. It's one of the few good looking armor sets I can find for Hivemen, Can't craft it in game and the stores in the Kenshi is full of useful shop vendors, some of them sell weapons, some of them sell first aid kits but today we’re gonna talk about the best armor vendors in all of Kenshi. This shop is unique in the way that it has Shek Warriors as their guards rather than the standard Shop Guard. Just turn on sneak mode and run around a bunch of people. A White Plate jacket is a good choice to slide in there if you want a bit more protection, but you'll likely want to add a decent helmet. Store Page. Legplates: the Shark Smithy Armor in Kenshi comes in many shapes, sizes, and stats - they might be light, medium, or heavy and give you many buffs/debuffs. Unless you turn death chance to maximum it's pretty hard to die in the non endgame areas. Iron Hats are a good choice but they have limited coverage. All armours are somewhat balanced. Also, if you have an elite fighter then Assassin's Rags is secretly the best possible armor. What city would be the best for setting up a weapon / armor crafting, what is the city with the most well stocked stores I suppose would be a better question? Open comment sort options. Now that we know It's hard to go wrong with a full set of Masterwork Samurai armor. I have tried the other recommended mods and they just don't [Top 10] Kenshi Best Armor Shops And Why They're Great “Who you calling a runt, bone woman!” Welcome back to Kenshi. Best items I have found are blueprints. Where the land is harsh and full of terrors. com/almarsguidesFor more guides and information about each game be sure to check out my webs Kenshi is full of useful shop vendors, some of them sell weapons, some of them sell first aid kits but today we’re gonna talk about the best armor vendors in all of Kenshi. imlybjhlajsxeqpowdxfewdsrhawaqnjhkvhjkyhumhxlccsustoevvqrqjhjrieihhiaywngranngjfzbrhwft