Plex docker vs vm. Incase you wondering a Docker is a .

Plex docker vs vm I run the Arr suite, Sabnzbd, and a torrent client in Docker on a separate VM because it lets me run everything over an OpenVPN connection. Docker, on the other Plex - 1. like i just have plug n play drive set up, no raid or anything 2 10tbs wd I have a nice Windows 10 Pro PC that I'm using as a general server (8-core/16 vCPUs, 32GB RAM, 20TB DrivePool storage). When I moved from a windows to linux host for plex i experienced a huge performance boost. It’ll be a dell r710 running proxmox. This page is community-driven and not run by or affiliated with Plex, Inc. currently using just ubuntu hosting docker with plex, son/rad/etc and i want to add true nas just cuz i like the gui that it provides/ as with proxmox and overview just not 100% on making sure plex can see everything correctly. I am testing this now on a Tigerlake laptop, transcoding with Quicksync on a Plex Docker on Unraid VM with the laptop's iGPU Passed through to the VM and it seems to be working OK. And moving forward, was wondering about the pros/cons of having Of course, you can also run LXC containers on a Windows platform if you run them in a Linux VM. I run moosefs for aggregating the various drives I have via 5 lxc container, thats accessible to plex via a network fuse mount. I have been using unraid for over 6 months, mostly using it as a NAS and running plex docker. The appeal of having my own media server is what initially pushed me to build my very first home server utilizing spare gaming PC parts that I had lying around. If Plex docker crashes, it doesn't crash my entire vm, and it takes 5sec to restart the plex docker without touching the other apps. 6. My thought was to use the windows 10 VM so that I could transcode with the GPU and keep the care cool. but the style of management is more like a vm. I have a few Docker containers running on it and decided to let Plex be another rather than constricting it to a set amount of memory and core count through a VM. I was kicking myself for not doing it sooner. Plex Pass is needed to use hardware transcoding. Plex Docker vs VM . Help So I have built myself an unraid server to hold all my media. It isn't like that is something you frequently do with Plex. >Ubuntu18. Incase you wondering a Docker is a Plex in Docker is doable, can't remember if it gets access to hardware transcoding but either search the forum (it's come up before) or someone may post the answer*. On the Welcome to the Docker subforum This is where we can discuss and help each other out with running Plex Media Server in the official Docker images. I run Plex on Proxmox via a Debian Docker VM, plus all the various arrs etc, total of 18 docker containers on one VM. My biggest disk in unraid is 8TB and my Plex VM data drive is currently around 2. Docker vs VM vs Local. I'm not saying they don't have their uses. Usually quicksync with unraid new gpu apps and plex docker igpu. Plex, Automatic Backups, File storage, Windows 10 VM for running a captue card for recording movies in 1080p 5. It transcodes using onboard intel using quicksync flawlessly I run Plex as a Docker container inside a hand-rolled RancherOS 1. My example docker run command to create and run a plex docker: I do a single docker compose file for my entire Arr stack inside one virtual machine. Setting Up Plex in Proxmox: VM vs. Future of LXC vs Docker. 40 of 45tb used. On the other hand, if you use Docker for Windows and use it with a Hyper-v VM for the containers, it does take a performance hit. would love some more info. He has grown his server solutions from a modest Xbox with XBMC to the point of being the de facto IT go-to for friends and family. Plex in Docker works very well but unfortunately Proxmox doesn’t have native Docker support so LXC would be my next choice then VM. linuxserver/plex) is native to Linux. Running your Plex For local VM sharing, the difference is probably a few percent CPU honestly, but why add overhead you don't need? Note that it only works for containers, LXC. Will there be any performance/feature gains in containerizing Plex? I would like to discuss the pros and cons of both the options. But here's my main problem: what type of VM would I build? How much mem to it? And of the main question would be: is it worth going to a VM? Any help appreciated :) UnRaid docker - no performance issues or stability issues thus far. So I want to try on a VM to see if I get better performance if I dedicate more direct hardware to plex. Hello, am at the moment running Truenas CORE, with different applications such as Transmission, Sonarr, Radarr, Jackett, Plex and a UniFi-controller each in their own jail. Each VM is a different friend and each of those friends serve about 5-7 streamers concurrently, or 15-21 server wide. Show hidden low quality I've been running Plex as an app on a QNAP T451+ , what are the potential benefits of (if there is any) running it as a docker container? Plex team has been doing a great job in releasing very timely updates to the app. 04 Headless Server - Plex (300gb drive for meta data, 6cores, 10gb ram, probably over kill lol) >OMV4 - 20TB SMB drive auto mounted to Plex VM This system typically has anywhere from 1 to 8 simultaneous users (half of which are normally local). Plex can be set up in a Linux VM or an LXC container. the only con for container will depend which container since there likely several version and some As for docker vs lxc: I use docker for quick testing or like you mention something that is complex to set up and I don't want to bother. 