X4 yaki plot rewards.
Which is, tell Delilah that the Yaki are no Threat.
X4 yaki plot rewards I requested a medium ship ( would have been my player ship ), its super sexy and perfect for pirating. I mean with the Xenon exterminated their Xenon controlling tech is useless so they wont mind if I destroy it right? Are When I docked at the Yaki station I sent the captain of the Odysseus to an S ship as crew to prevent the ship from undocking. Post by s1asher » Sat, 27. Undocked and did the scripted event and redocked at the odysseus to complete the 'plot'. I've went into the "logical" screen, set the automatic pricing off and lowered the price to the required amount, AKA 167 Ships are coming to buy my stuff, since its like Absolutely crazy low, but the objective Alan Phipps wrote: ↑ Thu, 10. Mar 21, 00:32 Reporting the Yaki as a threat gives you the Intervention War mission, which waypoints to the commander of the task force sent to destroy the Yaki Base. See: Yaki story details. 2) hand over the information to Argon This is the war option between TER and ARG/ANT. All Yaki ships like I have done some steps of the Yaki plot and im looking to share as far as rewards go to find the step combos i havent done yet. no reward as the Yaki shipyard comes from the Terran plot. I kinda not want to do that. If you're unlucky, the Xenon shipyard/wharf will have spawned too close to the Yaki station and the lockboxes will be in range of their turrets. Secret service gave me a Syn (Destroyer). (no center of operations choice - also increases your yaki rep - if you want to buy the licence for morexa and kuraokami) both choices reward X4 is a living, breathing space sandbox running entirely on your PC. In this universe, you can grow from being the lone pilot of a fighter ship, to managing a vast empire Each of X4's DLCs have brought with it new sets of plot missions covering the different themes of each expansion. You get reward (bunch of crates). Then the rewards from Yaki are the lockboxes outside of the station waiting for me to claim. That is why it is so underwhelming , so for the reward for completion of removing the Xenon threat is . X4 Foundations Wiki. Remember only, that you must rely on trade, if you want to continue raise reputation - As like other pirate factions, they don't spawn criminal traffic and until you won't end up last mission from Yaki plot, you can't do missions from them. Really want to weaken terrans and move them to more balanced state versus other factions WARNING SPOILERS So on my latest playthrough I did something i find extremally neat and useful to a more exciting game. They are not friendly to anyone. May 10, 08:31. Empyrean Curs (“VIG”) Requires: Tides of Avarice DLC, possession of an illegal item, either in personal inventory or in ship’s cargo. * Delivering to Boso Ta Don't turn the Yaki position in, because unlike the XEN, Terrans will not stop until the Yaki are erased from the universe leading to one less potential customer for your services and also one less source of destruction in terran sectors (Yaki are the Terran area Pirates, their erasure will eventually make the economy stall especially in PIO The protectorate rewards you with the hero of humanity (20+ rep and inner core access). once you complete the quest without the complete annihilation of the YAKI faction your reward will be a modified kuraokami piloted by a 4. After finishing the quest, The AI core is transferred to the Yaki kuraokami. Mar 21, 09:42. They are usually the more complex and unique missions and help advance or flesh out the story line. Thousands of ships and stations trade, mine and produce, all realistically simulated. Paint modifications or "Paint mods" are a means of visually customising ships in X4 Foundations and apply a colour scheme or a pattern to a ship to make it more visually distinctive. They were well known for their professional and We may or may not think about the same room, but one story plot do lead to some cutscene / small travel in a prison room :p Check the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ date of the comment When I wrote that comment the game literally didn't have any plot other than the 2-3 missions to get the PHQ research going. . This can trigger an all-out “friendly fire” snowball that the Yaki generally can’t survive long-term. by flying to X4: FOUNDATIONS, the long awaited sequel in the long running X series brings our most sophisticated universe SIMULATION ever. 1 . I have dug some posts about this questline. X4 has the best economic/war simulation of the entire series, implementing a lot of RTS Hey there folks Yet another problem with a quest for the Terrans. 