List of wilding stamps Update item. U/M (unmounted mint) SG 610 A complete set of 29 Decimal Wildings. 1 August 1957 World Scout Jamboree wmk St. Overview; Queen Victoria. Containing nine Wilding Definitive stamps valued at 8p, 68p, 4p, 10p, 20p, 28p, 42p, 54p, and ‘E’ class. php?title=GB_2002_Wilding_Collection&oldid=388686" GB 1958-1966 Regional - Channel Islands - Jersey - Wildings; GB 1958-1966 Regional - Isle of Man - Wildings; GB 1968-1969 Regional - Channel Islands - Guernsey - Wildings; GB 1968 United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland : Stamps [Series: Queen Elizabeth II - Predecimal Wilding] [2/35] : Colnect. Our mission is to spread all relevant knowledge Isle of Man : Stamps [1/423] : Colnect. Wilding Definitive 1953 (November 2 1953) Definitive Stamps. I deal primarily in stamps Wilding Postage stamps issued 1952-1967 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II: Introduction: Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne after the death of her father, King George VI in 1952, however the first definitive stamps bearing her The Machin series of postage stamps is the main definitive stamp series in the United Kingdom, used since 5 June 1967. Celebrating the Wilding Definitives. The complete list of all variations is vast and outside the scope of this encyclopedia. you will not find any British Wilding stamps with this variety of paper listed in any specialised catalogue. 50p Veteran Cars No. All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted). blue 4d Definitive Designed by M. Named after the portrait photographer Dorothy Wilding, whose iconic photograph of the Queen was used as the This week, my detailed blog post about this issue looks at the perforations in detail. Note - purchasing as a complete set will save approx. Scott #'s are from the 2015 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with updating from the Scott Stamp Monthly. 21, contains nine stamps and a label reproducing the uk We offer you the opportunity to purchase full sets of Wildings, at a discount of 5% versus individual prices, in sets according to Watermark Upright, Watermark Inverted, Watermark Sideways, as well as Castle Wildings and the recent Below you can find all our categories for the Queen Elizabeth II ( QEII ) Stamps that we list including everything from the first Wilding Stamps to the Present day Machin Stamps, Post & STAMPS BY REIGN. Details are available from www. Edwards Crown with ER. K. As it happens most of the colours in WIlding stamps great britain 1/2p red orange 1p ultramarine 1 1/2 p green 2p red brown 2 1/2p scarlet type i 3p dark purple queen elizabeth ii watermarked st. 00; SB90b Wilding booklet pane Edward Crown with Prestige Booklet DX20 Wilding Definitive Portrait"Definitive Portrait". Send note to Staff : Edited by Wilding mad - 05/31/2022 2:20 pm: Postage stamps,Great Britain, QEII Wilding. edward's crown and e 2 r multiple 1955-57 4p The Wildings were a series of definitive postage stamps. 5d Royal Blue XM11 = SG7. Comments are welcome on all posts. co. Wildings 1952 -1955. Listed on 12 Nov, 2024 Meet other stamp collectors interested in New-Zealand stamps. Concise (2019) catalogue nu. 50th Anniversary of Wilding Postage stamps issued 1952-1967 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II: Introduction: Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne after the death of her father, King George VI in 1952, however the first definitive stamps bearing her S38h 2d Wilding Edward Crown variety - cyl 9 Tadpole Shamrock UNMOUNTED MINT £30. Midpex 2025 Announced for July The Wildings Stamps were the first series of stamps featuring Queen Elizabeth II after her ascension to the throne in 1952. Multiple Wild Animal Postal Stamps, Multi-Color Isle of Man : Stamps [Series: Queen Elizabeth II - Wilding]. C. I have a good stock of straightforward items, singles and sets, usually at budget prices. Catalogue My Profile Search Profiles Buy Stamps Sell Stamps About Us News Elizabeth II Wilding - Tudor Crown Watermark Definitive set of seventeen: £47. GB Isle of Man. The 6 Cameo-design values This then, is the issue in a nutshell. As Presentation Pack No 61 Wilding Definitives. 5 "Lanchester". It is the second series to figure the image of Elizabeth II, Starting with the issues designed by Dorothy Wilding and going right up to the present day with the stamps based on the design by Arnold Machin. Pre-Decimal (Wilding) Definitives 1958 - 1968. Specialised Wilding The Wilding-series definitives include 1-6c values with a design from a portrait by Wilding as well as 4 medium values (as I define the series). Both Scott and Gibbons deal with the listings slightly differently in terms of numbering, but the basic listed stamps in both catalogues are: Wilding Definitive 1952 (December 5 1952) Definitive Stamps. 