Super fish module drupal 8 Install Works with Drupal: ^8 || ^9 || ^10. yml file is as follows: • name: Hello defines the name of the module as it appears on the module page. Click Manage Display → Manage Layout. It added Superfish module and library. x branch for Drupal 8 & 9 :) - thinkshout/Superfish-for-Drupal-HSUS This is driving me mad! I developed a few sites in Drupal 7 and installed the superfish menus and libraries. Needs work. - drupalprojects/superfish Modules Superfish Dropdown Menu Releases. Use Drupa 8 /libraries instead of Drupal 7 /sites/all/libraries. Component: Miscellaneous. Closed (duplicate) Hello @all, Before I switched to 1. Download & Extend. Is it possible, if so how to set, keyboard accessibilty for keys "arrow", "enter", "esc" ? I think behavior according to the W3C-ARIA standard. ' package: Awesome modules version: 1. Provide reasonable support for other dynamic/responsive menus such as Superfish module [#2720475] | Drupal. The Superfish Drupal module and its special menus. Install Works with Drupal: ^8 || ^9. Check the "status report" for more information. . 6. I also see that - in the "smallscreen" case - the "normal" (non-accordion) horizontal menu is shown for a second or so before the Accordion-style menu finally gets displayed. 11. README states: "Go to Administation > Structure > Block layout > select a Place block button to add a Superfish block to a region. # Example. Closed (works as designed) Project: Superfish. Ils permettent d’augmenter les fonctionnalités et les possibilités offertes par le CMS sans avoir à les (re)développer entièrement. After upgrading to the latest superfish beta2 release The height of the menu bar and the line-height of menu items needs adjustment. Superfish could be the standard for Drupal themes instead of everyone independently implementing suckerfish. View the Installation sectionon the project p This module implements the jQuery plugin called "Superfish" on Drupal menus. Before we get to the “tutorial-like” part of this blog post (and the very reason you've started reading it), let's see what are the current options at hand for building mega menus in our Drupal 8 projects: the we_megamenu; custom blocks; custom code for each Drupal 8 project; the Superfish module; And a few more Hi, I'm using the superfish module and I have noticed a conflict between acquia marina and it after update to 6. At DrupalCon Global from Jul 14-17 our featured speakers are tackling this issue head-on. I've manually removed the superfish module folder because since it wasn't enabled, Drupal wouldn't uninstall it. Sign in Product There is a option in superfish module where you can set arrow for parent menus. Superfish supports Drupal 8 and higher versions. js -- The jQuery hoverIntent plug-in 1. The only thing I did was to install Superfish module and then this broke the main menu theme style by making it vertical. If there is no Menu block inside the new region, the Corporate Clean will have the current behaviour with CSS If I understand correctly, Fusion will be moving to using the Superfish module under Drupal 7. Modules Void Menu Issues. If you don't use the module you can do this when you call Superfish with drupal_add_js (or in your init. It provides Drupal users the ability to add touch-enabled, mobile-friendly, keyboard-accessible, drop-down Superfish module integrates the jQuery Superfish menu plugin into Drupal, allowing users to create touch-enabled and mobile-friendly dropdown menus with ease. module). so path will be to problem with the superfish library not being found when I used the Drupal administration interface to update the superfish module from 8. I then uninstalled Superfish and emptied the cache but now I can't get the main menu to appear horizontally anymore as it should in the nav region. I got a fine horizontal menu. Is there any way I can change the menu in Superfish module in specific pages? What I know so far is that Superfish uses the "Main Navigation" in the admin structures by default. 9-beta2. With a few configuration options, you can control how it’ll behavior on mobile, turn multi-column menus, change the styling and more. - jquery. CSS adjustments needed for latest beta2 release of description: 'My first Drupal 8 module. The module uses the JavaScript Superfish library to create and display a Superfish menu block for each menu available on your site. I was trying to figure out the Superfish menu touchscreen controls, then gave up and set back to none. Install Works with Drupal: ^9 || ^10 || ^11 Downloads are for manual installation, which is not recommended when using Drupal 8 or later. And like Drupal, DDEV depends on the support of the open source community. Problem/Motivation The definition of superfish libraries in superfish. If you don’t want to use Composer then you’ll need to manually download the library and extract it into the libraries directory in your Drupal site. Step 1: Enable "multi-column sub-menus" in your block settings. Hi, I've set id and class on menu-items using Menu attributes module, and it seems like Superfish overwrites any attributes set by this module. 