Ventura county clerk Case Inquiry; Criminal / Traffic Docket Information; Pay Fines; Traffic Ventura Courthouse. org Phone: (805) 654-2295, Fax: (805) 662-6543. Payment is accepted in the form of Cash (exact change), Check, or Money Order payable to Schedule an appointment with the County Clerk’s office in Ventura or Thousand Oaks. Click on the Schedule Appointment button above. Thousand Oaks Clerk 2100 Thousand Oaks Boulevard, Thousand Oaks, CA. By using this service, in any form, the user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County and anyone involved in storing, Ventura County Assessor; 800 S. If you are seeking a birth or death certificate for use in a foreign country, please obtain a certified copy from the County Clerk and Recorder’s Office to avoid an extra fee for authentication. May 12, 2020 Congressional District 25 Special General Election Final Results and Certification Announced – Spanish We’re Moving! The Clerk of the Board records search webpage you are trying to reach has been upgraded and moved to a new website! The link you used to get to this webpage will be deactivated on June 1, 2024 and will no longer work. County Clerk Main Plaza, Administration Building, 800 South Victoria Ave. Use the following tools to make sure you are ready for the November 5, 2024 General Election and beyond! Election Smart! Blog County Clerk-Recorder Michelle Ascencion shares posts about frequently asked questions, how Ca State Measures View all State Measures Local Measures View all Local Measures The Clerk-Recorder Office in Thousand Oaks is closed every other Friday. Ventura, CA 93009-1260 Website: vcclerkrecorder. org. 00 – certification fee* *ALL CERTIFIED COPIES MUST BE PURCHASED IN THEIR ENTIRETY ** ALL DEBIT/CREDIT TRANSACTIONS WILL (Ventura) In anticipation of the upcoming March 5, 2024 Presidential Primary Election, Michelle Ascencion, County Clerk-Recorder and Registrar of Voters, will be presenting a five-part Election Education Series at the Ventura County Board of Supervisors Meetings. If you have any questions about filing an FBN Statement, please contact our office at 654-2263. , Ventura, CA 93009-1260 Marriage License – Fictitious Business Name – Notary Public Information - (805) 654-3666 The Clerk and Recorder will issue marriage licenses, process fictitious business, name filings, notary registrations and clerk certificates, record real property documents, and issue certified copies of birth, death and marriage records at this new location. org; About the Assessor; Press Releases; Search; Customer Survey; Jobs; Ventura County Website; Tax Collector; Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; CA Board of Equalization (VENTURA) Primary Election Night Closing Results for Ventura County came in at 1:50 a. 00 for the first page and $3. Friday, March 28th . ca. 50 – per page $1. 1B. By using this service, in any form, the user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County and anyone involved in storing, The County of Ventura Clerk of the Board’s Office provides a variety of services. Ascencion left the City of Oxnard to join the County of Ventura as Assistant County Clerk-Recorder in December 2020, working closely with Mr. You can also call (805) 654-2263 to schedule an appointment. If you have any March 5, 2024 – Presidential Primary Election – Official Final Results. www VENTURA COUNTY CLERK -RECORDER . recorder@ventura. If you have any questions, please contact us at WELCOME TO THE VENTURA SUPERIOR COURT Ventura County is located on California's Pacific coast about 65 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. Each accessible ballot marking device features audio in English and Spanish, large print, and a hand-held audio-tactile interface Schedule an appointment with the County Clerk’s office in Ventura or Thousand Oaks. Bravo@ventura. Simone Seydoux. Ventura County’s ONLINE Official Records Search platform no longer facilitates searches by APN. org Michelle Ascencion, Ventura County clerk-recorder and registrar of voters, has been named Woman of the Year for California’s 38th Assembly District. To request an Apostille for a certified copy of a birth or death certificate purchased from the Ventura County Public Health Department, Expanded Campaign Contribution Rules Under the California Levine Act Effective January 1, 2023, Government Code section 84308, as amended, prohibits elected and appointed County of Ventura and other local officials from Ballot Translation Guides are reference ballots translated into other languages commonly spoken in Ventura County. First Ventura County Clerk and Recorder in history to be certified by the Elections Center and Auburn University as a “Certified Elections Registration Administrator” (CERA). The Clerk of the Board accepts service of legal documents