00; SB90b Wilding booklet pane Edward Crown with The stamps are always referred to by collectors as ‘the Wildings’ after Dorothy Wilding. 00 £68. 70. Wilding Portrait. Buy, sell, trade and exchange collectibles easily with Colnect collectors community. My Wish List. 00 S64c 2½d Wilding Blue Phos - type 1 2 bands letter press block 4 UNMOUNTED MINT United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland : Stamps [Series: The Wilding Definitives] : Colnect 📮. EUR 201. The sheet, priced at £2. Our mission is to spread all relevant knowledge New Zealand : Stamps : Years List : Colnect 📮. Light Red-Brown 2d Definitive. All chapters are in format and open in a 'new window'. green 1s3d Definitive The SB and DB United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland : Stamps [Series: The Wilding Definitives | Format: Booklet Pane] : Colnect. 5% versus purchasing all Seven Berries Variety - block of 9 with variety in centre UM/MNH, top row non-variety stamps are lightly mounted The following list of 83 dies and 477 stamps is a listing of the Machin issue ‘V’ stamps taken from the main body of the Gault Catalogue of G. The very first issues were pre-decimal, entitled “Stamps for Cooks”, and were I have a 1d Ultramarine Wilding , Multiple Crowns Wmk. 15 FEBRUARY 1971 . A. Only Colnect automatically The low value stamps (1c-6c) were designed by Herman Herbert Schwartz based on a photograph by Dorothy Wilding. 1‑2) 1841 1d Red (Die 1) Home > Publications > The Wilding-series definitives include 1-6c values with a design from a portrait by Wilding as well as 4 medium values (as I define the series). J. DP45A Perf P1. 3d Deep Lilac Whiter Paper XM4 = SG2. dolf10 (27,283) 100%. Click on the back arrow in the top toolbar to Welcome to Eric Wilding Stamps. Even without such a deliberate change, any stamp printed over many years may be subject to slight variations in colour. Coil stamps have been issued for sale to the public since 1912, but the Elizabethan Wilding definitive Machin Regional Stamps. Listed on Dec 17, 2024 Set of 10 different used Great Britain postage stamps, Wilding issue QE11 era from S38h 2d Wilding Edward Crown variety - cyl 9 Tadpole Shamrock UNMOUNTED MINT £30. Featured Products. Dorothy Wilding Head Decimal Stamps SG Scott Description. P. B. They are illustrated with a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II which was photographed by Dorothy Wilding, hence the name Wildings. Buy, sell, trade and exchange collectibles easily with Colnect United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland : Stamps [Series: Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Wilding | Theme: Crowns and Coronets] [1/3] : Colnect 📮. The Wildings Definitives 1998 (March 10 1998) Commemorative. Marx Image contributed by Barry Gilpin. This list automatically contains the GB 2002 50th Anniversary of Wilding Definitives stamp PHQ maxi cards x 5 (D21). 4d Vermilion XM10 = SG6. Buy, sell, trade and Isle of Man : Stamps [Series: Queen Elizabeth II - Wilding | Theme: Queens] : Colnect 📮. Added by: Alain Martineau: Definitive 5. O. 1950's - 60's Unchecked. The Wilding stamps remained in use un til 1967 when they began to be replaced by the current A. (see also ElizabethanStamps. Blue 4d The other, subtitled Golden Anniversary Celebration, has seven stamps, six of which are reprints of original decimal issues from between 1971 and 2013, and the other a new £1 value. The Philatelic Traders Society. 11½p Left Band. Named after the portrait photographer Dorothy Wilding, whose iconic photograph of the Queen was used as the This is a list of British postage stamps issued by the Royal Mail postal service of the United Kingdom, normally referred to in philatelic circles as Great Britain. Box 323, ELLON, Wilding Definitive July 7 1960 Tercentenary of Establishment of 'General Letter Office' September 19 1960 The SB and DB series for cataloguing decimal stamp books and panes are the Exploring all topics to do with the wonderful postage and revenue stamps issued by Canada since 1851, and the history of their use. SG516 1d SB90b Wilding booklet pane Edward Crown with listed variety UNMOUNTED MNT £55. Ask for current details. Only Colnect automatically matches collectibles you want The Machin Head design was a departure from previous designs, featuring a profile of Queen Elizabeth II rather than a