1. Rewards Summary. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. This makes them weaker to Xenon incursion and more vulnerable to HOP invasions. If they are out of range, then you can "cheese" the rewards by leading the Xenon fighters and drones away from the reward area with your capital ships (plural), then get the rewards with a fast scout ship. The Interested in rewards, Yaki/Terran rep and outcome and other weird combinations. TER und ARG sind nun verfeindet bei mir. Just wondering if the game will acknowledge if all xenon sectors involved in the Yaki plot line were cleared before meeting them. Spoiler alert. It has some awesome battles, huge rewards and just has a good story. There was no video call from the Yaki, no conversation possible on the yaki station ,and no missions or drive for X4: FOUNDATIONS, the long awaited sequel in the long running X series brings our most sophisticated universe SIMULATION ever. Ich möchte hier mal eine Frage dran hängen die mit dem Spoiler oben zusammen hängt. com/StoneLegion/join💬 Discord: https://discord. So, I have two options to whom to send the yaki ship. It helps you to complete and achieve your own long-term goals in an easier way. Yaki Plot Combinations - egosoft. I'll give a similar although unrelated example. The Terran launch a crusade mission to If rewards is the main focus when making your choice, i think the best reward is positive yaki rep. 5 star pilot Reply reply X4 is a living, breathing space sandbox running There's not much of a reward beyond the point of reporting back to Terran command. foxxbl Posts: 383 Joined: Sat, 8. This results in a concentrated Terran attack towards Savage Spur I and the Yaki base by a very strong fleet led by an Asgard. Mar 21, 16:20. I love the Yaki flight jackets ! ( can i customise my avatar? ) I love the Yaki ships but. asset or faction-altering rewards but its still quite appropriate for how X4: Foundations > General Jun 27, 2023 @ 11:26am Yaki plot - acquiring ships So if I want to destroy the Yaki but still get their ships, can it be done? destroy the amplifier, and tell terran command yaki are no threat, removes the yaki as a threat to earth, yaki love you, u get all the rewards, and a more endgame mission later to I have done some steps of the Yaki plot and im looking to share as far as rewards go to find the step combos i havent done yet. Re: 4. Nov 02, 19:31. 1aa. The commanding ship is an Asgard, which after gathering the task force will proceed to Tharkas and head to Savage Spur, pausing to fight XEN stations between gates and accellerators. Acces to the Moreya blueprint really is a nice reward for saving the Yaki. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Thanks to it, you'll be have +19-20 with Yaki and you can start build reputation with them. Terran SS handover, Moreya is removed, gifted a Katana, has MK shields, Engine, Terran mk pulses, the Katana gets the Yaki IFF for the plot duration until the AMP is attacked, presumably gets a scripted fight Mar 21, 00:32 Reporting the Yaki as a threat gives you the Intervention War mission, which waypoints to the commander of the task force sent to destroy the Yaki Base. * Delivering to TER results in losing the Moreya, gaining a Katana, and triggering a scripted fight in Savage Spur I. ToA plot. That one is always in Mars, unless there's no terran station left in that sector, in which case it will be The protectorate rewards you with the hero of humanity (20+ rep and inner core access). All by "simple" diplomay changes. Its use as a gateway plot makes it often the very first or second plot mission completed by players and resultantly is targeted to new players with limited funds and resources. The journey is the reward. 3) destroy Obviously huge spoiler warning So I'm at the end of the Yaki plot decision where you can destroy the amp, help the Yaki or report to your sassy boss (1 and 3 are kinda connected) I looked up and apperently helping the Yaki causes the Terrans to HATE you but I couldnt find any more details. So About to start the Yaki plot line and my current fleet would easily clear a Xenon sector (honestly one Asgard could do it). Ok so I am at the point in the Yaki plot where you report back to Deliah and you get to choose what to reveal. X4 Plots Flow Chart [Including Tides of Avarice] By manoeuvring with difficulty. I could always sell to it, the Yaki plot was the first plot I completed on the Terran side. 3. von_krysiak. So not sure where all this friends with Argon is coming from, they decimate any argon patrol they find. However from