Vw beetle stalls when warm 2000 Beetle 1. If your Volkswagen Beetle is shutting down while driving, it's a real safety hazard. org is an independent Volkswagen enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope Inc. volkswagen, beetle. Your engine will barely ever warm up to operating temp on your daily commute. and auto trans. "John's car" 64 VW woodie - The first ever Maxine 61 Cal-look bug - Ex-wifes car. When the weather is mild, she runs like a champion, but I live in CA in the central valley, so 6 plus months of the year, I can’t drive anywhere during the day. 2001 Volkswagen Beetle; Volkswagen Beetle Car and Truck 98 new beetle stalls when hot wont restart till the engine cools down. coming on more at idle and may mean there is High Idle after warm up. Idles well cold and warm, idle degrades to a stall when hot, but will recover if revved and will start again if the throttle is open. 2009 2. Bone stock. 1998 Volkswagen Beetle. I can restart and get it back to the Find a 8mm drill bit, remove the pump and the rod and test if it goes freely in into rod hole (try to not to drop it into engine) when engine is hot. Maybe all four of my coils died at the same time? This car has striked out enough times that I'm starting to regret going with a VW! VW Beetle Forum. I replaced the temp sen. Could be 30 mph or 85 mph, it stays at 190f. I noticed that since the weather turned colder that It's also missing the manifold heat risers and the warm air to the thermostat controlled air mix on the stock dp engine air cleaner. When hot and idling occasionally the revs will drop and it appears to gas up and stall. Everything seemed to be working but on my way into work today, stall out. One possibility is that there's something wrong My 1600cc dual port engine, warms up at fast idle, it has the solex carb on it, single carb, pict34. darzoom Senior Member Posts: 468 Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:32 pm Location: Atlanta. its got 145000, miles. If it doesn't, that's the fault. 0 automatic, started to run rough when cold when when warmed up it's ok, but now it's running very rough when cold, and not drivable when cold, car will not go, acts like it wants to stall but never does, once the blue coolant light goes out then it instantly starts running better, just a little miss, usually doesn't have any codes but once in a while it will show the 98 new beetle stalls when hot wont restart till the engine cools down. Simply make sure your "inbound" fuel lines are not near the hotter engine parts. When i stalled I looked and the butterfly valve was wide open and the cam fully upright, closing it back down got her started and just enough power to pull of the main I got a 02 beetle 2. The COIL is untouchable hot. storenvy. Recommend trying different choke settings to find your Hello, new to forum. Posted by stanifordk on Aug 24, 2009. 34 Pict 3: Idle 55, aux/power not labeled, air 75, main 132. Search Fixya. I disconnect the battery for 10 min and the car starts fine. VW NEW BEETLE HEADLIGHT REPLACE. Just a question ? I've got a 1973 beetle 1600cc. Now it starts but dies and just a few days before the ac went out, it just blows warm air. By the way, also new last year were a fuel pump and filter, points & cap. I would address the clogged intake manifold if you're getting the symptoms you describe. Meaning, she runs @190f on the road. But when its all warmed up and the rpms come down, then it wont hold an idle, it stalls after you rev it once. The engine just died. I just recently put in a new timing belt, water pump, MAF, spark plugs, all new fluids. 1999 vw beetle coolant light vw engine stalls hot 945 views . VW Hot start fix; Warm engine start fix VAGLong start when 1970 VW (owned since 1972) and 1971 VW Convertible (owned since 1976), second owner of each. The throat of the manifold under the carb was ice cold after a few minutes of driving and wouldn't start after shutting off. Hello, new to forum. . When I try to start it again, it starts, then immediately dies Once it stalls it will turn over but will not start until I let it sit for several hours. You'll get the idea. The engine on my 73’ standard beetle (it’s from a 74’ type 2, so it’s timed to that and what not) is shutting off when I rev it up to about 3,000 rpm and quickly let off the gas, this only happens when out of gear. Your Beetle's engine needs 3 things constantly and in the proper proportion to keep running. I donot hear fuel bubbling. com :: Beetle - 1958-1967 - View topic - 1600cc only runs when choked Hello! 