on behalf of the County of Ventura, County Special Districts, and County Employees who are being served in their capacity as a County Employee. Online Record Search Change (AB 1785) – Effective 1/1/2025. CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NON-STATUTORY RATE AND FEE ADJUSTMENTS when the County was unable to provide election services, and maintained a strict departmental budget during the financial downturn. Notice: A Confirmation email with appointment details and a link to complete your electronic application will be sent after you have made your appointment. (Meeting ID: 886 4326 9946 ) Returned to the County General Fund and taxpayers a cumulative total of $5 million in savings since 2010. A process by which proof of ownership of real property is recorded or filed in the appropriate county office or court to allow purchasers, creditors, and other interested parties to determine the status of the property interests therein. November 5, 2024 – Presidential General Election – Official Final Results Submit cash (no cash by mail, please), a check (California bank, please), or money order payable to Ventura County Clerk and a self-addressed, stamped envelope (if mailed). info@ventura. The Clerk of the Board is responsible for managing all of the Ordinance documents and maintaining the succession history of the Ordinances. MUST BE LEGIBLE. FIRST NAME . Español. Mail this application with the fee(s) and a self-addressed stamped envelope to: MICHELLE ASCENCION Ventura County Clerk and Recorder 800 S. A registered voter who has moved from one address to another within Ventura County and who has not re-registered to vote at the new address may re-register at the polling place at which he or she currently resides, or at the office of the Ventura Michelle Ascencion: County Clerk and Recorder/Registrar of Voters. Voter registration profile indicates FIRST TIME FEDERAL VOTER MUST SHOW ID; however, voter is unable to provide proof of identification. and 1:30 - 4:00 p. For information on a city measure, contact the CITY CLERK. on Election Day. Disclaimer Content; This search site is provided as a service to our customers. Mark has UPCOMING ELECTIONS. Payment is accepted in the form of Cash (exact change), Check, or Money Order payable to “County of Ventura”. County Clerk-Recorder and Registrar of Voters Michelle Ascencion highlights helpful information about Elections in Ventura County. The County Clerk’s Office provides authentication of notary public signatures on documents. The Clerk-Recorder Dear Ventura County Voters, Just two days left the countdown to 8 PM on Election Day has begun! More than 210,000 Ventura County voters have already cast their ballot. LAST NAME AT BIRTH (IF DIFFERENT THAN 1C) 2. The Clerk-Recorder The Clerk-Recorder Office in Thousand Oaks is closed every other Friday. 00 per signature authenticated. Ventura Courthouse. Established in 1873, it has a population of over Michelle Ascencion: County Clerk and Recorder/Registrar of Voters. Mark has since worked tirelessly to preserve the County’s historical heritage, protect the public’s personal documents, and ensure that elections are as fair as they are free. 00 – each additional page $1. Schedule an online appointment here. Ventura, CA 93009-1260 (805) 654-2263. Credit Card Payments are not accepted at this time. Posted on April 25, 2012. “As an elected official, Michelle brings extensive clerk and election experience to the position of Assistant Clerk-Recorder. Join us at our next LAAC Zoom Meeting: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 2:30 p. Deputy District Attorney Erin Meister The Board of Supervisors adopts Ordinances which provide local rules and regulations specifically for the County of Ventura. Please choose an appointment for our Ventura or Thousand Oaks office Notice: A Confirmation email with appointment details and a link to complete your electronic application will be sent Appointments are required for service at the Civil and Family Law Clerks’ Offices at the Hall of Justice (Ventura) and at the Clerk’s Office at the Juvenile Courthouse (Oxnard). The County Clerk’s Office maintains records of all notaries public that have been commissioned for Ventura County. The County Clerk-Recorder has two locations for your convenience. Pre-Election Logic & Accuracy Testing (Pre-LAT) (Subject to Change) on 09/24/2024 through 10/01/2024. elections Election Info. The Recorder’s Office is dedicated to advancing the mission of Additional Information. I got to fight for justice. Lunn for his last two years in office. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC MARRIAGE . Come to the Election Smart! page for more info. - 12:00 p. 75 certification fee* $1. May 6, 2025 Landowner General District Election. Please, do not overbook multiple appointments for the same service type, duplicate appointments will Ventura County Self Service Web. All data contained herein is subject to change without notice. As the custodian of the vital records maintained in the department of the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, we have a responsibility to safeguard the records from misuse on behalf of the citizens of Ventura County. Online Fictitious Business Name Filing. Online Customer Survey. Extension Period closed at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Eligibility cannot be immediately established. Clerk – (805) 654-2263 or clerk. Elderly Voters and Voters with Disabilities The office of Ventura County’s Registrar of Voters is committed to ensure voters have the access they need to participate in elections. Please choose an appointment for our Ventura or Thousand Oaks office. org TO: All Customers . elections If you already work for the County, be part of the Ventura County Employee Election Worker program. SUBJECT: Affidavit of Identity Form Requirement (SB 1467) Effective January 1, 2015, pursuant to Senate Bill 1467 (Chapter 400), the Ventura County Clerk Divorce Decree – Contact Ventura County Superior Court. The attorneys were incredibly helpful. Accessible ballot marking devices are available at all Vote Centers. Note: For marriage and business licenses, birth and death certificates, and mechanics liens, visit the Ventura County Clerk and Recorder’s website at recorder. A ccessible Ballot Marking Device . Ventura County Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters 800 South Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 93009-1260 (805) 654-2263 Website: recorder. Departments County Clerk; County Recorder; Elections; Voter Stats. County Clerk. 2025 Fee Schedule. NetFile is a Web-based data entry filing system that allows campaign committees and other recipient committees to submit their California Political Reform . 1C. Marriage licenses can be obtained by appointment only at the Ventura County Government Center at the County Clerk’s Office, Hall of Administration, Main Plaza, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009-1260. Reclamación de Daños ante el Condado Los requisitos y el procedimiento para recuperar daños del Condado de Ventura se describen en el Código de Gobierno de California, a partir de § 900. Departments County Clerk; County Recorder; Elections Ventura County Clerk-Recorder & Registrar of Voters 800 S. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. . The County Clerk-Recorder & Registrar of Voters is an active partner on the Ventura County Real Estate Fraud Advisory Team (REFAT), which is a professional collaboration of the Ventura County Recorder’s Office, the Ventura County District Attorney’s Real Estate Fraud Unit, and local real estate professionals. Marriage Info. Credit card orders may be processed on-line at . FIRST NAME 1. this morning, March 6, 2024, and are posted on the VenturaVote. TYPES OF PAYMENT ACCEPTED For a certified copy of confidential marriage, please contact the County Clerk’s Office at (805) 654-2263. List of fees for the County Clerk, Registrar of Voters, County Recorder, and Non-Statutory fees. Locations. Ventura City Clerk 501 Poli Street, Ventura, CA. Ms. It was exciting and the best part of my day. Clerk of the Board’s Office Phone: (805) 654-2251 Welcome to our Appointment Scheduler!. Appointment Hours are: Ventura County Self Service Web. Ventura, CA 93009 (805) 654-2181; assessor. Victoria Ave. To order an Authorized certified copy of a Birth, Hall of Administration, Main Plaza 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009-1260 Phone: (805) 654-2263 Ventura County Clerk and Recorder. sos. Main Number: 805-289-8900: Appeals: 805-289-8527: Civil: 805-289-8525: Collections: 805-639-5010: Criminal: 805-289-8545: Family UPCOMING ELECTIONS. Superior Court Records Hall of Justice, Room 218 800 South Victoria Ave Ventura, CA 93009 Ventura County Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters . Also maintains Uniform Commercial Code The County of Ventura Clerk of the Board’s Office provides a variety of services. org The Clerk and Recorder issues marriage licenses, performs wedding ceremonies, processes fictitious business name filings, notary registrations and clerk certificates, records real property documents, and issues certified copies of birth, death and marriage Election Administration Plan Ventura County’s new Election Administration Plan (EAP) has been finalized and was accepted by the Secretary of State’s Office on September 29, 2023. m. 02/24/2025. Marriage Licenses. gov/ or call the Ventura County Elections Division at (805)654-2664. A Declaration of Homestead must be completed, signed, and notarized, in order to be recorded in the Clerk-Recorder’s Office. 