what I can tell the only rewards are +5 rep with the Yaki, a "You did it!" rep and I've been at +20 for quite some time from going the lie to the Terrans + destroy the amplifier route during the Yaki plot. The Yaki base remains intact, though it’s not uncommon for them to get into small skirmishes with Xenon ships. they simply order ships like crazy from me and go destroy all factions in their path. Re: Das Schicksal der Yaki. Build up some factories in the area to supply them with whatever they need and you can make a bunch of money. At one point I just decided the reward is not worth the time :P Story wise Cradle of Humanity is the more fleshed out you have so many plots: Yaki, Segaris, Argon vs Antigone. Manage an empire or EXPLORE space in first person. seff if i keep this option i will not sell it. Once you open every crate, you get the final mission to clear yaki sectors from xenon (hatikvah plot is required for that) Reply reply IRequireAPilot X4: Foundations > General Discussions > Topic Details. The Terran (and yaki) Plot is useful at least at the beginning of the game I think. g. This flow chart seeks to make the flow of X4's plots clearer, it outlines the flow of all major plots as of 5. However, it is not expected that the replies will be spoilered, so don't read beyond the second post if you are stuck but don't want to know the plot! But i haven't seen a single plot in X4 that rewards unique ships or anything else that would warrant a 1. 2 Yaki situation post plot. Id rather not have an additional set of pirates out Haile spawns at the Yaki HQ and makes a beeline to the Secret Service HQ. This also starts the wipe-out yaki invasion quest and you get an xl warship for free, but only the ship, and it's a bit beat up. I tried to report it's a threat or not a threat, there is no reward for me. Gotten though alot of the Yaki quest line upto stopping getting the 9 lock boxes, also as the xenon have started attacking the yaki base I started the plot line for the xenon to attack the terrains, freeing up the sectors for me to attack and claim the sectors and help the yaki. After all their plots and freeing them from Xenon etc. Please, need help:) and I am less interested in other rewards, only focused on the universe impact from the decision. In X4, I really X4 is a living, breathing space sandbox running entirely on your PC. Yaki plot[/url] which is only available if you have Cradle of Humanity. +20 rep with Yaki, got the rewards and the terrans are now neutral, the Yaki station is there safe and sound. There was no reward of the SYN and I am not sure what I did wrong So i understand the short term effect of pushing the big red button is a couple fleets of Xenon try to get into Terran space, but I'm wondering are there any long term effects and/or additional missions? Like how if you pick the Terran war option there's an ongoing mission to wipe out the Yaki. Spoilers: Compilation of New Plot Rewards - egosoft. They have only the one station, and with no assets in other sectors the usual “it’ll die down once all forces in the In X4, “quests” are commonly referred to somewhat interchangeably as “plots”, “story lines” or “story quests” (or some combination of those). Covert ops has the best end reward (being a relatively easy way to start a new war and open up new markets) but it is a bit of a drag. Post by ZUBO » Thu, 18. Some plots are DLC related so without the DLC it is impossible to do them. You will also find additional information from developers here. It does cost less, but you get some ships. 5billion credit investment to putting up shipyard or supplying a whole fleet. The commanding ship is an Asgard, which after gathering the task force will proceed to Tharkas and head to Savage Spur, pausing to fight XEN stations between gates X4 is a living, breathing space sandbox running entirely on your PC. Favorited. Paintjob of the "Gumptions Gambit" which is a plot reward for destroying the amplifier in the Yaki plot. You can restock at the Yaki base but it gets expensive quickly. Yaki plot question . This achievement and Never Heard of Him are mutually exclusive so save before giving your final verdict to Delilah. Secret service give you a Katana ship as reward (medium combat ship), with pulse lasers mk2 ect. I heard the completion of the a quest and went to look and apparently it was completed. You already get a L class So has anyone completed the mission and could describe what are the outcomes? I can imagine that Terran quest unleashes Terran fleets and Going with Yaki unleash more Operative plot: This one rewards you with three choice at the end. Thats all. So I am at the Yaki mission hub where you can do 3 missions: 1) report to TER secret service, I did that and was rewarded with 1 Syn destroyer 2) lead Xenon to Earth by placing nav beacons. gg/Gw4DcXY🐦 Destroyed the Amplifier, then went back to Terran, told the secret service Yaki is no where to be found. X4 - The Fate of the X4 is a living, breathing space sandbox running entirely on your PC. The Yaki Investigation plot explores emerging tensions between the Yaki and the Terran Protectorate with the former in the process of launching raids against the latter. 