1 and a Superfish 8. gz tar. " when i click "check status" Creating multi-columns sub-menus (a. Uninstall superfish module. Mirror of http://drupal. It worked great for 3 months until this little bug that appeared. 8) but not the last version of the Superfish library. Hello Drupal 8 World! Chapter 4 Creating Modules for drupal 8 49 The purpose of each line in the hello. I have set it all up and got it working so that the menu appears with links to internal pages of the website, but a couple of links in the menu are fairly long and wondered if it's possible to drop a word beneath another within the same box Home Module project Superfish Releases. Im new to drupal and ftp all in one fail swoop and im crashing. , there is no SELECT statement at all in MY superfish. 0 core: '8. The problem is that superfish menus of superfish module don't show 2nd level items (drop-down doesn't appear). I created a superfish module to add superfish to old themes and and replace suckerfish in new themes. This was not the case with previous version 1. The libraries module is installed and enabled. Will upload a patch to do that Thanks Superfish Issues. 3+3-dev (2019-avr-07) Hi Jeff, I'm using Drupal 6. The Superfish module makes use of the jQuery Superfish menu plugin, which is useful for multi-level drop-down menus. 02 KB. 8 but I actually am using v1. Please move it into core. I can see them unformatted only at the moment, because the module can't find the library-files. If you want to learn more Drupal, join OSTraining now. - Removed Superfish module settings page. 1. However, this will fail in situations where the module is installed via drush because by default drush installs D8 contrib modules in /modules/contrib folder resulting in The Superfish module allows you to create multi-level dropdown menus in Drupal 8. Modules Superfish Dropdown Menu Releases. Toggle navigation. I then set the menu type to Vertical and everything worked perfectly. The module uses the JavaScript Superfish library to create and display a Superfish menu block for each Using the Superfish Drupal module, which integrates the jQuery Superfish menu plugin, you can create interactive multi-level menus with exceptional usability features. I am having difficulties getting the module enabled because it doesn't seem to find the superfish library, which I installed in an sites/all/libraries/superfish folder. 0. Choose a theme with dropdowns check out "Dropdown Menus in Drupal 8 With the Superfish Module". The Superfish Module: How to Build Interactive Drop-Down Menus in Drupal 8 That post focused on Drupal 7, but some things have changed in Drupal 8. 9. Martin Hi, In Drupal 8 /libraries /modules and /themes are used instead of the Drupal 7 sites/all/libraries sites/all/modules and sites/all/themes. 0-rc2 We should create a new region which will be able to host the Superfish Menu block with the appropriate style or any other Menu block. However, with the normal meu module, everything is expanded, and I do not know how to make it collapsible. using Superfish module is pretty easy. It provides Drupal users the ability to add touch-enabled, mobile-friendly, keyboard-accessible, drop-down menus with very little effort. module, and it also is MUCH smaller. None of this working for me. Every worked fine with version 1. Learn more. On the basic settings is possible move between menu items and submenus by TAB key. 3) looks very different, eg. 3-beta. a mega-menus) using Superfish module is pretty easy. I'm the co-maintainer of the Menu MiniPanels module. x - 1. If you reload the page (or any of the pages in the demo link) it inadvertently shows the desktop menu for a few seconds before showing the correct mobile accordion A jquery superfish module for drupal. kursija: Warning: Too few arguments in Drupal\superfish\Plugin\BlockSuperfishBlock. As part of our testing we've discovered that everything is working nicely, our mini-panels are being shown inside superfish menus, ajax reloading of views inside mini-panels works great. I attempted to use the totally undocumented tabbingmanager and it's useless. I reinstalled superfish, and it installed with no In Drupal 7 compatibility was excellent and it worked even with Superfish module. 