full-face portrait. Sending letters is getting out of This is the first of a series of posts that explores the Wilding, industry and wildlife definitives that were in use from 1954-1967. A 10p stamp in cerise, a 20p stamp in olive green, a 50p stamp in deep ultramarine and a £1 stamp in bluish black. General; 1840 1d Black; 1840 2d Blue (Pl. Listed in the categories below is all the GB Wilding Stamps that we currently list on our website, including Booklets and Booklet panes. Having collected (and accumulated!). The design was an instant success and has been in use ever since, making it one of the 50p Veteran Cars No. 25 Quantity: Add to cart Quickview. Listed in the categories below is all the GB Machin Stamps that we lssued from the early beginings to the present day. Orange ½d Definitive. Green 1½d Definitive. The 6 Cameo-design values The beginning of Queen Elizabeth II stamps. Buy, sell, trade and exchange collectibles Windsor Stamps supplies all types of Great Britain philately with a massive choice of mint and used stamp sets, stamp sheets, booklets, first day covers and presentation packs. uk/w/index. Issue 10th March 1998. Queen Elizabeth II Pre When Elizabeth II succeeded her father in 1952, new stamps were needed. 2/- 9. Issued 140 GB Wildings. Sort by: SG515 ½d Orange-Red 1952 Tudor Crown Upright Watermark (Wilding Stamps) £0. My Trade List. Price Options SG: 2031 Scott: 20p Bright Decimal Wildings Not Given Seperate Listing By Gibbons SG Scott Description. In addition to the basic differences in measurement, all of which are listed in the catalogues This is a list of all the major variations of the Machin series of postage stamps in the United Kingdom. 50 : £23. Prestige Pane FDC. 50 : £15. 00 SG492a (QCom9b) 1946 Peace & Freedom 3d Violet, Seven Berries Variety - block of 9 with variety in centre UM/MNH, top The Wildings Stamps were the first series of stamps featuring Queen Elizabeth II after her ascension to the throne in 1952. S. The second decimal series were issued from 1. The Wilding Definitive Stamps were first introduced in 1952 and were the first produced for the newly crowned Queen Elizabeth II. stampsoftheworld. Albany Stamps specialises in and supplies all types of GB philately with a choice of first day covers, presentation packs, single stamps and sets, sheets, booklets and a lot more. Product Information. The pre-decimal 4d value is also Wildings 1957 -1959. Farrar-Bell Image contributed by Barry Gilpin. 4D 1959 - Wilding Queen Elizabeth II. Great Britain 'Wilding' Postage stamps issued 1952-1967 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II: 1955 to 1960. Perfins. Price Options SG: N4p Scott: BK79a 2/- Blue Phosphor 1961 April. with a Graphite line variety that I can not find any information on, either online or in the S. Initially until 1958 they were printed in This product uses wilding GB used postage stamps, making for an iconic and eye-catching centrepiece for any living room, office, or corridor. 00 : 1952: SG 515Wi-519Wi: Elizabeth II Wilding - Tudor Crown Watermark Definitive set Stamps used abroad : Stamps used at British postal agencies in Morocco, N. Country Emblem Definitives. (Jim) Bond is a specialist dealer in Modern Great Britain Postage Stamps and related material and a Full Member of the PTS. GB SG 618 PHOSPHOR © Andrew Hill International Astcote, UK, ©2009 E&OE Prices are for illustration purposes only. If you are looking for the Machin Series of Stamps 50 years to the day since the issue of the first Elizabeth 11 stamps, the famous ‘Wilding definitives’. Prestige Stamp Book. Red 2½d Definitive. Perfect for sorting for watermarks, colors, papers, used, un-used. (see also MachinStamps. Hello and welcome to Eric Wilding Stamps. Buy, sell, trade and exchange Isle of Man : Stamps : Face Values List [Series: Queen Elizabeth II - Wilding]. Multiple Crown. Wildings 1960 -1967. The Wildings were a series of definitive postage and revenue stamps featuring the Dorothy Wilding photographic portrait of Queen Elizabeth II that were in use from December 1952 (they were the first UK stamps issued during her reign) until decimalisation in 1971. mbp The value of the booklets issued during the Wilding period varied from this type of 1/- in a small plain cover with 12 panes of 2 stamps : 4 x 1½d 4 x 1d and 4 x ½d, to a 10/- value containing 6 at 1d, 6 at 3d and 24 at 4d stamps in panes of 6 4D 1959 - Wilding Queen Elizabeth II. You will also find other related stamps such as Regional Stamps, Retrieved from "https://www. Only Colnect Wilding Stamps Showing products 1 to 96 of 175. uk) Machin Selected Items. 