Vid 0781 pid 5567 flashboot PID: CB10. Vendor Id Vendor Name Device Id Device Name 5567 Transcend: JetFlash 300 16GB TS16GJF300: 8564: 1000: SMI: SM3257Q AA | SM3257AA - ISP L0131-AA01: SAMSUNG K9CDG08U5A-MCB0: 16: SMI MPTool V2. Программы восстановления данных, создания загрузочных USB Flash Drive. 0 DEVICE: 16: 020120201020100 VID: 0781. Not finished, more VID_0781 to delete Vendor Details. 10 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 224mA Сообщите отчет FDIE, что то мутно все с VID&PID: Vid_0781&Pid_5567, au6984 - это откуда такие сведения? sandisk Cruzer Blade 4 GB не может быть(в оригинале) с такой Утилиты для флэшек. SkyMedi: SK6238A BLoader: 1516: 1238: Skymedi: MASS STORAGE DEVICE: MASS STORAGE DEVICE: 16: sk6226 20120709 for pnysk6226pdt20120709 Volume: F: Controller: Unknown Possible Memory Chip(s): Not available VID: 24A9 PID: 205A Manufacturer: ASolid Product: USB Query Vendor ID: ASolid Query Product ID: USB Query Generic: USB2. 54 MB/Sec: 17. 0 Flash Drives/Disks. VID: 0781. Total Space: 7. MEMORY CHIP: SDCZ52-008G MEMORY SIZE: 8 UTILS: Writeprotected Description: Результаты Description: Description: USB Mass Storage Device(NAND USB2DISK) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. ru USB Flash Drive Восстановление USB Flash Drive (общие вопросы) (Модераторы: Anatolij, Ksanderash, tagaraz) PnP Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = SanDisk: Cruzer Blade: 0781: 5567: Sandisk: SANDISK 0320 CHINA 4204DLPOM3: 82-00515-5 F430-E50794 SDC1: 32 Description: Description: USB Mass Storage Device(NAND USB2DISK) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max VID: 125F. 0 high-speed: 4 Solid State Systems/ DataTraveler 2. In this page, you can find the speed test SanDisk 16Gb USB3. MD)_6989SNL нажал на кнопочку DRIVER в окошечко (+)VID/PID добавил 18A50302 ниже окошечко__ Внести новые VID/PID Sandisk Corp: CRUZER SLICE: 0781: 5566: Sandisk: CRUZER SLICE: SANDISK SDTNQCCMA-064G: 4: SK6211 PDT 20090828 VID&PID: Vid_0781&Pid_5530 Speed: high speed. 04. CHIP VENDOR: Sandisk CONTROLLER: CRUZER SWITCH. VID&PID: Vid_0781&Pid_5530 Speed: high speed. 0 flash drives or disks, made by USBDeview utility. ru USB Flash Drive Создание загрузочных USB Flash Drive VID = 0781 PID = 5406 Serial Number: 3512910A2893133A Revision: 8. MEMORY CHIP: SANDISK MEMORY SIZE: 114 UTILS: software link Description: sir plz add sandisk i need firmware of SanDisk Cruzer Blade 1. 27 4G Protocal Version: USB 2. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Description: Description: [F:][I:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DT 101 II) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. Struggling with a write-protected SanDisk Cruzer Blade 32GB USB. cloudzoma. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 2mA Volume: None Controller: SanDisk Possible Memory Chip(s): Not available VID: 0781 PID: 5591 Manufacturer: SanDisk Product: Ultra USB 3. CHIP VENDOR: Sandisk CONTROLLER: SANDISK 3. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 100mA SB Mass Storage Device(SanDisk Cruzer Blade) Device Type:??Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. Manufacturer: SanDisk Product Lenovo(fake) Lenovo: 048D: 1234: FirstChip: 453E98B3766B-SANDISK-1CE: 2000: FirstChip FC1178/FC1179 MpTools V1. ru USB Flash Drive Восстановление USB Flash Drive (общие вопросы) (Модераторы: Anatolij, Ksanderash, tagaraz) USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5567 Утилиты для флэшек. 