6. 800 S. Arguments pertaining to county, school, or special district measures are filed with the COUNTY ELECTIONS DIVISION. (Ventura) – Ventura County Clerk Recorder/Registrar of Voters Mark Lunn announced today the launch of NetFile, the new Ventura County Elections Division Campaign Disclosure e-Fling System. Calendar. Fictitious Business Name: If you regularly transact business in this state for profit under a fictitious business name, you will need to file a Fictitious Business Name Statement with the County Clerk’s Office. Thank you for following our Election Smart! blog. Certified CA Registration Election Official (REO). Ventura, CA 93009. , Ventura, CA 93009-1260 Marriage License – Fictitious Business Name – Notary Public Information - (805) 654-3666. MIDDLE . VENTURA: 501 Poli Street, Room 107 (805) 658-4715; COUNTY. Starting January 1st, 2024, these changes will be implemented in accordance with The Recorder’s Office maintains vital records for births, deaths, and marriages in Ventura County from 1873 to present. Home; Online Services. Filing Requirements VENTURA: 501 Poli Street, Room 107 (805) 658-4715; COUNTY. Clerk-Recorder Thousand Oaks Office closed Friday , April 11th (Ventura) – County Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters Mark Lunn is pleased to announce that Michelle Ascencion has assumed the duties of Assistant Clerk-Recorder effective January 4, 2021. org Recorder – (805) 654-3665 or clerk. When you make your appointment (above) you will have your choice of locations. Emergency Medical Services Agency; Emergency Notifications; Emergency Preparedness Office; To verify registration status and registered address, voters may visit the Secretary of State website at https://voterstatus. On June 8, 2010, Chief Mark Lunn was elected Ventura County’s Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters bringing to the office his plan for reform and innovation. Ventura County Clerk 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA Marriage licenses, civil marriage ceremonies, fictitious business name filings, and notary public registration are available by appointment only. East County Office. Make money while making history! Community Election Workers. I was given the opportunity to conduct court hearings and question witnesses. Go to the Secretary of State’s website for information on STATE PROPOSITIONS The Clerk-Recorder Office in Thousand Oaks is closed every other Friday. Her election as County Clerk and Recorder in 2022 marked the first time a woman or person of color had been elected to the office in Ventura County’s 150-year history. Government Center, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009. CURRENT LAST . Ventura County does not conform copies. org The Recorder’s Division is responsible for the recording of deeds, deeds of trust, court decrees and many other Responsible for the recording of deeds, deeds of trust, court decrees, and other documents affecting title to real property in Ventura County. VITAL RECORD DEFINED Records of life events kept under governmental authority, including birth cer Press Release: New Services Announced at Ventura County Clerk and Recorder Office in Thousand Oaks . Do an Elections “Deep Dive”: Clerk-Recorder Ascencion’s four-part Election Education series which was given ahead of the March 2024 Presidential Primary Election (an election with some unique characteristics) is chock-full of information. “Our previous County Clerk-Recorder, Mark Lunn, established a satellite office in Thousand Oaks more than 10 years ago to better serve East County customers. You can make an appointment for most services at either location: Ventura County The County Clerk Division issues marriage licenses, performs civil marriage ceremonies, processes fictitious business name filings, and provides for the qualification and registration of Schedule an appointment with the County Clerk’s office in Ventura or Thousand Oaks. Clerk-Recorder Thousand Oaks Office closed Friday , April 11th Important Notice: Changes to FBN Forms Effective January 1st, 2024 There will be some changes to the Fictitious Business Name (FBN) forms. 1A. (Please only schedule one appointment, even if you need multiple services. countyofventura. Locations and Costs: Ventura County Clerk’s Office: Cost: $58 Location: Government Center, Hall of Administration, Main Plaza, 800 Wedding Room Photo Gallery. Ventura County Self Service Web. ” More information about the agency’s services is available 24/7 at www. In accordance with the provisions of Voter’s Choice Act Senate Bill 450 requiring Ventura County’s first EAP (passed in 2022) to be reviewed and updated within two years of adoption, Ventura Marriage licenses can be obtained by appointment only at the Ventura County Government Center at the County Clerk’s Office, Hall of Administration, Main Plaza, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009-1260. The guides provide full translations of all electoral contests on the ballot. 