1 I think if the issues are minor we can try to support these other modules, even though AT has a very powerful set of responsive menu styles built in. yml uses relative folder names assuming that the superfish module will always be installed in /modules folder. Step 2: The structure of the sub-menu has to be slightly altered. The Superfish Module: How to Build Interactive Drop-Down Menus in Drupal 8 However, I see that MY superfish module (version 8. css as the style for the menu. x-2. Support & Contributions If you’d like to contribute, First of all. 8 release - the problem was my path to the superfish js files. Don't work with custom theme and Superfish module. Any idea how to fix that? I think it is mostly a matter of generating CSS file with proper classes. php. js). Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies. I would like to switch to using Superfish 1. What is this module? This module implements the jQuery plugin called Superfish [1] on Drupal menus. Drupal 8 version however does not have such a features. Download superfish-8. Created by: ivnish This module implements the jQuery plugin called "Superfish" on Drupal menus. Click Configure and choose "Auto Link" from the Field Formatter list (likely set to "Plain Text" by default). ipwa ipwa. Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies Downloads are for manual installation, which is not recommended when using Drupal 8 or later. Confirm your Drupal core is up to date for security and compatibility reasons. 0+" is a deprecated SPDX license identifier Issue #3069598 by If you use the Drupal Superfish module, configure your Superfish block and set the 'Style' to none, and make sure drop-shadow is ticked off. : 7. x-1. Contribute to LubomirKurpel/Drupal-8-Superfish-Simple-Menu-Icons-Connector development by creating an account on GitHub. Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies which is not recommended when using Drupal 8 or later. 6 vertical menu type. 5. Adds Aria attributes and toggled states onto menu elements. I hadn't saved the files as per point 1 in the instructions on the documentation page. Follow answered Dec 11, 2011 at 7:09. 7 in Drupal 9. - Tweaked jQuery Easing settings. I need to use superfish in my site built upon Drupal 7, I installed libraries and superfish modules and enabled them. 2, Superfish module 1. Let’s see how it works on Drupal 8’s example. Migration Resource Center. x-1 versions it worked fine. Superfish module support (dropdown menus) I tried uninstalling the superfish module and reinstalled and I got the following notices: Notice: Undefined variable: blocks i superfish_block_info() (rad 50 av D:\Development\www\bellarosa\modules\superfish\superfish. Priority Actually I am using the latest version of the Drupal Superfish module (1. Additional Requirements None. You’ll get access to a vast library of Drupal training videos, plus the best-selling”Drupal 8 Explained” book! Issue #2882728 by kunal. In Drupal 8 I have followed the exact same procedure, but all I get Let’s see how it works on Drupal 8’s example. 0 because I took it from a template and the behavior was a little bit different so I kept what my client had seen. Hours wasted. Steve is the founder of OSTraining. com/watch?v=n5jTZVT Hello, I have installed module Superfish, which should know "keyboard accessibilty". 4. Read more Superfish is an attractive jquery drop-down menu system that builds on top of UL and LI tags -- the same structure that Drupal uses to output its menus. The problem is that Drupal styles all of its menus exactly the same way, so, while it's easy enough through a theme function to change the class of every menu on the screen at once, it's a bit harder to change the class of only one of If you want to build a large, multi-level drop-down menu in Drupal 8, then the Superfish module is a great choice. Release notes #3376771: Error: Class Unicode not found in superfish_library_path() line 232 Let’s see how it works on Drupal 8’s example. - Fixed active-trail inconsistency. 7. The Superfish module makes use of the jQuery Superfish menu plugin, which is useful for multi-level drop-down The Superfish module allows you to create multi-level dropdown menus in Drupal 8. Drupal Core; Distributions; Modules; Themes; General projects; Granada Issues The Superfish module allows you to create multi-level dropdown menus in Drupal 8. There should be an icon in front of parent links. Alternative installation files. MD5 Home Module project Superfish Releases. " There are no Superfish blocks. -- It was developed as a part of the Drupal Superfish module. DDEV is the official local development tool of Drupal. Les modules sont une composante essentielle de Drupal. I had the white. It's true that the menu you've just virtually created still needs a bit of tweaking, you still need to add Learn how to create a mega menu using Superfish module. Then go to blocks and assigned superfish 1 block to superfish_menu region then configure the block to assigned Superfish (and all Drupal menu modules for that matter) display all menu items in a menu, regardless if they are for a different language than the active one. Release notes #3508556: Disabled menu items displayed. I have a drupal Drupal core 8. Drupal user guide; Training; Drupal Slack; Still on Drupal 7? Security support for Drupal 7 ended on 5 January 2025. Ils doivent donc être placés au cœur de votre stratégie. Support for Drupal 7 is ending on 5 January 2025—it’s time to migrate to Drupal 10! Learn about the many benefits of Drupal 10 and find migration tools in our resource center. 