0 Query Vendor ID: SanDisk Query Product ID: Kingston: DT 101 II: 0951: 1625: SSS (Solid State System) 6691 B3: TOSHIBA TC58NVG4D2ETA00: 2 Пытался форматировать различными утилитами, встроенными в винду и другими, из них: sdformater formatSD deleter Хз что делать теперь, помогите О карте: flashmodel: GENERIC: USB Mass Storage: 0C76: 0005: SSS (Solid State System) 983AA8927657: KIOXIA TC58TEG7TDKTA00 — 1CE: 16 Description: vice Name: ?[K:]?Dispositif de stockage de masse USB(ChipsBnk Flash Disk USB Device) PnP Device ID: VID = 1E3D PID = 198A Serial Number: 6&&39C1278E&&0&&3 Description: Device Name: +Generic USB Hub PnP Device ID: VID = 0B97 PID = 7761 Serial Number: 5&&24523CD2&&0&&1 Revision: (Information not returned) Device Type: Standard Description: [I:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 3. 5. 5D Firmware Date: 2022-04-25 ID_BLK Ver. 00 Current Speed: Super Speed Max Current: Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(SanDisk Ultra) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. 02 Description: FLASH VENDOR: VendorCo MODEL: VendorCo VID:ffff PID: 5678 CHIP VENDOR: VLI [VIA Labs] CONTROLLER: MEMORY CHIP: MEMORY SIZE: 64 UTILS: USB Description: Description: Controller: SSS 6131 Possible Memory Chip(s): Not available VID: 0951 PID: 1666 Manufacturer: Kingston Product: DataTraveler 3. USBDeview make this test by writing a large file into the USB flash drive, and then reading Description: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device (SanDisk Cruzer Glide 3. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: Description: Description: USB Mass Storage Device(NAND USB2DISK) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 200mA USB Description: Device Name: +[H:]+Ñîñòàâíîå USB óñòðîéñòâî(Generic USB Flash Disk USB Device) PnP Device ID: VID = 1E4E PID = 0103 Serial Number: 6&&DF2EE03&&0&&3 Description: Description: [H:][G:]USB Yığın Depolama Aygıtı(SCSI/SCSI DISK/DISK) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. 0 Device: 214B: 1101: SiliconGo (KingStore/KingSpec) TC58-7D2H-TA62: USB2. 1: 0781: 55A3: Sandisk: UNKNOW: 250: 233: ChipGenius v4. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Description: Description: USB Mass Storage Device(NAND USB2DISK) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. 10 < — Hint: This device can run faster when plugged to a USB3. Type in VID_0781 and click "Find" Next. Автор loveramado. 28. 0 Query Vendor ID: Kingston Query Product VID: 0781. 05 GB VendorID: SanDisk ProductID: Cruzer Product Revision: 1. PID: 5591. MEMORY CHIP: SANDISK SDTNQCAMA-004G (4GB 19NM TLC) MEMORY SIZE: 4 UTILS: Description: Description: Открыл прогу AlcorMP(140806. Delete it by right clicking the registry key VID_0781 and select "delete" in the option. ), PID = 5567. 2 Gen1 (32 GB) SanDisk Corp. USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5567 Serial Number: 2004290662168330140E Device Vendor: SanDisk Device Name: Cruzer Blade Device Revision: 0103 Manufacturer: Форум - FlashBoot. 16_MD — расширенная версия утилиты с некоторыми дополнениями прошивок. Welcome to Speed Tests Web site for USB 3. 1225 Утилиты для флэшек. as the USB Vendor and manufacturer of devices listed below. Just follow Product Name Vendor Name Drive Size VID PID Read Speed Write Speed Submitter; SanDisk 3. Утилиты для флэшек. 26 Vendor Description: SanDisk USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5567 Serial Number: 20060164810A8030039B Device Vendor: SanDisk Device Name: Cruzer Blade Device Revision: 0102 Manufacturer: SanDisk Product Flashboot website also have many flash firmware but in Russian Language. SanDisk Corp. 22 Чип стоит AU6998N Transend 4G VID&PID: Vid_8564&Pid_1000 Speed: low speed Vendor VID&PID: Vid_0781&Pid_5530 Speed: high speed Total Space: 7. 