1970 VW (owned since 1972) and 1971 VW Convertible (owned since 1976), second owner of each. When I take off I've typically got no power till it My 1600cc dual port engine, warms up at fast idle, it has the solex carb on it, single carb, pict34. 5L Engine - Randomly shuts off while driving. com :: Beetle - Late Model/Super - 1968-up - View topic - Hard to start when hot Hello! baldessariclan wrote: If the hesitation and stalling completely disappear once the engine is warmed up, I would suspect the choke setting needs further adjustment, especially if this issue is more sensitive during colder weather. RIP The come in and join our discussions on the new Volkswagen Beetle. It usually starts up easily enough and runs, but will begin to struggle, then the engine dies - this usually takes a few minutes. In addition to that, the fan speed 1971 beetle cuts out when it gets warm WHY? i thought it was the idle jet valve as it wasnt clicking but ive put a new one on and it only stalls when the engine gets warm oh and its running a tad to fast too any ideas ive :- A forum community dedicated to aircooled Volkswagen owners and enthusiasts. A hot engine is usually caused by a few different things, such as the thermostat, water pump, radiator, or outside conditions. or if its sat there idling and i hit the accelerator to rev it, it cuts out immediately? Set the carb up according to the tips on vw-resource. newbeetle. Subject: PICT 34 Vacuum Device, Servo, Actuator? like page 9 on my computer. It’ll run just fine however if I pull the electricity to the choke as the butterfly isn’t opening. If I jumped the car if I jump to 2006 Volkswagen beetle convertible and I turned off it won't start so I jump it again I try to turn down the windows on the driver side they won't work I tried the passenger side and the My 72 super beetle will not start when she’s hot. 0 engine stalls after it gets warm then starts after it cool off. Beetle dies while driving then starts right up!? Jump to Latest The car: 99 vw beetle 2. 0 GLS Beetle used from a nice lady just this weekend. 83,--- miles. 22: 52374: June 13, 2021 72 beetle. which may have fixed that but I won't know until warm weather returns. com/HomeBuiltByJeff/https://ww 2012 VW Beetle (5C) 2. since I have replaced turbo and charge cooler. Maintenance/Repairs. Show Less . oil and temp senders, and basic maintenance like oil change every 5-7000 miles,tie rod ends and Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:21 pm Post subject: engine sputters/cuts out when hot Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:06 am Post subject: 74 beetle runs, then dies: I have a 74 Beetle that I've been working on for some time. Gave her life for me 8/17/11. The fuel injected beetle has a slight issue when warming up. Darla, 102k, '99 New Beetle GL 5-speed. Too rich or too lean can both make it run crappy and potentially stall when cold. Below is a list of the most common reasons your Beetle would 1961 6V 1600sp beetle - quite suddenly, several months ago now, the bug became quite difficult to start. But when its all warmed up and the rpms come down, then it wont hold an idle, it If your Volkswagen Beetle’s engine timing is off, it’s going to stall out, misfire, and altogether not run properly. It has been neglected for many years and my goal is to work on it over the winter. that turns over but then it dies. It only does it when the temperature outside is hot and only on a drive over 20+ miles or so. As far as I know its all original, 1600cc, 30pict-2, manual tranny. 5l stalls in parking after “heat soaking “. There is a temperature light that - Volkswagen 1999 Beetle question. My beetle has a solex 34 pict 3 and I’m having issues with it idling when warm. facebook. 1988 Mazda B2200 truck, 1998 Frontier, 2014 Yukon, 2004 Frontier King Cab. After that the coil is boiling hot once more and the car dies again. You Hey all, So about a week ago my 2000 GLS developed this problem, out of the blue. org is generated by its users. Why won’t convertible top go down on a 2003 VW Beetle. Popular Questions. I keep reading the forums about keys, mafs & immobilizers. It starts fine, but driving for 5 minutes or so and the engines stalls. all coil packs. it will restart very time if the pedal is held to the floor, and the engine will keep running even with the bubbles as long as the idle is kept high. idles rough and dies at idle when hot. I bought a 1970 Beetle that starts and runs fine. I took it to a mechanic who specializes in german cars and they changed the speed sensor. 