800 South Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 933091260- (805) 654-2263 . Requirements and procedure for recovering damages from the County of Ventura are outlined in the California Government Code, commencing with § 900. Back to The Ventura County Clerk-Recorder & Registrar of Voters is committed to “Preserving history and protecting democracy for the people of Ventura County, past, present, and future. Clerk-Recorder Thousand Oaks Office closed Friday , April 11th New Services Announced at Ventura County Clerk and Recorder Office in Thousand Oaks . Ballot Translation Guide (Chinese) Schedule an appointment with the County Clerk’s office in Ventura or Thousand Oaks. While the Clerk of the The best decision I made in law school was to clerk at the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office. Voter arrives after 8:00 p. The Recorder’s Office maintains Official Record documents and maps in Ventura County from 1873 to present. Contact Us; County Clerk; County Recorder; Elections Division Michelle Ascencion: County Clerk and Recorder/Registrar of Voters. Home. Online Marriage License Application; Marriage Licenses; Marriage Ceremonies; Wedding Room Photo Gallery Fictitious Business Name. The fee is $7. In order to vote in an election, a voter must be registered to vote in the jurisdiction/district on or before 15 days prior to the election. By Clerk’s Office: (805) 654-2263 or clerk. ORDERING OPTIONS. County Clerk & Recorder / Election; County Executive Office; District Attorney; Fire Department; General Services Agency; GIS and Mapping; Grand Jury; Harbor Department; Ventura County Law Library; Emergency Services. The information required to obtain copies of Vital Records are the name(s) of the individual(s) and the date(s) of event(s). Vital Records. ” County Clerk-Recorder & Registrar of Voters Effective January 01, 2023 County Clerk - Main Plaza, Administration Building, 800 South Victoria Ave. Ascencion received the award, announced by Assemblymember Steve Bennett, during a ceremony held on the Assembly floor at the State Capitol on March The Clerk’s Office hours at the Juvenile Courthouse are: Monday through Friday, except holidays, 8:30 a. (Please only schedule one appointment, even if you Press Release: Ventura County Clerk and Recorder Michelle Ascencion Named 38th Assembly District’s “2025 Woman of the Year” ELECTION RESULTS November 5, 2024 General Election The Recorder’s Office maintains Official Record documents and maps in Ventura County from 1873 to present. To find your officials, please follow directions below: IF YOUR ADDRESS IS NOT BEING RECOGNIZED: When entering the Street Name, please make sure you are NOT including any directional information (N,E, S, W) Also, d Election Education Series. VITAL RECORD DEFINED Records of life events kept under governmental authority, including birth certificates, marriage licenses, and death certificates. Nomination Period began on Monday, January 13, 2025 and closed at 5:00 pm on Friday, February 7, 2025. Wedding ceremonies will continue to be performed only in the main Ventura office. Contact Us. 1D. To verify registration status and registered address, voters may visit the Secretary of State website at https://voterstatus. Document Search . org Election Results page, along with a link to the Secretary of State’s Semifinal Official The official website of the Superior Court of California, County of Ventura. Voter resides in a different county but wishes to vote in Ventura County. Voters who mail back their ballot and are signed up for BallotTrax will receive the confirmation message shown in the photo when their return envelope signature is [] The Recorder’s Office maintains vital records for births, deaths, and marriages in Ventura County from 1873 to present. The Ventura County Clerk-Recorder & Registrar of Voters is committed to “Preserving history and protecting democracy for the people of Ventura County, past, present, and future. This applies to notaries that have been commissioned in VENTURA COUNTY ONLY. OFFICIAL RECORD COPY FEES (per document) CLERK COPY FEES (per document) $2. Clerk-Recorder Thousand Oaks Office closed. 00 for each additional page. OFFICIAL RECORD DEFINED. She’s on a mission to make Ventura County voters the most informed, confident voters of all. The Ventura County Consolidated Oversight Board (VCCOB) is established pursuant to the State of California, Health and Safety Code Section 34179 (j), and as of July 1, E-Mail: Robert. 00 – first page $0. VCClerkRecorder. The recording fee is $24.
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