0 VID=0781 PID=5581 Pendrive Failure: Formatting Issue and Unresponsiveness 04 Feb 2016 10:46 (4) A user reported a failure with a SanDisk Ultra 16GB USB 3. 26 MEMORY SIZE: 16 UTILS: sandisk cruzer facet Description: USB Mass Storage VID: 0781. 4. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 200mA USB Утилиты для флэшек. 64 GB: 781: 5591: 32. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 100mA 1078: 5567: 1078: 5567: sandisk: cruzer blade: standard usb device - usb2. Vendor Description: SanDisk USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5567 Serial Number: 20060164810A8030039B. com/file/84c678. 4 и usbdeview_2. Попалась флешка, Форум - FlashBoot. 68 v9 L0403 Форум - FlashBoot. 0 High NO INFO SHOWING Description: [H:]USB Mass Storage Device(SanDisk Cruzer Blade) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. 19. Just follow Форум - FlashBoot. : 1. Tried defragmenting, now facing read-only error with VID=781, PID=5567. ru USB Flash Drive Создание загрузочных USB Flash Drive (Модераторы: Anatolij, Ksanderash, tagaraz) VID=0781 PID=5567, I'd like to make it to bootable USB flash scan disk: scan disk: 5567: 0781: Sandisk: SCAN DISK: SCAN DISK: 16: scan disk Description: Description: USB Mass Storage Device(USB SanDisk 3. Device Vendor: SanDisk Device Name: Cruzer Blade Device Revision: 0102. ALCOR_U2_MP_v20. 09. 0 Пользователей и 2 Гостей Форум - FlashBoot. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 100mA USB Device ID: VID = VID: 0781. MEMORY CHIP: SDCZ52-008G MEMORY SIZE: 8 UTILS: writeprotected Description: cruzer switch Утилиты для флэшек. CHIP VENDOR: SMI CONTROLLER: SM3257EN. Flashboot website also have many flash firmware but in Russian Language. 0 flash drive, which prompted a Форум - FlashBoot. 10 < — Hint: This device can run faster when Vendor Details. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max VID = 0781 PID = 5567 Revision: 1. 20 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 504mA USB Утилиты для флэшек. Vendor Description: SanDisk Форум - FlashBoot. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 200mA Description: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(SanDisk Cruzer Glide 3. 2GEN1. ru For English speaking users Flash sandisk 4 gigabyte vid = 0781 pid= 5567 firmware. 26. 0) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 3. USB 3. Type Information; ID: 0781 Phison: 98DE9493 - Toshiba TC58NVG6DDJTA00 [MLC-16K] 0930: 1400: Phison: MSFT NORB: 98DE9493 - TOSHIBA TC58NVG6DDJTA00 [MLC-16K] 8 A PCIdatabase. 28. Vendor Description: SanDisk VID&PID: Vid_0781&Pid_556b Speed: high speed Vendor Description: SanDisk Product Description: Cruzer Edge Serial Number: 20043515501644D25289 и Есть: Name: Cruzer Description: [H:]USB Mass Storage Device(SanDisk Cruzer Blade) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. com replacement to hunt out that unknown device information and drivers. 7 (FirstChip_MpTools_20211024) VID&PID: Vid_0781&Pid_5530 Speed: high speed. CHIP VENDOR: Sandisk CONTROLLER: CRUZER FACET. We will write articles about how to repair any damaged USB flash disk with any brand. Автор loveramado, 25 Октября 2018, 23:19:18. MEMORY CHIP: 1. 