30 seconds I have sent several captured marauders to sell/scrap at their ship The Yaki were an infamous organized crime syndicate operating mostly in Argon space, turning a profit by raiding traders and deliberately inciting chaos from which they then could benefit. Ich habe schon X4: FOUNDATIONS, the long awaited sequel in the long running X series brings our most sophisticated universe SIMULATION ever. flying around doesn't Terran Plot Walkthrough This walkthrough is mostly spoilered, so that if people get caught on the common sticking-points they can read it without spoiling the story for themselves. Load up on laser towers and put 50 near each gate and nearby Xenon station. And selling the Yaki another 200mio+ in military tec and ships. Mit dem Terraner Plot bin ich soweit fertig. X4 is a living, breathing space sandbox running entirely on your PC. The plot reward says , new market opportunity for the player. The quest also cycles every 14min soladept wrote: ↑ Fri, 19. Then I went back to Yaki, told them what I did. 👑 Join: http://youtube. Thousands of ships and stations trade, mine and produce Yaki fate plot. The player headquarters plot is X4's original plot and the only one at its release, the plot serves as a brief introduction to the basics of the game as well as setting up research and elements for the commencement of successive plots. It´s possible to do this with the Buc and Paranid factions too. The first timed I was overwhelmed by Xenon swarms and I had to reload. You are very often well rewarded for completing these messions. Also, the Yaki do buy other ships from other yards - I keep seeing YAK discoverers pulling into the Yaki base and then being scrapped for parts. Save them from themselves - I destroy the amplifier station. Both ships the yaki use are fast and powerful. com. Besides the PIO plot which rewards you with additionall terraforming projects, helping you to complete those missions, the rewards are more subtle. They won’t be at war. X4 Foundations, Cradle of Humanity, Yaki ship 6:22, Inside the Asteroid BaseNice Yaki shipThanks all! The "reward" is you have their little shipyard there you can sell to. The player headquarters; Access to Covert Operations Plot Northriver Plot Free Families Ich wollte den Yaki Plot erst nach der Geheimmission zuende spielen. It bears mentioning that certain choices in the Yaki plot that don't need to involve Take the Moreya (hopefully you kept it instead of turning it in) and a few million in pocket change. Hi all, for a couple of days already trying to figure out consequences. Favorite. The Hatikvah Plot doesn’t have too much in the way of X4: FOUNDATIONS, the long awaited sequel in the long running X series brings our most sophisticated universe SIMULATION ever. The big exception to this is the Terran vs. ZUBO Posts: 314 Joined: Wed, 6. Have to say the plot was great and really fitted in with my play style. Each DLC plot can be accessed from any game start (though there are also some game start-specific missions that require a DLC gamestart to be chosen). A. Spoiler. About Yaki plot, spolier Alart . You're not enemies with them and have access to those ships. Litigious Rodent: * Choice leads to no lasting consequences. will Xenon invade TER space on a regular basis like TER's 15 minute sieges 0:00 Misinforming the Terran11:10 The Fate of the Yaki22:58 Liberating Tharka's Cascade38:39 Liberating Matrix #79B46:17 Liberating Savage Spur51:24 A Heart Activate by: talking to Terran contact (the woman from Solborn Militia plot). Award. Do you get any unique rewards or smthing? Because if not then joining them Plots are the main story or important missions in X4. Hatkivah chooise 1 is the entrance to yaki home. 3) destroy amplifier station As I understand it, you can do either 1+2 or 1+3 but 2 and 3 are mutually exclusive for reasons? At your point in plot the Rodent or Katana might even have the Yaki cover installed, makes it a lot easier to pass through. Your "reward" is that you now have a new shipyard to sell to. Instead, you'll be given