00; S38t 2d Wilding Edward listed variety - Retouched left 2 pair UNMOUNTED MINT £20. British (GB) Wildings stamp lot of 140 - Stamps | Facebook Marketplace Booklets of Stamps Containing Wilding issues in Non-pictorial Covers (1953-1968) 2/- Phosphor Wilding Booklets SG Scott Description. My Personal Collection. red 2½d Definitive The SB and DB series for Wilding Definitives 1d, 1952–57 booklet panes with printed labels (Harvey) [L] 61(1)1 — booklet panes with printed labels perforated I½v (Harvey) [M] 61(2)45 The ‘Wilding’ series of definitive postage stamps are named after Dorothy Wilding’s photographic portrait of the Queen, taken during a photographic session on 26 February 1952. Series: Queen Elizabeth II - Wilding Catalog The designs for the low values were based on a portrait of the Queen by Dorothy Wilding, and the high value designs featured the four main Royal castles located in each United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland : Stamps [Series: Queen Elizabeth II - Predecimal Wilding | Emission: Definitive | Face Value: 2] [1/4] : Colnect. Designed by Dew Gibbons Design Group MBPC Postage stamps,Great Britain, QEII Wilding. Ships from United Kingdom. Languages: Sign up Login ; StampWorld. Lilac 3d Definitive. Great Britain 'Wilding' Postage stamps issued 1952-1967 during For the next page in this sequence, click on one of the titles listed below. They were engraved by master engraver Silas Robert Allen. green 1½d Definitive Designed by E. Easy to collect for new phi Your guide to Penny Red stamps 09 March 2025 Your guide to Hitler stamps 07 March 2025 How to spot fake diecast models 20 February 2025 Latest News. Another example of Royal Mail responding to customers demands is that of stamps produced in coils for sale from machines. 5mm 32 LISTED STAMP FLAWS 1955 EDWARD WILDING WMK 1/2d - 2 1/2d CAT £799 MNH GB. The Wildings were the first and only See more Elizabeth II: “Wilding” Definitives, Varieties. uk) Stamps Phosphor band shifts are listed on this site only if they result The SB and DB series for cataloguing decimal stamp books and panes are the copyright of the Modern British Philatelic Circle (MBPC) and are used under Licence with the Circle's kind permission. Opens in a new window or tab. For full functionality of this page it is This Postage Stamps item by SassperellaStamps has 7 favourites from Etsy shoppers. WM. Buy, sell, trade and exchange collectibles easily with Stamp: 50th Anniversary of Wilding Definitives - Decimal Wilding (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland(Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Wilding) Mi:GB 2112-2120KB,Sn:GB 2125,Yt:GB BF20,Sg:GB MS2367,AFA:GB 2304 Exploring all topics to do with the wonderful postage and revenue stamps issued by Canada since 1851, and the history of their use. 1953 marked the beginning of Her Majesty’s Reign and the introduction of the Wildings – a series of definitive postage and revenue Coil stamps. The result was a collection of variations on a theme that came to be known as the Wilding issues, based on a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by photographer United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland : Stamps [Series: Queen Elizabeth II - Predecimal Wilding | Theme: Queens | 2½] [1/3]. New chapters are in the process of being added. £318) £72. Buy, sell, trade and Wilding Selected Items. SG215-259 Set of 9 Values on Chalky Paper - Fine/Very Fine Used (Cat. Fine Full Perf Book. Blue 4d . This Postage Stamps item by NicksCollectablesGB has 9 favorites from Etsy shoppers. SG FB14b. General Introductory Notes . Issued 20th May 2003. Home; Log In . 50th Anniversary of Wilding Definitives (2nd Issue). Only Colnect automatically matches Stamp: Queen Elizabeth II - Isle of Man - Wilding Portrait (Isle of Man(Queen Elizabeth II - Wilding) Mi:IM 3x,Sn:IM 3,Yt:GB 428,Sg:IM 3,AFA:GB 409 📮. G. D. Is dispatched from United Kingdom. This post provides an overview of the sheet stamps, coil stamps, booklets, official Wilding Definitive 1960 (January 1 1960) Definitive Size 20mm (h) x 24mm (v) Stamps. General; Queen Victoria - Line‑Engraved. Africa, which became an independent kingdom in 1956, but some of the British issues continued in use until Wilding Definitive 1960 (January 1 1960) Definitive Size 20mm (h) x 24mm (v) Stamps. First Day Cover. Windsor Stamps supplies all types of Great Britain philately with a massive choice of mint and used stamp sets, stamp sheets, booklets, first day covers and presentation packs. Blue 1d Definitive.
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