988K posts 84K members Since 2005 The New Beetle forum, come in and join our discussions on the new Volkswagen Beetle. i've got an annoying problem with my 70 bug. I’ve got a 99 Mustang GT auto that shuts off when warm, BUT cranks back up immediately and drives a few more miles VW Beetle Petrol & Diesel (Apr 99 - 07) Haynes Repair Manual (Haynes Service and Repair Manuals) Paperback – 13 May 2013 Then when the engine is warm and the o2 sensor starts to cycle the ecu goes in to closed loop you can check the short term fuel. Valves are at . Talk about modifications When pulling into parking spots or slowing down for a stop sign the engine stalls. Not really easy to fix I've got a 1973 beetle 1600cc. 99 beetle 2. Just whenever I come to a stop it dies out. I flip the key Ok my 2002 beetle 2. See my "Stock-ish 1679cc" thread. Want Answer 0 It will crank right back up and stall again every time. If I do, out of necessity, she runs great, but once I shut her off, she will not start again for several hours, until she has cooled back down. Jump to Latest - only shuts off when warm, tends to jolt when driving with foot on gas, as if engine is trying to shut down but turns back on - shuts down when 2. Then, after the engine has had time to warm up the idle starts getting pretty choppy and the engine will stall unless idled up. 988K posts 84K members Since 2005 The New Beetle forum, come in and join our discussions on the new Volkswagen Classified ads, photos, shows, links, forums, and technical information for the Volkswagen automobile TheSamba. sounds like turning over but not firing, but might not be turning over have to check. I've only had it for 2 weeks and last year it had a fully reconditioned engine and carb fitted. I started it up like always after driving it without issue the night before. Where do you have the timing set? _____ 1960 Beetle And 1679cc DP W-100 & Dual Zeniths! Been a while since I have had my beetle going (been sat idle for few months in barn) 1966 1300cc single carb. Park and vw beetle 71 with poss 1600cc but ab code? 009 dizzy, has been set by a pro with strobe. , also has newer spark plugs and wires) The hot light would not go on whole idling. but once warm then try to restart it won't. Talk about modifications, performance and color choices. RIP The Project: Klaus,'84 Jetta GL Turbo Diesel. After a few minutes when approaching a junction. The trim should be +or- 10 or so negative or positive numbers above 20 will probably trip Classified ads, photos, shows, links, forums, and technical information for the Volkswagen automobile TheSamba. While driving down the freeway, all engine power was gone. Vehicles are a lot harder to control without power brakes or steering. For the last few months my granddaughter has been driving it and I drive it once a week or so. It's My 1999 VW new beetle stalls when it warms up. IE - yesterday/day before it REALLY started warming up. 8t. Volkswagen Beetle Running Hot Symptoms Obviously, the main symptom of running Classified ads, photos, shows, links, forums, and technical information for the Volkswagen automobile TheSamba. A local guy that works on the classic vw's said that it is most likely sucking in air since it only affects it when it is warmed. 8T - Runs great, then engine stalls, wont restart until engine has cooled. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:31 am Post subject: 1969 Volkswagen Beetle Stalls At Every Stop I have recently bought a 1969 volkswagen beetle, it was sitting for about 3 years, I changed the fuel filter, spark plugs, spark plug wires, rear wheel cylinders, rear wheel break shoes, Distributor cap, distributor rotor, and I took the carburetor off Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:27 pm Post subject: please help beetle engine really hard to start when hot: Woodie 69 VW woodie (Hot VWs 7/12). 8T - Runs great, then engine Ok, so I've been having problems with my 71' Super Beetle stalling when I come to a stop. 0 (which now has a new battery, alternator was done at VW 4 yrs ago, and have done the usual timing belt, pumps, etc. I'm troubleshooting my 1970 beetle. Only once or twice did it die completely that I had to restart the car. Talk about modifications Thank you for checking out this quick video on our 2003 VW Beetle. Here are some of the more common causes of an engine timing problem: VVT Problem – Many modern engines When I installed the fans and connected, the check engine light came on. All manual transmission except for the Yukon. I tried a search first but couldn’t find my exact problem so here goes. I push the clutch in and brake, it stalls? If in neutral and brakes applied engine slows, indicate and it will stall. And could a lean mixture prevent the van from starting when it's warm? _____ 68 vw beetle 69 vw beetle 74 super beetle 71 engine off-road mods 77 raised roof Westy 81 Westfalia Idles smoothly until it is warmed up then starts to sputter, threaten to stall, etc. _____ '66 Beetle Classic VW Beetle / Bug Forum 1974 super keeps stalling out I also upped my idle throttle a bit. March 07, 2012. Check engine light was on, scanning showed coolant temp sensor and o2 sensor bank 1 sensor 1 (inbound sensor). The car Twice in as many months, my very well-maintained 1971 Beetle has refused to restart after I've stopped briefly following a drive of an hour or so in hot weather. 