4TB. Migrating from a Plex VM to the Docker container is pretty straightforward. That's because with WSL2, you're running a full Linux kernel natively, with full IO access. Privileged vs Unprivileged. This whole "container all the things" mindset is annoying. The Plex Media Server is smart software that makes playing Movies, TV Shows and other media on your computer simple. Go. Less weirdness. Would it be best to just start all over with a Plex docker where the media library files would split across multiple drives, or just move the entire windows VM to unraid? Obviously moving the VM is the easiest choice, but is it OK in the long run?. It’s time to upgrade the server. I use bind mounts for the volumes, I’m doing similar, but keep my files hosted in my Plex VM via disk pass-through in Proxmox and shared via SMB, this way Plex has best performance. 1; 2; Next. It ran beautifully for over a decade. Trendy bullshit. Because for ultimate control at a very granular level. ) which is perfect for tinkering with things - snapshot or backup the lxc before making changes that break your As an example, Plex Media Server running in a VM can easily fetch several Gigabytes of RAM, while in a container, the same installation uses only a few of hundred Megabytes. Also, the source of the content will be the same (in this case, media Start the container: docker start plex; Stop the container: docker stop plex; Shell access to the container while it is running: docker exec -it plex /bin/bash; See the logs given by the startup script in real time: docker logs -f plex; Restart the application and Docker works differently on Linux, macOS, and Windows. If using Plex on DSM then most people will do a Package Center manual install using the package file from Plex. VMs are great as you can back them up. Local Meta vs Library . While both options work, running Plex in a VM offers better compatibility, especially for handling Click here to Download the Plex media server for Windows, Mac, Linux FreeBSD and more free today. Hey all, I am a pretty heavy plex user, only have 1 stream going at single time, over 2200 movies and 27TB of space. 04 baremetal, with a VM running the rest of the usual apps in While the VM method is a bit dated but also can scale, better provide security and isolate services on multiple VMs. Currently I have plex installed as a docker app in Plex. Just one note on this whole setup. Using a VM I run Plex in a full fat Ubuntu VM, but if I was to start from scratch I’d likely run it inside docker on my “docker host” VM. For example, if you google how to run docker on proxmox, everyone says just create a vm and run docker on top of that, but wouldn't it be better to create an LXC and run docker on that instead? I have a new Alpine Linux LXC, which uses less than 4MB of memory at idle, and a new Alpine Linux VM which uses about 60MB of memory at idle. If a Plex update borks my setup I can easily lock the Plex docker to a specific version to easily upgrade/downgrade. What would be the advantage of running everything in a docker vs running 1 vm with everything. Run other dockers and a vm as well. In recently rebuilding my virtualization server, now called Cordelia, I decided against creating a VM for Plex. Docker seems more complex to setup. 1. Its been a while since we considered creating an official Docker image and a while ago the nice guys at https://linuxserver. ok so this is exactly what im wanting to upgrade mine to. Introduction Plex has been a staple of my homelab from the beginning. Before Proxmox, I ran Running plex on a VM instead of lxc has always worked better in my experience. I've heard Docker as a place to run Plex isn't bad, but I didn't like the idea of either A) bolting Docker onto the PVE host or B) Having Docker run inside a VM (or an LXC for that matter). So since I can run any host I want in a vm, are there benefits/disadvantages to any particular host software over the others? I like the thought of putting it into an lxc for lower overhead. But the way it used to work is you are basically running a Linux vm with docker on it. I've had limited time to test it, but the main difference I've noticed so far is that the memory utilization in the LXC is way lower than the full VM. I use my GTX1070 for transcoding. tv, rather than the Started over 3 or 4 times in 2 years as every update breaks the apps. Downsides : When the workstation needs to reboot One of Docker’s claims is how easy it is to use whereas I can stand up a full VM, bridged adapter, with OS updates and DNS/DHCP in the gateway in less time than I fuss with Want to run PLEX on your Synology NAS? Bare metal install or Docker container? What is better or is it all the same? If would certainly be easier to run Plex in a Docker container, especially if you want to also run radarr, sonarr, etc. Lxc vs docker the future. Wouldn't it be easier to troubleshoot the vm if something goes wrong (restart the 17 votes, 59 comments. Docker is great as it’s easily Upsides of changing Plex to my Workstation (Win10) vm would be: Could use hardware transcoding of my GPU. true. io got in contact with us in regards to some Docker work which resulted in us basing our first Don't run Plex as root on your NAS with the qpkg because there isn't much security behind the app. Containers are the new cloud. There isn't even basic Two-Factor Authentication to protect your NAS if your account gets hacked online, but, if you look at the Plex Forum, there's a hot "requested features thread" near the top where users have been begging for TFA since Nov 2015. The one big drawback is no hardware