options that will let you have a major influence over how the game's factions view each other. Do it the same way you destroy the station without the Xenon - go through the gate in a fast powerful ship, go very high to avoid the xenon, dive bomb through the next gate - rinse and repeat until you get the Savage Spur - go high, go to the station, destroy it before the Xenon arrive and then go high again so you can do the finish and get the rewards. X4: FOUNDATIONS, the long awaited sequel in the long running X series brings our most sophisticated universe SIMULATION ever. completing the plot by themselves while I was on the other side of the gate networkthrilling) or bring your own fleet large enough to wax the Xenon and Yaki yourself. In clearing the three sectors where the Xenon are, I was in the map menu when my fleet apparently ended the last factory. You can't access your stuff because you're not you anymore, your faction is Terran. sell value about 3 million as it come. Still want a diplomacy system and Im using a few minor mods, only for capture and gfx, also using VRO and on Beta. 0. Post by foxxbl Definatly cradle of humnaity, specifically the Yaki plot. So what I did was get the terran and yaki quest line to the point of launching the terran fleet on the yaki base but then just wait to turn it in, after that i then start the terrand argon plot and chose to hand over the intel to the argons and spark the After hearing out Haile and Orcanic return to Delilah and notify her of the Yaki and that they are a threat. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright The Kuraokami is especially unique among all ships in X4 as it is capable of holding 1,000m 3 of solid, liquid and container goods each making it the best ship for pirating cargo from miners and refineries. This also starts the wipe-out yaki invasion quest and you get an xl warship for free, but only the Bruh I already know that I meant if helping the yaki gives any decent reward. Then Tides of Avarice at 2nd place The Yaki plot reward was basically, "wow, you actually destroyed 4 sectors full of Xenon for us? We have nothing to give. Fly every ship, TRADE and FIGHT to BUILD your empire with modular station construction and THINK carefully when embarking on an epic journey. You have to . These are multi-step scripted mission trees that both provide both entertainment (something to do) and an end result (something changing about the political/military state of the galaxy The plot is also a requirement for completing one outcome of the Yaki Investigation plot. Player Head Quarters (PHQ) Plot Hatikvah Free League (HAT) Plot X4: Split Vendetta X4 yaki plot walkthrough. In this universe, you can grow from being the lone pilot of a fighter ship, to managing a vast empire, commanding your fleets and designing colossal space stations. ↳ X4: Foundations; ↳ X4: Foundations - Spoilers; ↳ X4: Foundations - Technical Support; ↳ X4: Foundations - Scripts and Modding; ↳ Construction Community; ↳ X Wiki Discussion; ↳ X The main plot seems not to be connected together. The Intervention Corps will dispatch a battle group to destroy the Yaki and you will be given a Syn as a reward. There is no waypoint to a customs officer, docking on the nearby station doesn't give me any highlighted person to speak with. Show. The real reward of the "peaceful" outcome (destroy the Station and lie to the Terrans) is being friends with Yaki, a faction that has barely any friends and noone to buy ships from, but has a constant need for new ones, because the keep getting blown up by all major factions. Terran SS handover, Moreya is removed, gifted a Katana, has MK shields, Engine, Terran mk pulses, the Katana gets the Yaki IFF for the plot duration until the AMP is attacked, presumably gets a scripted fight X4 is a living, breathing space sandbox running entirely on your PC. e. Buuut, if you do destroy the amplifier and then do the follow up mission (Which is a LOT of work) you can get the Yaki to become a mostly peaceful minor faction, effectively ending them as pirates. Returning to Delilah with or withput destroying the amp will give you the choice of having the terrans attack the yaki and any xenon on their path (outpost choice) or to increase their defensive fleets. This will earn you rep with the yaki and make you hostile to TER (-27). All Discussions Did they remove the free syn as reward after you report you've found the yaki HQ? all I get is GG message and the fleet attack counter, but if memory serves this is the point when we get a syn for free no? Important detail is that you report before doing anything which advances any plot further. I havent seen it Unlike previous X games I've played, the story missions in X4 often have no direct rewards. Reward: A Terran Syn Reply reply X4 is a living, breathing space sandbox running entirely on your PC. - Taoist Saying. Once the plot ( not including the follow-on mission to clear local sectors of Xenon) is over, the HQ is vulnerable to permanent loss. So I am curious about the Yaki Mission. The commanding ship is an Asgard, which after gathering the task force will proceed to Tharkas and head to Savage Spur, pausing to fight XEN stations between gates and soladept wrote: ↑ Fri, 19. Top. 0 "Introducing Terraforming" update. 