3,784 1 1 Modules; Themes; Distributions; Issue queues; Get Support. 8 and now im getting this: "One or more problems were detected with your Drupal installation. When i set nolink for a menu item this will be removed. Can I create a cust Drupal: Need help with superfish module on Bartik themeHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www. gz 36. Enabled module with Drush. It There's an easy way to build large, feature-rich drop-down menus in Drupal 8, and I'm talking about menus with a "splash" of jQuery "magic" added to, as well: the Superfish module! So, why should you trim down your expectations when If you want to build a large, multi-level drop-down menu in Drupal 8, then the Superfish module is a great choice. Finally used drupal_tweaks to uninstall/reinstall then disable/enable libraries, then the same process with Superfish. I am trying to load Superfish Through my "add modules" i added Libraries 7. libraries. Join us at DrupalCon Singapore from 9-11 December 2024, for three exciting days of Drupal content, training, contributions, networking, and the inaugural DrupalCon Splash Awards! Modules Superfish Issues. I then used Composer It uses the Superfish Module Version: 8. After updating it looks as in attached screenshots. Improve this answer. I had all the issues listed above uninstalled and reinstalled all parts and pieces in various order at least 5 times. On the module's page it is written to use v1. 8. tar. - drupalprojects/superfish This is why you should and how you can build a multi-level, interactive menu in Drupal 8 leveraging the Superfish module's superpowers. youtube. However on mobile / The Superfish module allows you to create multi-level dropdown menus in Drupal 8. Also, I have added a new region named "superfish_menu" into mytheme. Here is the Scheduler documentation on gitlab pages. minified. Read more about superfish 8. hoverIntent. It provides Drupal users the ability to It’s recommended that you install the module using Composer. Please use the 2. Composer composer require drupal/superfish Module Superfish Now is the time to change the history of diversity and inclusion in open source. Obviously the problem comes from acquia marina also using superfish javascript How to Create Dropdown Menus in Drupal 9 with the Superfish Module-----ES6 for Beginners - Modern JavaScript in Hindi https://www. Contribute to billbostick/superfish development by creating an account on GitHub. Learn how to support DDEV. Step 2: The structure of Superfish module About ----- This module allows for integration of jQuery Superfish plug-in with Drupal CMS. I have tried Home Module project Superfish Releases. I don't have this gap on Bluemarine theme. The Superfish module allows you to create multi-level dropdown menus in Drupal 8. In the old, 6. 1 with the 1. patreon. In Drupal 10, the Olivero default theme will be replacing Bartik. Find and fix vulnerabilities With Drupal 10 expected to launch on 14 December, we're highlighting the key features that you'll want to know about. 8-alpha version of Superfish. I then enabled the superfish menu and set my main navigation in one of the superfish blocks. 8 in Drupal 6, to take advantage of the Superfish megamenu (multi-column) feature. Select the block containing the plain text field. Drupal 8 tutorials in Urdu, Hindi | Drupal 9 tutorials in Urdu, HindiHow to create dropdown menus using superfish module in Drupal 8 | Drupal 9 Urdu/Hindi | SuperFish module lets you create blocks with menus, but i18n language switcher block is not recognized as a menu, thus not being "superfisheable" I guess the solution is registering the language switcher provided by i18n module in the Drupal Menus? Any ohter way to apply the SuperFish jQuery plugin to the Language Switcher? Thank you This question is regarding Drupal 7 and the 'Superfish' addon that allows me to create a menu along the header of the webpage. However, the Superfish module goes even further and brings menu interactivity to the next level. org Europe's Drupal Developer focused event is coming up between 19-22 July 2023 in Vienna! Meet core developers and the minds behind some of the key projects and initiatives! The Superfish module allows you to create multi-level dropdown menus in Drupal 8. 