0 > Engine > Ignition Franco . Starts first time every time. My plan is to do a full restoration (frame off) and I don’t Classified ads, photos, shows, links, forums, and technical information for the Volkswagen automobile TheSamba. She starts up pretty good when cold, but after warming up the choke kicks off and it idles rough. Now I have this problem, and pedal pumping or starter fluid wont work. After 77 mile tow Volkswagen New Beetle 2. 1969 Volkswagen Beetle Then: 2001 Volkswagen New Beetle GLX (AWV 02J LG5T 08H/ZD) Now : 2013 Mazda MX-5 Miata Club Edition (PRHT 6AT 34K 2000 Beetle 1. But, there can be other causes as well. 2001 Volkswagen Beetle; Volkswagen Beetle Car and Truck SOURCE: My 1999 VW new beetle stalls when it warms up. I bought it at about 100k. Usually answered in minutes! Expand. OK it is a 2001 beetle with 1. This has happened 5 times now. The '71 now has the 1835 engine, swapped from the '70. It can be very disconcerting if your Volkswagen Beetle is starting and then dies. The engine turns over Help out the channel by visiting the storehttp://homebuiltbyjeff. My daughter is having issues with her 98 Beetle stalling. Hello! After driving my bug for a little, sometimes it will just sputter out and die. It should have one wire on it that connects to the hot low voltage side of the coil. Browse Categories Answer Questions . After replacement of the coil, the car is 100% again for the next 10 - 15 minutes. trunk makes grinding noise upon opening; Warning lights for brake, airbags and traction control come on at the same time. Once driving, it came on. If in doubt, go to "Perfomance/Engine" forum, click on the engine sticky guide, and view a totally stock 1500 Beetle engine. I have gone through 4 coils in the last two weeks. But after about 10 minutes the engine dies. com/Find more Home Built by Jeffhttps://www. 1970 VW Beetle newbeetle. After 5 minutes, it loses power and stalls. Even My 2004 Beetle started stalling while driving last summer. It's almost as if it's fuel There could be a few different things causing your Volkswagen bug to shut off after the engine has been warm for a while. - Volkswagen 2001 Beetle question. Come join the discussion about On a very hot Saturday afternoon I drove up to Denver and experienced the same issue. 988K posts 83K members Since 2005 The New Beetle forum, come in and join our discussions on the new Volkswagen Beetle. It catches immediately but then dies immediately. Any ideas? VW Beetle Forum. so I replace cam sensor now will not start at all. Sometimes I wonder if it's going to start at all. This car was having a lot of trouble with cold starting. Key 2007 VW New Beetle 61K (hers) 2002 VW Jetta TDI 142K (mine) If your solex 34 pict 3 starts and runs fine when cold. Here are some things I have done and seen: 1) Brand Definitely vapor locking is a common problem and relatively simple to fix if the cause. Second owner of each. 72 VW with problems starting hot. It starts now, and I've given it a valve adjustment and tuneup. Roll into it and let the boost build or else you can get compressor stall/surge. It's barely holding on with 300 idle speed. The Past Ride: Darla, 102k, '99 New Beetle GL 5-speed. 15: 1880: June 7, 2010 newbeetle. Carfax turned up a pretty good maintenance schedule, no problems visible or driving. org is not in any way affiliated with Volkswagen AG VerticalScope Inc. Starts well in the morning but once it gets warm it jerks and slows until itn stops and stalls if you briefly switch off the engine for 3 seconds and restart it it starts well and moves for 3 to 5km and stalls again. $270 and that lasted 3 weeks and I still have the same problem. It Now the engine idles fine (although pretty high, around 1400 rpm) on the choke, then idles pretty good for a few minutes after the choke opens (still pretty high, maybe 1100 or so). , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada Renault Megan 1600 a 2009 model. 006”. The car starts beautifully but once it begins to warm up and the fast idle screw is sitting on the second from the last step on the cam, it stalls. sparkplugs. Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 6:52 am Post subject: 1971 Super Beetle Convertible Stalls When Warm: I recently purchased my first Volkswagen bug, it’s a 1971 VW Super Beetle Convertible with Auto-stick. It fired right up and then after about 3 - 5 seconds of very rough idling promptly stalled out. After that it take a long time, much longer than was usual before, to get it going. 66 bug project - Real patina & Suby conversion I just recently bought a 2000 2. When it happened before, it would seem to stall out when leaving a light but a moment later I would get power back. its been maintained. when it gets very warm it becomes a problem as the car stalls almost immediately at idle unless I keep the revs up. The car idles fine and stays running while the engine is still cold. Bone stock. but it will eventually splutter out and stall after around 4mins idling. Full Forum Listing. 0 starts right up most times, some times it starts them stalls immediately and then just cranks and cranks. but stalls at idle when warm, and everything else is good - timing, valve lash, carb adjustment. it Gabe me cam sensor code. Here is a link to what one looks like: 1998-2001 Volkswagen Beetle Crankshaft Position Sensor – Standard PC502 - Crankshaft Position Sensor - Standard In the old days of carberators it you would have to idle them untill the choke clicked off because they would often stall or run really crudy untill it warmed up but those days have long since past. If it gets too hot, it leads to overheating. To check if it is working have someone turn the key on and off and you should I have a 2001 TDI, bought it 18 months ago when it had 89,000 miles. Ask a Question. When hot and idling occasionally the revs will drop Yes, choke is coming off ok after 4-5 minutes Check for air leaks. It kinda acts like there's no spark, but I haven't checked. com and hey Hey guys. com :: Beetle - 1958-1967 - View topic - Won't Start when it's warm and sitting for a minute If your Volkswagen Beetle is running hot, it is a serious problem. I just recently checked my spark plugs They're good. Always use VW spec 5w-40 (or 0w-40) synthetic oil (I prefer Mobil 1), and consider changing it early due to your driving conditions. Jump to Latest VW Beetle Forum. Hi guys. Park and This video has been made for informational and educational purposes only. spark plugs, timing belt and water pump. It started fine when hot. 0 . when the engine gets hot from a lot of driving, bubbles form in the fuel line which leads to a very low idle speed after which the engine stalls. Hello all. It never will in the winter. The stock '67's had dual snorkles, and the rear tin had 2 holes, one for each warm air hose. Just turned over 102,000. Starts fine and then the idle drops almost to the point where it stalls. Content on newbeetle. Did the same thing during a warm spout in January, in which i couldnt track down the issue then either. The Baby Brother: Here's the problem 1300 Beetle 1972 original engine, sloex H30/31 pict carb with 120,000 on the clock. Asked by user16668 in Laurel, MS on . The Beetle starts and drives with no problems. Save Share Just by way of an update, the car will not make power at all until the engine is warm, and then it will only make any sort of power above 2000rpm. Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 5:53 pm Post subject: Re: Stalls when warm I had a similar problem with a clogged intake manifold heat riser. Try it at your one risk. Acquired 4/6/05. Drove it around the blockstalled at every corner. com :: Beetle - Late Model/Super - 1968-up - View topic - Engine dies when clutch is pressed 98 beetle would run when warm it would stall. Rebuilt and bringing 50+ mpg. I had some work on it in the last few months. I am just curious where/how we would check for potential spots that would be sucking in air. As soon as it cools it starts right up. the engine starts perfectly even after a few weeks. Air Fuel I have a 2001 VW beetle that is stalling out when the engine gets warm. It is a 1963 beetle, but with a later 1300 engine. ttery-randomly-dies-overnight-and-runs-fine-when-jumped&p=81447480#post81447480 come in and join our discussions on the new Volkswagen Beetle. Top. It doesn't matter if it's on an upgrade or downgrade. Explore Our Forums I also think I need to change the oil but I dont think that would be making it stall. Right now the idle is really crappy. With the engine running spray some wd40 around the manifold boots and ends see if the engine note changes. It is most likely caused by some type of issue with the electrical or fuel system.
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