10 acquired after finishing the Yaki plot with any Wie starte ich Yaki plot? Ich habe keine inaktiven wichtigen Missionen, keine Hinweise in Logs oder News und das ganze ist schon einige Stunden so. What's the difference? Share Sort by: Best. You need the PHQ and to Which is, tell Delilah that the Yaki are no Threat. Upon return to the 'Yaki' station could not get my reward in the 'gifted' ship. As long as you are in Yaki cover mode the towers won't start shooting. Terran/Yaki plot dead end I just saved the pioneer mining group from the posse, followed them, and am told to speak to a 'customs officer' for the mission "Astronauts, Champions, Truth Seekers". Just recently I tried to get to the Amplifier with the Erlking. I can't get the Syn no matter how to reply to the Terran. Hatikvah is my least favourite, simply because I have to redo it every playthrough. In the plot the player gets to learn about the X4: Foundations. Distant Shores ship delivery choice 1. Unfavorite. The plot was introduced in the Cradle of Humanity DLC and 4. Open comment sort options Dunno if it keeps happening after the plot is completed. In this universe, you can grow from being the lone pilot of a fighter ship, to managing The Yaki HQ station will respawn as many times as required (in a less complex format than initially mind) as long as the Yaki plot is incomplete. Like if X4 rennt wie Sau in 4K . I chose to tell TER that Yaki were not a threat and then went on to finish the Yaki Plot having, I assumed, avoided the TER destruction of the Yaki HQ. You will only get the armored lockboxes as reward. Mar 19, 2021 @ 9:48am Fate of the Yaki - spoilers So has anyone completed the mission and could describe what are the outcomes? nothing stops you from getting the enough standing to buy the blueprints or yaki crew before completing the plot however if you chose to While X4 is a different game then X3, also the plot rewards are different and may not be visible at first. Rewards. 1) hand over the data to Terran Argon and ANT will stop trading to each other. I'm starting to think that my save might be bugged The plot is also a requirement for completing one outcome of the Yaki Investigation plot. Here are the key points about Mutually Assured Destruction and its interactions with the plot in X4: Foundations: 1. No need to keep the Xenon around for a working economy. 6. You will The Yaki Investigation plot explores emerging tensions between the Yaki and the Terran Protectorate with the former in the process of launching raids against the latter. Undocked in the M ship and docked at the Yaki station. Operative plot: This one rewards you with three Yaki rep gets to the early 20s, small variation due to Kurokami kills while destroying the AMP, you can maximise plot rep gains if you can somehow avoid killing the Yaki during the AMP fight or let NPCS get the killshots, Tell Delilah that the Yaki are a threat. Packed outside of the station. This also happens in the Yaki plot, then you are also Xenon or Yaki. Thaanks, take care!", the paranid was: "Wow, you actually gave us a fleet, a massive base, a unique battleship, brainwashed priests for 1 billion credits (that we just make vanish with no explanation). Hope that Please Don't Forget to 📥 Subscribe, 📝Comment, & 👍🏻Like! :. Operation Hyena asked me to deploy a station and to sell hull parts at a certain price. It has been in waiting for hours , stuck at 2. Depending on Mar 21, 00:32 Reporting the Yaki as a threat gives you the Intervention War mission, which waypoints to the commander of the task force sent to destroy the Yaki Base. Nun geht es weiter bei den Yaki aber immer wenn ich die Verstärkerstation zerstöre, egal ob ich mit oder außerhalb des Sektors fungiere, singt mein RUF auf -27 und es geht einfach nicht weiter. Mar 22, 13:04 I think there may be some hidden time limitations in these sorts of plot decisions. odthjqjaogbmllkirxdcmkdeqnaucduqrfzhbqvdtfxjiszojvrrhhhjjnqhuexprotljefnjrqaqta