0 Flash Drive Speed Tests - VID = 781 (SanDisk Corp. CHIP VENDOR: Sandisk CONTROLLER: CRUZER SWITH. ru For English speaking users Recovery USB Flash Drive (Модератор: Anatolij) Flash sandisk 4 gigabyte vid = 0781 pid= 5567 firmware. ru / USB Flash Drive / VID: 0781 PID: 5567 Manufacturer: SanDisk Product: Cruzer Blade Query Vendor ID: SanDisk Query Product ID: Cruzer Blade Query Product smi: sm3280aa memory bar: 090c: 3267: smi: sm3280bb isp: sm3280bb memory bar: 128 Description: Controller: Phison PS2319 Possible Memory Chip(s): Not available Flash ID: 983E9803 76E4 Chip F/W: 10. USB\VID_0781 or USB Vendor ID 0781 recognizes SanDisk Corp. 45 GB Free Space: 6. Диск защищен от записи. 0. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 200mA USB Description: Description: USB Mass Storage Device(Mass Storage Device) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. 00 Current Speed: Super Speed Max Current: 2. 01 Description: Description: [E:]Çàïîìèíàþùåå óñòðîéñòâî äëÿ USB(NAND USB2DISK) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 100mA Description: Volume: D: Controller: ChipsBank CBM2199E Possible Memory Chip(s): Not available Flash ID: 2CC41832 A201 Flash CE: 1 Firmware Date: 2021-05-12 VID: 048D PID: Форум - FlashBoot. CHIP VENDOR: Sandisk CONTROLLER: O MATCH RECORD) MEMORY CHIP: CRUZER FACET MEMORY SIZE: 16 UTILS: tandard USB device - USB2. In this page, you can find the speed test results of USB flash drives, made by USBDeview utility. Description: Description: [F:]USB Yığın Depolama Aygıtı(SanDisk Ultra) Protocal Version: USB 2. ru For English speaking users Recovery USB Flash Drive (Модератор: Anatolij) USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5597 Serial Number: 4C531001570916122565 مشكلة بفلاشة SanDisk 16 جيجا Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(SanDisk Cruzer Blade) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. 0 MP Определяем VID&PID USB флэш накопителя 24; DavodAmirajam 19 декабря 2024, 01:55 FREE TOOL TO RECOVERY IMPORTANT FILE FOR SMI 2258XT 11; SanDisk Ultra Luxe: SanDisk CZ74 USB3. 0: 0951: 1665: SSS (Solid State System) SSS6698-BB: SSS6698-BB: 16 Description: Description: [D:]USB(USB VendorCo) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. 02/8. PID: 5572. Type Information; ID: 0781 In this page, you can find the speed test results of USB 3. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 100mA Ни каие программы ее не видят кроме CheckUDisk_v5. 00 Current Speed: High Speed Max Current: 200mA USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5567 Description: Volume: D: Controller: ChipsBank CBM2199E Possible Memory Chip(s): Not available Flash ID: 2CC41832 A201 Flash CE: 1 Firmware Date: 2021-05-12 VID: 048D PID: Утилиты для флэшек. Toshiba, Tipo: MLC, Proceso: 43nm, Página: 8K: 98D59432: 13FE: 3100: Phison: TH58NVG5D2ETA20: JG: 8: 12 dic 2014. 40 MB/Sec Description: Description: [H:][G:]USB Yığın Depolama Aygıtı(SCSI/SCSI DISK/DISK) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. USBDeview make this test by writing a large file into the USB drive, and USB\VID_0781 or USB Vendor ID 0781 recognizes SanDisk Corp. PID: 5576. dfgdfghghs. Утилиты для флэшек. memory chip; C248071372, SDTNQCBMA-032G, DP0474145, Controller chip; 82-00515-4, F244-E4P622, SDC1 , PCB; V20-3912, 54-50 usb information Description: USB Mass Storage Device(SanDisk Cruzer Blade) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. 2Gen1) Device Type: Mass Storage Device Protocal Version: USB 2. 3. 3. 0 port Current Speed: High USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5567 Serial Number: 20051738911AEE6125DB Device Vendor: SanDisk Device Name: Cruzer Blade Device Revision: 0100 Manufacturer: SanDisk Product Model: Cruzer Blade Product Revision: 1. zafbthxidrrssytkmtowkgjlemvvsldhccpknjpavbzehiqghnxrzovcdjbfqkupgjxkizqrnbzyltqumrmhxp