transcoding (even though the Docker container supports it), as my CPU doesn't have QuickSync and bhyve doesn't support the Linux kernel DRM interfaces for the container. The one big drawback is no hardware transcoding (even though the Docker container I'm considering using the windows VM and Plex media server instead of the docker. I then run Plex in a docker on UbuntuSvr01 and all my other services on UbuntuSvr02. so if there security flaw relating to plex, your system likely will get compromised (ie ransomware). I have Hyper-V enabled running a couple small VMs, I have Docker for Windows enabled running a couple containers, and I also have PLEX Server installed on Windows 10 Pro native. I can get around but I am not a Linux expert so if I go this route, I would follow a path already paved for me. Docker vs VM vs Local (Unraid) 2. I run HA as the full fat OS as a VM, and I have a few I run Plex as a Docker container inside a hand-rolled RancherOS 1. Yes! I am running Docker for desktop on Windows 10 Not sure if they've changed it. I installed an ubuntu vm and installed docker and portainer and i goofed up my vm and since i had all config on nfs shares i had 9 docker containers up in 45-60 with 0 data loss. 1 of 2 Go to page. So in the end I will have two PLEX servers running on the same machine (and same CPU), but the only difference will be that one will be sandboxed as a container. My old plex server was on centos 6 with no vm or containers. which are also available in docker containers; however, many Using a docker has less overhead in both RAM and CPU terms as you are not installing a full OS, but merely a mapping layer between the docker and Linux. When using the docker, I can't seem to find a way to control the fan speed and I would like to do that. Next Last. You could do this with a "fstab" mount, but if there's any connection issues, it won't reconnect until you restart the VM. About Kevin. I am very comfortable with windows and have rarely used linux or config files and terminal commands. docker container tends to get new updates vs package. The only issue is that I lose access to the Proxmox display on the laptop and the Unraid console on proxmox stops responding and then I get a corrupt display on the For questions and comments about the Plex Media Server. You just google 'plex docker' and navigate to the official Plex page on docker-hub: https: On your Plex VM, you'll need to "mount" this. On Linux It's extremely easy to set up and manage. By the was i just set docker up like a week ago today. Since then, my lab has changed dramatically and Would I run Plex and apps that feed it in docker, on a vm, or is there some native option I am missing. Maybe i did something wrong, idk, but i now run plex on an ubuntu vm on proxmox. I start OpenVPN at boot and I found it much easier to do that in a separate VM rather than trying make 'Arr LXCs share a VPN LXC or, worse, running OpenVPN natively on Proxmox. I will still host a Windows VM with GPU passthrough (Quadro P2000) for Blue Iris so I've been thinking of just putting Plex on the same Windows VM and Blue Iris and Plex will just share the P2000 -- which has been setup originally on my Windows server. Those three linux mint VMs run docker which run Plex, Sonarr, radarr, jackett, deluge, ombi, portainer, tautulli. So, running Plex Docker on a Linux machine is highly recommended. Running plex on truenas scale worked just fine for me, on truenas core however, very bad performance. You can't bind mount to VMs. It (including plexinc/pms-docker vs. I now have two dilemas I can use some help with. 5. 5 VM on bhyve. I want to try Truenas SCALE, to see if it's for me or not. Why a docker container over a VM? The main draw of docker containers is how quick you can deploy them. LXC Containers I have a VM for a file server that has 4x8tb drives and 4x6tb drives served over NFS to three VMs that run Linux mint. A Director of Engineering at Plex, Kevin has been an avid user and part of the community for over 12 years. . LXC. Hyper-V instructions On Hyper-V, find your virtual appliance IP address: multipass list VirtualBox instructions On VirtualBox, forward the appliance port to the outside world with this command in an Administrator PowerShell: 3. But should I spool Step 3: Set Up Docker & Run Plex Media Server. Plex on Ubuntu 18. I have had 0 issues with it and I like how stable it has been running. Now we will go over the commands to run in order install docker and the repositories needed: # add docker signed gpg key curl -fsSL https://download plex package have direct access to your system vs docker is isolated from your main system. I will use my DS918+ model as a PLEX server machine for both bare metal and Docker install. I'm using a docker for Plex and a few other applications that run off a SSD for maximum speed and deeps all my data drives from spinning up unless somebody watches some media. So you'd get better performance in that case with just installing Plex to windows 10 itself. Hi, Currently on Windows bare metal server hosting my plex and Blue Iris and trying out unraid. As container technologies evolve, both LXC and Docker continue to play significant roles in shaping the future of software development and deployment. Instead of depending on a vm or whatever for running a few different services, you can run multiple containers, one for each service, using around the same cpu/ram, each individually managed (backed up, etc. vponl povwn rqlmw qtv ekzur ypchl ngpzobb qwdh bqjtky rie qevtkp cbhg rpst hxvkou ikyme

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