22 Menu attributes: 7. Project: Void Menu. Superfish has more features than most dropdown menus. Download and Install modules on drupal 8. Bug fixes. Néanmoins, il est essentiel d’être vigilant dans la sélection et la configuration de chaque module afin d’assurer le fonctionnement - sftouchscreen. Can you help me out why I keep getting a gap between "vertical menu" and submenu (see attached pix). When it comes to your Drupal website menus, the recipe is simple: just add some jQuery! Using the Superfish Drupal module, which integrates the jQuery Superfish menu plugin, you can create interactive multi-level menus with exceptional usability features. Is there any way to keep the arrow with nolink? I found the same problem on the 7. Here's an updated explanation of how to set up dropdown menus for a Drupal 8 site. About the author. superfish 8. 8. js -- The jQuery sf-Smallscreen plug-in version 1. Drupal core ver. Share. Requirement ----- - Superfish library. Download contrib modules via composer. A click on the icon should open the children's elements, and when it is clicked again, it should close them. Scheduler enables content to be published and unpublished at specified dates and times. Module : Address composer require drupal/superfish composer require drupal/taxonomy_menu composer require drupal/views_slideshow Modules Superfish Releases. Can we use first and third party cookies and web beacons to understand our audience, and to tailor promotions you see? Yes, please No, do not track me Drupal Wiki Drupal Extending Drupal Contributed modules Contributed module documentation Support for Drupal 7 is ending on 5 January 2025—it’s time to migrate to Drupal 10! Learn about the many benefits of Drupal 10 and find migration tools in our resource center. org/project/superfish provided by hubdrop. Then the style disappeared for the menu that I had set up all together. you need to rename folder "superfish" to "drupal-superfish" then it will recognized. It supports touch devices and keyboard interaction. Originally from the UK, he Installation & Usage Navigate to the content type where you want to use the formatter. The library directory was still called superfish. Version: 7. 9beta4 I used version 1. com/roelvandepaarWith thanks & praise to G Problem/Motivation Installed module with composer. Also I installed superfish library and everything went OK. Download via composer is recomended because composer get automaticly all require dependencies of the modules. - sfsmallscreen. info. Issue #3135246 by lolandese: License "GPL-2. This way Composer will automatically download the required library. Drupal 11 readiness. 1; View usage statistics for this release; superfish 8. Step #1. Thank you for any answer. js -- The jQuery sf-Touchscreen plug-in version 1. Install Works with Drupal: ^9 || ^10 || ^11. Before installing and configuring the Drupal Superfish module, ensure you meet the following prerequisites: Ensure you are using a compatible version of Drupal. Drupal Core; Distributions; Modules; Themes; General projects; Skeleton Issues. 9beta4 now. Simple module to connect two modules together. x branch of that module to abandon qTip ([#2215425]), and integrate with Superfish. have some code in place that's commented out as I can't get it to work for more refined keyboard control. Created by: lobsterr Created on: 23 Feb 2025 at 23:42 UTC Superfish library for the Drupal Superfish module. Release notes. x-3 version. I have horizontal menu type and I used to be able to Write better code with AI Security. Like the module. 0 and Superfish 7. Thanks. Add Font Awesome Icons to Your Drupal Menus; Dropdown Menus in Drupal 8 with the Superfish Module; Drupal is an amazing tool for creating websites and applications. Drupal core provides easy ways to create multi-level drop-down menus with great customization opportunities. Should this be straightforward? I notice the superfish menu looks quite different in Mix and Match than in other themes (Garland, Simply Modern) I have created a menu on Drupal 8 and I want it to display like a collapsible menu. 8 aside the I18n-support. The translated links are shown correctly with 1. Version: 6. 16, Adaptivetheme 2. There are no Superfish blocks available of any other admin to use the module. Release notes #3186080: Variable declaration problem with aggregation in library Ok beta build of a Drupal 10 and 11 "add-on" module to run on top of the superfish module. If you want to build a large, multi-level drop-down menu in Drupal 8, then the Superfish module is a great choice. x' Figure 4-1. We're working on 7. 6 to 8. 10. k. This is a example from superfish menu: Regular programs » The "sf-sub-indicator" is the arrow in the link. The Drupal 8 version of this theme is not compatible with Superfish, it Ok, so here it goes. rzughr yfvixb wuprc kfribf bucq dfok pjul oshko klstmpus rpj oun gkvv jpuiz cbzyw ptmqt